Sunday, February 08, 2009

"Someone please remind me why America is so great."

Liberals are wont to bristle when their patriotism is questioned and then proceed to spout off that dissent is patriotic and that they can hate their government and still love their country. While these are valid points, the tables have turned; conservatism is now the dissenting view. Sadly, these guys won, and won big. They should be happy, right? They finally got the government they wanted. More than a trillion dollars worth of the government they wanted.

Well that isn't the case. Oddly, less than three weeks after the coronation of Obama, a stroll through the DUmp will turn up dozens of complaint threads about the Democrat controlled Executive and Legislative branches, as we've seen on numerous DUmmie FUnnie episodes since the election.

But, as we all know, patriotism is about love of country, not of government. Every so often, liberals will let down their guard and reveal their true feelings about their country, as is witnessed in this DUmmie 
THREAD, "Someone please remind me why America is so great."

So let us now witness the underlying hatred of America being debated with only the feeblest of arguments to the contrary in Bolshevik red while the comments of your humble guest correspondent, Paul Heinzman, are in the [brackets].

Someone please remind me why America is so great.

[“If you have to ask ... you'll never know.”--Louis Armstrong.]

About 30 million of us can't get a job at all.

[I thought it was 500 million a month.]

Millions of those who do have a job (or three or four) work the longest hours in the civilized world for below-poverty wages and no benefits.

[Maybe they're just not applying themselves.]

Those anachronistic middle class people who make a "living" wage and have benefits must now work longer and longer hours and find that the benefits are often unusable or have become worthless now that the economy is in the toilet.

[401K's are currently the best bargain this side of PJ's $1.50 DiGeorno pizza source.]

Our political "leaders" work for our enemies and simply ignore our votes when it suits them.

[You voted for those "leaders."]

Our roads, bridges, schools, power grid and other public infrastructure have not been up to current standards since the 1960's.

[Every time a code changes we have to tear down everything and rebuild? Oh, no! My drywall is only 1/2" thick. Might as well burn this dump to the ground and start over.]

Our health care system serves only insurance companies, wealthy doctors and the ultra-wealthy elite who can afford care. Sick citizen? You are f**ked, pal. 

[I'm not your pal, friend.]

Our education system is an underfunded, overly politicized joke.

[The NEA told me so.]

Our economic system has been hijacked by a relative handful of predatory, greedy vermin who now own virtually everything, including our homes.

[You are talking about the Congress of the United States, sir. Show some respect. They are a handful of DISTINGUISHED predatory, greedy vermin.]

We no longer have a viable manufacturing base. Indeed, we couldn't last two weeks without importing poisonous crap from China.

[We would THRIVE without importing poisonous crap from China.]

Our civil liberties have gone the way of the dodo bird; we now must shuffle through lines like a bunch of docile concentration camp inmates just to travel from one state to another.

[Yeah, those welcome signs at the state line are so insincere.]

And god forbid your name (or one similar to it) ends up on the wrong government shitlist.

[We were more than happy to let Bill Ayers go to Canada. It was their government that turned him away.]

Our media are owned by our enemies, so the LAST thing you'll ever hear on the "public airwaves" is an ounce of truth.

[That explains why Obama gave his first interview with our allies at 
Al Arabia.]

How is this all that different from, say, the Soviet Union circa 1965?

[I'd really, REALLY love to have a time machine right now to send DUmmie leftofthedial back to 1965 Moscow with a stack of copies of his rant and a box of thumbtacks.]

I mean except for the part where we don't really have health care or a manufacturing base or an education system.

[The USSR was known for their healthcare, manufacuring and education in the mid-60's. They were the envy of the world. My Sociology 101 prof told me so.]

More to the point, how is this really any different from, say, England in the 1300's? 

[They didn't have the Internet in 14th century England, though it was quite popular in Italy. Did you know that 
The Decameron started out as a blog? Now let's hear from the rest of the Dummies.]

the difference: they say "have a nice day" as they kick you in the teeth

[In the gulags, when they kicked you in the teeth, they REALLY DID kick you in the teeth. And that was how they said "have a nice day." If they didn't want you to have a nice day, they came back and worked on other parts.]

