VERO PORKULUS: DUmmies are 'Drooling for Dollars'

VERO PORKULUS: "Yes we can . . . spend like drunken sailors with pockets full of other people's money!" That's the motto of President Government and his fellow naughty nauticals in Congress, drunk with the thought of all that taxpayer money to spend in the name of "stimulus." For the DUmmies, when they think about the Porkulus bill, they ask not about the fairness of taking even more money out of the taxpayer's pocket for Big Government to waste, but rather they ask, "Where's mine?" The DUmmies are "Drooling for Dollars" for their own little corner of the collective, as we see in this THREAD, "Do you want to see what's in the Stimulus bill for your city?" So belly up to the bar, boys, as you salivate over sacks of cash ready to be redistributed in your corrupt big blue cities! The DUmmie droolings are in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--who would find non-"targeted" across-the-board tax cuts for ALL, deep SPENDING cuts, and a drastic DOWNSIZING of the federal Leviathan TRULY stimulating--is in the [brackets]:
Do you want to see what's in the Stimulus bill for your city?
[Pork. Lots of it.]
Go Here:
[Go Here: http://www.droolingfordollars.pork]
That's a lot of jobs.
[Translation: That's a lot of money stolen from taxpayers' pockets to fund big-blue-city make-work jobs as a reward to corrupt Democrat politicians and their dependable Democrat base.]
My state gets nothing - apparently. Aint that grand.
[Call the WAAAAAAAAAAAHmbulance!]
None of the projects mentioned at that site are part of the stimulus package. What is there, are examples of what "Could" be achieved through the stimulus package.
["Could be," meaning, after the corrupt Dem politicians and their cronies get their share.]
Yep....49 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico made the list....New Hampshire not so much...I guess we'll just have to team up with ThomWV and the "Hosed States" contingent.....
[Where do I sign up for the "Hosed Taxpayers" list?]
Fine by me... if it also means we can stop paying taxes. Live Free or Die! I'm really beginning to like our motto.
[Quiet! You might turn into a conservative yet! Don't you know paying taxes is "patriotic"?]
This is totally made up. This is what a group of individuals decided was in the stimulus based on various programs suggested by different cities and states. No money has been specifically targeted in the bill, not one project that I'm aware of.
[What you're saying, then, is that this Porkulus bill is truly a case of "buying a pig in a poke."]
Look at the bigger picture. If you put one person to work they can start taking their family out to dinner again. The waiter gets a tip. They can buy groceries. Trickle UP.
[Trickle OUT--out of the taxpayers' pockets.]
"could" doesn't mean will. I'm not arguing the value of any given local project - I'm saying that this site is a fraud because these people have no idea what project will be funded.
[And we're supposed to SUPPORT the Porkulus bill, even though we have "NO IDEA" how the money will be spent???]
Look at the people in this thread who think these are the guaranteed projects that are coming. They aren't. How cruel.
[So let's pass a Porkulus bill, spending bazillions and bazillions of dollars, with NO PROJECTS GUARANTEED AT ALL! That would be NOT cruel.]
damn these people for putting up this phony web site.
[D*mn the rethuglicans for opposing spending tons of dough on nebulous pork!]
*shovel ready* can also mean pork on the run. I went through my area, and many of those construction jobs amounted to re-surfacing roads that don't NEED to be re-surfaced.
[But that makes them so much easier to resurface!]
"Stimulus Watch is based on the U.S. Conference of Mayors' catalog of projects. The mayors' report was issued to give Congress an estimate of how much it should appropriate for the various federal programs that will in turn disburse the funds to localities. . . . The question now is, which of the mayors' proposed 10,000+ projects will the Obama agencies fund?"
[The question now is, which projects will benefit Democrats the most?]
"Once funded I hope the site can keep local officials accountable on spending the money."
[As someone who grew up in the city of Chicago, I have one comment on that: BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!]
My city gets nothing. . . .
Niether does mine. . . .
I can still hope the money sloshes around a while before it drains out of the state and heads off to an unmarked bank account in the Caimans.
[Charlie Rangel will send you a postcard from the Caymans.]
no jobs for 57 yr old women
[No Country for Old Women]
Until Obama addresses the bleeding of all the jobs to other countries. . . .
[Curious treatment Doc Obama has prescribed to "address the bleeding": taking a knife to major arteries, i.e., more taxes and more regulation on business, which will only ACCELERATE the loss of jobs.]
if they start these jobs, more jobs will be created: administrative support, procurement, restaurants will staff up to feed the workers, retail will be able to staff up to sell clothing, boots etc. it will truly be a trickle out. . . .
