My, what a sweeping shift . . . in DUmmieland!!!!

The DUmmies don't know what to do with themselves. Bush is gone. Cheney's gone. Rove is gone (if one can say that Rove is ever REALLY gone). The Democrats hold all the reins of power. So the DUmmies don't know what to do with themselves! (But then, President Barack "Above my pay grade" Obambi doesn't know what to do with himself, either, so it's a good match.) The DUmmies know only one mode: whine, complain, and attack. The only thing is, right now they're not sure what to whine about or whom to attack! So this is an uncertain, transitional time in our little DUmmie Ant Farm, as we can see in this THREAD, "My what a sweeping shift this board has taken in ideology this past year!!!!" The confused, shift-headed comments of the DUmmies are in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, at a retreat about a mile or two away from Blago's trial but not able to follow it, is in the [brackets]:
My what a sweeping shift this board has taken in ideology this past year!!!!
[Shift happens.]
It's interesting to see some new posters here with a bit of a rightward view and some older posters becoming more radicalized or moving a little leftward. Seems like a lot of jumbling about.
[It's a jumble out there!]
One thing I am seeing that is interesting is that with Bush out of office it looks like some new battle lines are being drawn.
[Gotta channel that BDS somewhere!]
One thing is certain, without a real anti war movement or poor peoples movement Obama is going to have a tough time fulfilling all his campaign promises.
[Without a MAGIC WAND, Obama was going to have a tough time fulfilling all those promises!]
Who here will become radicalized in the coming months or years?
I honestly find myself moving to the left in the past year. . . .
[That's like a negative number becoming even more negative. It's like Minneapolis in January having a cold wave. It's like the Detroit Lions getting worse. IOW, one doesn't think it possible to move even further in that direction.]
I haven't seen this "shift" in ideology this past year...... Could you provide some examples?
How about the overwhelming outright homophobia Rampant in DU these days?
[Not getting all worked up about Rick Warren giving a meaningless invocation at Obambi's inauguration--that is branded as "overwhelming outright homophobia."]
There was one camel's back-breaking straw of a post, in which was said, "Everything was fine until the gays went nuclear."
[I don't know that you want to talk about "breaking the back of a camel" in regard to the homosexuals.]
That sh*t was right in my face!
[That may not be the best expression to use in this context, either.]
My fuse is lit.
[Fire in the hole!]
Obama was a community organizer. . . .
[I'd like to see him try to organize the "reality-based" community!]
I think I've been fairly consistent in my desire for economic populism. . . .
I wonder what "economic populism" is?
To me, it means that since the US GDP per capita is $44,000, there is no legitimate reason for anyone to go without the necessities of life.
Further, our labor is the primary asset that most of us possess.
[Except for DUmmies. They don't do labor.]
I am willing to allow the O admin time.
[Two weeks! Then that's it!]
I think you have to mix direct action in with the ballot box.
most important thing for Obama, appoint SCOTUS justices that know and understand the constitution. . . .
[I don't think he wants to do THAT! That would mean overturning Roe v. Wade!]
I haven't noticed an ideological shift, but rather only that DUers are permanently stuck... in protest-mode.
[DING! DING! DING! You get the Kewpie Doll today!]
there are none so blind as those who will not see.
[Is that you, Caroline Kennedy?]
Hopefully, this site will stop being a glorified fansite for Obama and get back to respecting the ideas of liberalism.
We Won!
[Big whoop. Now you have to DO something with it.]
all that I care about is that the people with axes to grind or those incapable of critical thinking post less than others.
[The Axes of Evil.]
Some people around here have sold out just so "history" could be made. . . .
[Just so we could elect the First Biracial Empty-Suit President.]
All of us have one issue that can send us into an absolute ranting lunatic. . . .
[Namely, whatever issue is being discussed.]
I am personally somewhat taken aback by the keyboard warmongers I have seen on here lately. People who are chest thumping for Obama's surge into Afghanistan. wtf. I called them chickenhawks back in the Bush they are on here.. creepy as hell.
[Afghanistan, the new Iraq. Barry Obama's War. Chimpy McBama.]
Off the top of my head, I disagree with Obama on Afghanistan, healthcare insurance program, gay marriage, kowtowing to the GOP, and I'm apprehensive about many of his appointments.
