Obama has dropped the ball, bigtime on the Stimulus

Well, there he goes again. I am paraphrasing Ronald Regan's famous quip to Jimmy Carter not to reflect a conservative's disdain to a liberal, but a liberal's disdain to another liberal. Perhaps "oops he did it again" would be a better opening to lampoon this DUmmie THREAD entitled "Obama has dropped the ball, bigtime on the Stimulus."
We will now proceed immediately to riffing the DUmmies as they gnaw at their Chosen One and at each other in Bolshevik red, while the comments of your humble guest host, Paul Heinzman, is in the [brackets].
We've got DUmmie sign!
Obama has dropped the ball, bigtime on the Stimulus
[Hillary, has only got one ball;
Emanuel, has two quite small;
Vilsack, has got a nut-sack;
But poor Obama, has no balls, at all]
Team Obama has allowed the GOP and media to frame the debate on the Stimulus package. The republicans send wave after wave of people to tv, radio, and print, and Obama is allowing this to happen.
[That First Amendment is about a bitch, ain't it?]
Obama needs to personally address the American public about the stimulus package and beat back the idiotic republican memes.
[He just got done addressing the Muslim public. Give him time--I'm sure he'll get around to the American public.]
He needs to understand that republicans will not vote for the package unless either: a) it has absurd amounts of tax cuts, or b) republicans receive a lot of pressure from their constituents.
[He needs to learn politics right away? It's only his second week as President of The United States of America. His apprenticeship isn't finished yet.]
Obama needs to encourage people to contact their congressman and senators to make them vote for the package.
[You get a usage "atta boy" for keeping congressman singular while making senator plural, but your choice of congressman over congressperson is earns a PC "oh shit" for sexism. And anyone who has a job will tell you that one "oh shit" erases a hundred "atta boy's."]
There are a whole host of GOP congress critters that live in districts that went for Obama. Why isn't Obama using this?
[Because he doesn't have a clue about what he is doing. Now let's move on to the DUmmie feeding frenzy.]
Apply strict regulation and let the markets work.
[That is the stupidest sentence I've ever read.]
it was government spending that got us out of the Great Depression.
[It wasn't.]
WW2 just accelerated the government's spending and created millions of jobs.
[PRODUCTIVE jobs. Life was still hard in the US during those years. Prosperity didn't come until after World War Two when the war bonds began to pay off and we began to reinvest in innovation and infrastructure. Sending those soldiers who had actually proved that they could finish what they started to college helped a lot.]
Now, had we used the Clinton surpluses to pay off our national debt, then we could easily afford to through trillions at the problem to make it go away.
[The Clinton "surpluses" were as ethereal as your stock portfolio. Did you really think that was folding money? It began evaporating in March of 2000.]
Instead of war spending stimulating the economy I see re-renewable energy spending as the way forward.
[The only re-renewable energy source I know of is breeder reactors.]
And FDR was a socialist too?
[He flirted, he danced, he let it get to second base. Obama will be fixing it breakfast.]
yet another Obama f---ed up thread
[Obama is going to put the "F" in DUmmie FUnnies for the next four years.]
Only to be proven wrong later.
[Only time will tell.]
The Republicans just look petulant and ineffective.
[Only the ones that are really Democrats.]
This may turn out to be very satisfying. A poker play and hoopster.
[Thought the drunken sorority the night before she walked home crying.]
This is a huge gamble for republicans, and one that probably won't work.
[When the stimulus fails Keynes will be proved wrong again. The Democrats are betting on the hard eight.]
Obama knows they're in the minority, and I think some people here forget that from day to day.
[Sarah Palin will be reminding America of that fact in four years.]
I think Obama knows what he's doing. But maybe that's just me.
[Sadly, it's not just you.]
``WW2 just accelerated the government's spending and created millions of jobs.''
It also killed and maimed a whole lot of people; the Dems seem to have forgotten that.
WW2 just accelerated the government's spending and created millions of jobs.
Those "jobs" involved wearing a uniform and carrying a rifle. If war is a jobs producer, why don't the DUmmies support our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan?
In actuality WW2 created a worker shortage (hence Rosie the Riveter)
by taking 12 million men out of the job market.
Roosevelt never solved the unemployment problem in the United States. Between 1933 and 1942 the unemployment rate remained above 12%. As late as 1940, with war in Europe and America re-arming, the unemployment rate was 14.6%---that's after 7 years of New Deal.
Real prosperity returned to America after the war.
it was government spending that got us out of the Great Depression.
It's depressing that many people actually believe this. But it's something I expect from DUmmies, whose political/economic beliefs are shamanistic.
"It's depressing that many people actually believe this. But it's something I expect from DUmmies, whose political/economic beliefs are shamanistic." elrond
Know what? It's pretty fucking depressing that you dumbasses think you're right. Know why? Because you're always wrong about frickin everything. Always. The fact that you don't know it is what's depressing.
Becuase you're always wrong about frickin everything. Always.
So you actually believe that the New Deal spent us out of the Depression?
What a dumbass.
"So you actually believe that the New Deal spent us out of the Depression?" elrond
Did I say that, elrond? No. You just sort of pretend I said it and go on from there.
Carry on. You obviously need to talk about it. Spew away.
Did I say that elrond?
Who knows what the hell you said. 90% of what you say is incoherent rant, verbal diarrehea.
"Who knows what the hell you said." elrond
You do.
In fact, you claim I said the New Deal spent us out of a depression.
Want me to quote you again?
The trouble is I didn't say it. This means one of two things, elrond. Either you're making shit up or you're hearing voices. Simple as that. My guess is you're making shit up, like always.
BTW elrond. If you're making shit up and I'm not, that pretty much makes your humble contributions about 90% incoherent bullshit. Just sayin.
Let's see here, a DUmmies said, "It was government spending that got us out of the Great Depression."
I said that he was badly mistaken.
You said, Because you're [elrond] wrong about frickin everything. Always
OK, if I'm wrong, than you agree with the DUmmie about the alleged benefits of government spending during the Depression.
Your turn to sling the bullshit.
"In fact, you claim I said the New Deal spent us out of a depression."
Trog, elrond said that the New Deal did not get us out of the Depression, contrary to the DUmmy's assertion that it did.
You responded to this by saying that we (Including elrond) are "always wrong about frickin everything. Always."
So, logically, it follows that you feel elrond is wrong on that assertion. This, in turn, means that you agree with the DUmmy's remark that government spending such as the New Deal got us out of the Depression. So, yes, elrond's claim against you can be seen as having validity to it.
"This, in turn, means that you agree with the DUmmy's remark that government spending such as the New Deal got us out of the Depression." adam
Yes. You could've just asked. Jesus. But your deductive reasoning, though exhausting, was sound.
Economic stimulus means spending. Simple as that. Sign on or get off the bus. If you don't think the country needs it, I'm fine with that. Think what you will.
But I am entirely cognizant of what got us here. And I, troglaman, am not stupid enough to believe in anyone who had anything to do with this clusterfuck. I, unlike the rest of you dumbshits, don't believe in time-tested failures. You, unabashedly, do.
You'll all hang yourselves eventually.
Speaking of hanging yourselves, when's Rush going to announce his candidacy?
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