"Rising Gas Prices Have Dented Obama's Rating: Poll"
Notice how liberals accuse conservatives of being "anti-science." Yet who is the MOST anti-science President of them all? None other than Barack Hussein Obama who continues to hold out the bizarre hope that windmills, solar energy, and pond scum can supplant petroleum as an energy source. This is especially laughable now that new technology is able to produce oil from the Alberta Oil Sands and shale deposits like the Green River Formation out West which has enough proven reserves to supply us with our energy needs for at least the next three hundred years. As to what is currently available just by pumping, take a look at this VIDEO about the oil boom at Williston, North Dakota. 24 BILLION barrels of proven reserves in the ground which means there are probably a lot more. So with all this oil available, what does our unscientific president do? Continue to underwrite solar energy companies which go bankrupt (after taking some of the money to donate to Obama 2012) and nix the Keystone Pipeline which can bring the Alberta Sands oil down to our refineries in the states. Is it any wonder that gas prices are rising as the same time as the Bamster's poll numbers are plummeting which is what worries the DUmmmies in this THREAD, "Rising Gas Prices Have Dented Obama's Rating: Poll." Of course, the DUmmies also buy into Obama's unscientific fascination with harvesting pond scum and other forms of "green energy" that have maybe enough energy to turn on a light bulb but not power large vehicles. Also prevalent among the DUmmies is the dopey notion of "peak oil" which declares we already got as much oil as possible out of the ground and it is all downhill from here in terms of production which completely overlooks the latest scientific advances in extracting oil from the tar sands and shale. So let us now watch the DUmmies bemoan Obama's plummeting poll numbers due to the easily avoidable rise in gas prices in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, powering this DUFU edition with DUmmie scum, is in the [barackets]:
Rising Gas Prices Have Dented Obama's Rating: Poll"
[Which is now causing a flow of flop sweat among the DUmmies.]
More than half of Americans for the first time expect Barack Obama to be re-elected - but that won't make it easy: Even as expectations have moved his way, rising gas prices have dented the president's rating on handling the economy, his overall job approval has slipped back under 50 percent and he's reverted to a dead heat in public preferences against Mitt Romney.
[Under 50 percent like down to 41 percent.]
The results of the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll mark two political realities: One, the sharp division of public attitudes for and against Obama, with continued greater intensity of sentiment among his critics. And two, the damaging political effects of rising gasoline prices, which have surpassed the federal budget deficit as Obama's single weakest issue.
[Let's see. I have to put gas in my tank at around 4 bucks a gallon so you expect me to drive to a polling station to cast a vote FOR Obama? Yes, I cast my vote for more HIGH gas prices...NOT!]
Americans by a broad 65-26 percent disapprove of how the president is handling the price of gas, which has gained 49 cents a gallon this year to an average $3.79. Strong critics outnumber strong approvers by nearly 4-1. And it's important: A vast 89 percent are concerned about the recent run-up in gas prices; 66 percent are "very" concerned about it.
[Have no fear, DUmmies. Those statistics will somehow translate into a PLUS for Obama at election time... Hee! Hee!]
The survey, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, shows a broader impact, underscoring the risk to Obama. His approval rating on handling the economy overall has lost 6 points in a month, to 38 percent, a mere 3 points from his career low in October. Intensity again is highly negative: Fifty percent strongly disapprove of the president's work on the economy, up 9 points to a new high in his presidency.
[Reading this, a lot of DUmmies are already reaching for their Depends.]
It would be great if we had some legislation that would speak to the speculation driving the price up. They are trying to make him fail and this is just one of their ways. Congress could help by putting some legislation in front of him, but with the worst do-nothing Congress in my memory, that is not likely to happen.
[Yes, DUmmies. It is the speculators fault that Obama continues to sit on his thumbs while doing NOTHING about actually increasing oil production.]
. Obama should start releasing the strategic reserves or at least threaten to do so to make speculators flee.
