What Rush Limbaugh Said

Did you hear the SHOCKING thing that Rush Limbaugh said? No, I'm not talking about his comments on Georgetown Fluke who supposedly has so much sex that she can't afford the nine bucks a month it would cost her to get birth control pills from Walmart. I am referring to the OVERLOOKED comments that Rush made this week on the subject of oil. If you want to know what will determine the outcome of this election it will be the economy, stupid, and most specifically about the UNNECESSARY rise in the price of gasoline due to Obama's idiotic policies which include promoting failed solar companies and ridiculous pond scum technology. So here is what Rush Limbaugh (and reiterated by Newt Gingrich) SAID that has relevance in this election:
...We've got it in shale in the Dakotas. We've got it in Alaska. We've got it in the Gulf of Mexico. There's one guy and his political party making sure that we can't get it. Barack Hussein Obama does not want this nation to be independent of Middle Eastern oil.
Nobody can convince me he does. He opposed building the Keystone pipeline to get oil from Canada, that would create eventually tens of thousands jobs, by the way. But he doesn't have that because his left-wing, fringe kook base would be really mad at him because they hate oil. They hate progress. They hate technological advancement. If they had their way, we would all be living like they do in the hills of Afghanistan. "Instability in the Middle East." That's one of the reasons for high gas prices. Well, wait, we have a solution: We have our own oil.
Rush gets it. Newt gets it. And hopefully whoever opposes Obama in November will get it. Everything else, including the non-existent issue of contraception, is irrelevant to this election. Gas prices are FRONT and CENTER which is why the DUmmies are pretty much avoiding the topic except in a peripheral way such as in this THREAD in which Ralph Nader offers a typically unworkable leftwing price control "solution" to the problem: "Ralph Nader: President Obama Can Do More on Oil Prices." So let us now watch the DUmmies discuss the rise in oil prices through the leftwing lens of Ralph Nader in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, hoping to score some more FREE gas via coupons, is in the [barackets]:
Ralph Nader: President Obama Can Do More on Oil Prices.
[By approving the Keystone Pipeline RIGHT NOW.]
Gasoline and heating oil prices are ratcheting up. In California, some motorists are paying over $5 per gallon. President Obama declared that "there is no quick fix" for this problem. Meanwhile, the hapless but howling Republicans are blaming him for the fuel surge as if he is a price control czar.
[Since he won't approve the Keystone Pipeline who should we blame. Rush Limbaugh? Oh yes, the DUmmies would love that.]
Your gasoline prices are not charging up due to strains between supply and demand. Speculation, with those notorious derivatives and swaps, is what is poking larger holes in your fuel budget, according to Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement lawyers.
[The rest of this is just more of the typical leftwing rant on the subject by Ralph Nader that you can read at the site. However, it does open the discussion up to oil by the DUmmies which you can see below.]
Has Bush weighed in?
I would hate to think that the man who sucked away enough votes to allow George W. Bush into the White House, who caused the problems that the current president will need many many years to fix, would now presume to instruct the president as to what to do.
[How many nights of sleep did Al Gore lose while cursing out Ralph Nader for denying him his "birthright?"]
I'm still free so far to explain that Nader is wrong about this. He wants to do something about oil prices and that's not the problem that America has. The problem that America has is we need to do away with our addiction to environment-killing, increasingly scarce fossil fuels. We will do away with it or it will do away with us.
[The fossil fuels are NOT scarce. As Rush and Newt pointed out we have hundreds of years worth that right here in the USA that can be tapped with the new technologies.]
There is no such thing as cheap gasoline. There has never been any such thing as cheap gasoline. There will never, ever be any such thing as cheap gasoline.
[I remember that gasoline was $1.49 per gallon in late 2004. That doesn't rate as cheap?]
Mr Obama spoke about oil price volatility due to speculative pressures having to do more with pricing than supply and demand 11 months ago.
[Mr. Obama also spoke about how he can't do anything about the rise in gas prices. So he continues assuming the fetal position without approving the Keystone Pipeline or tapping into our own HUGE reserves just sitting in the ground.]
Even if Mr. Obama could magically wave his hand and make Iran disappear from the face of the Earth, he could not control oil speculators THAT AREN'T EVEN U.S. CITIZENS, NOR EVEN DOING BUSINESS IN THIS COUNTRY.