[First of all, I thought you DUmmies didn't believe in "trickle" economics. But secondly, why not try to create REAL jobs, private-sector jobs, by enhancing the climate for business, instead of creating phony make-work government jobs?]
My city (Lynn, MA) is racking it up. . . .
[WOO-HOO! More government money for our deep-blue city!]
wow! lynchburg va get a whole sh*tload of $$$
[And Obambi and the Democrats are shoveling the taxpayers a whole load of sh*t.]
Lots of Construction jobs.
[Not for white guys, though, according to Robert B. Reichhhhhhhhhhhh.]
Nothing for 53-year-old asthmatic females.
[WAAAAAAAAAA--*cough* *cough* *gasp*. . . .]
ONE!!!???!!! ONE project for the whole state of WV??!!
[Sheets Byrd must be falling down on the job!! Boot his sorry old @$$ out of there and get a NEW pork-grabber!!]
this is just jobs that could be funded. Not specific projects in the plan.
[Don't worry, there will be PLENTY of pork to pass around!]
Florida has the most. Over 1700 projects.
[Snow-plow jobs for the city of Miami--some might call that a boondoggle. But then, what do I know?]
these are "shovel ready" projects. . . .
[These are "shovel the sh*t" jobs.]
Delaware. Infrastructure and environment, which looks very good.
[Plenty of new jobs for Scranton, Delaware. The Home Depot should be busy.]
Un F*cking Believable - West Virginia gets 1 project, worth $700k employing 20 people. And I have neighbors (about 20 households) just down the road from me that have been fighting for 10 years to get city water. The project requires extending a f*cking pipe one half mile along a long existant right of way.
[Call Joe the Plumber.]
$850,000,000,000.00 goes a long way.
[$850,000,000,000.00 goes the WRONG way--out of our pockets, through the federal government, and into the hands of Dem politicians!]
and any number of these *shovel ready* jobs can be possible pork. . . .
[I will give the Kewpie Doll maker the job of sending one to you!]
Bupkus for my county.
[No County for New Pork]
cincy, lovin it.
[The Big Blue Machine.]
Is this etched in stone yet?
[We'll check with the Stone-Etchers Union.]
That kind of sucks but we're used to getting the shaft. . . .
[Is that you, benburch?]
[Dialing for Dollars. That number once again, 1-800-GET-PORK. Operators are standing by.]
I really really really hope President Obama pays for those 2 dog parks.
["Yes We Canine!" and "Bark Obowwow" Porkulus Parks.]
154 projects in Nebraska and every single last one of them in Lincoln and Omaha. Surprise, surprise, surprise. b*st*rds.
Woohoo! We're getting fire hydrants!
[Sorry, they're going to the dog parks.]
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A few hours ago, when I was thinking of doing this DUFU, I sent out this request to a few of our graphics whizzes:
Remember Obama's "VERO POSSUMUS" seal, with the eagle holding arrows in its talons and with the Obama "O"? Can one of you guys morph that into a "VERO PORKULUS" seal, with a pig holding dollar bills in its hooves and still with the Obama "O"?
Well, good ol' Roscoe Karns came through with an EXCELLENT graphic--a little too late to make the top graphic for this DUFU, but definitely worth an update! Thanx, RK!

- - - - -
And now, in addition to Roscoe Karns, another of our graphics whizzes, Lucky9teen, has come through with an excellent "VERO PORKULUS"!

VERO PORKULUS: "Yes we can . . . spend like drunken sailors with pockets full of other people's money!" That's the motto of President Government..." PJ Inc
Good Christ. You piglet homos did just that for the last 8 years. And none of you can admit it. You're all totally hopeless.
Reality check. You dumbfucks spent us into this quagmire. It's a fact of life. Everyone knows it but you.
Hmmm seems to me that the US Congress which actually repsonsible for spending money has a) been ran by the Dems for over 2 years now, b) takes two to tango. So... Pinning it ALL on us 'Piglet homos' seems a bit far fetched.
Besides, we've only now just begining to see the trillions of tax dollars that will be doled out..
Trog, you are SO predictable. Why don't you try coming up with something interesting for a change?
"no jobs for 57 yr old women"
Maybe getting that Masters in Near Eastern Clay Pot Making wasnt such a good idea Zelda.
What are you saying? Does the spending excesses of the Bush years somehow excuse or ameliorate
the wretched excesses of this ultimate pork barrel horror. If Bush spent us into this quagmire, do you actually think B.O. can somehow spend us out of it.
