"I think Democrats will hold Congress,and possibly gain a few seats"

"I believe in unicorns with rainbows coming out their rear ends!" That is how connected to reality the Reality Based Community® is. One of the DUmmies even posted the graphic above, with the words "I believe" next to it, on today's THREAD, "I think Democrats will hold Congress,and possibly gain a few seats. . . ." Yes, in spite of all evidence to the contrary--MULTIPLE polls showing Rethuglicans leading in MOST key races--some of the DUmmies are confident that the Party of Hope, Dope, and Grope will defeat the Party of Nope in November.
So let us now catch the next monorail and get off at the stop marked Fantasyland, in Rose-Colored Red, while the bemused commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, encouraging the DUmmies to crack open those champagne bottles, is in the [brackets]:
I think Democrats will hold Congress. . . .
[I question your hold on reality.]
and possibly gain a few seats. . . .
[Look for Alvin Greene to pull an upset in South Carolina. He will CREAM DeMint!]
I think there is no reason - judging by the primaries so far - that we should lose anything.
{Except your marbles.]
IF Democrats vote, we have the power to even gain a few seats in congress. . . .
[Democrats, be sure to GET OUT AND VOTE on November 3!]
It is all in our hands. . . .
[It is all in your head.]
I think that the House will stay solid. . . .
[House, More D.]
Here's to a huge turn-out.
[Let's hope it's HUGH! It's in your hands, Democrats!]

We here on Du are NOT the "base", but we ARE the "yeast"!
[More like a yeast infection.]
So let's all get abubbling!
[Get that champagne ready! Heck, go ahead and pop it open! WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Freudenschade, baby!!]
November isn't that far off!
[I can see November from my House!]
Proud member of the Unprofessional Left, meaning that during all these many decades, I have NEVER made a buck from my beliefs!
[Is that you, Will Pitt?]
Hell, I have had a hard time making a buck from much of anything. . . .
[Thats why God created Mom's basement.]
I believe
[I BELIEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!! I believe in unicorns with rainbows coming out their butts! I DO believe!! I do I do I do!!!!!]
I think the Republicon noise machine is spewing oodles of poo. . . .
[Quiet, you might get benburch to defect!]
Grayson is suppose to be a GOP district, but he won before and he looks good to win again.
[Alan "Dick" Grayson, the insane congressman from Fantasyland (literally)?? You think this raving moonbat will actually get re-elected??? Is someone putting LSD in the water supply down there?]
The Hate Of Whites At The South For A Black President Distorts National Figures
[Or, Maybe There's Another Reason People Are Fed Up With The Mosqued Marxist.]
elsewhere people remain more or less sane
[In DUmmieland? Less.]
The voters know it was the policies of Bush and his wars that wrecked the economy. . . .
[Bush even put a spell on Obama and Congress to increase the deficit by several-fold! The evil b*st*rd!]
those that remain unemployed or underemployed will find little motivation to take time from their day to vote. . . .
[They're so busy, after all.]
"If Voting Could Change Anything, it Would Be Illegal" (Anarchist aphorism). Anarchists eschew voting. . . .
[It's a fundamental rule of the National Anarchists Association.]
The Reptilicans do NOT want us to vote!
[On the contrary! This Reptilican INSISTS you get out there and vote on November 3! It's your civic DUty!]
All the more important that we not only vote in HUGE numbers, but also persuade our dispirited friends.
[Yes, persuade them! Tell them we need to INCREASE spending, INCREASE taxes, INCREASE the national debt! And yes, let's BUILD that Mosque O on the Hudson!]
Democrats must get out and vote.
[Remember, remember, the Third of November!]
And where is Tim Kaine? What the hell is he doing? Talk about a waste of time and money! Fire his sorry butt and get Howard Dean back!!
And let's hope that the Republican-made Electronic Voting machines without paper trails, which most states are still using today, will not make too much of a difference.
[Get ready for the Diebold excuses. Those Democrat successes in 2006 and 2008 were just a devious Diebold ploy to lull the libs into a false sense of security.]