[Sooooo.... How's that Chevy Volt working out for you?]
Do you even have a clue how modern markets are a cruel perpetual money machine that grinds billions into poverty?
[Apparently Che Guevara is hiding out in the jungles of DUmmieland.]
The GOP is giving O shit about gas prices. Coincidence?
[You mean Newt didn't say what he said?]
This is unconscionable and ridiculous.
[I agree. This country is sitting on a sea of oil and natural gas reserves and it is unconscionable and ridiculous that Obama continues to do nothing about it while the price of gas soars.]
You're all pathetic.
Let's understand something about drilling for oil...
The concept that 'if we drilled more, we'd bring down the price of gas' is ridiculous. Why? Because the wells are licensed to oil companies. Oil companies sell to the highest bidders. So unless PJinc is suggesting nationalizing the American oil, he's full of shit. The fact that you believe this to be an answer to our gas prices is, as always, breath taking.
As to Rush...this is what he thinks of YOU:
"Singling out Mitt Romney and John Boehner, Limbaugh surmised that neither of them dared to take him on because “they know I can turn the bucktoothed rubes and nitwits against them in a heartbeat, and bucktoothed rubes and nitwits are now pretty much the base of their party, which has splintered into competing posses of angry, intolerant, ill-informed pinheads braying at each other ungrammatically.”
'Ditto-heads' makes a little more sense now, doesn't it?
I read today that Rush ran out of sponsors and suffered around five minutes of dead-time.
Welcome to our new remote control, you stupid shits.
Aw... whatsa matter lil' Troggy? Did that mean ol' Sandra Fluke turn you down again?
good job i like it
And our resident economic illiterate proceeds to power slam his head up his ass yet again.
The big oil companies do not set the price of oil. At one time they did, but they have not had that power since OPEC was established.
Fact: China's economy is growing and requires more petroleum products. Fact: India's economy is growing and requires more petroleum products. Fact: Brazil's economy is growind and requries more petroleum products. Fact: each of these emerging economies is competing with every already industrialized nation for a limited supply of petroleum and its products THUS RAISING THE PRICE OF SAID PRODUCTS WORLDWIDE. Fact: an increase in supply will reduce the cost. Fact: increase in risk or uncertainty of supply will ALWAYS increase the price of the commodity. Facts: U.S. refineries are working at capacity, there have been no new refineries built in the last 30 years, and demand for petroleum products has increased. Increase capacity, increase supply, manage uncertainty, and prices will come down. Learn some economics, fool!
"The problem that America has is we need to do away with our addiction to environment-killing, increasingly scarce fossil fuels."
So, is this DUmbass going to sell his/her/its automobile, spade up its own garden, eat only produce grown in that garden, cut off electricity to its house, not purchase any clothing brought in from another town, much less another country? This DUmbass needs to get a clue, then commit sepuku so it will quit wasting oxygen.
Is Troglaman back from his extended stay at the Betty Ford Clinic for political and moral illiterates?
Aw hell...there goes 2012.
FOAD Troglafuck you racist fuckwad.
So, Troggy,
You READ that Rush ran out of sponsors and had dead time? Did you listen to him yourself? Of course not; you are just parroting what the MSM would like you to believe. Rush has a whole article or two on his website about sponsors work. Perhaps YOU should read it.
The "jewish" networks make a lot of money going after child predators yet the evidence indicates Puss Windbag - a "jew" of course - is one of these predators. WHAT KIND OF DEMON RAPES LITTLE BOYS WHILE ON VACATION IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC?
Isn't it just astounding that neocons refuse to believe anything bad about their god Limbaugh but if this same charge were levied against Obalmy they'd stage a million "man" march?
DEAN BERRY MINISTRIES: "When a government outlaws 'terrorism', it's planning something for which 'terrorism' is the only recourse."
Your village called. They want their idiot back.
I'm still amazed at how familiar the left seems to be with the Dominican Republic child sex trade!
troleturd, your a liar.
And an idiot.
Oh, and turd?
Your understanding of economics is on the level of a parmecium.