And the rightwing answer is: "If you don't like it, then you can leave."

[That's not the "rightwing" answer--that's the RIGHT answer.]

do it, leave, I did, I am far happier in France than I was in the USA

[And we are happier without you.]

How did you go about moving to France? Was it difficult to orchestrate?

[Invading France is easy, so I imagine moving there is a breeze.]

I met and fell in love with a French woman in Chicago, so I got nationality really easily.

[It was a buy one get one free sale in Chicago.]

I know it is much more difficult/impossible with dogs, so we will have to wait, but we are really serious about getting out while it is still possible.

[It probably is easier with a French woman than with a French poodle, but why not give it a try.]

The difference between Canada and the USA is that Canadians have the common sense to protect themselves first and foremost.
Canadians are really more like the French than I'm sure many of them would be willing to admit.

[The whole world knows that if they mess with either of them, they'll answer to the US. With a bodyguard like that, who needs to go to the gym?]

living in Canada is like going to prom with your sister. Sure she may be pretty, and has good manners...
but wouldn't you rather go with the punk chick that lives one street south of your sister--the one that drives the Camaro and drinks Jack Daniels and dances and stays out till 4am having a good time?

[DUmmie Raskolnik only got to second base with his sister on prom night.]

Times are tough, but this country has been through worse. America will never be a utopia, but even with all our current problems, we still have it pretty damn good.

[Quit pepping my downer!]

Yup. Our system of government allows for non-violent "civil wars".

[I'm betting your political science professor taught you to call the peaceful transition of power in America a "non-violent civil war."]

You sure the beaten, neutralized, bushified System is still capable of such?

[Still Bush's fault!]

Explain how we have been through worse?

[Got food?]

You cannot compare this to the great depression in any sense.

[No, you cannot. In the Great Depression, poor people were starving. There was not one overweight poor person then.]

So just how have we been through worse? What are you using to compare this to?

[Jimmy Carter's America was much worse than this. But be patient, we'll get there.]

We had a real media then and people knew where they stood and people were much in the same boat where we are not now. Corporations did not amount to a few who owned and controlled everything .

[Franklin Roosevelt got on TV the day of the Crash of '29 to calm the people down. Joe Biden told me so.]

If I hear this again I'll go mad.

[That train has already left the station.]

The list is endless of how different it is now than then , endless.

[Like the list of your mental disorders.]

the Civil War and the Great Depression were probably worse, yes.


Compared to many parts of the world, we're doing pretty well.

[Compared to ANY parts of the world, we're doing pretty well.]

I don't think life is all that bad for most Americans. Yes it can and should get better, and this is why I think highly of this country.


yes, my life will be a wonderful bed of roses and delicious elixirs, all because for at least another month or two I have access to the Internet...

[They have access to the Internet in China, too, DUmmie leftofthedial. The difference is you have the freedom to use it fully.]

Our immediate needs are being met, we're free to bash our government

[If that's your immediate need then I'd say you have it pretty good.]

Well, it's like you just got hired to run a big-ass farm

[And you just got benburch's attention.]

When the bosses in the 1300's shafted the people they didn't telll them it was for their own good.

[When they shafted people, they REALLY shafted people.]

"We're Number One!"
is such a load of number two.

[Sounds like you're pissed off.]

English toilets of the 1300's would have been ghastly. Plus I think they were actually still burning folks at the stake. The plague was doing brisk business, too. Science was in the pits, thanks to the Church.

[But aside from that, how is America so much better?]

I'm no big "USA!" cheerleader...

[So you're the one who read Will Pitt's book.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for these sad people. I really do.

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see the Troglaman clones are in full-throated hate rage as usual. This is going to be a very long couple of years with these guttersnipes and Moonbats in charge of the government. We will be very lucky if we can offset the mindless destruction they will cause.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Jerome, "The One" turned his back on this bucket of turds the second he was sworn in.

The looney left doesn't even get a seat at the kiddy table, much less representatives in the cabinet!


They're a pack of worthless buttcracks who imagine that their simplistic dogma is factual, realistic and pragmatic.