If you look at the polling numbers and the trend from other midterms, it looks like a real spanking from a realistic standpoint.
["A SPANKING?! Promise?" . . . benburch is SO excited! Calm down, ben!]
I appreciate your passion and thoughts... but I'm sorry, it's going to be a f***ing bloodbath.
[DUmmie GSLevel9, although you are being Debbie Downer here, you do win today's Kewpie Doll for this Brief Moment of Mental Clarity™. Congratulations!]
Who knows? The party out of power generally picks up seats in off year elections. But I don't see a Republican landslide, especially since they have not proffered an alternative to the Dummycrats' insane spending spree and erosion of our freedoms. The Donk urban political machines and the public employee unions will turn out an overwhelming leftwing vote and they are more experienced at voter fraud. Too, they have a lot more money to spend---look for a nasty, negative campaign designed to scare the wits out of the elderly and other people dependent on federal largesse.
I think the Dummies will keep control of Congress and give us two more years of drift toward the abyss of the ultimate catastrophe---the reelection of Obama in 2012.
I'm a part of that largesse. And I know what must be done. TEH, you might want to run away right now.
"some of the DUmmies are confident that the Party of Hope, Dope, and Grope will defeat the Party of Nope in November." PJinc
Grope? Is that a Clinton reference?
You have to remember something...you assholes got us here in the first place. I know you don't like to hear it but (and here's the crux of it) you have nothing to offer. Nothing. You somehow believe that just being the same dumbshits you've been for the last ten years (more like thirty) is enough.
It's not. And if you honestly think people are not aware of it, then you're out of your fucking minds.
You stupid pussies better come up with something a little more viable than the super scary Mosque. If you don't, then 'Tonto's Expanding Headband' (best handle ever) is right - you're screwed and we'll all die a painful, tortuous Islamic death by stoning...while buried to our necks in the desert...with camels crapping down our throats and suicide bombers blowing themselves up right and left.
Think about it.
"You stupid pussies..."
Ahh, the party of misogyny and sharia law strikes again..
Is that the new slogan for Dem's Get Out the Female Vote Campaign? It's a real winner, I suggest you run with it.
"...you assholes got us here in the first place."
...and what are you assholes doing to get us out of here? Creating jobs? No. Improving the housing market? No. Reducing the deficit?
No. In fact, you assholes have made a bad situations much, much worse.
I believe I know where the Troglaman Clone who made that DU post got the idea.
While channel surfing last night I just happened to drop by the Moonbat Screamers National Broadcasting Channel (MSNBC) and hard core Moonbat Rachel Maddow was on spouting that she simply could not understand all the talk about an anti-incumbant wave in the voters since so many individuals have been winning their primary challenges. She obviously believes as that idiot who made the DU post did that nothing bad is going to happen since incumbants are winning their primaries. Well, keep on thinking that Moonbats....as I said in a blog post I made on another site the Moonbats and Troglaman Clones are about to get the equivilent of being kicked in the teeth by steel-toed boots and they are so stupid they don't even see it coming, which will make the punishment they are going to receive even nicer to watch.
Here is a link to Maniac Maddow's Moonbat analysis on MSNBC:
So, what are those good ideas of Obama and the Donks that have contributed to "Recovery Summer"?
Employment down, housing starts down, consumer confidence down, car sales down, deficit climbing, number of people who have stopped looking for work climbing.
"...you have nothing to offer. Nothing.
So which is worse, old ideas that didn't work or the new ideas that have proved disastrously bad?
Blaming Bush and the Republicans doesn't work anymore---the Democrats took over Congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008. Time to man up and accept responsibility for your fuck-ups.
"You have to remember something...you assholes got us here in the first place."
I think I fugured it out.
Trogletroll is from Teh Stoopid Universe™, got sucked into a black hole and entered a wormhole and was ejected into our, Sane Universe, and is trying to infect this one with some sort of weid biological weapon, Teh Stoopid Prion.
It's the only sensible explanation.
"So, what are those good ideas of Obama and the Donks that have contributed to "Recovery Summer"?"