Bush's excesses indebted my children, Obama's will indebt my grandchildren and their children.
I expect the DUmmies to be too stupid to understand this fiscal A-Bomb. I did have some small hope that you might appreciate it. But no, you remain the dumbass.
The DUmmies sound like a bunch of five year olds waiting for Obama Claus to zip down the chimney with a sack full of money for good little Democrats.
This "stimulus package" isn't about creating jobs, it's about creating more voting Democrats.
Hey, T-man! Belly up to the trough. Your eight years in the fiscal wilderness are over.
elrond hubbard said...
What are you saying? Does the spending excesses of the Bush years somehow excuse or ameliorate
the wretched excesses of this ultimate pork barrel horror. If Bush spent us into this quagmire, do you actually think B.O. can somehow spend us out of it."
One must remember to think like a Democrat to understand whenc Trogger comes on this. By such reasoning (ahem), Bush was an awful meanie and the worst President ever because he spent us into the mess (Pay no heed to the Congress behind the curtain), and Barack Obamas is just the very best President ever(111!!!111) because he will spend us out of it!!!
So, it's not a question of prior excess excusing, mitigating, or ameliorating current feckless budget plans, it it simply that the past expenditures were "Bad" because a Republican was President, and the future ones are "Good" because a Democrat is President.
Their reasoning (cough) isn't tough to follow, once you reduce the system to its rudimentary flow, and stop trying to apply anything like objective measurement, game theory, or logic to it.
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"So... Pinning it ALL on us 'Piglet homos' seems a bit far fetched." Tazz
Come on. Sorry. You dumbshits are responsible. You are.
I have no trouble blaming DUmmies. In fact, the DUmmies are a bunch of spineless pussies just like you are. They're afraid of you bunch of dumbfucks if you can believe that.
Let's boil it down. We're being bled dry, economically and militarily, by two unending wars. Our financial industry is on the ropes. We're in enormous debt and our treasury is empty. America is losing jobs at the rate of 1/2 million per month. And what I hear from you root-crops is what you've been saying since about 10000 BC (a little before the world existed), reduce taxes.
What is it about this concept that might make even a potato nervous? Since most of you are Intelligently Designed and therefore dumber than potatoes AND turnips, I'll give you a hint - it doesn't work.
Stimulus (put away the vasoline, boys) means spending. Spending. For every $1.00 gained with a tax cut, only $.75 is put back in the kitty. Believe it or not, for every $1.00 spent on food stamps, around $1.25 is put back in the pot. Know why? Because it keeps the checker employed who then buys a coffee from the Starbucks around the corner who's barista goes across the street to the deli for lunch.
Tax cuts aren't spent. They're simply taxes not paid. What happens to the money not paid is entirely up to those who didn't pay it.
No spending, no stimulus. No stimulus, back to caveman days. Back to caveman days, my clan takes over.
And I, troglaman, am entirely clear about who fucked this up. Who, remarkably, like a blind rhino charging through a Safeway, continue their Holy journey along the Rapture Highway.
I'm sort of hoping all you little girls would just *poof* disappear. Really. Get "Taken". Now. Experience the Rapture with open arms. Beg for it. Please.
Tax cuts aren't spent. They're
simply taxes not paid.
I'm impressed by the depths of your stupidity. People like you are easily led over the cliff.
We're in enormous debt and our treasury is empty.
So let's increase that debt by another trillion. Let's build a gazillion brideges to nowhere. Let's print more money and fill up the empty treasury. Welcome to Zimbabwe asshole.
"Tax cuts aren't spent. They're
simply taxes not paid." the one and only illuminated troglaman
"I'm impressed by the depths of your stupidity. People like you are easily led over the cliff." elrond
Right. What is untrue about my illuminated statement, elrond? Let me restate it - taxes cut are taxes unpaid because their not taxes anymore. That boil it down enough for you to understand?
What you're implying is that this is a good thing. The unpaid taxes end up in our pockets. More jobs provided by the untaxed, unimpeded corporations. Sure.
It hasn't quite worked out that way.
Tell you what. Let me help you out. Why don't you ask me about how much 1% of our super wealthy owned in 1985 as compared to now.
Get ready for a dumbass smackdown.
Snarkiness is a poor substitute for intelligence. Apparently we're not going to agree on this issue.
