DUmmies FURIOUS at Gibbs for "professional left" slam!

What has got them riled up so? Or should I say, WHO has got them riled? None other than Baghdad Bob Gibbs, the Boy President's mouthpiece. You see, in an interview out today, Gibbs has berated what he calls the "professional left" for being overly critical of Mr. Wonderful. Says they must be on drugs or something, they so crazy.
WELL, this is not sitting well with the denizens of DUmmieland, needless to say. The DUmmies are angry at GIBBS for being angry at THEM for being angry at OBAMBI! Got it? It's a circle of anger! Right now the Ant Farm is ABUZZ with venom and vitriol directed toward Gibbs and His Nibs. Hundreds of posts, lots of threads! We'll pick one to look at, this THREAD, "White House unloads anger over criticism from 'professional left’ (They "ought to be drug tested")."
So buckle up, we're entering the fiery furnace that is DUmmieland in heat, in Red Hot Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, asking you to please pass the popcorn, is in the [brackets]:
White House unloads anger over criticism from 'professional left’ (They "ought to be drug tested")
[This must be the BUSH White House you're referring to, right?]
The White House is simmering with anger at criticism from liberals who say President Obama is more concerned with deal-making than ideological purity.
[The OBAMA White House?? How can this be??]
During an interview with The Hill in his West Wing office, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs blasted liberal naysayers, whom he said would never regard anything the president did as good enough.
[Just a guess, Bob, but I'm thinking your little interview will have the effect of a red cape being waved in front of a bull.]
“I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush.”
[Barack McSame Obama.]
“Those people ought to be drug tested,” Gibbs said.
[I think they are ready to provide urine samples at your office, Bob.]
The press secretary dismissed the “professional left”. . . .
["PROFESSIONAL" left?? More like the "LOONEY" Left!]
“They will be satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon.”
[Well, you're well on the way, Bob! Just tell them to be patient.]
“That’s not reality.”
[And here I thought DUmmieland was the Reality-Based Community®!]
Of those who complain that Obama caved to centrists on issues such as healthcare reform, Gibbs said: “They wouldn’t be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was president.”
[Wee Willie Pitt would be satisfied if he could serve as Kookcinich's press secretary again.]
Just last week, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow described Obama political adviser David Axelrod as a “human pretzel” for his explanation of the administration’s position on gay marriage.
[Doesn't "gay marriage" REQUIRE one to be a "human pretzel"?]
“There’s 101 things we’ve done,” said Gibbs. . . .
[Played golf. Gone on vacation. Played golf. Held a beer summit. Played basketball. . . .]
The lack of appreciation or recognition for what Obama has accomplished has left Gibbs and others in furious disbelief.
[And THAT, in turn, infuriates the DUmmies! Let's take a small sample of the over 600 (and counting) raging replies on this thread alone . . .]
I'll have to remember this when the next fund raising letter arrives.
[Return to sender . . .]
I got the begging campaigning call awhile back and let the chirpy little debutante from the DNC know, in no uncertain terms, that I now support PROGRESSIVE candidates only. NEVER again will I contribute to the general till that funds blue dogs. I finished up by letting her know that's how we f* retards plan to do business from now on.
[I'll take that as a "no."]
I got a call from the DNC last month asking for donations too. My response to her was, I support the Democrat Party, but I do not support the DNC.
[There's a DNC cap on donations.]
Uh, that would be "Democratic Party". There is no "Democrat Party".
[Oops! "Democrat" Party is the sign of a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]
Apparently the "ic" is to be jettisoned. It sounds like Gibbs wants the "professional left", that is the "icky" part of the Obama base, to go away.

You won't be very happy either when the pukes win. Which will happen if progressives get too pure.
[Purity Of Obsolescence (P.O.O.)]
Health Care is a Crisis! War is a Crisis! The Economy is a Crisis! The President needs to grow a pair and say to congress, "Since you won't fix it, I will!"
[The President's Undescended Testicles is a Crisis!]