[We've been down that road before and guess what? Gas prices are now even HIGHER.]
at full storage capacity, the SOR would last about a month. Nationalizing oil production and refinement, OTOH, would be the best weapon in Obama's arsenal. He might catch flak from the right and conservative democrats, but prices at the pump would plummet precipitously. Surely, provisions for this action already exists in contingency plans filed under the National Security heading. USE IT MR. PRESIDENT!
[Hugo Chavez USED IT and oil production in Venezuela has FALLEN.]
I doubt if that strategy would work if the Koch brothers and friends were to cut production to stay ahead of the curve.
[Ah! That good old standby boogeymen. The Koch brothers. Did they also hypnotize Obama to withhold approval of the Keystone Pipeline...until after the election?]
So in other words we better get used to being bent over the oil barrel because the cynic in me doesnt believe things will be changing for the good for most of us any time soon as far as gas prices go.
[It will change right after a new president who believes in scientific REALITY is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2013.]
Face it-Peak Oil isn't coming, it's HERE!
[A Peak Oil loon weighs in.]
The gas prices are not Obama's fault.
[Bush's fault?]
It's one of the best kept open secrets today that the world is running out of large crude oil deposits. It's running out. Flat. That's the scoop. The GOP can side step or deny the issue all they want but the fact is the jig is almost up. All the low fruit has been picked.
[What about the nearly 2 TRILLION barrels of "fruit" in the Alberta Tar Sands?]
Really? How do you know? Not to disparage anything you have said, it would be nice to have some references.
[LOUSY FREEPER TROLL! How dare you challenge DUmmie Peak Oil Dogma?]
Greedy, unrepentant Wall Street speculators want to hang this on Pres Obama
[Yeah. They somehow twisted his arm to promote pond scum energy production.]
I can understand 3 bucks a gallon. Even 3.25. It starts to hurt my budget bad after that. Others are saying it might go down next month. I hope. I have to keep my total bills under 900 a month.
[Pray to Blue Fairy for gas prices to fall under the leadership of the Sec. of No-Energy Chu.]
Solution: nationalize the energy industry
[Is that you, Hugo Chavez?]
stupid f*cking brain dead americans. apparently the hard lesson wasnt hard enough. maybe they got to have round two of republican oppression before it sets into that atrophied mass between their deaf ears. im so sick of fighting the republican's greed. maybe the dems should elect r's to office maybe when millions are homeless and starving they'll begin to wake up. talk about useless eaters. uneducated+uniformed=american voters
[LOL! That last line is destined to become a CLASSIC!!! Guess who is "uniformed" you brain dead DUmmie.]
I've held that belief for a long time. It ought to be obvious to any thinking American that the oil corporations are squeezing the public with high gas prices to oust Obama.
[Yeah, and they drugged his drinks so he would stupidly refuse to approve the Keystone Pipeline thus hindering the flow of oil to the refineries.]
I heard just yesterday how we should be proud of $5/gal gas because it's a sign of a strong economy. That's right WTOP (DC news radio) claimed yesterday that it was better for gas to be $5/gal than $2/gal because it showed a strong economy.
[Yes, my little DUmmie. Swallow that leftwing spin hook, line and sinker.]
Like it or not.. $4 gas is the line in the sand... point zero..
point zero.. where people have to decide between buying food and putting gas in their car. This will devastate any improvement in the economy and will mean the Mr. Obama is finished.
[Please STOP with the painful TRUTH!!!]
Where is the LEADERSHIP? Where is the "vision" for our country?
Where is the road map for the future?
[Bo the Portuguese Water Dog buried all that along with his bone in back of the White House.]
you would think....a Saul Alinsky trained community organizer would be a little more proactive and little less chicken about taking on the crony-capitalists of the oil monopoly on behalf of his employer, the American people....to many with lowered expectations, Obamas' failure to vigorously pursue the crony-capitalists is his major sin and will more than likely cost him needed votes....this lack of fight and aggression have many believing that he is at best, an only okay president....
[I can already envision the campaign bumper stickers: Obama 2012: An Only OK President.]
