DUmmies Share LSD Trips

You want to know one big reason why DUmmies act so divorced from reality? Drugs. There have been previous DUFU editions about DUmmies boasting about the multitude of drugs they have used. And in this DUmmie THREAD, "LSD questions," they discuss dropping acid. This also explains their warped view of life and politics. So let us now watch the DUmmies turn on, tune in, and drop out in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting that Bob Crumb artwork is the most interesting thing to come out of the acid experience, is in the [brackets]:
LSD questions
[Is there life after birth?]
Hi all, I'm hoping to get "crowd source" opinions on LSD. It's not for me, but for my god child who is just finished high school and sure that the world is his oyster. He has renounced all the usual feel good uppers, but want to open his mind through the power of acid. I am strongly against this on grounds that it's not a safe substance and the chance of doing your brain chemistry real harm are not worth it. Also I don't see the point of pursuing the butterfly of spiritual experience if the experience is utterly illusory and can't be shared with others in the current space/time continuum. I am also really worried that this kid, who is the oldest of his cousins, and has the charisma of a group leader is going to be pulling others, especially my two high schoolers, into his trips. -- which doesn't even get us to questions of messing with something illegal in this "lock 'em up and throw away the key" society.
[Perhaps you could channel Timothy Leary for advice.]
My own past drug history is nil. I have stayed away from all drugs, even pot, sensing on a psychic level that there is a great deal of darkness and negativity around the whole drug scene. The result is that I can't speak with an authoritative voice on this issue. So I turn to my hippy and not so hippy friends at DU for insight.
[Great idea! Turn to a crowd of drug abusers for advice on whether to use drugs.]
[And now for the "advice" about the vice.]
I only did acid a few times back in the day. It wasn't very strong acid, either. There was no harm done. I would tell him to make sure that if he insists on doing this that he has someone reliable with him that isn't dropping who can look after him until he comes out of it. But I also would try to dissuade him, too.
[Please don't drop this acid which will alter your mind but I'm here for you when you do lose your mind.]
tripped many times. the 'brain chemistry' thing is BS. right up there with birth defects which was another line of BS about acid.
[You would be a bit more believable if you weren't slobbering all over your T-shirt.]
most negative stuff about LSD is pure propaganda. best i ever had was some pure liquid at a grateful dead show.
[Took a swig from the urine bottle?]
I'm a professional biologist and its one of the things you learn. LSD can do SERIOUS PERMANENT brain damage to some. Not all but no way to predict it.
[DUmmieland itself is a testament to the SERIOUS PERMANENT brain damage LSD can do.]
When I went to college in the early 70s everybody did it, never knew anybody to have a problem afterward. My take is that it causes temporary chemical-induced schizophrenia. A 'bad trip' is when someone takes so much they come to either forget what they are experiencing was the result of a chemical they ingested, or they convince themselves they took so much they are never coming back. Now, that being said, if one is border line schizoid to start with, acid could push them over the line.
[That explains all the DUmmie schizoids.]
I once saw a color that no one had ever seen before. Ever. It wasn't until I was coming down that I realized it was light purple, and I had not actually discovered it.
[Light purple? You sure it wasn't Bolshevik Red that you saw?]
I've been f*cked up to the point of literally being surprised that I had legs (a long story) but I have never turned violent, or anything else outside of my normal character.
[You must have also been surprised that you had brains.]
I tried it. Once. It scared the living crap out of me; I was totally disoriented and hallucinating in a very frightening way for almost two days. I never went near the stuff after that.
[It was during that acid trip that you joined DUmmieland.]
I recommend 'shrooms... they are natural!
[So is Peyote. Organic too!]
Mushrooms always appealed to me a lot more. I got more interesting visuals like breathing and pulsating trees and such. However, the only time when I experienced true hallucinations (as in seeing things which weren't actually there) was when I took what is known as a Shamanic dose of strong psylocibe cubensis (around 9 grams dried). I truly enjoyed myself on that trip, but haven't done a large amount of shrooms since.
[Did you also see pulsating DUmmies?]
I don't know how many times I tripped but it was at least a couple of hundred and probably more than double that.
