DUmmies Worry About Changing Trayvon Martin "Narrative"

f*ck a bitch. any bitch. who you want. take yo pick, but you gone have to take yo time.
Oh, and now it turns out that our dear young sensitive poet attacked Zimmerman with a punch to the nose followed by beating his head on the ground. Had the neighborhood watch captain not shot Trayvon he likely would have been the dead one or at the very least suffered brain damage.
Now that these facts are coming out, the DUmmies are worried about how the "narrative" has changed in this DUmmie THREAD, "I'm detecting that the media is beginning to change the Trayvon Martin case narrative," and this THREAD, "Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin." So let us now watch the DUmmies as they take notice of the Trayvon Martin limb being sawed off behind them in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, sending his hoodie to the cleaners, is in the [brackets]:
I'm detecting that the media is beginning to change the Trayvon Martin case narrative
[What you're really detecting is the harsh REALITY about Trayvon Martin as the facts come out that has destroyed your fictitious narrative about a "young innocent" shot down in cold blood.]
To me this change in the media narrative makes no difference at all. Trayvon was unarmed. He wasn't committing any crimes and was walking back to the place he was staying, and talking with his girlfriend on his cell phone.
[Assaulting George Zimmerman wasn't a crime?]
So what if Zimmerman was bloodied up--Trayvon felt that he was defending himself from a stalker. End of story--Zimmerman should be arrested.
["Bloodied up" is the DUmmie way of referring to the uncomfortable fact that Trayvon punched Zimmerman in the nose and was beating his head on the ground.]
I think -- and hope -- they'll have a hard time changing the truth on this one.
[The DUmmies are the ones who need to change the truth to fit their fictitious script about this case.]
For all we know, Zimmerman might have slipped and broken his nose himself in aggressing the kid
[And then beat his own head into the ground in order to frame Trayvon.]
If you put any credence in the Sanford PD.. The partial report they released does mention Zimmerman being treated on-scene by the local fire/rescue.
The radio show I was listening to today mentioned something about Martin having been suspended from school for something but I had to wait for after the break to find out.
[Try suspended THREE times this past school year.]
I am reserving judgment until more facts come out, but if it is true that Trayvon approached. Zimmerman and punched him and then was beating Zimmerman's head on the ground (which is what witnesses have apparently testified), then Zimmerman has a very good self defense argument. I could not say he was not justified in shooting Trayvon under those circumstances. And quite honestly, the cops will have handled the matter properly.
[Your tombstoning ceremony will begin immediately. And now to the next Trayvon Martin thread...]
Multiple suspensions paint complicated portrait of Trayvon Martin
[PLEASE! Stop leaking the ugly truth!]
In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.
Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald. Word of the incident came as the family’s lawyer acknowledged that the boy was suspended in February for getting caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana, which he called “irrelevant” and an attempt to demonize a victim.
[Irrelevant that he might have been a thug.]
Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.
[Perhaps Trayvon was merely designing jewelry for his Webelo activity badge. And now on to the DUmmie reaction to this Miami Herald story...]
Zimmerman's story did not pass the initial smell test because why would some kid attack a man for following him. However, assuming this is true and there is no conclusive evidence of that, Martin would have had an extensive history of theft, drugs and vandalism. That sort of makes it slightly more likely that Zimmerman was telling the truth about being attacked.
["Slightly more likely?"]
I have no clue what happened and will wait until all facts are out before saying what happened.
[You might want to mention that to race hustlers Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.]
Trayvon has no known history of violence;
[So he didn't attack his bus driver?]
Time to take the kid gloves off, folks. Time to smear this Zimmerman f*ck and everyone who supports him into the ground like the nasty little bug he is.
[When the truth is NOT on your side then go for the SMEAR option.]
"his Webelo activity badge"
It's "Webelos" even singular. I know it sounds strange when you say it that way but the "s" stands for "scouts".
Sorry. Don't mind me, just picking nits.
Carry on.
In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.”
NO NO the racist school police have it wrong. This civic minded youth was just showing support for Obama's re-election and the WTF stands for "Winning The Future".
WTF is wrong with these racists school cops?? Don't they know an Obama campaign slogan when they see one.
Real life is so much more complicated than life in the Skittle-shitting unicorn universe.
Its funny how a redbull sucking cheetoz eating computer hermit that hasn't seen the light of day in 6 months, typing in his computer dungeon knows more about this case than the investigators and prosecutors that are actually there handling it.
Then theres the black panther/hate white people types that know nothing of the facts but just need an excuse to follow along with others shouting the phrase "kill whitey" for whatever reason at all.
I cannot comment on this because I simply was not there. The panthers were not there. Jesse and Al were not there. Zimmerman supporters were not there. Dummies haven't been anywhere save the smoke store to get some rolling papers and the mailbox to get their gummit check so I know they weren't there...