It isn't any of these. It's tired, worthless and unworkable.

This is what will kill the looney left. Their unalloyed belief in their superiority and wisdom being dissed by their own leadership.


5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 1:50 I've been waiting for nearly 20 years for the looney left to declare open war on the "Democratic" Party leadership and for that whole rotten establishment to implode. It hasn't happened because they are just too looney it appears. They continue to fund people who continue to do as The One has done...use them to get elected and then ignore them until the next election when they will stupidly pony up more millions.

6:59 PM  
Blogger Tazzerman said...

What a bunch of snot nosed, know nothing, whiney, lazy, worthless, little parasites.

They have NO idea what it's like living in a country where their lives and their freedoms are truly assaulted.

I talk to people from eastern european countries all the time who come here, listen to these idiots spouting their complete and utter b/s and they just shake their heads in disbelief.

To a one they ask me what the fuck are these idiots thinging? Why don't they TRY living in a place like China, Burma or even the current Russia for a while and then MAYBE they'll understand.

They have no idea what true hardship means as they sit and stare at their 24" flat panel monitors connected to their fast internet connections, in a comfortable, safe home and community.

They have drank of the leftist/marxist kool-aid and are lost. Totally and completely lost.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor DUmmies, every personal bellyache becomes a cosmic complaint. America is not perfect, therefore it totally sucks.

It's the whining of the privleged class, looking for even more privleges. Too bad we can't teleport their self-pitying asses to Pyongyang or Zimbabwe.

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They finally got the government they wanted." PJ Inc

Nope. Not even close. But you dumbshits go on ahead. The exit's two doors down on your right.

4:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"They have NO idea what it's like living in a country where their lives and their freedoms are truly assaulted." tazz

Sooo scary. You always been this big ol' bag of pussie, tazz? Think we're about to be invaded or some shit?

Maybe I, troglaman, can't appreciate how hard it is to be so afraid.

Need a hug? Cookie? Cup of tea? I've got an old pair of Birkenstokes I could sell you. $50.

5:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember that movie "Trog" from the '70s? Well you remind me of.....Joan Crawford.


7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Trog ever offer a cogent argument? Or is it all just name-calling?

I, for one, would truly like to read a reasoned statement from Troggy, a refutation that has some kind of merit.

We know you're a Libtard, Trog, but I want to know the how's/why's.

Or you can continue to call people cantaloupes.

8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Millions of those who do have a job (or three or four) work the longest hours in the civilized world for below-poverty wages and no benefits."

And when those teenagers get a little experience, they "upgrade" to better and better jobs. This is called being "upwardly mobile." That how my parents did it, that's how I did, it, and, I'm sure, that's how my kids will do it.

Now compare that to, say, France, where your chance of becoming "upwardly mobile" is VERY restricted. That's why countries like Franc have all those employment "benefits" like a guaranteed number of paid vacations, higher hourly wages, and the like. One you have a job, you're stuck in that job for life. Your chance of finding a better job is next to none.

So, DUmmies, let's NOT emulate countries like France, ok? I want my kids to have the same chance of reaching their maximum potential that I had, and still have. America gives you more than a chance at achieving your dreams. America gives you every chance. You just have to take those chances.

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:59 said...
Does Trog ever offer a cogent argument? Or is it all just name-calling?

No, he doesn't; and as you can see above, his posts often as not demonstrate an abject failure to grasp the point of the poster whom he is trying to annoy. He's just another oxygen thief.

9:55 AM  
Blogger Tazzerman said...

Hey Trog, why don't you and I just step on outside and see exactly WHO the pussy really is ok?

I'm in the mood to kick the ever loving shit out of something and you are exactly the bag full-o-shit I'm looking for.

Fucking pissant.

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I ever felt sorry for these bastards, it was NEVER. They made their own psychological bed, they can lie in it, for all I care.

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Remember that movie "Trog" from the '70s? Well you remind me of.....Joan Crawford." Corona

LOL!. I do remember the movie. Was that Joan fuckin Crawford? Mommie Dearest? Loved her.