I believe (and the facts support me) that cutting taxes stimulates that economy. The Obama "stimulus" bill is just a gigantic, wasteful pork project. It's an economic Frankenstein that will haunt my grandchildren and their children.
Focus should be on incentives for people and businesses to invest, produce and work. On the tax side, we should avoid programs that throw money at people (income redistribution) and emphasize reduction in marginal income-tax
rates, especially where these rates are already high and fall on capital income. Eliminating the federal corporate income tax (the second highest in the First World) would be brilliant.
Tax cuts would also help Obama's
cabinet appointments pay their obligations.
I'd like to continue this Socratic dialogue but we're leaving for the Deep South tomorrow AM. Got to pack, bank, etc. I'll be back in two weeks, suntanned, golfed, overfed and relaxed.
Meanwile, there's plenty of other herd animals on DUFU for you to baffle with your economic, political and intellectual tomfoolery.
Remember, only little people pay taxes (as Charles Rangel, Tom Daschle, Ed Geitner and Caroline Kennedy will attest).
"I believe (and the facts support me) that cutting taxes stimulates that economy." elrond
And I believe food stamps have a better return on the dollar than tax cuts do. And I can prove it.
Tax cuts taken during times of financial crisis are suicide.
Let's understand. Tax cuts and deregulation haven't worked. It's why we're in this mess. Why would any sane man think that employing this broken strategy again would pull us out of this shitstorm?
Time to move on, elrond.
Stimulus (put away the vasoline, boys) means spending. Spending. For every $1.00 gained with a tax cut, only $.75 is put back in the kitty. Believe it or not, for every $1.00 spent on food stamps, around $1.25 is put back in the pot. Know why? Because it keeps the checker employed who then buys a coffee from the Starbucks around the corner who's barista goes across the street to the deli for lunch. -trog
Asshole Keynesians who believe this shit are the ones who fucked things up. Prosperity doesn't come from spending -- spending comes from prosperity. Prosperity comes from saving and investment -- i.e., unconsumed productivity.
Tax cuts taken during times of financial crisis are suicide. - more Orwellian insanity from trog
Truth is Lies! Poverty is Prosperity!
Tax cuts and deregulation haven't worked. It's why we're in this mess. -trog
Deregulation my ass! If we've been "deregulated" explain why the Federal Register (the RULES and REGULATIONS created by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats) which took a whole 8 inches of shelf space in 1932 now takes up a full 25 FEET of shelf space trogladouche?
Why do you think it a good thing that one in five of the employed people in this nation work for government making up those goddam rules and regulations and eating my lunch and yours?
"Why do you think it a good thing that one in five of the employed people in this nation work for government making up those goddam rules and regulations and eating my lunch and yours?" an angry anon
I don't give a shit how people get a paycheck. You do, dumbass. Obviously.
Your willingness to damn your 'one in five' is telling. Have you told them yet? Probably not, pussie. Go. Now. Shout out how fuckin insanely mad you are about them being employed.
Here's the deal, you exceedingly donkeyassed dumbass baboon. Every cent you spend goes somewhere. You're feeding someone. Why you get so fucking pissed off about giving it to someone working for the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, your government, people serving's not some overseas company, you brainiac. It's your neighbors. But I forget. You're a patriot. Sure.
Know what? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Really. Go fuck yourself.
Our soldiers work for the government. You all pissed off about that, fuckhead? If you look at the stats, the vast majority of government workers work for defense. Why? Because we spend more on defense than everyone else in the whole fucking world combined.
So when you complain about government spending, the people eating out of your lunchbox, you're complaining about our military. Defense.
Got that, dumbass? Last I heard you jackasses were all about our military. Apparently not.
Next will be your argument about why we should spend less on our defense capability. Right? Bring it on. Can't wait.
Why you get so fucking pissed off about giving it to someone working for the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT, your government, people serving you... - the ever foul-minded troglaman
The fact is that the people in government don't serve me -- they serve themselves at my expense.
To take your "profound" spending example for one:
You claim that $1 given to someone for food stamps generates $1.25 in the economy. You conveniently ignore the fact that $1 had to be extorted from someone else who earned it along with about $0.35 to pay for the overhead of government employees to arbitrarily decide who "deserves" that $1 gift.
So correct your math -- that $1 to a "needy" someone
a.) forgoes the actual $1.25 the person who earned it would have generated in the economy (a dollar spent by someone who DIDN'T earn it does not generate more that a dollar spent by someone who DID earn it dumbass).
b.) costs $0.35 in government overhead
in other words, that $1 costs $1.60! Subtract your supposed $1.25 generated by the moocher and you get an overall COST for that dollar. That's a negative return in anybody's book.
