Pitt Splits DUmmieland Again Over Hurt Feelings

Let us throw a pity party for Pitt. William Rivers Pitt has splt from DUmmieland again over hurt feelings. Normally he can be expected to crawl back again with his tail between his legs but this time there might not be a DUmmieland to crawl back to and the reason for this has to do with why Pitt split. You see, in the past Pitt was a member of the DUmmieland protected class. Most posts slamming or mocking him were pulled. However, this time a mocking post, "24 business hours", was not only allowed to stay up, it wasn't even locked. Why? Because it has everything to do with DUmmie leader Skinner aka Mr. Moskwa aka David Allen selling his soul to the Hillary campaign. You see, Pitt apparently lost his normal protection for the "high crime" of being an avid Bernie Sanders supporter. Skinner seems to have taken his revenge by leaving that thread mocking Pitt up in all its hilarious glory. Pitt is a member of the 99% of the DUmmies who are supporting the avowed socialist while Skinner is backing crony capitalist Hillary Clinton. Of course, no full disclosure from Skinner as to the reason for his Hillary support namely the big bucks his wife, Shelly Moskwa, is earning from the Hillary campaign as can be seen in FEC documents presented in a previous DUFU edition. Since among the profitable Hillary activities conducted by Skinner's wife is the selling/renting of mailing lists, I wouldn't be too surprised if the DUmmie personal email addys was included in those lists. Of course, Skinner has remained completely mum on his Hillary money pipeline despite the fact that he should have made full disclosure of the Hillary money connection of Mr. & Mrs. Moskwa. So goodby to Pitt and it might be for good since DUmmieland could soon melt down when outrage against Hillary and Skinner boils over. Here is Pitt's Good Bye Cruel World thread, Cheers, best wishes, and farewell. So let us now wave so long as he rides off into the distant of the blazing Bolshevik Red sun while the commentary of your humble correspondents, wondering if Skinner's future comments should be in Crony Capitalist Green, is in the [brackets]:
"24 business hours"
[Quick! Send this thread to the memory hole. Oh wait! Since Pitt is a Bernie Boy, Skinner will allow the public mockery of the heretic.]
I strongly suspect that Karl Rove to be indicted from TruthOut was due to an insider to deceive and give the impression it was about to happen to ridicule them for not turning to be accurate. I have a feeling anyway.
[May 12, 2006. A date that shall live in hilarity.]
Wait- I'm confused. I must have totally missed whatever the backstory here was.
[A DUmmie without a clue. No surprise there.]
A poster that the Op hates wrote an article predicting Rove's indictment. Back in 2008 when many were convinced, including insiders in DC that Rove would be indicted, With Pitt wrote an article on his blog. Truth-Out. The poster has decided to dig this up out of the past to try and humiliate a poster he does not like. It is nasty, disgusting, stalkerish behavior.
[Actually 2006. It might be nasty, disgusting, stalkerish behavior but it has the seal of approval from the one percenter DUmmies like Skinner (Mr. Moskwa) who support Hillary.]
Is this why Pitt posted a farwell note?
[Yes, especially after he realized that Skinner gave it his seal of approval by not deleting it.]
He just said his 'cork had popped'
[Al Gore calls it "releasing my Chakra."]
I can't believe that I have been on this board so long that I knew just what the op was referencing. I remember how my hopes were dashed. I hope it happens one day and that Rove's karma catches up to him.
[Merry Fitzmas!]
It's still goddamn funny, I don't care who that burns "...24 business hours to get his affairs in order..." Anybody who thought a federal prosecutor would actually say such a thing is a f***ing moron.
[How about 95% of the DUmmie morons who believed it?]
I actually bet a bunch of DUers at the time that the story was bullshit. I told them it was nonsense as soon as I read Leopold's story. Why it's being brought up now is a mystery to me, but at the time it was hilarious. It really was a symptom of how desperate people were for a solution to Bush. "Fitz" was going to save them. It was a childish belief with childish proponents.
["Fitz" could have shut the investigation down on like Day 3 when he discovered that RICHARD ARMITAGE was the perp.]
the most ironic thing was that the leak to Novak was from one of the few sane people in the Bush admin, Richard Armitage.
[DUmmies were surpremely disappointed when it turned out that RICHARD ARMITAGE was the perp. It didn't fit there fictitious narrative.]
Yes, we were all waiting for Fitzmas.