Raise taxes!!!!!
Expand government!!!!!!
Raise taxes some more!!!!!!!!
Pay off the Big Unions!!!!!!!!
Pay off our lawyer friends!!!!
Raise taxes!!!!!!!!!!!
"It's the only sensible explanation."
Sadly, there is no sensible explanation for troglaman.
"You stupid pussies..." the mighty trog
"Ahh, the party of misogyny and sharia law strikes again.." troglanon
That would hold true if I thought all pussies were women, like you do...you stupid, misogynistic moron.
ALL of you quivering little dandelions are pussies. Male, female, young, old, black, white, yellow, red...you're all scardy-cat pussies. You love being afraid. Every shadow is an Islamic, gay Mexican collecting welfare despite being born in Kenya. I, troglaman, am not discriminating when it comes to pussies because it's within us all to be one. I should know.
Let's see...you've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays, Muslims, and everyone under 30. Who's next?
A super successful strategy, for sure. A slam dunk. Keep it up.
"So, what are those good ideas of Obama and the Donks that have contributed to "Recovery Summer"?" literery laz
You have an alternative? That's the fucking question. Do you have a plan? A strategy? These are not unreasonable questions, laz. Why would I vote for someone who can't articulate at least some semblance of a solution to this cluster fuck?
It always come down to this. Not one of you ever presents even a ghost of an alternative. Ever. You just bitch and whine and cry and stroke your special little fear-friends...it's pathetic.
Here's an honest question: What would you be doing differently? Name one thing. Gay rights? Afghanistan? Border control? Jobs? Taxes? Do you have even one alternative? If you do, I, troglaman, would love to hear it.
One thing. That's all
(for some mysterious reason, the 'one thing' concept often stumps you folks in a 'frozen in the headlights' sort of way - which may mean some of you have been breeding with...well...deer)
"You have an alternative? That's the fucking question. Do you have a plan? A strategy?"
Yeah...let's go back to 5% unemployment, 3.5 - 4% GDP growth and a DOW over 14,000.
Hmmmm....how do we do that? Let's see, everything started to hit the shitter about January of 2007. Hmmm....what happened in the beginning of 2007?
Oh yeah! The Dems took over Congress and started spending like drunken sailors and killing private industry!
You know what we should do? Heres a GREAT plan: Get rid of the Dems--they're over-feeling, under-thinking, untrustworthy, corrupt, hypocritical dinguses who belong nowhere near the seat of power in this country!
Now...how should we do that? Oh yeah...vote their dumb, Marxist, Keynesian asses out this November.
Stay tuned trog...you brainless dipshit. It's going to be an awesome Autumn.
Actually, Trog-squasher, as I recall the markets dove off a cliff a bit earlier than that, more like November of 2008. Traders may not be prescient, but you don't have to be a genius to connect a cause and effect that obvious.
You still haven't answered our question, so let me repeat it: So what are the good ideas of Obama and the Donks that have contributed to "Recovery Summer"?
Try answering the question without resorting to abusive language and ad hominen attacks.
Question: do the Democrats even want to win the next two elections?
I suspect, subconsciously at least, they truly miss the "oppression" during Herr Bushenhitler's reign.
It gave them an identity. Something to fight. Something to be against.
They seem so ... impotent. They got all the power in the world and have completely squandered it. They've proven in less than two years what everyone already knew - that no matter how bad the Republicans can mangle things, the liberal Democrats are much, much worse.
They've blown it. The worst President in a century, at least. Easily. And all that "hope and change" stuff must be SO embarrassing for them now. I can't even imagine.
So what's the easy way to make it all better? EASY! President Palin! Or just a Republican House and/or Senate!
Suddenly, they'll be back in business, with their hate-o-meters ratcheted right back up again. It'll be awesome!
It wouldn't surprise me if some of these folks actually vote that way. They're dying.
When you see the way over-the-top anger of some of you commenters here, that's what you're seeing.
Impotent rage without a target. It'll still be pathetic and impotent when its President Romney, but at least they'll have somebody to spew it on.