"The big oil companies do not set the price of oil. At one time they did, but they have not had that power since OPEC was established." troglANON
So you're saying that big oil set the price of oil until OPEC came along.
Big oil is OPEC. Care to say differently? You're stating the obvious.
Here's the deal...the oil companies own the licenses on the wells in the US, Canada, Iraq, Brazil, Ethiopia, etc... They own the rights to the oil. Countries don't.
So to argue that drilling more in the US (which has a big 2% of the earth's oil reserves) will somehow alleviate the problem, is idiotic. We don't have enough to make a difference. OPEC, on the other hand, does.
Oil's going to run out. There's no disputing that fact. Do you think they don't know that?
Of course you don't!! Why? Because you're all dumbasses. That's why.
"You READ that Rush ran out of sponsors and had dead time? Did you listen to him yourself?" troglANON
Yes, I did. I listen to him all the time. There was LONG dead time.
I can prove my case, you stupid asshat. So could a 3 month old chimp.
Troggy, you ignorant slut. Big Oil, according to the Left is TexacoShell, MobilExxon, BP, etc. Corporations, mostly domiciled in the US, subject to US government regulation and taxes. Once upon a time, after the dissoultion of the Standard Oil of Ohio monopoly and before OPEC, the companies had and used the ability to set the price of oil. OPEC, you ignorant slut, is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. Countries, you ignorant slut, who are not subject to US government regulation and taxation, and who can and have told the US government to pound sand if they didn't like the production quotas and price structure set by the organization. OPEC is definitely not part of the Big Oil that the Left is constantly foaming at the mouth over. How could the Left possibly criticize OPEC? After all, Venezuela is a member State of OPEC, and Hugo Chavez is a hero of the Left.
I spot an error in your name.
Foaming at the mouth and howling like a tortured mad dog while power-slamming his head up his like a jackhammer, TROGLAMAN - The Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site, spewed out the following piles of worthless mental excrement.....
Here's the deal...the oil companies own the licenses on the wells in the US, Canada, Iraq, Brazil, Ethiopia, etc... They own the rights to the oil. Countries don't. - Troglaman the Guttersnipe
Try telling that to the companies who got run out of Saudi Arabia years ago that used to "own" the licenses on the wells in that country, Guttersnipe. I'm sure they'd love to hear that line of BS from you.
So to argue that drilling more in the US (which has a big 2% of the earth's oil reserves) will somehow alleviate the problem, is idiotic. We don't have enough to make a difference. OPEC, on the other hand, does. - Troglaman The Moron Guttersnipe
The only idiot around here is YOU, Guttersnipe. We have 2% of the proven reserves. We have lot more than that yet to be found and extracted. If you listed to something other than the DSA/Moonbat Groupthink BS you love so much and quit power-slamming your head up your ass you'd know that.
Oil's going to run out. There's no disputing that fact. Do you think they don't know that? - Troglamn the Guttersnipe
Yes it will indeed run out...in about 250 years. By then there will be something to replace it. Right now there isn't...not that you care since the idiots your blindly support, Guttersnipe, want to pretend that there is since they exist in the same fantasyland you do.
Crawl back under whatever rock you were hiding under (or go back to the padded cell someone foolishly let you out of) and leave us alone, Guttersnipe. Things are great around here as long as you're not around reinforcing the fact you're dumber than a doorknob and a bombastic twit.
TROGLAMAN, The Official Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site, power-slammed his head up his ass like a piston and emitted the following pile of worthless mental excrement...
"You READ that Rush ran out of sponsors and had dead time? Did you listen to him yourself?" troglANON
Yes, I did. I listen to him all the time. There was LONG dead time.
I can prove my case, you stupid asshat. So could a 3 month old chimp.
A three month old chimp can't prove it, but I'll give the chimp a pass because it doesn't know any better.
YOU on the other hand, Guttersnipe, can't prove it either. Why? Because you're an idiot and a liar. So there is no excuse for your pathetic drivel.
"...mostly domiciled in the US, subject to US government regulation and taxes." troglANON
And subject to a $20 billion tax-payer subsidy every year. I can't seem to remember...how much did Exxon pay in taxes last year?
But I think I get your point. And you're probably right about there being a larger distinction between the entities that produced the oil (countries) and the entities that went and got it (companies).