Voluntary charitable giving that would be stimulated by not extorting the original $1.35 from the earner is much more effective for those who genuinely need help (versus the welfare queens and other freeloaders on the taxpayer dole).
... the vast majority of government workers work for defense. - wrong again trog
Federal defense spending is (or was last year) 16% of government spending. "Entitlements" such as Social Security (stealing from the young to bribe the old), Medicare, Medicaid, S-Chip, etc. is ~48%, interest on the government debt another 30%. The rest is "discretionary" (read pork).
The vast majority of "government workers" work for state and local governments anyway.
As to the huge deficits, consider that in January 2008, the budget deficit was $148 Billion -- 2 months later; after the $600 "rebate" to those who don't earn enough to pay taxes pumped the deficit to nearly $300 Billion; 7 months after that chalk up another $700 Billion for the original Wall Street bailout; now you're talking $1.2 TRILLION (including the interest on that borrowed money) even before the latest TRILLION DOLLAR porkulus plan before Congress.
Where the fuck is all that money going to come from? My pocket, your pocket, your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and their great-grandchildren. UNBELIEVABLE!
The so-called "Great Depression" lasted so long (13 years) because of the actions government is now determined to repeat -- huge spending of money they don't have, trade wars (beggar-thy-neighbor tariffs and duties)! All these politicians and "new-Keynesians" like you are INSANE to think this is a good thing!!
Next will be your argument about why we should spend less on our defense capability. Right? Bring it on. Can't wait.
Glad to oblige -- no more "altruistic" wars! Stay the fuck out of Darfur, Iraq, Afghanistan, and every place else our citizens or commercial interests are not threatened. Defend America First! Let the other motherfuckers kill each other if they want... NOT OUR BUSINESS and not our "national interest."
However, "fuck with the bull, get the horn" must be a credible threat. Maintain a strong military and nuclear capability to make sure we don't get run over by religious or nationalistic zealots and would-be emperors of any sort.
"Trade with all, align with none."
For the math-challenged troggie, here's the numbers:
For each $1.00 the government extorts from taxpayers, $0.35 goes to pay the government's expenses. That means the government must steal $1.54 from taxpayers to give away $1.00 ($1.00/$0.65) to the freeloaders. (Hell even Robin Hood was more efficient than that!)
If $1.00 spent by its earner has $1.25 value to the economy, then that $1.00 given out by the government cost the economy $1.92 ($1.54 X $1.25)!
In other words, troggie, it costs $1.92 to get your $1.25 "benefit" to the economy that food stamp represents. (net COST to the economy is $0.67).
"The fact is that the people in government don't serve me -- they serve themselves at my expense." anon
Really. So those people that build the roads, bridges...teachers, police, ambulance EMT's, firemen, the US Army, CDC, FBI, NSA, CIA, FEMA, Homeland Security, VA, etc. They're all in in for themselves. Right? The FDA. CDC. Navy Seals. US Marine Corp. The Airforce. The Coast Guard.
These folks don't serve anon, they serve themselves.
I'm sure anon would appreciate it if, the next time you see a soldier, policman, fireman, teacher, you politely explain to him/her what incredibly selfish, self-serving assholes they are.
Come on, folks, we need to say it loudly, from a rooftop: "You teachers, policemen, firemen, road-workers and soldiers are all a bunch ego-centric, selfish bastards!"
That'll teach 'em. I'm on board, anon. Tomorrow night, 6:00 pm PST. From our collective second story windows. Let's speak with one voice - yours.
Sound like a good idea, you radical, imbecilic, brain-dead moron?
Classic Lib's numbers represent an overall look. You don't get a defense department that spends more than the rest of the world combined for free. Doesn't happen that way.
So let me ask you dumbshits something. Who pays for the military? Tell me. Who the fuck pays?
Because it seems to me you stroke victims think the money grows on trees or is delivered by intelligently designed fairy ponies or something.
Let me ask you something else. Are you willing to pay for our military or not? If you are, then you're going to be spending more than anyone else on the whole fucking planet ON your army. That's reality.
But it doesn't seem you little girls think that way. It seems you want a great big something for nothing. In fact, it seems you have an unwavering fidelity to something you don't want to pay for.
You all speak out of both sides of your collective mouths at once. You bloviate on and on about an 11 billion per month war and then piss and moan about paying for it EVEN THOUGH it's what you wanted in the first place. You fuckers aren't accountable even though you are.