It is an Armageddon of an Orwellian Corporatocracy v we the people of this country. . . . Cutting to the heart of the problem and calling a spade a spade; Drawing the battle lines so to speak. . . . One big tool is to stop calling ourselves progressives. . . . Lending itself to easy red herrings and straw men, barn sized targets to shoot down. . . . A move that could only level more, the playing field and shed the brightest light on what is truly going on in this country.
[DUmmie ooglymoogly, you win the Mixed Metaphors on Steroids Post of the Day Award!]
Talk is cheap. Stay home this November.
[Yes, please DU!]
Don't stay home, that is just plain silly. You have to get out and vote. . . .
[Oh, I suppose you're right. Civic duty and all that. Forget what I just said, DUmmies. Get out there and VOTE on November 3!]
they absolutely never learn and this should tell you the temperature of the white house, the ease with which they say things like this. Obama is no liberal, no leftie, he has contempt for us to allow this culture of thought to exist. and what a masterstroke of timing, to say something like this to an already apparently tepid base before elections. bravo, you b*st*rds. *you* should be drug tested.
[Obambi took the Stupid Pill.]
huffingtonpost says he's apologizing, his comments 'unartful'
[Or is it 'inartful' or 'disartful' or 'not full of art' or . . . ?]
they do this and then send an apology to make sure that they get their point out and then pull back their own arms before they get bit off. . . . Unless of course, they are as incompetent and stupid as I think they are.
[That IS a strong possibility.]
So is the apology due to 'unartfulness'. . . ?
"Can't contribute. Need to save my money for drug testing."
Member of the Professional Left
[Hee! Hee!]
Let's see how much they enjoy taking shots at progressives when they can't raise any cash from us.
[Not that any of you HAVE any cash. . . .]
Gibbs is talking like those RWers we ridicule. Something in the water??
i hate to be a debbie downer, but i just dont think party or even ideology matter anymore. we are all being played.
[Debbie Does DUmmieland.]
the folks that helped get them elected, they want to insult. Two words come to mind one starts with an "F" and the next one starts with a "Y".
[FUn! Yes!]
really, this statement is the last straw.
[Until the next straw.]
I get tired of the bus tire marks on my face.
[That's why you're tired.]
Gibbs & Emanuel: Progressives are not merely retarded, but crazy and drug-addled. . . .
[Sorry, Gibbs & Emanuel, you are not eligible for a Kewpie Doll.]
Professional left? Odd. I didn't know I could make a living at this.
[Is that you, Will Pitt?]
I want my $25 back. . . .
[You're only $25 away from getting your $25 back.]
I don't drink latte' so I best turn in my Official Professional Librul card.
[Join the Tea Party.]
I am pissed at their swipe of Kucinich. Many on the left, including myself, view him as one of our heroes. . . .
[Kookcinich would WELCOME our alien visitors!]
Very very bitter. . . .
[Clinging to your drugs and paganism.]
Proud member of the F'ing Retarded Drug Addled Progressives Club of the “professional left”
[This DUmmie has a marijuana plant as his avatar, so I believe him.]
Give Gibbs his due.
[Give Gibbs his DU!]
Undisciplined political MORONS!!
[Unartful MORANS!]
I wash my hands of these ass clowns.
[Is that you, benburch?]
Obama needs to understand that the far left is NOT his friend. They never were, they never will be. They are no one's friend, but are only self-absorbed in their own perceived righteousness that they defend with faux indignation.
[OK, DUmmie Gman, YOU win today's Kewpie Doll! Congratulations!]
I won't support someone simply because they wear a D on their chest.
[Oh, I don't know. I would support someone who wears a D on her chest. Even a C.]
I'm not a "professional liberal." In fact, I'm not a professional anything....I'm un-employed.
Dump Gibbs and bring back Van Jones
[Back up the Van!]
Too funny! Obama has met his base and doesn't really like what he sees. Base, meet Obama. They also don't like what they see.
A lot of these people sound just like Troglaman....scary stuff......
"A lot of these people sound just like Troglaman....scary stuff......" jj
Big bad trog. Sooooo scary.
After the midterms, Jugears I will be forced to tack to the middle in order to get anything done, as did Clinton.
His days of high-handed rahming are coming to an end.
I wonder how the DU crowd will respond to the new "Bush-Lite" Barry O'Bumble?