The good ol' days. They miss Bush more than anyone. Deep down inside, you know they do.
They're all heroes, you know. Saving the world. And what is a hero without a villain?
Deke is correct, without their villain, they just flop around, lost, spineless, filled with impotent rage.
I've never seen so many sore winners in my life.
"...and what are you assholes doing to get us out of here?" kat
This is both happy and sad. It's happy because it's an honest question and it's sad because it sounds like the evil sociopathic nine-year-old orphan you adopted from Siberia complaining about your inability to rescue her from the very house she set aflame.
Anyway...withdrawing from Iraq will save us a little dough, don't you think?
The wimpy health care reform shit that went down will actually reduce the deficit over the long run. It could've been a lot better.
Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will add nearly a trillion dollars a year toward deficit reduction.
Gates wants a Defense cut amounting to around 20% (I think). It should be more.
And we must remember that every single proposal to actually DO SOMETHING has been unanimously opposed by you jerkoffs (including extended help for chronic illness among the 9-11 first-responders which is beyond despicable). Every single move forward is unanimously opposed.
And then you bitch about nothing getting done. It's all the Dem's fault.
You're all fucking nuts.
"no matter how bad the Republicans can mangle things, the liberal Democrats are much, much worse." Deke
That's not true.
Look at deficit numbers since Ford. Modern RepubliDUms increase deficits. DUmmies don't. Sorry! Anyone believing differently is brain damaged.
And how was it you mangled things, Deke? How did things go so fucking bad? Honest question.
"Oh yeah! The Dems took over Congress and started spending like drunken sailors and killing private industry!" trog-squasher
I'm honored. If I met you in a bar, would you introduce yourself as "trog-squasher"? 'Cause it'd be pretty hot if you did.
Name one drunken spending spree the DUmmies 2007 congress engaged in. Then you can go on to explain how it killed private industry.
You're simply blowing shit, squasher.
Oooohhh....hit a nerve did I, troggy boy?
In the meantime, troggy-boy, here's a lil' sumpin-sumpin' for you to cogitate on...took like 10 seconds to find it. Yeah, I know it comes from that right wing site "house.gov", but Do give it a read.
Dumbass---you really do make it easy to make you look stupid.
"Anyway...withdrawing from Iraq will save us a little dough, don't you think?"
Not in the long run. Kill 'em over there, don't allow the islamofascists to attack America.
"The wimpy health care reform shit that went down will actually reduce the deficit over the long run."
You really are insane, aren't you?
"Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will add nearly a trillion dollars a year toward deficit reduction."
Um.....you really are insane, aren't you?
Turgelfuck: "I know, boys and girls, let's promote policies that'll tip a recession into a full blown depression! Then EVERYBODY will join in the New Deal Cargo Cult and we'll all live in extreme poverty ever after.
"Gates wants a Defense cut amounting to around 20% (I think). It should be more."
Of course. Fuck A LEGITIMATE Constitutional duty, national defense. Let's spend it all on hookers and paying off thug union bosses.
"Every single reactionary move is unanimously opposed."
And thank Cthulu that there is some sanity left in the American political system.
"Oh yeah! The Dems took over Congress and started spending like drunken sailors and killing private industry!"
Correction: The reactionary Dems spend money like an Armada on crack.
TROGLAMAN - fueled by copious amounts of Everclear - viciously and angrily power-slammed his head repeatedly up his ass like a jackhammer and spewed out the following worthless mental excrement in a howling mad blind rage:
"The wimpy health care reform shit that went down will actually reduce the deficit over the long run. It could've been a lot better.
Allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will add nearly a trillion dollars a year toward deficit reduction.
Gates wants a Defense cut amounting to around 20% (I think). It should be more.
And we must remember that every single proposal to actually DO SOMETHING has been unanimously opposed by you jerkoffs....Every single move forward is unanimously opposed."