Now you know why I'm so abusive. Next time you cross me, corona, I'm gonna coat-hanger your ass.

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey Trog, why don't you and I just step on outside and see exactly WHO the pussy really is ok?" tazz thinks we're in a bar

Jesus Christ. This is how you guys fight wars. It really is. But I'll play along.

Let's settle it right here, tazz.


How'd you like THAT, you pussie?

3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Does Trog ever offer a cogent argument? Or is it all just name-calling?" the cowardly anon

Who's about to invade us, dumbshit. Let's hear a cogent argument. Iran? Syria? Afghanistan? Pakistan? Suadi Arabia? Iraq? Canada maybe?

I, troglaman, offer cogent arguments all the time. I also call you the names you deserve. You, being a dumbass, focus on the name-calling. That's what makes you a dumbass. It's not a difficult concept.

3:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, being a dumbass, focus on the name-calling. That's what makes you a dumbass.

Completely oblivious of all irony. Sad, sad individual.

And look at the times of each frothing, demented feral spew:

3:22 AM

3:31 AM

3:41 AM

Struck out again at the gay, midget, tranny scat bar? Now you are spending all night vomiting up this feral, mindless sewage. What a life!

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The difference between Canada and the USA is that Canadians have the common sense to protect themselves first and foremost."
Here are a couple differences between the USA and Canada I can think of:
1. In Canada, you have to wait months to see a doctor, due to a halthcare system which is the laughingstock of the entire world.
2. In Canada, if you are on trial for a crime, evidence against you which the police obtained illegally (i.e. if you're on trial for allegedly selling drugs, and the cops discover a big bag of weed in your closet while searching your apartment without a warrant) is still admissable in court.

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Struck out again at the gay, midget, tranny scat bar? Now you are spending all night vomiting up this feral, mindless sewage. What a life!" radred

I'm serious. This is one of the best name-calling tirades I, troglaman, have ever seen. No fucking shit. Props Redneck. I can only hope to live up to your example.

1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for nearly 20 years for the looney left to declare open war on the "Democratic" Party leadership and for that whole rotten establishment to implode. - goolsby

The Democratic party imploded in 2000 -- then George Soros and his rich friends created the Shadow Party along with the Center for American Progress (AKA -- The second Clinton White House in waiting). When Obama showed up at the 2004 convention, Soros switched horses.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corrected link -- stupid ascii converters![3].pdf

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to your invasion strawman, trog:

We haven't been invaded, we've been corrupted from within.

The 60s socialist/statist radicals followed Saul Alinsky's advice: "True radicals don't grow their hair long and riot in the streets. They put on a suit, go to work and change the system from within." They became academics and bureaucrats who poison the minds of our children and enslave us with their conflicting, irrational regulations.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As to your invasion strawman, trog: We haven't been invaded, we've been corrupted from within." classic

My Strawman? Here's what tazz says:

"They have NO idea what it's like living in a country where their lives and their freedoms are truly assaulted"..."They have no idea what true hardship means as they sit and stare at their 24" flat panel monitors connected to their fast internet connections, in a comfortable, safe home and community."

It's not my strawman. According to tazz, we've already been invaded. tazz has spent time in the muddy trenches of our depravity and wants everyone to know the enemy..."sit and stare at their 24" flat panel monitors connected to their fast internet connections, in a comfortable, safe home and community."

What was it you were saying about a strawman, classic?

2:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's about to invade us, dumbshit. Let's hear a cogent argument. Iran? Syria? Afghanistan? Pakistan? Suadi Arabia? Iraq? Canada maybe?

Your words, trogladouche, not tazzerman's. Not to mention the fact that tazzerman's statement was directed at the dummie parasites already in this country.

Want to try again? In fact, I'll use your words: "Lets hear a cogent argument." (Which is more than a little like a thief saying "let's have some honest commerce here.")

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, please focus your "cogent" argument on my assertion that we've been corrupted from within, not invaded. For once address the issue rather than simply defecating through your keyboard.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"For once address the issue rather than simply defecating through your keyboard." classic

Interesting concept. So glad you brought it up.

You into 'Hot Plates', by any chance?

4:44 AM  

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