Story out about the Venezuelans trying their best to sell their crappy sour crude to the Chinese because they are concerned about increased US domestic production. Oh, and the Venezuelans are shorting the Chinese on what they owe. Essentially, they have a shitty product, and can't do much with it, and the Chinese are running out of patience. Good move dismantling the professional oil industry HUGE-O!
Suck on it DUmmies.
"...OTOH, would be the best weapon in Obama's arsenal. He might catch flak from the right and conservative democrats"
Yeah. His 41% would drop to 18% overnight. The GOP would take the Senate, White House, and have a huge majority in the Congress. Why, oh why, won't Obummer listen to his loony left?? Sage advisers, they are.
From his pose in the photo, it appears that Barry loves smelling his own farts. Which may explain his inability to make rational decisions. For example, his choice for vice-president, his energy policy, his foreign policy, his economic policy, his domestic policy, and his speech patterns and statements when he ignores what TOTUS tells him to say.
Its funny how in 2004 every DUMMIE swore that gas prices were an executive order placed directly by Bush because he hated kittens and black people.
Now in 2012 there is exactly the same market scenario but it is absolutely no fault of the beloved Messiah.
Kittens and black people...
Don't give Michelle any further culinary ideas. She seems to be happy with Soylent Pink, let her concentrate on that for now.
There was a PEW poll too.
"Obama’s advantage among women voters, while largely unchanged from a month ago, remains substantial – 20 points over Romney and 26 points over Santorum."
"Romney is only beating Obama by 8 points among Whites, 52-44".
"Romney's losing all people of color 83-13".
You have lost women of all race, creed and color with this entirely stupid contraception war. And you've lost the minority vote.
Arizona just passed a law making it legal for your boss to ask women if and why they're taking any contraceptive measures. What ever your answer, they can fire you if you're not in line with their moral and religious beliefs.
And let's not forget that you all think government is too intrusive. But mandatory jamming an ultra-sound device up a woman's hoo-ha is just fine.
Keep it up. At this point, the Dems aren't going to have to do a thing. You're doing all the heavy lifting for us. That is, you're exposing yourselves for the nutbags you are. It's taken time. But your stubborn tenacity is finally paying off.
Go to a Fox News comment section about...just about anything. Read 'em.
This isn't some obscure Stormfront type thing. This is Fox Fucking News. Highest rated cable news source. This is who you are. Read the 'Whitney Houston just died' shit. Read the comments. It's unbelievable. Go to your ex-girlfriend's site, Little Green Footballs, for the full monty.
You fuckers have lost your shit. Simple as that.
Troggy, you ignorant slut! Haven't you figured out yet that it depends on how the questions are asked, and of whom they are asked determines the outcome of the poll? Some of the "reputable" polls weight their polls toward democrats, thus skewing the results. Some polls do not sample in strongly Republican states. Some polls sample all adults, some sample all registered voters, and Rasmussen polls likely voters. Rasmussen's predictions over time have been more accurate than Gallup and the other well-known polls.
Today's Rasmussen poll has Romney 46% to Obama 44%; it also has Santorum 44% to Obama 45%.
Also telling, DUmbass, is that 42% of likely voters STRONGLY DISAPPROVE of Obama's job performance, and only 27% strongly approve. That was the voters who felt strongly one way or the other. If you include those who "sorta, kinda" approve or disapprove, it is 47% at least somewhat approve to 52% at least somewhat disapprove.
Not exactly a shoo in for re-election there, Troggy.
About that PEW Poll:
"The overall sample totaled 1503 adults, of which 27.4% were Republicans, and 34.5% were Democrats. Among the 1188 registered voters, the sample has a D/R/I of 37/30/30. The 2008 exit polls showed a D/R/I of 39/32/29, and the 2010 election 35/35/30. Are we to believe that Republicans will comprise a lower percentage of the vote in 2012 than in 2008? Really?
Furthermore, Pew doesn’t mention that it switches from registered voters to general-population adults when it produces the presidential approval ratings. One only discovers that by drilling down to page 42 of the report, where the total number of voters is 1503, not 1188. That group only has 27.4% Republicans, and it’s also the least predictive sampling type available."
