Pied Piper Pitt Claims Obama's Lack of Leadership a Good Thing

William Rivers Pitt is making another desperate suckup bid to escape the kiddie's table of DUmmieland and join the adults at the Power Play Politics table. Perhaps Pitt has forgotten that it is only in the alternate universe where Karl Rove was indicted on May 12, 2006 and he was hailed for breaking that story along with Jason Leopold. Yes, in that alternate universe Pitt would now be holding court in fancy Boston restaurants and be appearing regularly as a guest pundit on MSNBC. Instead, harsh cold reality has condemned him to sit FOREVER at the DUmmieland kiddie table spinning nonsense. And the latest bit of Pitt nonsense is his absurd claim that it is a GOOD thing that Obama is unable to show leadership on "his" stimulus package (which was actually written by Nancy Pelosi). Yes, Barack Obama's party has large majorities in both houses of Congress yet The One is having big problems getting his legislation passed. Remember Ronald Reagan? In 1981, even though he lacked a majority in Congress, he still was able to convince enough Democrats to cross over and pass his tax cut bill. Obama couldn't even get ONE Republican to vote for his (Pelosi's) stimulus pork package. Not at all a show of leadership but to Pitt that is a good thing as you can see in his THREAD titled, "We're watching a President get manhandled by Congress. Long time since we've seen the like." As I am typing this, even Chris "Leg Thrill" Matthews is slamming his beloved Barack for being unable to sell the pork package to the public. However, this is all just so wonderful for the clueless Pitt who once again proves himself to be unerringly wrong. So let us now watch Pitt pathetically suck up to Obama who WON'T be giving him a political job in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, who notes that Obama looked like he desperately needed a cigarette during his Anger Management speech last night, is in the [barackets]:
We're watching a President get manhandled by Congress. Long time since we've seen the like.
[Yes. We've never seen the like since the inept times of Jimmy Carter.]
We spent six years with a president who could ram whatever he wanted through congress. He had Hastert and Frist and DeLay, we had a bag of doorknobs and a lot of deep sighs. We spent the next two years watching the GOP minority filibuster everything in Congress except the sink in the men's room. Again, doorknobs and sighs.
[Damn that George Bush for being so politically skilled.]
It was the utterly imperial nature of the Bush presidency that I loathed and feared the most. He did great damage to the constitution, and I have been deeply afraid he may have irreparably undone the separation of powers doctrine. He ignored subpoenas, spied on everyone, lied us into wars...know what? F*ck it, I'm not writing all that shit again, you know full well what he did.
[How about writing about your Karl Rove indictment hoax even ONCE?]
An imperial presidency is anathema to the rule of constitutional law in America, but that's what we had. The Executive, flush with vastly expanded and not yet legally challenged powers, was handed to Obama, and I've been waiting to see what happens next.
[What happened next is that Obama discovered that the presidency is more than just some FUn job of riding around in Air Force One. It is a high pressure job where you have to show skillful LEADERSHIP. Not FUn.]
And in a weird way, all this bedlam around the stimulus is a tonic.
[Woo! Hoo! Obama's lack of leadership skills is just so wuuunderful!!!]
Think about it.
[Even better...Laugh about it.]
The Executive Branch is getting kicked around by the Legislative Branch.
[Despite having large majorities in the Legislative Branch. And Pitt spins this as a positive thing. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!]
A year ago, we'd have been dancing in the streets. Right?
[That was then. This is now.]
This thing will pass in whatever form, and smart money says we'll be seeing Stimulus II coming to a theater near you at some point. Everybody in the House, the Senate and the White House got all geeked up because the whole government just got turned inside out. They got spooked by the lights, and the Republicans have ALWAYS been better at the to-the-knife media warfare than us. A lot of the stuff getting cut will come back again in different legislation.
[Democrats have large majorities in both houses of Congress and Obama STILL can't get it passed. For Pitt this is cause for celebration. Yippeee!!! Our president is politically inept! Woo! Hoo!]
