"What I learned about Rush Limbaugh"

What I learned about Rush Limbaugh
[From your post, apparently nothing. However, please deliver your laugh lines.]
I was having a discussion with another DUer about Rush, and referred to him as a failure. It was pointed out to me that he was the highest-rated radio talk show host. Why is this? I did some research on it for an academic paper a few years ago and this is what I found.
[A DUmmie and rational thought shall never meet?]
Rush is a product of a vertically integrated media market. His initial radio stations were owned by ABC (if you want to go even deeper, look at Reagan's CIA Director, Casey, who owned Capitol Cities Communications, which bought ABC). Now he is syndicated on Clear Channel stations by a subsidiary of Clear Channel. They own every station, and have the power to make sure that there is little competition at his time slot.
[How long did it take you to memorize the phrase, "vertically integrated media market?" And that explains why millions listen to Rush? Because he was FORCED on us? And where did you submit your "academic paper? Randi Rhodes University?]
Who told us, early on, that Rush was a media sensation/phenomenon?
[The Arbitron ratings?]
ABC's Good Morning America
ABC's 20/20
The ABC Evening news
[Yeah, like ABC is a well known rightwing organization. Time to get off your meds.]
Who published his book? A publisher owned by ABC. Who told us his book was great? You guessed it. Who owned the magazines that told us Rush was a phenomenon? That's right.
[Who controls the British crown?
Who keeps the metric system down?
We do! We do!
Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?
Who keeps the Martians under wraps?
We do! We do!
Who holds back the electric car?
Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?
We do! We do!
Who robs cave fish of their sight?
Who rigs every Oscar night?
We do! We do!]
He is a manufactured phenomenon. He has high ratings because he was plugged so relentlessly that those who agreed and those who disagreed had to check him out. He has no major corporate sponsors other than the Sleep Number Bed, and really never has. How can this be the case for the highest-rated talk show host?
[Yeah, Rush is really financially hurting in Palm Beach from lacking major sponsors. Strange that there is strong competition just to become a sponsor on his show. ]
This is the story of Rush Limbaugh, a sad, pathetic nobody sportscaster who grew into a sad, pathetic tool of corporate media.
[This is the story of DUmmie boobooday, a sad pathetic nobody who grew into a sad pathetic poster from his Mommy's basement.]
My research was done via Lexis Nexis academic. The paper I wrote won a prize in 2005 at the Broadcast Education Association.
[I just checked out the Broadcast Education Association and it consists of a conglomeration of college professors angry at the conservative politics of Rush Limbaugh plus the fact that he earns more in a month than they will in a lifetime. Here is their self description from their website:
For over 50 years, the Broadcast Education Association has served as the critical link between the college professors who teach tomorrow’s radio and television employees and the professionals working in the broadcasting industry.
And now on to the other clueless DUmmies...]
All reasons why it is impossible to get rid of the cockroach
[Of course, it has nothing to do with his popularity with the radio audience since he has been foisted upon us by a massive conspiracy.]
Cross promotion is one of the perks about being a gigantic media corporation. It's pretty anti-competitive as well.
[So that explains why Randi Rhodes isn't the top radio talk show host in the country.]
Yes, my paper was about the consolidation of radio. I called it "The Canary Died."
[You should have called it, "Rationality Died."]
now would be a good time to offer that paper to the NYT
[I thought the NYT didn't have a comics section.]
I didn't say anything about Rush and Obama. Rush is the mouthpiece of the corporate shills. I really don't think Obama is listening to Rush.
[But he is sure obsessing over Rush.]
I would LOVE to go toe-to-toe with Limbaugh and Coulter and Hannity and O'Reilly....we have keith Olbermann and Rachael....like Limp-brain I am also from Missouri....can't be a coincidence!!!
[Posted the suicidal DUmmie.]
Imagine if you had that kind of media machine behind you! We can see how well liberals do when they get a major platform. Imagine if Air America and/or one of its hosts had the same kind of marketing machine!
[I don't have to imagine. Before Air America even began airing they had a massive marketing machine called the Mainstream Media hyping it. And yet they still failed because of incredibly boring hosts like Al Franken.]
Was ABC pushing/promoting him when he was KFBK? He was big here is the Sacramento valley and I am unaware of any promotion other than simple word of mouth. KFBK was affiliated with ABC, but not owned by them.