[Off with OBAMA'S head!]
We face the possible end of the human species due to accelerating environmental deterioration, the world economy is in a shambles and we're totally broke, the greed on Wall Street is stunning.
Been a lefty for years. Still a lefty. No change here.
[Change We Can Be Left In.]
With Bush gone we'll see more divisions on DU than we had previously.
[WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! PLENTY of material for the DUmmie FUnnies for YEARS to come!!]
raving lunatics... some of whom may be wondering wtf they did when they elected obambi... buyers' remorse?
Without Chimpy McPretzelchoker as a focus of their hatred and rage the DUmmies appear uncertain.
Rush Limbaugh is good for a Two Minutes Hate but they need someone for the long term, especially if they succeed in silencing Rush and the other talk radio righties.Too, they'll whoop it up for show trials for Bushites. But soon they'll have to confront a bad economy and a pork-laden, inflationary, "recovery package" and its inevitable failure.
Prediction: the DUmmies, like leftists everywhere, will turn on each other...the socialists vs. the Trotskyites, the Stalinists vs. the anarchists. Purges will begin, Dummies will be banned, others will quit in disgust. Rival blogs will metastasize.
It's going to be even more fun.
"The DUmmies don't know what to do with themselves. Bush is gone. Cheney's gone. Rove is gone (if one can say that Rove is ever REALLY gone)." PJ Inc
You got the Rove thing right. It's like he's one of the Undead.
But this post is a mostly Freudian delight. Projection everywhere. Wouldn't it be safe to say that the RepubliDUms "don't know what to do with themselves. Bush is gone. Cheney's gone. Rove is gone..."? That seems a reasonable observation, what?
And this: "The DUmmies know only one mode: whine, complain, and attack. The only thing is, right now they're not sure what to whine about or whom to attack! So this is an uncertain, transitional time in our little DUmmie Ant Farm" PJ Inc
Indeed. One could safely say that the RepubliDUms are in "an uncertain, transitional time", could they not?
Interestingly, PJ left out the 'Lemming Factor'. Wait a minute!!!
" our little DUmmie Ant Farm..."
I would've gone with lemmings. At least they're mammals and not friggin insects for Christ's sake.
Here's a little advice. Once you go for a Freudian/Jungian defense mechanism, pick more noble adjectives and metaphors. A whiny ant farm? Dude. Shit. Remember, people know you're talking about YOURSELF when you invoke the F/J defense mechanism perspective.
You guys are such dumbshits.
<< Here's a little advice. Once you go for a Freudian/Jungian defense mechanism, pick more noble adjectives and metaphors. A whiny ant farm? Dude. Shit. Remember, people know you're talking about YOURSELF when you invoke the F/J defense mechanism perspective. >>
Remember, people know you're trying way too damn hard to sound smart when you invoke phrases like "Freud/Jungian defense mechanism".
(And they're all laughing at you.)
"Remember, people know you're trying way too damn hard to sound smart when you invoke phrases like "Freud/Jungian defense mechanism (And they're all laughing at you.)" Kirkster
Classic denial.
How jejune.
"You guys are such dumbshits."
Classic projection.
Comparing DUmmies to ants is unfair. Ants all labor mightily for the common good. Whereas DUmmies, with an unlimited sense of entitlement, sit in basements and dorm rooms, waiting for the Dems to dump a bag of goodies on their laps.
"Whereas DUmmies, with an unlimited sense of entitlement, sit in basements and dorm rooms, waiting for the Dems to dump a bag of goodies on their laps." elrond
You're just saying shit again, elrond.
Whereas you dumbfucks are sheltered in the Everglades eating baby alligators and waiting for RepubluDUms to dump a bag of turtle eggs in your laps.
You're a sophomoric moron, elrond.
I'm too old to be sophmoric, I'm just a moron...but I know a fellow moron when I read his incoherent rants.
And that ain't shit.
Whoa, what's tman doing here again? I thought he took his football and went home: or had taken a sabbatical to some far off distant land and was eaten by cannibals. I see he hasn't gotten any wiser or any nicer. He's as unpleasant as ever. Gee, talk about Hope and Change!
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