HT to Ed Morrissey
Seems troggy is feeling the heat. I approve.
"Haven't you figured out yet that it depends on how the questions are asked, and of whom they are asked determines the outcome of the poll?" troglANON
As a matter of fact, I HAVE figured that out.
Ever heard the term 'outlier' before?
The trouble with polls is that people keep taking them.
The RepubliDUms have given up the female vote. They're not coming back.
And they've given up the minority vote to an unprecedented degree. They're not coming back either.
In fact, you're doing everything you can to make them all disappear in droves.
Your white knight is the older white male vote. The retired guy that watches Fox all day long. Good luck with that.
"the female vote"
"the minority vote"
So you're saying all females and minorities think and vote alike? Do they all "look alike" to you too?
FOAD Troglafuck, you racist fucking fuckwad.
I'm one of those female voters, and I wouldn't vote for the Poseur-in-chief if he were the only one running.
I just love watching the use of catch phrases among the lefties.
Koch Brothers
Peak Oil
Each term is accepted at face value. All are 'scare' words/terms.
I bet half the DUmmies don't even KNOW what Crony-Capitalist even MEANS. If they did, maybe they'd realize the BIGGEST crony-'capitalist' is in fact the current POTUS!
" talk about useless eaters. "
Ladies and gentlemen, this is straight out of the Nazi playbook.
That's not metaphorical, that is literally true.
""Romney is only beating Obama by 8 points among Whites, 52-44"."
He lost the election, then, moron.
"You have lost women of all race, creed and color with this entirely stupid contraception war."
Ah, trogleturd, still beating the dead horse, I see.
How pathetic.
How stupid.
"And let's not forget that you all think government is too intrusive. But mandatory jamming an ultra-sound device up a woman's hoo-ha is just fine."
Obamacare, anyone?
"I bet half the DUmmies don't even KNOW what Crony-Capitalist even MEANS."
I do.
That's rich white guys who donate to the O!bama election campaign and then get paid of with taxpayer swag from the regime.
Troggy, you ignorant slut! When a fetal ultrasound is done, the wand is not shoved up her hoohaa, you DUmbass! A conductive jelly is spread on her abdomen, and the wand is maneuvered over the jelly. If you want to pontificate on procedures medical, you DUmbass, please have the courtesy to know what the hell you are talking about.
Anonymous said (to Troglafuck)...
"If you want to pontificate on procedures medical, you DUmbass, please have the courtesy to know what the hell you are talking about."
Sorry but that will never happen because that stupid fucking fuckwad is too stupid.
FOAD Troglafuck, you stupid fucking fuckwad.
"I'm one of those female voters, and I wouldn't vote for the Poseur-in-chief if he were the only one running." troglANONette
There's one. Going to have to do better than that.
"If you want to pontificate on procedures medical, you DUmbass, please have the courtesy to know what the hell you are talking about." troglanon (via TUMmy)
I wasn't pontificating about medical procedures, Dr. Dumbfuck. I was pontificating about government requiring medical procedures for non-medical reasons.
But I bet I know a little someone who knows his way around pontificating about medical procedures. Just do it. You'll feel better afterwards. Fire away.
troglafuck said...
"I wasn't pontificating about medical procedures, Dr. Dumbfuck. I was pontificating about government requiring medical procedures for non-medical reasons."
FOAD Troglafuck, you worthless racist fucking fuckwad.
Good lil' troll.
Not smart, or accurate, or logical, or palatable, or reasonable...
The list goes on. And so does troglamans ham-handed banter. Fire away.
"...And two, the damaging political effects of rising gasoline prices, which have surpassed the federal budget deficit as Obama's single weakest issue."
Quite an achievement, really, when you take into account his thundering incompetence on the deficit issue.
Troggy's bogged down in the increasingly unrewarding job of defending Obama as a man, a President and a politician.