[NEWSFLASH!!! You are still tripping out.]
I painted my room Sherwin Williams' Blue Chip
[What a coincidence. I just had my bathroom redone in Brazilian Slate marble.]
when I was in high school acid was in the "general high school stuff" my kids didn't seem to have it around - booze, pot, x and meth seem to be the drugs while they were in school - maybe some mushrooms around too
from 1974 til 1976 i did it daily good stuff too
didnt make me too wierd
[Oh no? Then why are you a DUmmie? Case closed.]
My friends and I did coke and heroin and all sorts of drug store cowboy shit, but I never had acid.
Well, that explains Trogladyte.
Syd Barrett called. He said he's dead.
Well, this explains the hope and change unicorn and the magical mystery tour that is the current administration.
I'd be willing to bet that half those acid braggers really have no idea what they're talking about. No doubt they're still living in their parent's basements, romanticizing the 60's and dreaming of acid trips and "utopias" they've never experienced.
Tell you what kids, get out of your parent's basement, go get yourselves in a commune, and try living "socialism." We'll talk again in a few years.
"I've been f*cked up to the point of literally being surprised that I had legs (a long story)"
If we're lucky, troglaman will tell us of his drug adventures with the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.
Me? I hung out with Dopin' Dan.
The most important distinction between those on the right and the herd of left/fascists in this country is that people on the right grew up.
Well, that explains Trogladyte.
My first thought, exactly.
"You want to know one big reason why DUmmies act so divorced from reality? Drugs." PJinc
"Well, that explains Trogladyte." 98ZJUSMC
Actually, it doesn't. I'm into puppies at the moment. Big ones. Anyway...
Let's reflect for a moment, shall we?
PJinc, without one reference, without even one remotely distant fact (other than conclusions made in his tightly restricted brain-pan), states the lefties have a drug problem. He doesn't offer one link, one reference, one author, or one expert. He offers nothing. He just says it. And here's the response:
"Well, this explains the hope and change unicorn and the magical mystery tour that is the current administration."
"The most important distinction between those on the right and the herd of left/fascists in this country is that people on the right grew up."
PJinc says it, and you two stupid fuckers just suck it up like it's a double-fudge chocolate shake.
Here's an idea, why don't one of you monkeys try your luck at finding stats, blue states vs red, about drug use.
But, more importantly, it showcases these two brainless lemmings lapping up mother's milk..with gusto
Is that you, Ben Birch?
Don't need stats troggy, just read that DUmmie thread. The dope crowd (in both senses) hangs out there.
A blue state/red state comparison is meaningless. It merely tells you peoples' drug habits, not their voting preferences. I'd wager that crack smokers, heroin addicts and meth users seldom vote.
"I'm into puppies at the moment. Big ones. Anyway...
Let's reflect for a moment, shall we?"
We're not really interested in your sexual perversions.
Troggy: "Actually, it doesn't. I'm into puppies at the moment. Big ones. Anyway..."
Into beastiality now, troggy? Oh, my, inner homo, inner lezbo, inner hippie, now this......
"Do not eat the Brown Acid"
"PJinc, without one reference, without even one remotely distant fact (other than conclusions made in his tightly restricted brain-pan), states the lefties have a drug problem." - Troglaman, the Official Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site.
PJ is right - the lefties do have a drug problem. They either took too many when they were young, are taking them now and screwing up everything or don't have enough to cover the pain when the real world intrudes so harshly into their fantasy universe.
No surprise you can't figure that out, Guttersnipe - you definitely fall into the third group of lefties when it comes to having a drug problem.
"Oh my, inner homo, inner lezbo,
inner hippie, now this...."
Yep, the many faces and appetites of our troggy. But what next?
"Into beastiality now, troggy? Oh, my, inner homo, inner lezbo, inner hippie, now this......" susie
Such a potty mouth. And no, I'm not fucking my 14-week old puppie, you psycho. What kind of sick, perverted mind could even come up with...never mind.
Although, God help me, hearing that that squeaky toy at 3 in the morning kinda takes me back...
No, I'm not the psycho. It's just that by reading your rants here, you lead me to believe that you're capable of everything under the sun.
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