"Mary Matalin has overheard daily calls with Rahm, Carville, Begala, and Stephanopoulos"

Mary Matalin has overheard daily calls with Rahm, Carville, Begala, and Stephanopoulos
[Great inside information which resulted in NO Republicans voting for Obama's stimulus package. Thanx, Mary!!!]
Raise your hand if you can tell me what is wrong with that picture?
[I find something wrong with Rahm attempting to formulate media strategy with members of the media but I can live with that if it means that info is leaked to our side via Mary.]
It may have been fun through the years for the junior boy's club to have its daily calls, but now that Rahm is chief of staff it is just worrisome.
[Everything said by Rahm is recorded by Mary with a stethoscope against the wall. Hee! Hee!]
Sometimes when you get to a place of high power you have to give up your fun phone calls.
[Too much of a sacrifice!]
It does sound like a bunch of good friends chatting daily. Except now one of those good friends has the ear of the new president and is by his side daily.
[Giving us great insight as to his strategy. That phony call for "bipartisanship" on the stimulus package sure didn't work out.]
If those calls are still going on, they should NOT be done with her in proximity. They should not be done with a news anchor on the call. Especially not one who wrote a book about Bill Clinton in 1999 called All Too Human.
[Careful! Mary Matalin's ear is up against the door and she is writing everything down on her notepad. And now on to more entertaining DUmmie paranoia...]
Rahm needs to be very careful here. She would make it her business to be slinking around behind closed doors or whatever else to hear these conversations.
[And that phone tap is also very helpful.]
Wonder how many of those calls have been tapped
[Let's see... Obama has been in office for nine days so my guess is 8 times because inauguration day morning doesn't count.]
Steph had a boycrush on Bill and never got over it
[Was it as strong as Reno's girlcrush on Hillary?]
Mata Hari of the bush white house. direct pipeline. very troubling. is this how that bunch of dumbasses have stayed a step ahead of the smarter dems these last few years? can imanuel really keep doing this as chief of staff?
[Mata-lin Mary.]
Has anyone ever tested James Carville for neurosyphyllis?
[It will be scheduled right after his test for neurogonorrhea.]
Gaaah! Someone make Carville go away!
[Abra Cadabra!]
Cut Carville out of the loop -- Skeletor is a cancerous tumor.
He and his trashy wife can go disappear somewhere.
[How about to South Florida? I need a lot of private time with Mary to make my DUmmie FUnnies book pitch.]
Matalin should not be hearing those calls at all. She is so tied to the right wing, that there should be nothing at all said in front of her by any Democrat.
[Too late. We already know all about plans to re-institute the "Hush Rush" Fairness Doctrine via stealth legislation.]
I did not know about the daily calls with Rahm. It matters now that he is CoS and has Obama's ear.
[How else do you think Rush had a heads up on Obama's phony "bipartisanship" policy over his stimulus package. Result: NO Republican votes for it. Thank you, Mary!]
"Matalin should not be hearing those calls at all. She is so tied to the right wing, that there should be nothing at all said in front of her by any Democrat."
So much for openness and transparency of government in the Obama administration. I guess that openness and transparency only refers to Obama's daily press briefs, everything else is Off Limits. After all, a Republican, or their accomplice, may be listening.
Uh, ray?
This entire scenario is speculation and fantasy. Drawing conclusions from fairy tales makes you, well, a dumbass.
Sorry. Didn't have my beads on. I get surly without 'em.
Speculation, fantasy, drawing conclusions from fairy tails; that sounds very much like your political persona, t-man.
Did ray's conclusions have anything to do with reality, elrond, you cantaloupe? That's a yes or no.
And stop equivicating you and your ilk's monumental failures to my, troglaman's, political persona. My political persona has had really nothing to do with how badly fucked up your ideology has proven to be. Super Seriously Fucked Up Ideology. Really Astoundingly Fucked Up Ideology.
Here ray demonstrates his willingness to believe in this bullshit. His honest commentary is a statement about what he believes to be true. But it isn't.
And this has something to do with me?
It has everything to do with you.
Speaking of astoundingly fucked up, people are beginning to realize just how fucked up your ilk is as they spend this country into even deeper debt, with the grim specter of Carteresque stagflation on the
horizen. Can you say "misery index"? Better practice, you'll have lots of opportunities in the coming years.
Replacing a bad ideology with an absurd, bankrupt ideology isn't progress to believe in, it's a pork laden, super serious disaster to be reckoned with. A fiscal disaster my grandchildren (and probably their children) will be paying for.
"It has everything to do with you." elrond
What we're witnessing right here, ladies and gentleman, is the problem. elrond has the audacity to imply the "fiscal disaster my grandchildren (and probably their children) will be paying for" isn't his problem. Like he had nohing to do with it. Not a thing.
But elrond had everything to do it. And elrond clearly can't own-up to his own shit.
I did have something to do with the prior fiscal disaster but not the current, bigger, one. That "something" was my vote for what I considered the lesser evil.
I've got nothing to do with the epic disaster now unfolding. A disaster we'll be paying for
long after I've checked out.
You've got to admit to your involvement in this mess and humbly beg forgiveness.
"You've got to admit to your involvement in this mess and humbly beg forgiveness." elrond
No. I don't. I never voted for W. I never thought Iraq was a good a good idea. Or torture. Or deregulation. Or suspended rights. Or tax breaks. Oil, as an energy source, has been known for at least 30 years as a dead end. Known to everyone but you, dumbass.
No. You're full of shit. Look in the mirror, elrond. Ask that guy for forgiveness.
The "mess" I'm referring to is the one currently unfolding across this benighted country. A mess you seem to be totally ignorant of, perhaps by choice.
"The "mess" I'm referring to is the one currently unfolding across this benighted country. A mess you seem to be totally ignorant of, perhaps by choice." elrond
You are so friggin full of it.
Have you seen Grand Torino? Honestly. I thought it was mostly funny. Am I sick? Zipperhead. I swear to God I'll be calling one of you dumbasses that soon.
I saw Taken too. Not funny. Maybe a little bit.
Am I sick? Doubtlessly.
I only go to movies that feature zombies, serial killers or have lots of explosions.
Grand Torino was vintage old man Eastwood. Loved it. Taken? Yuk!
"Grand Torino was vintage old man Eastwood. Loved it. Taken? Yuk!" elrond
Totally agree, you zipperhead.
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