If you heard a large "boom" it's from Troglaman The Guttersnipe having to power-slam his head up his ass at Mach speed to support The Obamassiah as the good little brain-dead lemming that he is.
Remember when I admonished you to just go on over and read the comments at Fox News? Probably not.
Anyway, what I said at the time was it was unbelievable. At least to me.
Fox reported today, as did many others, that the DOJ was going to investigate a shooting in Florida. Trayvon Martin.
3000 comments and counting. Here's a sample.
"Gated communities exist because people are afraid….& negros thrive on crime…Look at our prisons."
"In any event, it appears to be a case of one sc u m bag Cuban-type (Zimmerman) offing some scummy b l a ck kid (Trayyy-Vonnnn)…in some trash neighborhood…."
"What a shame—a tragedy, really— because the dead lil’ gangsta could’ve used “‘A-FIRM-TIV AK-SHUN” to go to kollige an play footballz and make lotsa cash munny!”
"Need that too….But Negr0s only have their welfare checks….and in any event can’t follow rules"
It goes on and on and on. And I'm sure many of jerk-offs have happily signed on. Know what?
Sing it from the highest mountain. Sing it from the deepest valley. Let the people know...what a twisted bunch of fucknuts you actually are. Win-win.
If you're trying to impress us with racist comments you made at another website then I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place. We don't go for those kinds of comments here. My suggestion is you take your racism and "Sing it from the highest mountain" at the Daily Kos or something. I'm sure they'll appreciate it there.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are such genius, me make up stuff to say because me no need to know what me talk about.
Me no want to know US have lots of oil so me lie about because me am brilliant.
Me lie about drilling for oil because me am so stupid me am brilliant.
Me listen to Moonbat talk points and me say them with hate because I are brilliant.
Me never consider what me never agree with because I are brilliant so anyone else am stupid.
Me take random shit and make it fact because I are brilliant. Me state that stuff as fact because you am stupid so I are brilliant.
Me spew hate because I are brilliant and that means you am stupid so I hate you because you am not brilliant, I are brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
"We don't go for those kinds of comments here." troglANON
That's the point. Fox does. They could turn that shit off anytime they want to.
Tell me I'm wrong about this, PJinc. Can't you just turn comments off and get rid of the whole stinking pile of shit? I know Fox has done it before. Why aren't they doing it now?
Isn't it safe to assume that they've clearly and deliberately decided not to?
Listen. I'm not accusing PJ's site of being racist or allowing racist comments. I'm not. You guys are a lot more oblique and polite about it. I've been hanging around PJ's longer than almost ALL of you, except PJ. I can assure you...the level of discussion HERE has never, ever descended to what we're now seeing at Fox. Never. PJinc's little family here has higher standards than Fox does.
(there's no way I can express my profound feeling of surreality right now)
troglaman said...
"We don't go for those kinds of comments here." troglANON
That's the point. Fox does. They could turn that shit off anytime they want to.
You SURE about that...?
Even if you're right, those comments say a lot more about your fellow Moonbats they do about FOX News - maybe that's why FOX News would leave them there if they can in fact remove them because it does show what a bunch of sick racists the Moonbat community really is.
How magnanimous of you. Your backpedaling isn't fooling anyone.
"...those comments say a lot more about your fellow Moonbats they do about FOX News...because it does show what a bunch of sick racists the Moonbat community really is." troglaLOON
Oh, I see. These comments are a concerted effort by libs to sabotage Fox News and Fox News is leaving it up so everyone can see how racist the libs are.
All said without the littlest, tiny itty bitty, smidgin of evidence, truth...things like that. You're delusional, troglaLOON.
This is so typical - you become the poor little, helpless, whiner victim of the maniacal left. Like the super remote controls that will shut-off Fox, the stunning level of your all's pussification once again raises it's ugly head.
That and the fact that you just make shit up.
troglatwit said...
Oh, I see. These comments are a concerted effort by libs to sabotage Fox News and Fox News is leaving it up so everyone can see how racist the libs are.
Exactly right, Troglatwit, you stupid son of a worthless bastard.
