DUmmie Assaulted by Conservative Books at Costco

Book selection at Costco: what the heck?
[Stand by for more DUmmie censorship fantasies!]
I just got back from stocking up on Charmin and Bounty at the local Costco. Their book selection was completely, totally far right-wing. They have stacks and stacks of Going Rogue, Atlas Shrugged, and The Overton Window.
[My paper towels and TP cost me NOTHING. Coupons.]
I finally spotted a book with President Obama on the cover. It was "Culture of Corruption" by Michelle Malkin.
[LOL! Relief followed by instant disappointment.]
What the heck? Does Costco have a right-wing agenda? Or is it just because I live in Texas?
[It's because you live in your own little universe. And now to hear from your fellow DUmmies...]
Costco has a track record of contributing to the Dem Party (for the most part).
[Too bad for you they are also guided by the EVIL profit motive which means they must stock up on conservative books.]
ALL the warehouse stores have huge amounts of rightwing nonsense in their book selections.
[EEK! Send in the Thought Police!]
Costo headquarters are in liberal Washington State. And I believe the founders are two Dems. I don't think the founders examine every book choice, and as they are a retail outlet, they're going to stock what sells in their area. I prefer to think that stacks of conservative books means that they're not flying off the shelves and into the hands of avid readers. I mean, lots of tea partiers can't, or don't, read.
[I hope you feel comforted by that fantasy.]
The book selection at my Costco is all right-wing trash. And it's in California.
[San Francisco Bay?]
maybe they have a whole bunch because they thought they would sell but aren't and that's why there are plenty.
[Maybe you are clinging a bit too hard on that desperate hope.]
And I go in to that Spokane store and flip them over when I can!
[This DUmmie is like that woman in "Absence of Malice" who desperately picked up all the newspapers from her neighbor's lawns.]
I'd complain with the store manager that there are too much right-wing crap on the book selection, and need to be balanced out.
[And the store manager should reply by having you escorted out.]
I think Costco should modify their book purchasing policy and buy 1/4 of the right-wing crap and buy more liberal stuff and spread it out.
[Spread it out and then dump the liberal books in the remainders bin.]
I'd hate to have to stop shopping there. Their frozen tequila-lime tilapia is to die for. But the imbalance on that book table was just ridiculous.
[I bet I get better deals on tilapia and everthing else with my coupons. FUn Fact: PJ recently bought LARGE Right Guard BO sticks for just 12 cents each. You don't get that deal at Costco.]
I was somewhat under the impression Costco was a "blue company" which is why I would be surprised to learn it was a national thing.
[Rightwing books are EVERYWHERE!!!]
Not just Costco - I noticed the same thing in SAMS last week
DU is a minority group who often seems to thinks it the majority
[You will find your Kewpie Doll on aisle 2 of your local Costco.]
What you do is you just take a book from the next pile and gently place it over the top of the pile of right wing crap. Then you do the same for each volume of garbage you find. Sometimes it's a good idea to put two books on each pile, that way when someone picks up the top book they won't notice the wing nut shit underneath. I once buried a whole stack of sarah palin books at the bottom of the adjacent piles. Childish? Bet you ass. But I had fun doing it.
[DUmmie "intellectualism" on full display.]
"What a bunch of maroons!"[B. Bunny]
Memo to DUmmies: Get a life.
These a-holes hide books they think the public should not read. They demand store managers turn off FOX as the public should not see it. They flip the bird to drivers whose cars have Repuke bumper stickers. They're everything they accuse their opponents of being---small minded,
obnoxious and bigoted.
And the imbeciles are irony proof.
First rule of Retail===Stock what sells
Scratch a reactionary leftist, find the fascist writhing underneath.
I see kayinmaine forgot to take her meds.
Poor Wittle Liberal minds cannot bare to see a Conservative books.
What a bunch of Douches.
Deval Patrick is the Dem who recently said, "I'm sorry, but it's a free country. I wish it wasn't."
Stores stock what sells. I get my conservative books from Walmart. But, I'm about to get a Kindle soon, and will be ordering my conservative books online. Try to hide those books, moonbats! But, I do see stacks and stacks of lib books at my local Dollar Tree (and they still don't sell). I wonder what happens to the lib books Dollar Tree can't sell. Do they donate them to third world countries to use for toilet paper?lol
Oh, yeah, moonbats. Conservatives do read. We're going to especially love reading those ballots on November 2nd.
And now everyone knows why they are called Troglaman clones.
Elron, you hit the nail smack dab on the head as usual :) -tm
Retailers stock what sells, as they exist to make a profit. They are not public libraries. DUmbf*cks.
"All the warehous3e stores have huge amounts of rightwing nonsense in their book selections." And we Dumbasses need to make sure that only LEFTWING nonsense be offered.
