The Wizard of Ob and the DUmmie Brainwash Cycle

On the heels of the SOTU speech by the Wizard of Ob, I am noticing a certain pattern among the DUmmies. It is the brainwash cycle.
The first step in the brainwash cycle is Delusion. The Wizard of Ob reads a speech from his teleprompter and the previously disillusioned DUmmies are once again inspired to the extent they think the Wizard has magically made all political problems disappear. You will hear such expressions from the DUmmies that the Wizard is like a god or that "he parked it" with his speech. This Delusion mode of the brainwash cycle is inevitably followed by the Depression cycle which sets in when the DUmmies discover that the Wizard of Ob has NOT made the problems go away. In fact the problems are even worse than before. The final stage of the brainwash cycle is Disgust. At that stage much anger is displayed against the once mighty Wizard of Ob and wonderment at how they were ever fooled by him. However, all the Wizard of Ob has to do at this point is read a nice speech from his teleprompter and the brainwash cycle resets back to the beginning at Delusion.
This is what happened most recently with the State of the Union Speech. DUmmies recycled themselves back to Delusion from the Disgust they previous experienced over the fact that the Wizard of Ob has done basically squat. No ObamaCare. No jobs created. No end of the Recession. And, worst of all, no end to the EVIL Republicans. In fact, we are now experiencing a Conservative resurgence as evidenced by the recent senate election in the Bay State. It was the latter that brought the DUmmies to their latest Disgust stage of the brainwash cylcle only to be reset by the SOTU teleprompter speech back to the initial Delusion stage as we saw in the previous DUFU EDITION.
So where are we now in the DUmmie brainwash cycle? As you can see in this DUmmie THREAD, "What Obama Did Politically with the SOTU," the DUmmies are still in the Delusion stage but there are signs that cycle will soon some to the end as it enters the Depression stage of the brainwash cycle. See, the DUmmies have discovered a new word called "Reconciliation" which they think that the mighty Wizard of Ob can wave to make all political problems go away. Wave the Reconciliation wand and the Wizard of Ob can make ObamaCare magically appear. Wave the Reconciliation wand and, poof, Cap and Trade will become a reality. Best of all, they think that the magic Reconciliation wand will make the Wizard of Ob, hiding behind his telemprompter, all powerful once again. So let us now watch the DUmmies still in the Delusion stage (with disturbing signs of Depression creeping in) worship the mighty Wizard of Ob in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, whose dog Toto gives us a peek behind the teleprompter, is in the [barackets]:
What Obama Did Politically with the SOTU
[Return the disgusted DUmmies back to the Delusion stage of the brainwash cycle.]
Obama gave the Democrats in the Senate the green light to use Reconciliation, not just for HCR, but for *everything*. When he called out that the House has done it's job last year, but the Senate failed, he clearly laid blame on the Senate. Furthermore, he called out that everything that goes through the gov't should not need a Super Majority. Which puts the blame on the current Senate rules. He couldn't be any more clear when he said: "We have a big majority, don't run for the hills". And now that the Repubs have 41 seats in the Senate, he gave them a huge warning. Either cross the line or lose your ability to have a say. Obama is indeed about to play hardball. I suspect that if the Senate cannot get the changes the House requires to pass the HCR Bill, that Obama will request that the Senate use Reconciliation. And it won't end with HCR. He basically has given the Repubs one last chance for bipartisanship. And he's turned the HCR issue into *their* Waterloo.
[Oooh! The magic Reconciliation wand. It can do everything including frying me up a plate of eggs! The mighty Ob has spoken!]
Repubs are actually in a worse spot politically with 41 seats. Their base now believes they have the power to stop anything and that they will. But it's clear Obama isn't going to let them. And if they try, Reconciliation will be used for the rest of the year. If they cross the line, their base will flip out. Obama has turned their win on its head.
[Isn't wuuuunderful that the Republicans won the "Kennedy seat" in Massachusetts. It has activated the magic Reconciliation wand. Wave it, oh mighty Wizard of Ob!]
It's going to be a very interesting over the next 2-3 weeks.
[It sure will be because that is the time frame when the DUmmies go through the entire brainwash cycle once again from their current Delusion to Depression and, finally, to Disgust. Of course, at the latter point the Wizard of Ob will need to hide behind his teleprompter in order to recycle the whole brainwash process back to Delusion once again.]
I hope you're right
[Uh-oh. The first signs of doubt in the power of the Wizard of Ob. The Delusion cycle will soon be ending and followed by the Depression stage.]
reconciliation cannot be used for "everything". let's get real
[Ugly reality. The first sign of the Depression cycle on the horizon.]
Pres. Obama is a patient man, but it appears he is finished with that. Yes, the next couple of weeks will be interesting.
[Do not anger that man behind the teleprompter. The mighty Wizard of Ob has spoken. Oh, and the next couple of weeks WILL be interesting as we watch the DUmmies enter the Depression phase of the brainwash cycle.]
Let's just hope he's finished with dat!
[You dare doubt the Mighty Ob?]
True but there is a disconnect between what Obama talks about and what the Democratic leadership in the House and Senate will do.
[No need to worry. The Wizard of Ob only needs to wave his magic Reconciliation wand and all will be right in DUmmieland again.]
Make it so, Mr. President.
[Hear my plea, oh mighty Wizard of Ob. Pretty please!]
Our President clearly laid down the gauntlet when he noted that there are now 41 GOP Senators, and thus the GOP will now "have to govern." I heard that as a smack down.
[Behold the power of the Wizard of Ob and his mighty fleet of teleprompters!]
It Took Pressure Off Democrats... The 60 vote charade was a curse as it truly wasn't a unified 60.
[Beware the wrath of the Mighty Ob who has finally cast off the 60 vote charade that was holding him back. Unleash that magic Reconciliation Wand! We beseech you oh divine Ob!]
I will believe it when I see it. remember once upon a time there was also something mentioned about "keeping our powder dry"? It got so dry it blew away.
[The Depression phase of the DUmmie brainwash cycle will commence in 3...2...1...]
Don't hold your breath... A scolding or finger wagging from Obama is about all anyone can expect, no matter what they do- and by now, everybody knows it.
[A DUmmie dares to reveal that man behind the teleprompter.]
I've heard that Republicans are ready for Reconcilliation.. That they have thousands of line-by-line amendments that they will go through if Dems use reconcilliaition.
[Gasp! You mean a mere wave of the Reconciliation wand won't magically wipe our problems away?]
Reconciliation can only be used for purely spending bills.
[Aiiiieee!!! Stop with the reality check! I'mmm MELLLTINNNGGGG!!!]