"Big bad trog. Sooooo scary."
Naw, just moronic. And stupid. And self-absorbed. And brainless.
And unintelligent. And thick-headed. And laughable. And pathetic. And reactionary.
Did I mention stooooopid?
"After the midterms, Jugears I will be forced to tack to the middle in order to get anything done, as did Clinton."
Naw, Oilbama is too much of a dyed-in-the-wool leftist ever to move back to the center.
Remember, you have to share the wealth.
Barry has managed to piss off the very people that used to sell him his dope.
You must be right, Beefeater.
"Rasmussen presidential approval index at -22"
Minus frikkin' 22.
The tsunami is coming, and it's going to wash the shit out of Washington.
Lazarus, it's too bad that the tsunami won't also remove the RINO toilet bowl stains. Just flushing the t*rds down the drain won't do.
Anon 1:50 stated the following:
"After the midterms, Jugears I will be forced to tack to the middle in order to get anything done, as did Clinton.
His days of high-handed rahming are coming to an end.
I wonder how the DU crowd will respond to the new "Bush-Lite" Barry O'Bumble?"
If The Obamassiah were a pragmatic politician, you'd be dead on...but sadly for the nation, The Obamassiah is a hard core ideaolog and he will not stop in his effort to remake this country according to his standards, the public be damned.
If the DSA is obiliterated in the upcoming election (as they deserve to be) right after we enjoy Troglaman The Guttersnipe having a mind boggling meltdown on here, we will watch The Obamassiah have a two year exercise in futility as he watches his term in office amount to nothing but total abject failure.
The DUmmies are suffering from morning after blues. They put their hopes and their $25 checks behind Obama only to elect, in their fevered minds, Bush Lite.
Now they're being dissed by Gibbs and they're pissed! Dammit! No more $25 checks! No more Bush Lite! Vote Kucinich!
But really, who are they going to
run to? Chavez is in Venzuela, Castro in Cuba, they're stuck with Mr. Cool.
More whining and footstamping from the DUmmies, the biggest bunch of crybabies on the Internet. Waaah! Obama doesn't love us anymore.
Poor DUmmies, once they were good for a laugh, now they're just tiresome.
Monk - "Wipe!"
Somebody in New England is off her meds again.
The best thing about Obamba's epic failure will be watching these meltdowns!
More popcorn, please!
"But really, who are they going to
run to? Chavez is in Venzuela, Castro in Cuba, they're stuck with Mr. Cool." krazy kat
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm serious.
Do you really believe we libs have nowhere to run except to Obama because "Chavez is in Venzuela, (and) Castro (is) in Cuba"? Or is this some kind of lame metaphor about libs or something? Either way, you're fucking nuts.
How does one refute crazy-assed shit like this? Do any of you actually believe we're hunkered down in a bunker listening to Chavez on short-wave radio? Waiting for secret encoded messages? No, you don't.
You're all getting more and more crazy lately. You are.
Keep it up. After everyone else realizes it, you're bound to realize it yourselves or go completely postal...which will REALLY convince everyone you're all sane.
Either way's good for me, troglaman.
"Do you really believe we libs have nowhere to run except to Obama because "Chavez is in Venzuela, (and) Castro (is) in Cuba"? Or is this some kind of lame metaphor about libs or something"
No metaphor, just straight up fact. Oilbama hates America's friends and loves America's enemies.
Like the dictator Castro. And that fascist goofball Chavez.
"Do any of you actually believe we're hunkered down in a bunker listening to Chavez on short-wave radio?"
No of course not, not when you have the New York Times giving him blowjobs in the paper.
"You're all getting more and more crazy lately."
Sorry, moron, it's been proved that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Now go take your meds and have a nice long nap.
You never appreciate my sense of humor, do you?.
The DUmmies whine about Obama but they won't go elsewhere, we all know that. They love Kucinich, a real progressive, but Dennis is a hapless boob. Castro and Chavez are just DUmmie wet dreams.
BTW, the federal deficit for JULY was $165 billion, unemployment is up, home foreclosures are up, the stock market is down and the projected deficit for fiscal 2010 is $1.4 TRILLION.
