"The Ick Factor."

One of the favorite things your typical DUmmie loves to do is to position him-, her-, or itself as a member of a persecuted minority. Victim Status allows one to claim moral superiority and take great umbrage and be in high DUdgeon over slights and offenses, real or perceived. It's so much better than being one of those boring old plain white people, who are inherently guilty--of being plain and white.
And so DUmmie withywindle tries to claim the moral high ground and lay a guilt trip on her fellow DUmmies, here in this THREAD, "The Ick Factor."
So all you members of the oppressor class, prepare to flagellate yourselves, as we take a penitential pilgrimage through DUmmieland. The DUmmie comments are in Bolshev-Ick Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, a straight white Christian male looking forward to a full day of oppressing, is in the [brackets]:
The Ick Factor.
[Ick bin ein Born Looney.]
I still see posts here from people who say they don't "like" gay marriage. . . .
[Here come the Thought Police! Ick your hands up!]
or don't want to see those queers doing PDA in their public space. . . .
[They're putting their Palm Pilots in their pubic regions?? Ick!]
Truth is, many, many people feel something like an "ick factor" when living with "The Other."
[Truth is, many DUmmies are living with "The Mother."]
I'm a woman who's had male partners. . . .
[That's a switch!]
male partners who act like feminine hygiene products are garlic and they're vampires. . . .
[They're Tampires.]
I'm like, holy sh*t, I'm 41 and I've used this stuff every month since I was 12, it doesn't get anymore normal and mundane.
[Period. End of story.]
I'm a bi-ethnic person. . . .
[OK, DUmmie withywindle, so you had a great-great-whatever-grandmother four generations back who was a Cherokee squaw, and that makes you "bi-ethnic," big deal. . . .]
I'm a bi-ethnic person who has spent WAY too much time listening to people who assume I"m "white" like them. . . .
[No, no, ANYTHING but that! Don't you DARE call me "white"!!]
and so feel free to go on at great length about those ICKY "others" and their smelly food . . .
[They even do the Icky Sniffle.]
and weird accents.
[Icky Words.]
And apparently some people acting as concern trolls to defend the honor of Ground Zero seem to think that sacred ground is hopelessly desecrated forever if there are icky, creepy Muslims praying near it.
[Just a guess, but maybe that would remind them of the icky, creepy Muslims who flew planes into the buildings that used to be there. Some folks might find that to be a tad offensive.]
What I'm asking with this thread is, if you're over 12, please examine your own thought processes and get yourself OVER your gut-level, emotional, kneejerk, irrational ick factors. . . .
[If you're WHITE and STRAIGHT, you're GUILTY!]
If a particular group gives you the "ick" ASK YOURSELF WHY . . .
[And then start flagellating! Or else create some Victim Status for yourself, like I did.]
and then educate yourself about what that group is really about before you go spewing ignorant and hurtful crap all over an allegedly progressive board.
[Lecture over. Guilt Trip laid. We're all closet homophobes, womanphobes, islamophobes, raceophobes . . . well, Ickophobes.]
Thank you.
[No, thank YOU, DUmmie withywindle! You've made us feel nice and guilty, or, alternately, morally superior over those nasty Ickophobes!]
After examining the Ick I feel about teabagging Taliban repubs, I now know it's cause I''m sane. . . .
[It's OK to feel icky about the teabaggers.]
some adults are as emotionally mature as 6 year olds scared of 'cooties'.They need to get over themselves NOW.
[The Ickophobes have cooties! The Ickophobes have cooties! . . .]
I remember how hurtful the 'cootie' games were when I was little. I grew up in an area that was pretty isolated and right-wing, and the playground bullying was all about "ick factor." It was classist, racist, homophobic, sexist, you name it. . . .
[Cootist. Ickophobic.]
if something unpopular with the majority makes you feel queasy, don't say so. Because only the majority opinion matters and the rest is icky.
[Don't herald ickies.]
That poster is feeling persecuted . . .
[Which makes him a persecuted minority! So don't icky him!]
because the majority opinion on DU (which I agree with) is that it's not OK to banish Muslims from building a community center (open to all) in Lower Manhattan. Because. You know. Nine-eleven.
[Oh, that old thing! Why can't people get over it and move on!]
"Public Display of Affection." That's what PDA stands for. You see it all the time everywhere--couples holding hands, kissing, displaying pictures of each other on their desks at work. Some people think that gay or lesbian couples doing what straight couples have always taken for granted is "rubbing homosexuality in their faces."
[benburch is all in favor of rubbing homosexuality in his face. . . . Ick! Did I just say that??]
