DUmmies Sweat ObamaCare SC Decision

Anyone here Really think Roberts-Thomas-Scalia-Alito-Kennedy WON'T Overturn Healthcare?
[Beware the Five Horsemen of the APOCALITO!!!]
I never even went to college, but even I know they WILL!
[But...but all the liberal pundits are predicting 7-2 in favor of ObamaCare.]
Is only the mandate at risk?
[So if only the mandate is shot down, how do you PAY for ObamaCare?]
I was thinking. I think that's the only thing they are really freaking out about.
[The "only thing?" No Mandate, No ObamaCare. Where do you think the money to fund it will come from? ObamaBucks?]
They actually seem to have absolute royal-like power. No one can seem to stop them, even when what they do is outside their jurisdiction, and to all appearances, unconstitutional and maybe even treasonous.
[Yes, the DUmmies will go even more INSANE if the Supremes rule AGAINST ObamaCare or just the Mandate. The entertainment will be tremendous.]
It May All Hinge On Scalia...
[That means...GOODBYE OBAMACARE!!!]
Could you imagine if they rule the government has no authority
to force people to buy health insurance from a private company and have to pay a stiff penalty if they refuse to do it. Don't these people even read the constitution?
Don't predict which part will be struck down, but suspect they will accept the individual responsibility part. Will deny at least one part to further muddy the issue and appear to assuage their wingbat supporters.
[Most likely they will deny the part that keeps ObamaCare afloat...namely the Mandate.]
Perjury and other crimes should be enough to impeach them if there was actual justice.
[If there was actual justice you would be permanently confined to the Rubber Room and force fed with a funnel down your throat.]
They will hold that Congress can pass a tax to subsidize a national health system.
[And Congress will immediately do that...NOT!]
The Affordable Care Act is much much easier to overturn than it is to uphold, due to Congress's own cowardice and corruption. No severability or saving clause means it all goes. You might even see a six member majority.
[No severability clause means the Obama Regime FLUSHED their prize legislation down the toilet. Over a year of desperate effort to pass it...WASTED! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!]
A Troglaman Clone on DU said...
"They actually seem to have absolute royal-like power. No one can seem to stop them, even when what they do is outside their jurisdiction, and to all appearances, unconstitutional and maybe even treasonous. "
Unless of course they are inventing rights like the right to wanton baby butchering (aka abortion on demand) in which case they are merely correcting a hideous wrong.
""""Perjury and other crimes should be enough to impeach them""""
Gee, I wonder what is the statute number for "other crimes" in the law books. Is that like the "crimes" that Bush committed? No specific crimes, just "crimes".
Well that should be enough... to The Hague!
BTW, Need more DUFU!!!
Yeah, really! The DUFU's have been rather scant as of late...
Why aren't the DUmbasses concerned of the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that their god has committed? The abuse of power, the violating the constitution, the usurping the power of the Congress, the contempt of court by ignoring court orders he doesn't like? It's a shame neither the House nor the Senate are willing to do their sworn jobs and remove this pustule from the ass of the body politic.
Kirk Johnson...I hear you, but have you been to DU since Skinner and his minions overhauled it? It's virtually unusable and trying to find anything worthwhile on there is a hard task, both because of how tough that site is to navigate and the fact the overhaul drove a lot of people to other places like Left Underground. I think this was a plan from Skinner all along to both eliminate all those who refused to dial in to the groupthink and to slam blogs like the DUmmie FUnnies (despite the fact of trolls like Troglaman the Guttersnipe being here).
On the other hand when things from DU are posted here, they will be classic rants from the Moonbat core of the "Democrat" Party that will reveal EXACTLY what the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats really are.
Anonymous said...
Why aren't the DUmbasses concerned of the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that their god has committed? The abuse of power, the violating the constitution, the usurping the power of the Congress, the contempt of court by ignoring court orders he doesn't like? It's a shame neither the House nor the Senate are willing to do their sworn jobs and remove this pustule from the ass of the body politic.
That's because in the eyes of the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats none of what you say has happened. It's all the fault of EVIL REPUBLICANS. He's either properly exercised his power or in the eyes of some not done enough. Congress is run by Republicans so screw them. Those court orders weren't valid because they opposed The One so screw them. The DUmbasses (aka Troglaman Clones) don't think any of what you've said has happened has happened, even though your right in your assessment.
God willing, The Obamassiah will be tossed out on his ass on Election Day and then whoever the next Attorney General is will have the difficult task of trying to find out just what criminal acts were committed between Jan. 20, 2009 and Jan. 20, 2013.
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