"I prefer to think that stacks of conservative books means that theyre not flying off the shelves into the hands of avid readers." Of course not ... stores like Costco will always stock huge numbers of books that don't sell. Never mind that the right wing books manage to make it onto the NYT Bestseller list no matter how the NYT tries to fudge the numbers. And of course all the numbers on Amazon.com are made up.
"I mean, lots of tea partiers can't, or don't, read" because, as everyone here at the Dumbass Underground knows, the tea partiers, despite their racially mixed crowds, and their middle and upper income earning crowds are illiterate, unlike we basement dwelling, welfare collecting, high-school dropouts.
Perhaps the Dumbasses need to take some general business and economics courses. Of course, if they did, they would probably no longer be commielibs.
I take this to mean the progs did not get that "liberal only" best seller list they wanted in the NYT. Shocker that a store has for sale, the books that sell.
"But, I do see stacks and stacks of lib books at my local Dollar Tree (and they still don't sell)." susie
What the hell is a "lib book" anyway? 'The Origin of Species' or something? This is where you guys throw me off. I never know what the hell you're talking about. A "lib book" could be anything from 'The Adventurea of Dick and Jane' to the Koran...or what ever else pisses you off.
Frickin drama queens.
So what's a "lib book"?
Gosh, you are so dense, troggy. I'll type this slowly so even you can understand....a lib book is a stupid, idiot book written by a liberal. Did I type slow enough for you, troggy?
"What the hell is a "lib book" anyway?"
Crayon scribblings by reactionary leftists that don't sell.
And twice in one day, I find myself just feeling sorry for these folks.
Imagine knowing perfectly well that the ideas you believe in cannot compete in the open marketplace.
Imagine feeling compelled to hide those ideas from others - rather than voice your own - while somehow simultaneously pretending to support freedom of speech and expression.
It has to hurt.
"Frickin drama queens."
...said the fuckin' drama king.
"What the hell is a 'lib book'
Partisan political books that wind up in the $1.98 bin at "Half Price Books". Usually they're written by Jim Hightower, the late Molly Ivins or ferret faced Paul Krugman.
"a lib book is a stupid, idiot book written by a liberal. Did I type slow enough for you, troggy?" susie
"Crayon scribblings by reactionary leftists that don't sell." literery laz
"Imagine feeling compelled to hide those ideas from others - rather than voice your own - while somehow simultaneously pretending to support freedom of speech and expression." JK
What the fuck are you people even talking about?
So susie says she passed by "...stacks and stacks of lib books at my local Dollar Tree" that were in the discount bin or whatever.
I, the mighty trog, had the temerity to ask what are considered "lib books". And this was the response.
You're all third graders. How you all negotiate the pratfalls of everyday living is an amazing story if you think about it. Sort of like the dog that finds it's owners 750 miles away. How the hell didn't he get hit by a car?
I think of you poor saps in the same way every day. Why?
Because I, troglaman, care. That's why.
<< Usually they're written by Jim Hightower, the late Molly Ivins or ferret faced Paul Krugman. >>
I'm sure you meant the Economic Vaudeville Act that *is* the ferret-like Paul Krugman?
"Usually they're written by Jim Hightower, the late Molly Ivins or ferret faced Paul Krugman." elrond
So what? You think there aren't any Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, Palin, etc, books in the same bin? Big Fucking Deal.
The issues you morons decide to tackle are always puzzling.
On a unrelated topic...are you all OK with burning the Koran on 9-11? I already know it's a right under freedom of speech blah blah blah and I'm OK with that. I really am.
But is this how you picture America? Is it really?
Freedom of speech also means that you can disagree and make your voice heard...like on this very blog, for instance.
So I'll ask again...are you all OK with a public burning of the Koran on 9-11?
"On a unrelated topic...are you all OK with burning the Koran on 9-11? I already know it's a right under freedom of speech blah blah blah and I'm OK with that. I really am.
But is this how you picture America? Is it really?
Freedom of speech also means that you can disagree and make your voice heard...like on this very blog, for instance.
So I'll ask again...are you all OK with a public burning of the Koran on 9-11?" - - - Troglaman The Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe
I could care. The group of maniacs from Kansas who protest at the funerals is a group just like you when it comes to relating to reality, and other than be a group of ultra-annoying assholes, the world is not on the brink of castastrophe. This joker in Florida has a church of similar size and scope and the only reason this is going to be a big issue is that the Troglaman Clones in the media are going to make it sound like half the country supports them instead of treating them like extremists (which they are).
It's a bad idea, I would prefer they wouldn't, but they evidently are going to.
Oh well. Maybe if the Moonbats in New York were not so hell-bent on building a mosque right where nearly 3,000 people were slaughtered by Islamic killers while giving a big "F-YOU" to everyone who opposes the idea (including an overwhelming majority of the people who are supposed to be their constituents) this guy down in Florida probably wouldn't be doing this. But they are, and he is.