"Time to take the kid gloves off,folks. Time to smear this Zimmerman f*ck and everyone who supports him into the ground like the nasty little bug he is."
Hey Dummie, Barack Obama, Spike Lee and the New Black Panthers are way ahead of you on that one. Innocent until proven guilty is an obsolete concept.
"Oh, and now it turns out that our dear young sensitive poet attacked Zimmerman with a punch to the nose followed by beating his head on the ground. Had the neighborhood watch captain not shot Trayvon he likely would have been the dead one or at the very least suffered brain damage." PJinc
PJinc is quite specific about how this went down, isn't he? Sort of like he was there or something. "Beating his head into the ground"..."attacked with a punch to the nose"..."he (Zimmy) likely would have been the dead one..."
In case it isn't clear, this is a fantasy. If you think otherwise, you're patently, obviously, and transparently a fucking moron.
Do I, troglaman, have to go through the specifics about who's psychopathic visions MIGHT be committed to changing the narrative here? Do I? Really?
Do me a favor...examine the area on the back of your neck at the base of your skull. Feel anything? Any scar tissue? Itchy areas? Scabs? Infestations? A toggle switch perhaps?
Sorry. I guess I got a little carried away with how things ACTUALLY happened that fateful day. It was a goddamn horror fest.
"I guess I got a little carried away with how things ACTUALLY happened that fateful day."
Tell us, Oh mighty Troglaman, what actually happened, you obviously know, don't keep it a secret.
So have you contributed to the NBP bounty?
Trogletard crawls out of his hole and spews incoherently.
PJinc is quite specific about how this went down, isn't he?
No, but you're fellow finger painters sure seem to have the whole scoop. How's your squeeze Rosanne doin'?
Gettin' some of that?
....alright, I apologize to those that were sickened and horrified by that visual. But, the least he could do is try to make it with a human.
You're right 98ZJUSMC...that is a truly horrifying visual.
But on the other hand, that might be his best chance for romance. Not that he deserves any beter....just sayin'....
"Tell us, Oh mighty Troglaman, what actually happened, you obviously know, don't keep it a secret." Had a great fall
I already did. You're all pod-people and Zimmy had a malfunction...therefore you must all return to your pods and self-destruct. You clearly haven't done that yet. Chop Chop.
Any of you seen the video of Zimmy walking around the police station a few hours after the incident? Not a mark on him.
As it turns out, PJinc, you're crystal clear vision of what actually went down IS a fantasy.
What a surprise.
Those of you who believe Trayvon punched Zimmy in the face, broke his nose, then jumped on him and repeatedly slammed his head into the pavement...
Stand up. Let yourself be counted. PJinc leads the way. Sing it from the rooftops.
(you know you want to)
You have no right to make any such demands of anyone, Troglafuck, you racist fucking fuckwad.
FOAD Troglafuck you racist fucking fuckwad.
To me this change in the media narrative makes no difference at all. Trayvon was unarmed. He wasn't committing any crimes and was walking back to the place he was staying, and talking with his girlfriend on his cell phone.
[Assaulting George Zimmerman wasn't a crime?]"
Troggy, screw you, you lying idiot. A picture was recently released of Zimmerman after the accident, and you can clearly see the back of his head is covered with blood from an obvious head wound (The sort of head wound he would receive from, for instance, a violent teenage thug bashing his head against the ground).
While the facts are still coming out, Zimmerman's injuries, the audio of the 911 call, and the testimonies of independent witnesses all seem to be quite consistent with Zimmerman's account of what happened.
Once again, you are a liar and you lose, Troggie.
To me this change in the media narrative makes no difference at all. Trayvon was unarmed. He wasn't committing any crimes and was walking back to the place he was staying, and talking with his girlfriend on his cell phone.
[Assaulting George Zimmerman wasn't a crime?]
Also, keep in mind the fact that Martin had recently been suspended for being caught with a backpack full of likely stolen jewelry and a burglary tool. Considering he was walking on a rainy night through a neighborhood, cutting between houses, being careful not to draw attention to himself, and reacting violently when he discovered someone was following him, I would not rule out the possibility that Martin was casing the neighborhood to figure out which houses would be the best for breaking into and robbing later.
Oops, I didn't mean to paste that part of the thread twice, ignore the first time I did it. My bad.
One less potential criminal to worry about. Zimmerman did a service to his community. The black community is trying to defend their reputation by defending the death of this kid. I am a racist, but that doesn't cloud my reasoning. Stereotyping black people is becoming more and more of a reality rather than a certain action associated with a group of people and people are not willing to accept that. This kid could have been involved in a gang. Who wants a gang to move into their neighborhood and kill innocent people who are just trying to live day by day? If anything Zimmerman should be let free and his "badge" and gun taken away.
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