The Executive Branch is getting kicked around by the Legislative Branch. It'll pass, but the separation of powers is in effect. That gladdens me. deeply.
[Why don't you tell Obama how happy you are over his ineptitude? That should make him feel better.]
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
[...to Bukowski's to watch Pitt perform his comedy act. And now on to the DUmmie Peanut Gallery...]
For good or bad when it comes right down to it they are all our guys.
[So why can't they get anything done.]
Where was all this when bush was around? Or was everybody just too busy genuflecting to notice?
[Only in the DUmmie alternate universe was Congress automatically genuflecting to Bush.]
Gotta admit it - I wish Obama would have grabbed some of the power left to The Executive, and jammed the stimulus package down Congress's throat before anybody had a chance to get used to their new positioning. So I have a double standard. So I have no interest in this bipartisan shit as long as republi-CONS are still trying to kick stand in our guys' faces. So all I want to give the republi-CONS is a knuckle sandwich. So what if all I want at this point is payback and tit-for-tat?
[A DUmmie purveyor of the Pelosi attitude which is why the pork package got NO Republican votes in Congress.]
Our President is in a world of hurt. Pelosi refused to impeach and now she sits on her throne shooting the beaver to the rest of us. Sorry but this is way out of control.
[Does her beaver smoke cigars too?]
How do we get rid of them? Can the president fire them, or are they there no matter what? If there is a way, I would love to see them go!
[Of course. Aren't you familiar with that constituional amendment giving the president the right to fire members of congress?]
I don't understand what you think she's doing wrong. The bill passed the House right? And Reid says he has the votes and they're going to vote tonight. That's good, right?
[Nope. No midnight oil burnt last night and not enough votes for passage in the Senate despite earlier assurances from Dingy Harry.]
Obama will not be able to ignore the war crimes. He will have to address them. Time will tell.
[In just another 24 business hours.]
And I think Pres. Obama welcomes the legislative tug-o-war, as part and parcel of the process.
[Showing ineptitude is all part of the grand plan.]
hey're cutting a deal to whallop most of the $150 billion in education funding off the end of this thing. The tax cuts are all staying. We'll get the education funding in Stimulus II, I pray, but don't pretend Congress didn't run this thing through a thresher. They did.
[Pitt admits that Stimulus I doesn't have a chance so now its on to Stimulus II already.]
I wish I could see it in such a positive way as you do, Will...but I don't. I hope your interpretation turns out to be the correct one.
[Translation: I wish I could see Obama's utter ineptitude as a positive thing but I just can't. I do hope your divorced from reality interpretation turns out to be the correct one.]
Who said it was positive? It just is.
[It all depends on what your definition of is is.]
But the only way to ensure that the "Imperial Presidency" never comes back to haunt us in the future is to prosecute those who broke the law, and violated the Constitution.
[Obama is flopping bigtime and the DUmmies still have themselves focused on The Hague.]
As always, the Democrats allow the republicans to force the Dems to eat their own.
[More like stand back and watch the Dems eat their own. Oh, and how is Pelosi's beaver doing?]
Kind of obvious that the DUmmies are oblivious to the fact that Obambi's stimulus package only stimulates and creates more government. ... which will NOT lead to any kind of economic recovery... think of a hamster spinning on a wheel... bailout money which belongs to the tax payers handed out and only part of it comes back in new taxes... a very small part....
Pitt is clueless when it come to, well, anything. This piece is just another indication of his idiocy.
For example: he claims that it's violation of the Constitution, citing the Separation of Powers clause, when a Republican minority in Congress (that's Congress, mind you) prevents the passage of a proposed bill and blames this (false and, lets face it, CLUELESS) accusation on Bush, and then he claims that the same type of situation now is proof that the separation of power is 'back in effect" when it happens to Obama.
Pitt, you idiot, the only thing that has changed is that Obama is the President, otherwise the situations are exactly the same, as is the outcome: members of Congress are stopping the passage of congressional legislation. You're just too dumb to realize it. Or is it that you're just too biased to notice your obvious incongruity of thought when analyzing two separate yet identical situations?