[Quit asking inconvenient questions!]
That's Ed Schultz's point, that Rush is sustained by ownership, not ratings.
[The same Ed Shultz who, if offered just a small fraction of Rush's earnings, would switch to pretending to be a conservative in a heartbeat.]
I had an offer to publish the original paper in an academic journal (I presented it at a conference, and it was very well received) and like an idiot, I didn't follow up. Now would be a good time to pull it back out and make it ALL about Rush, and look for a publication people (besides academics) read.
[Try the same vanity publishing company that Pied Piper Pitt uses.]
I don't buy the claim that rush is popular because of some conspiracy. ABC and other big media players invest in and launch shows all the time and some succeed and some fail. If rush didn't appeal to a certain audience, he wouldn't have a show. But the sad fact is that he does have an audience -- there are a lot of rw'ers out there that eat up his crap.
[No, no! It MUST be a conspiracy! Perhaps we can implicate Karl Rove!]
I'm not saying Rush was a psyops from the beginning. I'm saying he's using powerful and sophisticated persuasion techniques to do the work of the military industrial complex. He puts out what he's given from the core of the vast right wing conspiracy.
[Karl Rove! No vast right wing conspiracy is complete unless it includes Karl Rove.]
The fun is trying to track down Rushbo's numbers. Today I heard he either had 6 million, 12 million or 20 million listeners (depending on the right wing hag bag talking). Now how do they come up with those numbers? Besides out of their ass? It's taking the POTENTIAL audience a station can attract...a cumulative number rather than quantitative. It's a number derived by the people who happen to tune into the station as opposed to those who are specifically tuning into his show. Thus because you're in the newspaper, it's assumed everyone in town reads about you...this same game is played in radio.
[So why is Obama so OBSESSED with Rush Limbaugh if his audience is really low? BTW, even a 6 million audience is something that Randi Rhodes could only dream about and in actual fact it is well over 20 million listeners.]
I'm one of many (I would like to think a number of people did) who wrote the WH last week to suggest that Limbaugh be taken off AFR because of his unpatriotic stance, i.e. wishing Obama and his administration to fail. Someone here on DU suggested we do that and I followed through.
[Have the DUmmies ever considered what the TROOPS want to hear on Armed Forces Radio? If it were ever put to a vote, Rush's show on AFR would be expanded from one to three hours per day.]
Man does Rush ever have their number eh? LOL
Now that GWB is no longer in the oval office, we're seeing a shift of the BDS infected moonbats from focusing to Limbaugh. Of course they've always had it out for him but now they can concentrate full force on Mr Limbaugh.
The fact that the more they concentrate on him, the more exposure he recieves and with that exposure, the more listeners he ends up with AND the higher his ratings go!
That just makes me smile... :) -tm
"He is a manufactured phenomenon. He has high ratings because he was plugged so relentlessly that those who agreed and those who disagreed had to check him out."
Wow, that is the perfect description of BHO!!!
Rush is a product of a vertically integrated media market. His initial radio stations were owned by ABC (if you want to go even deeper, look at Reagan's CIA Director, Casey, who owned Capitol Cities Communications, which bought ABC). Now he is syndicated on Clear Channel stations by a subsidiary of Clear Channel
Since when did Kayinsane join the DUmp staff?
When I was in Vietnam I used to listen to AFR. On Sundays it ran the Polka Hour (really)...I would turn the radio off.
The DUmmies assume today's military personnel are incapable of finding their radio's on/off switch. Accordingly, the DUmmies consider it their duty to help them by eliminating the offending program.
What I find scary is the DUmmies favoring the use of government power to censor opinions they
disagree with. I find that as scary as blind imams or unibombers.
"I'm saying he's using powerful and sophisticated persuasion techniques to do the work of the military industrial complex."
That's right, Rush TALKS on the radio, and we all know that you can't get much more powerful than that! Radios that, apperently, don't come with a channel selector, a volume control, or even a power switch! You can't tune him out, you can't turn him down, and you can't even shut him off!
OMG! It's a Vast Military Industrial Complex/Right Wing Conspiracy! The Horror! The Horror!
Why do leftists seek to silence points of view with which they disagree?