And I don't need to provide a worthless bastard like you proof since you've shown everyone what I said was true by coming on here like the cowardly bastard you are and whined so much about it.
And the only person whining is you, Troglatwit, you worthless bastard. So keep "making shit up" as you say you worthless bastard and keep up your never-ending quest to show everyone here you're a lying racist wimpy sick perverted stupid son of a worthless bastard, you stupid Moonbat bastard.
At least The Judge doesn't drop the f-bomb as often as Troglatroll...not that it takes much effort considering Troglatroll's rants.
And is it just me or does Troglatroll's clone make more sense than Troglatroll?
Drops in, looks around...drops out.
"This is so typical - you become the poor little, helpless, whiner victim of the maniacal left. Like the super remote controls that will shut-off Fox, the stunning level of your all's pussification once again raises it's ugly head.
That and the fact that you just make shit up."
Oh... The irony.
"Exactly right, Troglatwit, you stupid son of a worthless bastard." Judge
Prove it, your Honor. Or not.
Hey. Wander on over to Dunce Underground and eyeball the comments on any thread regarding VP Cheney and his heart transplant. Kind of like the comments there regarding the death of Andrew B. All hail the "civility" of the compassionate left.
troglatwit said...
"Exactly right, Troglatwit, you stupid son of a worthless bastard." Judge
Prove it, your Honor. Or not.
Prove what, you stupid son of a worthless bastard? Prove you're a not a filthy liar? Prove you're not as stupid as you seem? Prove the thing you said and I agreed with is right?
You really are a wimpy sick perverted stupid son of a worthless bastard, Troglatwit. Do us all a favor - drop dead.
Troglatwit has become almost more amusing than DuFu. What an extra added bonus..Now I can laugh at DuFu and Troggie... 2 for the price of one... great comedic concept. Thanks PJ.
"Prove what, you stupid son of a worthless bastard?...Prove the thing you said and I agreed with is right? Judge
Your Honor, with all due respect...
I have presented you with evidence that there are, indeed, an alarming bunch of racist dumbshits commenting over at Fox. As a matter of fact, they continue to do so.
"Trayvon = Like most Bl acks he’s illegitimate. Where’s his father?"
"Obamanure should start wearing a hoodie so as to more closely identify with his kind."
"Any Obama offspring should be slaughtered including his two wh0re c, u n t daughters. Americans have payed a great price to beat back the communist and Americans will make sure it was not for nothing."
I submit these comments as Prosecution evidence #URAdum6a55. These comments were posted last Friday.
Please note, your Honor, that in response to the initial evidence of racist jackass comments posted at Fox, you said the following -
"Even if you're right, those comments say a lot more about your fellow Moonbats they do about FOX News".
A bold statement. Yet not iota of evidence.
You went on to say -
"...maybe that's why FOX News would leave them there if they can in fact remove them because it does show what a bunch of sick racists the Moonbat community really is."
Another bold statement! But not one iota of proof.
If I may, your Honor, let me summarize - I give you proof and you give me horseshit. You're a nattering nabob. A barely functioning cucumber seed.
It pains me to say it...but ram that little fact up your tight little bung hole for a while and maybe, just maybe, you'll have a powerful lower-intestinal epiphany. One can only hope.
The proof is provided every time you post here you stupid son of a worthless bastard.
So your fellow Moonbats are still posting that crap to try to convince the world the people who watch FOX News are racists eh? And do you post anything there to call them out? Of course not...you come here and whine like the clueless son of a worthless bastard you are because you agree with their tactics.
Only thing people on this board hope is that you drop dead, Troglatwit, you son of a worthless stupid bastard.
43+ comments.
Who's a good lil' troll?
Troglaman's a good lil' troll!
"43+ comments. Who's a good lil' troll? Troglaman's a good lil' troll!" the troglANON behind the curtain
A pat on the head? As if you've drawn me into the Unrelenting Pit of Brilliant Subtle Wingnut Influence.
Seems to me, the Mighty Trog, it's the other way around.