In other words, Pitt, you're ether too dumb to noticed your own flawed reasoning, or your too dumb to care that your cognitive abilities are directly linked to your political ideologies. Ether way, you're just too DUMB!
Yeah, I sure remember all those Republican filibusters the last two years. Ohhhh yeh. Cough.
And the Obamster didn't look like he was relishing the process one littel bit on the video clip of him railing at cruel fate which I caught on the news this morning.
It never ceases to amaze me just how CLUELESS people are in regards to the workings of our own government. I guess it comes from the left curtailing and/or doing away with any sembalance of civics in school...
Ray you are 100% correct!
I was reading some of the posts on DU directly and was completely astonished at the total lack of any meaningful dialoug in regards to the specifics contained in the stimulus package. I doubt seriously if any single poster had bothered to even read either version or educated themsevles on the various 'giveaways' contained in it. All they wanted to talk about was how the right wing 'media' were shooting it down and out the Republicans where obstructing yada yada yada
Not ONE post that discussed the actual merits (or lack of) of this free give away of OUR money.
I shouldn't be surprised, its just SO typical.
The dems have lost the big momentum they started off with and now this porkapalooza is dead and rotting on their front lawn.
The smell is even driving the faithful away, and the public?
Hey! Guess what? They're getting a clue! An inkling that this is a crock of spoiled pork that's going to spend us into the ground.
And thus does the myth of Emperor Arugula Spendulus Obama collapse!
Sucks to be you, huh, Barry?
"Pelosi refused to impeach and now she sits on her throne shooting the beaver to the rest of us." -DUmmie
This is a painful image. I, I, I need to sit down.
Anon 2:05: I feel your pain, but of course Pelousy is shooting the beaver at us: She's had so many face lifts her snatch is where her face used to be.
"...but of course Pelousy is shooting the beaver at us: She's had so many face lifts her snatch is where her face used to be." skully's attempt at tact
You are so fucking pathetic, skully.
You've actually demonstrated, once and for all, that you sit around, think this shit up, and decide it's worth something.
If you haven't had so many face lifts that your nose is now your cock, or know someone that has had a similar problem, then you either think you're funny or secretly fantasize about your genitalia being surgically sucked up onto your face.
You framed it, dumbfuck. Let me guess, the scene with the pig nose in Clockwork Orange resonates.
Fucking psycho.
LOL!!! Hey Trogladuche, wasn't trying to be tactful. Was trying to be as insulting to you fucking liberal retards as possible. By the tone of your response looks like it worked. Thanks for playing along..LOL!! The next 4 years is going to be fun
"LOL!!! Hey Trogladuche, wasn't trying to be tactful. Was trying to be as insulting to you fucking liberal retards as possible." ever clever Skully
Copy cat.
"How's those anger management courses coming along Troggy?" Corona
Fine, Corona. Thanks for asking.
"If you haven't had so many face lifts that your nose is now your cock, or know someone that has had a similar problem, then you either think you're funny or secretly fantasize about your genitalia being surgically sucked up onto your face." -Troglaman
An old joke about plastic surgery set you off? Really? And it is an old joke (no offense skully). Let's try backing away from the coffee for a while an mix in a bran muffin. Maybe you can save some money on those anger management courses.
Here 'ta help 'ya.
"An old joke about plastic surgery" 'if I only had a name'
Joke. Really tired excuse, anon. Don't feel bad. It's who you are. Makes it all the easier to separate the weed from the chaff.
"Joke. Really tired excuse, anon."-Troglaman
I make no excuses as I am in need of none. If you haven't heard the joke before then you haven't missed much but don't try to take it out on others.
I will suggest however that you either work on your sentence structure or get more rest. Fatigue is showing in your writing and it's even harder to understand you.
Fatigue is showing in your writing and it's even harder to understand you.
You confuse lack of reason with lack of rest, anon.
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