"Kirk Johnson said...
Why do leftists seek to silence points of view with which they disagree?"
Easy - because their own ideas have never, ever withstood scrutiny in the free marketplace of ideas. When debate is open, liberalism always loses. Their only answer is obvious: censor ideas that threaten them.
Free speech sucks. For them.
Any soldiers that would rather listen to NPR or Randy Rhodes instead of Rush would soon be getting comfortable in a pine box.
"For over 50 years, the Broadcast Education Association has served as the critical link between the college professors who teach tomorrow’s radio and television employees and the professionals working in the broadcasting industry."
Sounds like a nest of Commie rats that managed to stay under McCarthy's radar.
"The DUmmies assume today's military personnel are incapable of finding their radio's on/off switch." elrond
What the fuck? Were you abducted or something? Have any strange scars? Missing time?
See, elrond makes a statement like this and you guys are "Right on, dude." So let's put him to the test.
Make your case, elrond. Prove to us that "The DUmmies assume today's military personnel are incapable of finding their radio's on/off switch."
You, I, and everyone else knows you're full of shit. DUmmies don't assume our military is filled with chimps, you jackass. But I'll leave you to prove that every fucking DUmmie out there "assumes" the military is so fucking stupid, they can't turn their radios on.
I thought it was the Libs that hated our soldiers.
One last thing...
Rush wants Obama to fail. The Military to fail. The Economy to fail. He wants it to all come tumbling down. Rush wants 4 more years of failure.
You do too.
Just so we know.
"I thought it was the Libs that hated our soldiers."
And you were right!
troglaman said...
"Rush wants Obama to fail. The Military to fail. The Economy to fail. He wants it to all come tumbling down. Rush wants 4 more years of failure.
You do too."
Oh good! Interpretive Projection, I love this game. OK here's mine:
Obama wants puppies, Spider Man, and Capitalism to fail. He wants them all to come tumbling down. Obama wants 4 more years without a terrorist attack on the U.S.
You do too.
OK, like your comment, only one item in mine is true. See if you can guess which one.
This is fun! Thanks for suggesting this game Troglaman.
Everyone else can join the game too but try not to give Troglaman the answer, unless he gives up.
Love the way you ignore what I'm saying about DUmmie support of censorship while making a phony issue of my wry reference to radio on/off switches.
Proves you're a bigger dumbass than I had previously supposed.
"...while making a phony issue of my wry reference to radio on/off switches." oh so serious elrond
You may say 'wry' elrond, but I, troglaman, say 'wry not'.
Oh. And DUmmies don't support censorship, you stupid legume. Why?
One word, elrond - porn. Gay porn. Need I say more?
"Oh good! Interpretive Projection." the smart AND lovely anon
I'll be honest, anon. My first reaction was to blast you for being redundant, e.g., Smart genius. Collective gathering. Sadly depressed. Wooden oak. Oar shaped paddle. Interpretive projection.
But I know things haven't been good and you could be a little fragile right now. I, troglaman, am a liberal. We're sensitive and empathetic as demonstrated by our sandals, headbands, and beads. Besides, you're having so much fun playing the game. Why harsh the buzz.
By the way. Here's my answer to the BIG QUESTION (and I know I'm fuckin right). Ready?
Sheep dip.
And you arrogant mofo's thought I couldn't figure it out. Dumbasses.
"the smart AND lovely anon"'
Why THANK you Troglaman.
"I'll be honest, anon."
Baby steps Troglaman. Don't rush into new territory like this, ease into it.
"My first reaction was to blast you for being redundant"
You were smart not to, as my terminology was not redundant. Good job resisting those urges.
"But I know things haven't been good and you could be a little fragile right now."
I appreciate your concern but you might be surprised at what my bugbears are and are not.
"By the way. Here's my answer to the BIG QUESTION (and I know I'm (typical Troglaman cussin') right). Ready?"
OOH! Cant wait.
"Sheep dip."
Can we give it to him?
Sorry, no. I was rooting for you, if it makes you feel better.
"And you (typical Troglaman cussin') thought I couldn't figure it out. (typical Troglaman cussin')."
We were right again! Don't give up buddy. Eventually you'll get something right.
Oh. And DUmmies don't support censorship, you stupid legume. Why?