Well, finally....Guttersnipe is being honest and stating he believes destroying the health care system is a great thing even though it won't save money it will simply either drive the cost through the roof (Massachusetts and Hawaii have proven that) and destroy the private health insurance industry; deliberately ignoring fact by declaring jacking taxes through the roof increases tax revenues when the the exact opposite is true; that he doesn't believe we should have an adequate national defense especially while there is a war going on; and is too stupid to comprehend that all his positions are so insane that anyone who's not a total lunatic would oppose them, believing instead his fantasy world is so perfect no one but crazy people would fail to drop in line to support it.
Thanks for providing clarity to your views, Guttersnipe.
"Not in the long run. Kill 'em over there, don't allow the islamofascists to attack America." literery laz
So terrorists can't get a motel room somewhere, get on the internet, and totally fuck things up even IF we are spending trillions of dollars fucking around in Iraq and Afghanistan (most of the 9-11 terrorists were Saudis)? Is that what you're saying, you lunatic?
And another thing.
The trog-squasher says "Dumbass---you really do make it easy to make you look stupid" by referencing a site refuting my statement that pulling out of Iraq will save us money. Here's the core of the argument:
“While the Democrats were forced by the President to cut spending, it is simply wrong to not fund our troops in Iraq”, said Brady. “I strongly disagree with their budget gimmicks, with not fully funding our veterans in the regular budget, with restrictions on the border fence, and with including an excessive 8,000 earmarks, among other things. The priorities are just wrong.”
That clears things up. I've made more sense after 2 quaalude, a pint of Mad Dog and 3 hits of kick-ass blotter.
Still blowing shit, squasher.
"most of the 9-11 terrorists were Saudis"
Who lived and trained in......wait for it....wait for it......AFGHANISTAN, you idiotic fuckstick.
"I've made more sense after 2 quaalude, a pint of Mad Dog and 3 hits of kick-ass blotter."
Trogletrolls "Breakfast Of Morons".
That explains your sense-free, crazy sandwich-board rants.
I know know what I'm talking about all you people are stupid pussies...I, troglaman, am the Overmind!
All will bow before me! Why are there ants climbing up the wall?
No more Mad Dog, where's the fuckin' Night Train!
Ohmigod! the room is full of bats!
Not real big on reading comprehension are ya, troggy boy?
Go ahead and let fly with your "blowing shit" snark. It's 'oh-so-witty.'
"Blowing shit"...what the hell does that even mean? Or is that some kind of liberal sex fantasy that normal people don't know about?
"Blowing shit"...what the hell does that even mean? Or is that some kind of liberal sex fantasy that normal people don't know about?" squasher
Don't think so. Seems to be all your fantasy, big guy. Hmmm.
Expelling excrement, btw. I know the harrowing and death-defying leaps of logic it takes to get from 'blowing shit' to 'expelling excrement' are horrifyingly daunting. But, in the end, it can be done and you can be "liberal sex fantasy" free.
I'm behind you all the way...
"Don't think so. Seems to be all your fantasy, big guy. Hmmm.
My fantasy? You're the one who won't shut up about it. Hmm. Yeah, fail on that one for ya buddy.
Still not big on the reading comprehension...no real answer about Dems spending sprees, so you go into your lib sex fantasy...typical for an idiot who has no answer for facts.
" I know the harrowing and death-defying leaps of logic...
I know...we see you trying that all the time in your arguments, but to no avail; you continually fall flat on your stoned face. But seriously..."blowing shit?" What an idiot.
I think "dumbass" is too high on the evolutionary scale to describe the troll.
How about apoplectic dung beetle?
Or maybe spittle-slathered polyp?
Lazarus: You're correct.
I offer my apologies to Dumbasses everywhere for lowering them to troggy-boy's rung of the evolutionary ladder.
squasher says "Blowing shit"...what the hell does that even mean? Or is that some kind of liberal sex fantasy that normal people don't know about?"
squasher says "My fantasy? You're the one who won't shut up about it. Hmm."
(for those of you who don't know, these are called Hmmm Wars...better than paintball)
Wow...several days later, and still ignoring the point, I see.
I post pretty solid evidence about Democrat spending sprees, and the best troggy boy came up with was some homeerotic fantasy about "blowing shit."
Than you for your admission of defeat troglatard.
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