[Waiting and waiting and waiting for 24 business hours to go by.]
Not quite sure what you are aiming at, but it is pretty obvious what happened with "Fitzmas" is that the Truthout/Pitt/Leopold crew lied, and made up the story, hoping that an indictment was in fact inevitable and that their lie would later be backed up by events. There was no indictment, they made a bad bet, pretty simple.
[They sure did make a bad bet. Instead of Pitt holding court in a fine Boston eatery as a respected pundit as he had hoped, he is now stuck in a tiny cabin in the backwoods of New Hampshire holding court with many, many bottles of distilled liquid.]
I remember waiting for the indictment!
[Only 24 business hours to go!]
if people expect special treatment because they're semi-famous, they have to grow thinner skins. Pitt has gotten special treatment from the admins here--there's literally no other poster who would have been allowed back after he did what he did to get himself banned. and it's not like he can't dish it out, as those who watched his interactions with bobolink can attest
[Ah yes. Pitt threatened physical violence upon that fragile homeless woman, Bobo the Hobo.]
"24 business hours" is a part of Pitt's legacy, and he's not going to be able to run away and hide every time someone brings it up.
["24 business hours." Carve that on his tombstone.]
So, yes, when people bring up a fiasco fueled by recklessness, ego, hubris, stubbornness, and gullibility, there are going to be snickers. Especially when those who should have learned a lesson from that episode pointedly refuse to acknowledge the lessons that should have been learned.
[Well, Pitt did issue a partial birth non-apology.]
His drunken rants and crappy insults towards Obama and others turned me off. I really don't care if he stays or goes. I'm not a fan.
[Is that you, Mamma Raven?]
I read his temper tantrum rant to Skinner. I gotta say Skinner is a better person than I would be - to have allowed him back. Pitt sure seems to love the drama, I can see that. Kind of sad, actually.
[You wouldn't think Skinner is such a nice person if you knew he was BETRAYING you and most other DUmmies by failing to reveal his financial connection to the Hillary campaign.]
I'm sure Mr. Pitt will still be posting on other websites.
[Not in KOmmieland where he has been hilariously mocked in the past.]
He has had 3 books published and has been on the NYT Best Seller List.
[Vanity press books checkbooked by Mamma Raven and NYT Best Seller List only in Pitt's fantasyland.]
Pretty sure the person who runs this site is a Hillary supporter
[CASH is his incentive to support that crony capitalist candidate. Now on to Pitt's Goodbye Cruel World THREAD...]
Cheers, best wishes, and farewell.
[So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you]
Fare you well, fare you well
I love you more than words can tell
Listen to the river sing sweet songs
To rock my soul
-- Robert Hunter
[At least you are attributing it this time rather than plagiarizing it.]
These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do ... Are you ready boots? Start walkin'!
-- Nancy Sinatra
[I think this was Nancy Sinatra's only hit song.]
It's been a fun 14 years, but I do believe my cork has popped.
[And you've popped many a cork, Will. Hic!]
Good luck, be well, much love.
[And now the DUmmie reaction to Pitt's exit stage left...]
Huh? Why?
[Because his feelings were hurt and Clinton Cash Cow Skinner wouldn't protect him any more.]
I hope this is a temporary break from the fiasco du has become.
[A fiasco in which your own leader is secretly taking Clinton Cash.]
There's a lot of other old time DUers who won't be far behind.
[When they find out they have been BETRAYED by Skinner who is in the Hillary cash pipeline.]
The oldtimers are drifting away from DU for a reason. They haven't changed. DU has.
[DU has turned into a Clinton Cash Cow by Skinner. Ask him if his wife sold/rented your email addy in her role as Hillary treasurer.]
Will Pitt never needed proof. Between Rove and Turbo Tax, he never offered an OUNCE of proof, why should we hold this poster to a higher standard?
[Thanx for the reminder that Pitt also ended up with egg on his face over his Turbo Tax FALSE story.]
Oh Will, what sad news. Although I do understand. I think the Democratic party is in as much trouble as the Republicans.
[Both parties have people taking crony capitalist cash. Right Skinner? Skinner?]
A lot of us have seen this schtick before.
[Is this the fifth or sixth time that Pitt left "forever?"]
I give him 3 weeks.
[I give DUmmieland 3 days IF they acknowledge that they were betrayed by Clinton Cash Skinner.]