One word, elrond - porn. Gay porn. Need I say more?
He's got a point. Lefties probably like gay porn more than censoring the right wing.
As you say, DUmmies may be consumers of gay porn (although I'm sure there are also hetero DUmmies) but that doesn't prevent them from being supporters of political censorship. Free sex does not necessarily translate into free politics.
Still, I'm sure there are DUmmies who actually believe in free speech for their political opponents; but they're hiding in the tall grass right now.
"Still, I'm sure there are DUmmies who actually believe in free speech for their political opponents; but they're hiding in the tall grass right now." elrond
Yeah. We're soooo scared. The One could smite us at any given moment unless we hide in the tall grass. You, elrond, are lame lame lame.
"He's got a point. Lefties probably like gay porn more than censoring the right wing." shamwow
We like our Shemales too. Can't leave them out. If I were a betting man, I'd say Rush likes them as well...the Hispanic ones.
Speaking of Rush, when are you dumbshits gonna start paving the way for ol' Pill's "Operation Chaotic Highway to the White House"?
Get to it you lazy assed mother fuckers.
TROGLAMAN (The DUmmie FUnnies Official Anti-American Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe) slammed his head squarely up his ass like a jackhammer and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
Oh. And DUmmies don't support censorship, you stupid legume. Why?
One word, elrond - porn. Gay porn. Need I say more?
Once The Obamassiah brings back the "Fairness Doctrine", you, Troglaman can add clueless moron or bald-faced liar to your titles along side being a guttersnipe.
"Once The Obamassiah brings back the "Fairness Doctrine", you, Troglaman can add clueless moron or bald-faced liar to your titles along side being a guttersnipe." Lickspittle Jerome
You're so full of shit, Jerome. Wanna make a bet (I do this all the time and none of you gutless wonders are ever willing to put your money where your mouth is)?
Make a bet, Jerome. You tell me, troglaman, when the Fairness Doctrine flies out the window. When it does, I'll make a donation of $100 to the Aryan Nations or whatever. But when it proves to be one of your delusions, you contribute $100 to the ACLU.
Step up, Jerome.
Faced with cold hard reality, TROGLAMAN (The DUmmie FUnnies Official Anti-American Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe) slammed his head squarely up his ass like a jackhammer and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
You're so full of shit, Jerome. Wanna make a bet (I do this all the time and none of you gutless wonders are ever willing to put your money where your mouth is)?
Make a bet, Jerome. You tell me, troglaman, when the Fairness Doctrine flies out the window. When it does, I'll make a donation of $100 to the Aryan Nations or whatever. But when it proves to be one of your delusions, you contribute $100 to the ACLU.
Step up, Jerome.
Sorry, Guttersnipe, but Moonbats like you are notoriously untrustworthy. Besides, I don't gamble on sucker bets. I'll instead be happy with knowing that it will make you look like the clueless tool you are.
"Sorry, Guttersnipe, but Moonbats like you are notoriously untrustworthy. Besides, I don't gamble on sucker bets. I'll instead be happy with knowing that it will make you look like the clueless tool you are." Jerome
You're a pussy. The Fairness Doctrine will not be repealed. But you fucking robots will just keep repeating that it will, even though it won't. And you think you're being clever.
But you're not. The repetition thing doesn't work as good as it used to. In fact, it makes you look stupid.
Most of the country has already figured this out. The fact you haven't, just makes you even more obviously stupid. Fine with me.
Love the way you ignore what I'm saying about DUmmie support of censorship while making a phony issue of my wry reference to radio on/off switches.
Proves you're a bigger dumbass than I had previously supposed."
That's one of troggy's favorite tactics. He used it a few months ago to try and imply I supported Islamic terrorists while ignoring the rest of what I said.
"Oh. And DUmmies don't support censorship, you stupid legume. Why?
One word, elrond - porn. Gay porn. Need I say more?"
Trog, the far left believes in selective censorship. By this I mean, they want to protect the Free Speech rights of pornographers and people who espouse views they agree with, yet wish to censor those who disagree with them, as a way to silence dissenting opinions. They attempt to do so by pushing for measures such as the Fairness Doctrine and various "Hate speech" laws, such as the kind that places like Canada use to try and silence pastors who publicly state that homosexuality is a sin.
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