Let's see.
"Seems to me, the Mighty Trog, it's the other way around."-Troglaman
Sure it is Champ. And you should take comfort in the probability that the bearded lady at the carnival side show thinks the same way.
"Sure it is Champ. And you should take comfort in the probability that the bearded lady at the carnival side show thinks the same way." troglANON
Hmmm. You know, this is your weakness, butterfly. It really isn't as if you're challenging me with anything other than your attitude, is it? Scary Attitude.
Can you tell me specifically where I got it wrong? The simple answer is no, you can't. It's not surprising. I've come to expect that none of you are capable of believing what's before your very eyes. And I'm not the only one.
You. Simply. Can't. Do. It.
Old news.
Hey Troglafuck, what the fuck is your fucking problem you fucking jackass? If can't come on here and not act like a fucking clueless jerk, crawl back under whatever fucking rock you were fucking hiding under and this time don't come back.
FOAD Troglafuck, you worthless fucking racist fuckwad.
I read your reply a few times trying to make sense of it (I know, silly of me). It didn’t have anything to do with my compliment on your trolling ability or your position here as a sideshow geek. Then I realized it wasn’t me to whom you were commenting.
Your. ‘lil. Dramatic. Punctuation. Nonwithstanding.
It’s funny when you think I’m someone else.
"It’s funny when you think I’m someone else." troglANON.
It's funny when all you troglANONs think I should be able to tell you apart. Like you're unique.
You're not. Simple. As. That.
"all you troglANONs think I should be able to tell you apart."
I agree, your observation skills are extraordinarily weak.
"You're not. Simple. As. That."
However your 8th grade cheerleader syntax is coming along nicely. So, you've got that going for you.
"I agree, your observation skills are extraordinarily weak." Smarty-Pants TroglANON
I think it's 'observational', but fuck it. Who cares who's the 8th grader?
By the way, are you criticizing my ability to discriminate among the troglANON's? Like it's important to you? Like you're different? Important? And I'm stupid for not noticing a unique troglANON amongst a sea of mediocre troglANON's?
Not my problem. And it has nothing to do with the price of tea in china.
The Fox News comment section is filled with racists. That's YOUR problem. Not mine.
"I think it's 'observational'"
Grammatically both are correct so you you may use either.
"Who cares who's the 8th grader?"
We've established that already, try and keep up.
"And I'm stupid for not noticing a unique troglANON?"
Looks like you've come to a conclusion we can all agree upon.
"The Fox News comment section is filled with racists."
Sounds like you've been busy over there. It's not something I'd brag about if I were you but have at it if it makes you feel better. How many accounts do you have on that website?
"Sounds like you've been busy over there. It's not something I'd brag about if I were you but have at it if it makes you feel better." troglANON
Why do you believe this? Tell me.
I'll say it again. There IS proof there's a bunch of racists Fox is allowing to comment at their site. There IS NO proof they're libs unless you're listening to the little mind-gremlins whispering in your ear.
Has Fox News said they're libs? No. You'd think they would...if they knew it to be true. But they don't.
Everybody knows it's you. Fox get's it. And there's alot of you racist jackasses. Fox understands that not one racist voted for Obama and they won't during the next election. Welcome to Fox Family.
I don't expect to change your mind, troglANON. But if you think all the dumbass racist shit going on over there is coming from the people who elected him...you fucking nuts. Everyone, even you, know who's party these fucknuts belong to.
Here's your culture war right here, folks.
Are you trying your hand at “concern troll” for a while? Is “angry foul mouthed troll” getting a little boring for you? I don't blame you.
"I'll say it again. There IS proof there's a bunch of racists Fox is allowing to comment at their site. There IS NO proof they're libs unless you're listening to the little mind-gremlins whispering in your ear."
Yes, if indeed they are not trolling then Fox is allowing everyone to say whatever they want on their site. How about that? Let people decide how to react to both the story and all comments about it. No censorship of people making fools of themselves. No one (including them) ever said they're "libs".