I, troglaman, have been around here awhile. Not once have I seen anyone step up and say they're willing and wanting to pay for this shit. Even though it's been YOU assholes that have been cheerleading this whole buttload of insanity all along. Not one of you have proudly proclaimed your willingness and want to pay for it. Not one of you makes proud your willingness to sacrifice one fucking penny.
Remember this post. Because the next time one of you questions my honor and my patriotism, I'm going to roll up this little ball of bitching and moaning and crying about paying for what YOU'VE started, swallow it, shit it in my hand, and get all rhesus monkey on your asses.
Troglaman, you continually dodge the subject and project your attitudes on others here. Some examples:
The numbers I provided were using your example of giving some "needy" person $1.00 for a food stamp to show that such "generosity" is a loss to the economy rather than the benefit you claimed: you dodged that issue and started ranting about military expenses.
You go on to say: "Because it seems to me you stroke victims think the money grows on trees or is delivered by intelligently designed fairy ponies or something."
Who is demanding massive spending and inflation of money supply to subsidize those who consume more than they produce at the expense of those who produce more than they consume? You do! Explain how that wealth you insist be spent is to be created. You seem to be the one who thinks wealth is created by good intention or some kind of primitive magic!
The US Constitution specifically provides for government legitimacy in funding the military for the common defense. It says nothing about providing food stamps, instead relying on citizens' VOLUNTARY CHARITY to provide for their neighbors who need help.
Amendment Five to the Constitution states " person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation."
The Federal Government violates that Amendment every time it spends more than than it receives in revenues by issuing debt instruments and through inflation of the money supply (printing Federal Reserve Notes).
Decreasing the value of the dollars in circulation through inflation of the money supply makes a person's saved dollars less valuable -- that is a "taking" of private property without due process. The reason it is done is because it is in effect a stealth tax that requires no debate or voting from any politician and takes property from everyone.
Further, issuance of debt instruments means the government takes your current dollars, pays you back with less valuable dollars, and then taxes you on the interest they pay for that loan. The result is that buying government bonds (particularly today when interest rates are near zero) means that you are PAYING the government to spend/waste your dollars while denying yourself the use of those dollars while they are more valuable.
All this is done without a public debate or vote by our "representatives" in Congress, It is done by unelected, unaccountable Federal Reserve bureaucrats appointed by the Chief Executive.
You may have been around for a while, but you seem to have learned nothing about economics, nor do you seem to understand the concept of "life, liberty, and property" as inviolable rights of all citizens.
This isn't about Democrat versus Republican -- they're Tweedledee and Tweedledum. This is about liberty versus tyranny; about individualism versus statism. It's about getting rid of the hordes of faceless bureaucrats working at cross-purposes to each other at our expense, driven by legislation paid for by special interests to force us ordinary citizens into servitude to the government and those special interests without any debate, rational discussion, or agreement from those who are to be enslaved.
The government does NOT serve us: we serve the government.
As to war, free and voluntary trade between individuals creates, promotes, and preserves peace. So-called "humanitarians" wishing to force their values on everyone else in the name of "the greater good" are responsible for wars (witness the demand for our blood and treasure to "do something" about the atrocities in Darfur and Kosovo).
Statists, scornfully dismissing peoples' dignity, natural rights to life, liberty, property and freedom to choose repress and enslave people "for their own good." There is nothing more evil in this world than a do-gooder using such evil and repressive methods to achieve what in THEIR opinion is "good."
"Who is demanding massive spending and inflation of money supply to subsidize those who consume more than they produce at the expense of those who produce more than they consume?" Classic
You are, asshole. Once again, this is your shitpile. Try though you might, this clusterfuck is yours. Your model doesn't fucking work. Why oh why is that so hard to get? I, troglaman, have met tree stumps smarter than you. Maybe they had a little fungal problem, but so what?
I'm not demanding more spending trog, you project yet again. I'm demanding the shrinkage of government and getting the statist bureaucrat's boot off my neck.
In short, I demand the government comply with restrictions imposed on it by the US Constitution the politicians so hypocritically swear to uphold and defend.
This isn't my "shitpile" either. It was defecated by people like yourself who have no idea that consuming more than you produce is the sure road to ruin.
"My" model does indeed work when not interfered with by government as was demonstrated so vividly in the 150 years prior to the election of Theodore Roosevelt, the first "progressive" president who did so much to hobble capitalism.
Once again you demonstrate that you lack the intelligence to form a rational argument. I'm done -- you're toast.
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