How's Recovery Summer working out for you?
"You're all getting more and more crazy lately."
True, but craziness may be only rational response to the madness in Washington.
THIS is why I love brown people!
Deal with it rascist, facist HATERS!
"THIS is why I love brown people!"
Chaka Zulu?
Howze about Idi Amin?
Is Osama bin Laden brown enough for you?
"BTW, the federal deficit for JULY was $165 billion, unemployment is up, home foreclosures are up, the stock market is down and the projected deficit for fiscal 2010 is $1.4 TRILLION." kat
I appreciate your sense of humor more than you know.
What was the deficit just prior to Obama taking office? What was the deficit just prior to W taking office? What was the deficit after Carter? What was the deficit after Reagan?
Are you aware of the fact that the deficits have always gotten bigger since Reagan during RepubliDUm administrations? Probably not. They have.
So if you think you jackasses are the "fiscally responsible" ones, you're simply deluding yourselves. If you think you have been a force to shrink government, you're wrong once again. And yet, despite all history/fact/rationale, you continue believe yourselves somehow credible. You're not. You're just not. Sorry.
But, and this is the best part, you STILL believe your own bullshit. You really believe it. It staggers the imagination.
""BTW, the federal deficit for JULY was $165 billion, unemployment is up, home foreclosures are up, the stock market is down and the projected deficit for fiscal 2010 is $1.4 TRILLION." kat"
Bears repeating.
Maybe if we keep repeating facts they might eventually penatrate trogletrolls thick pumpkin head.
"What was the deficit just prior to Obama taking office? "
About a quarter of what it is now.
"What was the deficit just prior to W taking office?"
Lots and lots and lots of money, Probably to much money for you to comprehend.
Of course that was in the midst of the Clinton recession. Then the islamofascists attacked the US on 9/11, and we had to go clean out the vipers nest, but that's the kind of thing that you, trogletroll, are too fucking stooopid to understand.
"Are you aware of the fact that the deficits have always gotten bigger since Reagan during RepubliDUm administrations?"
As a matter of fact (and note that term of art that you are so unfamiliar with, fact) the deficit was going down, and rather quickly, under President Bush.
"So if you think you jackasses are the "fiscally responsible" ones, you're simply deluding yourselves."
I've said it before, but if the Bush spent money like a drunken sailor, the Oilbama regime spends money like an Armada on crack cocaine.
"It staggers the imagination"
....that you are actually able to breathe on your own, you spittle slatherd polyp.
"Are you aware of the fact that the deficits have always gotten bigger since Reagan during RepubliDUm administrations?"
Now, troggy, try to think real hard. I know it will hurt, but try anyway. What group or entity writes the tax bills and the appropriation bills for the U.S. government?(Hint: it's not the President.) That's right, troggy, it is the House of Representatives that write those bills. Now, which Party was in the majority in the House when Reagan was President? Right, again, troggy, it was the Dumbasscrats. So, douchebag, the so-called "Reagan deficits" are actually Dumbasscrat deficits.
A $165 billion deficit in one month, unemployment at 9.5%, a Stimulus Plan that produced no jobs, a Summer of Recovery that has put the nation on life support, a projected deficit for fiscal 2010 of $1.4 TRLLION (and growing, you know it'll grow, dont you).
And you crticize our credibility?
All those new plans, all those new laws, all those those thousands of new bureacrats, all those new czars,---what do we have to show for them? Nothing, zip, bupkis.
You live in a world of delusion, self-delusion.
"You live in a world of delusion, self-delusion."
Actually, I do believe he lives in a world of fistfuls of quualudes washed down with quarts of Everclear.
BTW, whoever is jacking kayinmaine, you aren't doing a very good job. She's a MOONBAT all right, but you don't do her justice.
Lazarus Long, in describing Troglaman the Guttersnipe stated the following:
"Actually, I do believe he lives in a world of fistfuls of quualudes washed down with quarts of Everclear."
Good one, Lazarus...I'll have to remember that next time I have to slam that clown for another brain-dead diatribe...especially since you've defined what triggers Guttersnipe's diatribes as well as anyone could.
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