You make a good point. The same 'breaking of empathy' I mentioned that thinking of thoughts of being in some group can cause. Can occur by calling other people that like being in those groups vampires. There was a long post about bankers being vampires, and it comments on how some groups can use ideas of superiority to break empathy. But calling those very people vampires really can do the same thing, break empathy. So most people do the same things, so maybe finding why people feel certain ways and trying to help them understand, while trying to learn to understand, if that is how you or they want to feel might be better. So after thinking on your post, I should say, when I comment on topics like some groups living off other people, it is not to say that we all do not do that to some degree, but mentioning it with the intent of concepts of maybe bringing some moderation into how a person lives and by that helping many people, as many rich and elite people do... even if vamps. LOL Although I hope I don't say hurtful things, I do wonder if some might see some things as that way. The whole concept probably applies to your topic of post also, although not sure exactly how, it probably does from both sides thinking about the other sides. Which is what I think you said. But you bring up a funny point about being childish, and am glad you posted and am thinking on that general topic. Here is the funny thing. I am already owed compensation. I know that, actually spent years just thinking on that topic to be sure. Yet guess what, by knowing that fact, I wont chase the carrot, and that gives no enjoyment to unjust things. Why would, when already owed, why would a person do the same things to try and get what they already have? And from my observations that pisses off some things that want me to run in circles. Once I have deduced I already have things, then it would be silly to do things to try and get those things again. And many call that being childish, or say things like it is whining about things. On the contrary, ha, I don't have to chase the carrot, the carrot is already mine, and if it is kept away, then it shows the fault of the thing that keeps it away, not my fault for it not being here. And I won't play their game, which gives me much laughter. And part of that game is not thinking that I can just make the carrot appear, on the contrary weather the carrot is hear or not, it is mine, and that is enough to know, since that is within my control, and if something wants to be unjust and keep it away, that is there choice.
[zzzzzzzzzzz............ $10 to anyone who could make it through DUmmie RandomThoughts's post without nodding off.]
Rachel Maddow likes to say that it's the other person's problem is they "get skeezed out" thinking about gays and lesbians getting married.
[Rachel Mancow is scuzzed out.]
I personally get skeezed out by imagining dumpy old right-wing men having sex. . . .
[Believe me, we won't have it with you DUmpy old DUmmie women!]
I'm a dumbass!
[Sorry, being a DUmbass does NOT qualify you as a persecuted minority in DUmmieland.]
I just get really, really f***ing bummed out by various flavors of bigotry on DU.
[Except for the 31 flavors of Bashin' on Republicans.]
I am still working on getting any bigotry out of my system . . .
[You need an enemy enema!]
not there yet but getting there.
[Needs more self-flagellation!]
No one has fully excised it. I sure haven't.
[Ich bin ein Ickophobe.]
I have always done the shopping for my wife and I since we were married. I can't imagine why any man would be so icked-out about buying those products.
["Yes, I'd like to have five Kotex, three Tampax, and one douche, please! In a clear plastic bag, so the whole WORLD can see what a wuss I am!"]
The only difficult thing about it is the enormous variety available on the shelves. . . .
["Let's see, do I want the 'Summer Breeze' or the 'Minty Fresh'?"]
People need to grow up!!!!
[People need to throw up!!!!]
DAYUM!!! People are KICKIN ASS on this board tonight!!! WHAT YOU SAID!!! IS SO PROFOUND!!! OMG!!! This is among the best posts I've seen around here in a LOOOOOOONG time!
withywindle reminds me of those tiresome people who conducted the sensitivity and multicultural seminars I was forced to attend at work.
They were boring, pedantic, self-righteous, presumptuous and full of themselves as moral exemplars (just like withywindle and troglaman). You couldn't argue with them, that was proof of your bigotry (too, word would get back to your boss and show up on your next evaluation).
One of the best things about retirement is no longer dealing with intellectual bullying as a job requirment.
"What I'm asking with this thread is, if you're over 12..."
End of argument.
"DAYUM!!! People are KICKIN ASS on this board tonight!!! WHAT YOU SAID!!! IS SO PROFOUND!!! OMG!!! This is among the best posts I've seen around here in a LOOOOOOONG time!"
I gotta show that guy a double rainbow.
The DUmmies are just as "Ick" prone as anyone else, their "icks" are just different: freepers, fundies, tea-baggers,old white men, Repukes, blue-staters, red necks, traditional families, suburbanites,"fucking Nascar retards", Chimpy McHitler, KKKarl Rove, the Constitution, the United States.
For example, DUmbass "lib-wit-it"
shows his "icks":
"Just be careful--some folks out there in 'real' Murka don't take kindly to those of us who know big words! Like 'civil rights','justice', 'compassion'..."
"Let's no cede the moral high ground to people who've never held it."
-Mark Levin
Bizarre, truly bizarre. A lecture on tolerance that insults "teabaggers," Taliban repubs, 6 year olds, 12 yr olds, white people, vampires, dumpy old men....