"Has Fox News said they're libs? No. You'd think they would...if they knew it to be true. But they don't."
Are you saying if they're not "libs" then they're racist? I think we're getting back to old territory here. Remember the fallacy of Appeal to Popularity? You're using it again.
"Fox understands that not one racist voted for Obama and they won't during the next election. Welcome to Fox Family."
People voting for someone based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character. That's racism, by people who voted for Obama.
I owe you an apology troglaman but probably not for the reason you think. I misread your last post because your lack of personal pronouns led me to believe when you said "libs" you were referring to Fox News. Not the commenters there.
However this quote:
"Everyone, even you, know who's party these fucknuts belong to."
shows you claim to know who's making racist comments.
Buuuuuuuuut you then wrote:
"There IS NO proof they're libs"
Well then if that's true then there's no proof they're conservative. For some background on this I suggest you look at Youtube for people speaking at Tea Party events and people speaking at Occupy Wherever events. You may actually be surprised at what you hear.
I still believe that blatant racism on comment boards is the work of true trolls. Can I prove it? Nope, but you can't prove they're conservatives either.
I'll let you in on a little conservative secret. We don't look at color first, we look at actions and words. We also don't vote for skin colors.
Shhh. I'll lose my decoder ring if they knew I told you this.
Do any of you stupid assholes think Randy (Stormfront) Redneck voted for Obama? Did one...ONE...racist vote for Obama?
No. They didn't.
Any argument so far? Take your time...think about it.
Well then. Who'd they vote for?
Not Obama.
These deranged junk-buckets belong to you. They simply do. An easy observation. A chimp could understand.
Racists vote Republican. Just like you do.
Who is Randy (Stormfront) Redneck? Is he one of your online names when you make your inflammatory racist remarks on that website? By the way I've already given you links on people who voted for the president based on his race, which is racism. Oh, and they were Democrats.
Racist voters who belong to me? Like the KKK,The Black Panthers, or the followers of Louis Farrakhan? Those are Democrats too. Not Republican voters, or didn't you know that?
Your writing has been so over the top it's inspired me. Because I hope you can be cured of what ails you I'm going to make a donation to the foundations to find a cure for Turrets Syndrome, Paranoid Schizophrenia,and Autism. I only hope they can get to you in time.
"By the way I've already given you links on people who voted for the president based on his race, which is racism." troglANON
Is it? This calls for a definition...racism.
1.a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the
various human races determine
cultural or individual
achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
(Trog says - anyone voting for Obama because he's black would also have to believe the superior African culture kicks serious ass...to be considered racist. Does a white person voting for Obama because he's black fit into this category? A Hispanic mother of four? A dwarf? Voting merely on the basis of race does not a racist make...doesn't pass the stink-test, troglANON)
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
(Trog says - Does voting for Obama because he's black really constitute a policy or system of government? Does voting for W because he's white really constitute a policy or system of government? You decide...another FAIL, troglANON)
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
(trog says - According to troglANON, anyone voting for Obama because he's black has a hatred or intolerance for everyone else. Of course they do! Especially the dwarfs)
It's called rationalization...just in case you were wondering.
No I wasn't wondering. I knew you were rationalizing.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Why do you hate Martin Luther King?
"Why do you hate Martin Luther King?" troglANON
What? Where were we? Oh yeah
White people vote for white people. Brown people vote for brown people. Yellow people vote for yellow people. Red people vote for red people. Dwarfs vote for dwarfs. Gays vote for gays. Women vote for women and men vote for me, troglaman.
They're ALL racist, according to your blindingly brilliant logic and so therefore...Viola! Everyone hates Martin Luther King...except for you, of course. Only you.
What a load of shit. Jeez.
Your post made all the sense of a homeless man yelling at a lamp post. But that's schizophrenia for you. You poor suffering soul.
"Your post made all the sense of a homeless man yelling at a lamp post." troglANON
To you. Only you.
Don't worry, in time and with treatment reality will make sense to you too.
Hang in there pal. Baby steps.
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