My point is that the two are NOW virtually indistinguishable. All oil extracted by these companies is put into a big oil pot and sold off to whomever pays the most for it. Most of the oil comes from OPEC nations. Their share of the pot is the biggest.
Figuring out who's pulling the strings nowadays seems impossible. Probably because they're all so in bed with each other that they've melded into one big, steamy, writhing mass of ass-reaming fat-cat blubber. Who are they reaming?
That'd be you (troglANON) and me (troglaman).
Then there's the speculators...we'll save that for another day.
The original point is this: drilling for oil in the US will not bring down the price of oil. Simple as that. So the next time you hear "Drill Baby Drill", you can look at who said it and sneer at them like an elite, liberal snob would. Won't that be fun?
And, your original point is wrong. Increasing supply will bring down the price of any commodity, including oil.
Much of the current price increase driven by speculation is a "risk premium". The risk that the speculators are betting on is the closure of the Straits of Hormuz by the mad mullahs of Iran. If Ahmadinnerjacket and his government go off their meds and begin to act even more irrational than they are now, and actually close the straits, that will immediately reduce the supply of oil... oil that China, Taiwan, Japan, and other industrialized nations depend on. The Asian industrialized economies have been bidding against Europe and the Americas for the current supply of oil, and would still compete against Europe and the Americas for an even smaller supply if the Straits are closed. This competition for a smaller available supply will drive up the cost even further. The demand for oil will not shrink until the economies of these nations start to shrink or shut down. If the United States becomes self sufficient in oil, this will increase supply, in turn driving down the bidding and reducing the price of oil on the international markets.
Even with speculators and organizations such as OPEC in the equation, the law of Supply and Demand still rules. Increase the supply beyond demand, price goes down; shrink or threaten supply while demand remains constant, and the price goes up.
Troglafuck still doesn't understand that life is hard enough without making it harder by being stupid.
FOAD Troglafuck.
Oh good.
Troggyturd is back to his same ol' BS.
What's the point THIS time, troggyturd.
Don't really have one?
That's OK, young lad, we understand.
"Troglafuck still doesn't understand that life is hard enough without making it harder by being stupid. FOAD Troglafuck." TUM
Wow. 18 words. Since TUM doesn't have enough brain-cheese to cover a Ritz cracker, I think we're witnessing an alarming depletion of his cranial cheese-whiz here. Slow down, buddy.
"And, your original point is wrong. Increasing supply will bring down the price of any commodity, including oil." troglANON
Not if you supply only 2% of the commodity, you stupid shit. If I grew 2% of all the potatoes in the world, the 98% that grew all the rest aren't going to give one little shit about what I want. Why? Because my little contribution doesn't mean squat. We can't produce enough oil to make a difference.
This is a fucking fact, you idiots. Mr. Stinkwagon stated we have 250 years left of oil ("Yes it will indeed run out...in about 250 years. By then there will be something to replace it"). That's three or four generations. Your kid's grandchild will be out of oil. But fuck it, some magical thing will have replaced it by then.
Do any of you dumbshits figure it might be time to figure out what the magical "something" is? You care about that? Of course not! Drill baby drill.
Could you all just rapture yourselves or something? Get the fuck out of here.
BTW, how many advertising sponsors does Rush have now?
Woopie. Troggyturd starts spinning in circles.
Spews obvious BS.
Still no point other that make another fool of his self.
Sad, troggyturd. Really sad.
Do try better next time, OK?
That's a good boy.
::: watching Troglaman The Guttersnipe ricochet off the walls from power-slamming his head up his ass.... :::
Wow...have to admit, if Guttersnipe ever crawled back out from whatever rock he was hiding under, having him be even more of a vicious hate-mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe that he was before wasn't real high on the list of probabilities. Not impossible, but not the top of the list. But...Guttersnipe is actually even more insane, vicious and hateful. Too bad his level of intelligence and morality isn't anywhere near that of his ability to hate and demagogue. He might be a semblance of a worthwhile human being if that were the case. But, he'd rather pound down Everclear, LSD, meth, or whatever the hell he does to get in such a state of blind rage and insanity rather than face reality.
Absolutely pathetic.
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