"Victim Status allows one to claim moral superiority and take great umbrage and be in high DUdgeon over slights and offenses, real or perceived. It's so much better than being one of those boring old plain white people, who are inherently guilty--of being plain and white." PJinc
This is an interesting statement, don't you think? PJinc starts out with 'victims have power' and ends with "boring old plain white people who are inherently guilty of being plain and white."
Poor white people at the hands of the mighty negro, are even bigger victims because they feel guilty for being plain and white. In other words, the guilt-ridden white people are the victims.
Victims have power. He's right about that you bunch of white, guilt ridden, whiny, scared-assed little pussies. PJinc's actually being pretty honest about it. Victims have power.
So keep up the whining and the guilt and the 'victim power' will make you triumphant in the end... just like it did for the blacks and Obama. Playing the poor little helpless victim has it's rewards.
"'Let's no cede the moral high ground to people who've never held it.'-Mark Levin" literery laz
Another literery reference, in case some of you didn't notice.
Who are the people that have never held the moral high ground, laz?
I, troglaman, have a feeling that, if you answer that question, you're going to find yourself forced into taking bong hits and worshiping the AquaBudda. Be careful.
"Another literery reference, in case some of you didn't notice."
Well, no, it's not, you retarded marmoset.
"Who are the people that have never held the moral high ground, laz?"
Well, one example would be people who don't believe in taking wealth from people who have actually created it at the point of a gun, and redistributing it to worthless parasites like union thugs, tort lawyers and reactionary leftist think tanks. The usual parasite hangers-on to the reactionary left.
"you're going to find yourself forced into taking bong hits and worshiping the AquaBudda"
Sorry, moron, that's your area of expertise. And it tells in your almost incoherent rants on this forum.
Anon. 12:23AM,
The DUmmies presume to lecture us on tolerance while parading their own prejudices, hatreds and ignorance.
"Poor white people at the hands of the mighty negro, are even bigger victims..."
That's pretty funny, but it's true. Thanks for realizing our victimhood and pointing to its source. Yes, we're all victims, we're a nation united in its victimhood. Victims, of course, of the "mighty negro" in the White House (when he isn't on vacation) and his minions in Congress.
The extent of our victimhood is only now be coming apparent as the economy collapses, jobs disappear and the national debt mounts. We're victims of bad economics, bad governance and worse ideas.
The DUmmies don't seem to like people who disagree with them. How very intolerant.
"$10 to anyone who could make it through DUmmie RandomThoughts's post without nodding off." -Charles
I lose. Granted, I didn't nod off but I couldn't finish it. Fair's fair.
"We're victims of bad economics, bad governance and worse ideas." elrond
Got that right. What's your solution other than bitching? Cut taxes? Tried it. Won't work. Cutting entitlements? Won't work. Never has. Sending jobs over-seas? Nope. Bigger and better wars? Nope. Fucking mother-earth 'cause it feels good? May work for you but not for anyone else.
You, elrond, are an empty sack. You bring nothing to the table. Ever. You just bitch. Don't get me wrong, you're good at it. But you never, ever, ever, ever offer an alternative.
Take comfort. You're not alone.
"You, elrond, are an empty sack. You bring nothing to the table. Ever. You just bitch. Don't get me wrong, you're good at it. But you never, ever, ever, ever offer an alternative.
Take comfort. You're not alone."
Oh. The irony.
"Take comfort. You're not alone."
You, however, are becoming increasingly isolated as Independents and thinking Democrats flee the sinking USS PelosiReidObama in greater and greater numbers.
BTW, what's your solution to a stagnant economy, rampant unemployment and ever growing deficits? You rag and bitch all the time, but you can't rationally explain or defend anything done by the Donks.
Another Stimulus Package? The first one didn't work. Ban offshore oil drilling in the Gulf? Thousands more out of work. Increase taxes? Not a good idea in a recession. More bailouts? Just sinks us deeper in debt. Sad.
"BTW, what's your solution to a stagnant economy, rampant unemployment and ever growing deficits?" elrond
I asked first...(tax cuts, I can hear it coming).
Unless you can't go first, of course.
Please let me know if this is the case and then, because I, troglaman, am a good guy...I will go first and you can bitch and moan about what I say without ever offering an alternative. That's what you're good at. It's your comfort zone. And I'll accommodate you, my wimpy little friend. Fear not.
Want me to go first, or what?
<< I gotta show that guy a double rainbow. >>
...produced by two reflections and a rarefaction! (Hi skool fizzix strikes again!)
Troggles probably spent his high school days smoking with the boys on the loading dock. His squandered education would explain his lack of individual responsibility/self-sustainability, which itself explains his desire for an overreaching collectivist state taking care of him.
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