"But is this how you picture America? Is it really?...are you all O.K. with a public burning of the Koran on 9/11?"
Since when did you care what we think? You're not asking sincere questions but searching for another way to mock and demean us. Fuck off.
"What the hell is a "lib book" anyway?"
How about "The Emerging Democratic Majority"? hehe. That didn't last too long did it? Stupid hippy.
"The group of maniacs from Kansas who protest at the funerals is a group just like you when it comes to relating to reality," jumpin jerome
A group just like me? Oh, of course! You're referring to all my "inners".
So you, jerome, believe this guy burning Korans is on the same level and the guys waving "You died because God hates homos" signs around at soldier's funerals?
Why's that?
"Since when did you care what we think? You're not asking sincere questions but searching for another way to mock and demean us. Fuck off." kat
Just figure that out, did you?
How 'bout this - I'm asking sincere questions AND searching for another way to mock and demean you. And if I have an opportunity to throw in some humiliation, shame, and a rare but perfect example of psychotic, sociopathic behavior, I, troglaman, will attempt to take full advantage.
It's easy. I never have to look far.
There's no shame in shaming people like you, kat. So, know what? Eat shit and fuck off your own self.
Troggy, I know you don't have to look far...every time you look in the mirror you see a perfect example of a psychotic sociopath.
Way to go, Kat. You sure know how to push that troggy button.
"Just figure that out, did you?"
So you admit that you're a hypocrite and a liar?
Thanks, trogelcritter, we'll remember that.
With every one of your hypocritical, lying posts.
"So you, jerome, believe this guy burning Korans is on the same level and the guys waving "You died because God hates homos" signs around at soldier's funerals?
Why's that?"
- - - - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
Like I said, Guttersnipe...they're just like you in thought process. The result may differ, but they are just as much in touch with reality and common decency as you are Guttersnipe.
"Like I said, Guttersnipe...they're just like you in thought process." jj
What? JJ's saying I'm just like the people who want to burn the Koran and, for good measure, the psycho's that show up at funerals waving "God killed you because of homos" or some such shit.
As a liberal, do you think I, troglaman, am against religious freedom?
That's a 'no'.
As a liberal, do think I, troglaman, am anti-gay?
That's another 'no'.
And yet, in a dazzling display of wingnut logic, I, troglaman, am just like these whack jobs.
Never mind the fact that these two assholes actually ARE right-wing whack jobs, I, troglaman, am somehow just like them. Pretzel Logic. You dimwits are really good at it.
What's interesting is your tacit agreement that they're nuts. We're making progress. Some of you actually qualify for the re-education program. Pack your bags. We'll be coming for you soon.
"...while giving a big "F-YOU" to everyone..." jj
They're not giving it to everyone, jerry, they're giving it to you. And you fall for it every time. You become afraid.
That's what terrorists do, if you haven't noticed. They want to make you afraid of anything and everything. And once you are, they've won. The deception's worked.
Buck up and turn the other cheek, you pussy.
You're not a Liberal, Guttersnipe, you're a Moonbat. And yes you are EXACTLY like those whack jobs...there are an almost unending number of posts that prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.
It would be interesting if just once you'd not pound down a bottle of Everclear and power-slam your head up your ass when you post here Guttersnipe.
Just once.
It would also be nice you had some grip on reality and could follow some train of logic, but I doubt that's possible. I'll settle for sober for now.
"And yet, in a dazzling display of wingnut logic, I, troglman, am
just like these whack jobs."
No, you're not "just like" those two nuts but you're just as out contact with reality; you show the same lack common sense and decency and as they do; and you share their lack of appreciation for the feelings of other people.
There may still be hope for you, I'm not sure of it but...
"And yet, in a dazzling display of wingnut logic, I, troglman, am
just like these whack jobs."
No, you're not "just like" those two nuts but you're just as out contact with reality; you show the same lack common sense and decency and as they do; and you share their lack of appreciation for the feelings of other people.
There may still be hope for you, I'm not sure of it but...
OMG I used to work at a B&N bookstore in WA state and nutters would pull this stuff all the time.
Every Dang Day!
Although it's not as bad as finding sex books purposefully laid out in the children's section, that was horrifying.
Anon 8:28PM
Troglaman lives in the state Washington where he frequents B&N bookstores.
"...and you share their lack of appreciation for the feelings of other people." elrond
Jesus Christ, elrond. Did you just attend some workshop/seminar/retreat somewhere? I'm smelling a 'sensitivity training' vibe here.
So you're agnostic AND taking sensitivity training?
Better watch this guy. He could turn on you all at any moment.
No, my mistake...there isn't any hope for you.
A full row (!) of Atlas Shrugged at the local Costco in SoCal. A liberal state. So it is more than Texas. It appears to be Costco policy. I hope they can make logs out of this unsold half century old overlong boring tripe to sell in the winter (after the election). I hate to see trees go to waste.
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