Hyde died. DUmmies cried--for joy!

DUmmieland is a hate site. Exhibit #847: Reaction to the death yesterday of former Republican congressman Henry Hyde, in this THREAD titled, "Henry Hyde died at around 3 A.M. this morning." Whenever a prominent conservative dies--Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell--you can be sure the DUmmies will celebrate with glee. Rather than letting the recently departed rest in peace--speak no ill of the dead--the DUmmies let loose with a barrage of ill.
And Henry Hyde is a juicy target for them. His two great sins: 1) He was a champion of the pro-life cause; and 2) He was a leader in the impeachment of Perjurer-in-Chief Bill Clinton. Oh, and of course the DUmmies have to dredge up a 40-year-old affair Hyde apparently had. (As though the DUmmies care about the sanctity of the marriage bed!) Reason: They want to say that Clinton's impeachment was "just about sex," and so how dare Henry Hyde, blah, blah, blah--conveniently ignoring the fact that Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.
Well, the real hyper-hypocrites are the DUmmies, who habitually accuse the Right of being haters but who themselves are unsurpassed for exuding venom and vitriol. Hey, how come I don't remember any rejoicing on Free Republic when Paul Wellstone died, but DUmmieland has a party when Reagan or Falwell or Hyde dies? You graveyard rats! So pull up a chair and watch hate and hypocrisy on parade in this edition of "DUmmie Jackasses and Mr. Hyde." The hate-speaking missives of the DUmmies are in Bolshevik Red, while the humble commentary of your guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering if Alec Baldwin is happy today, is in the [brackets]:
Henry Hyde died at around 3 A.M. this morning.
His entire career was an insult to women.
[You're talking about Clinton, right?]
I hope that somehow the Hyde Amendement gets buried with him.
[How about the 50 million babies aborted who don't even get a burial?]
If you have nothing nice to say ......
THIS is the place to SAY it
[I knew I could count on you, DUmmies!]
When someone dies you are supposed to say something good.
Hyde is dead. Good.
[The milk of human kindness is sour and curdled over in DUmmieland.]
teee heeee!
[Hooray for death!]
Burn in hell, you hypocrite bastard.
[Feel the love.]
Hope he's enjoying the "fried plate" this morning with Falwell. . . .
[Shame on both of them for wanting to protect the unborn!]
It's been a good year for evil f*cks dying. May 2008 be even better.
[From your lips to Gaia's ears.]
Another member of the Bush Wing of Hell. I suspect, when this is all said and done, the Bush Wing will be bulging as hugely as the Nazi Wing of Hell.
[Flag on the play! Godwin's Rule!]
It was probably autoerotic asphyxiation. . . .
[benburch, that is called PROJECTION.]
RayGun. . . . If his grave was near me I would go piss on it. . . .
[Classy of you.]
I'll cry for him after he appologizes for lying about Clinton & dragging him through the mud.
[Clinton created his own mud and was caught lying in it.]
Impeach Dick Cheney.
[Impeach Henry Hyde, posthumously!]
This is Sooooo Sad. NOT.
"stalwart for life" LIE!!! He didn't care how many poor women had to die because of his amendment. . . .
[Maybe he cared about the 25 million women who would be alive today if they had not been aborted.]
a wart on the ass of humanity. . . .
[An ant on the DUnghill of hate.]
I thought the clouds looked particularly fluffy this morning. . . .
[Breakfast without the death of an evil Republican is like a day without sunshine.]
Hatred. I should be used to it here on DU, but it still surprises me when I read such venom and hatred when someone from the opposite side of the aisle dies. There is gleeful delight in someone's death, which always strikes me as diametrically opposed to what I've always envisioned for the Dem party - compassion, decency, and forgiveness. Even if you disagree with a person's politics, I don't see any cause to rejoice in a person's death.
a dispical hypocrite that helped drag our country into a hatefest over Clinton's extra-marital affair. . . .
[Clinton was not impeached for an extramarital affair; Clinton was impeached for PERJURY and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.]
He was the author of the evil Hyde Amendment. It meant that 1,000s of women would not be able to get abortions. 1000's of women died because of the Hyde Amendment.
[Where do you get these numbers? "1000's of women died because of the Hyde Amendment"?? And oh, by the way, "1000's of women" would not even be pregnant in the first place if they would just exercise their "right to choose" to keep their legs closed.]
he was one of the hypocrite republicans that wanted to take down an American president for something as frivolous as an extramarital affair.
Another hypocritical rethug anti-choice asshat bites the dust! Good bye and good riddance!
[The cheerleader gifs are a nice touch.]
So many graves....So little to piss with....I gotta start drinking!
[This whole thread gets today's Peace, Love and Tolerance Award™.]