The Devil Scares Pravda: Palin Madness Syndrome goes global!

The Devil Scares Pravda. And Sarah Palin is the devil in disguise. Well, that's what a columnist for Pravda thinks. And you might expect that from the Russian propaganda rag. But guess who agrees with Pravda? That's right, the DUmmies! Get a load of this THREAD: Pravda Columnist on Palin - "Do you know what a nuclear holocaust is?"
The fact that Gov. Palin wisely would not rule out any options when asked about potential Russian aggression--that resolve has the Russians poutin' and the DUmmies hiding under their desks and building bomb shelters. They want to do a "Goldwater the Mad Bomber" number on the McCain-Palin ticket. So let's first see the Pravda columnist--an Englishman, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, writing for the Russians!--go apoplectic with PMS (Palin Madness Syndrome) and then watch the DUmmies pile on, all in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, who thought the Fey-Poehler/Palin-Clinton skit was LOL FUnnie, is in the [brackets]:
Palin – the Devil in disguise
[The updo hides the horns.]
The candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States of America . . . threatened to open the gates of Hell by attacking Russia. . . .
[Of course she did nothing of the sort. She simply would not limit our options in the event of HYPOTHETICAL Russian aggression against a HYPOTHETICAL NATO ally. But don't let the facts get in your way.]
One question for this self-opinionated upstart: Do you know what a nuclear holocaust is?
[One question for Timothy Backside-Hickey: Are you an Englishman or a Russkie?]
Sarah Palin, Mrs. Nobody know-it-all shreiking cow from Alaska, the joke of American politics, plied with a couple of vodkas before letting rip in front of incredulous audiences while McCain coos in the background, cuts a ridiculous figure as she strives to be taken seriously.
[You're just mad because it wasn't RUSSIAN vodka.]
So Sarah Palin, Mrs. Hockey Mom housewife-cum-small-town gossip merchant and cheap little guttersnipe, suppose you shut up and allowed real politicians and diplomats to do their work?
[Mrs. Hockey Mom takes on the Russkies! "USA! USA! USA!"]
you pith-headed little bimbo from the back of beyond. . .
["PMS! PMS! PMS!"]
So next time suppose you keep your mouth shut and while you’re at it, make sure the members of your family keep their legs shut too. Your country has enough failed mothers as it is.
[Palin Madness Syndrome goes global! Now the DUmmies pile on. . . .]
Wow - they really do not like her. . . .
[Democratic Understatement.]
Nuclear Holocaust.
[That's "Nucular."]
She's not worried about that. Jesus will rapture her up with all her family, so she will avoid the consequences of her decisions. However, she will reverse global warming with nuclear winter!
[See, there's an upside to all this!]
"I bet it's a really good dessert at TGI Friday's!" And, of course, Palin will claim that she created the original Nuclear Holocaust - it's a recipe ripped off the Nestle Toll House Cookies web site.
[As long as it isn't Baked Alaska.]
"Mrs. Nobody know-it-all shreiking cow from Alaska." This is the type of language that the lunatic fringe uses routinely and it sticks... Time for the left to stop shying away from it on the few little outlets that they are on!
[Thanx for admitting that you're the lunatic fringe!]
As someone who grew up in the 50's and 60's, knows how to outfit a fallout shelter, I offer this suggestion. How about an ad or two, or even a few well placed letters to the editor pointing out the destruction of mankind if this blathering idiot ascends to power. Honestly, I haven't been as worried myself about this since I was a young girl.
[You need to learn to stop worrying and love the bomb. Head for the nearest mineshaft!]
edited for spelling, even thought there are no big words
["Though" is kinda big, so I see how it could trip you up.]
The daisy ad. The thing is, I think Palin is actually MUCH more likely to pull the trigger than Goldwater ever was.
[Please don't nuke the daisies.]
If as one Republican said, McCain will make Cheyney look like Gandhi, where does that put Palin?
[Looking like Goldwater in a skirt?]
C'mon ppl - REC this! Other DUers will LOVE this! Kick it to the moon!
[Yeah, it's PRAVDA, people! It'll make everybody nostalgic for the good ol' U.S.S.R.!]
K & R.
Amazing - no trolls to voice their "concerns" over the fact that it is "Pravda". . . .
[The DUmmies Spare Pravda.]
I don't think they like Mooseilini. . . .
[But at least she makes the snowmachines run on time.]
"Guttersnipe" - reminds me of "My Fair Lady." . . . "I'll make a queen of that barbarous wretch!"
["The radioactivity in a nu-cle-ar holocaust stays mainly in the Palin."
"By George W, I think she's got it!"]
Russia bragging on about their nuclear missiles just plays right into the hands of frothing RWers.
See you at the debate, Mooseburgers.
[If you stay on the ticket till October 2nd, Beltway Joe!]
Uh, oh. Looks like Pravda didn't get the memo about treating her with 'deference'.
[Barry will have to throw Pravda under the bus. "That's not the Pravda I used to know."]
Pravda is the ultimate source of pure crap...but this *is* f*cking funny.
[It's still pure crap, though.]
Come on. How many DUmmies or RebuliDUms read Pravada? Who would know if they agreed with it or not? This problem is troglamatic and therefore inconsequential.
Here's the deal. Palin is who she is. Let's have an honest moment here, my friends.
Let's say, theoretically, that McCain/Palin get elected. Six months later, McCain is diagnosed with terminal cancer and must abdicate his powers.
Could any one of you tell me why Palin would be OK here? President. Palin's ready to be the President?
McCain may win. I didn't think it could happen but it's looking more and more like it might. Gives me nightmares. And then there's President Palin. Shoot me now.
We'll all get what we deserve either way.
(heavy sigh) What ever.
Check out this post on ol' Timmy Bancroft-Hinchey at USS Clueless blog. It's very revealing.
Texas out
Could any one of you tell me why Palin would be OK here?
Many, but the most important (to me), is it's not "President Obama", or ""Anything Biden".
Remember the good old days when Republicans were judgmental and misogynist? Seems a certain party can't handle Change all that well.
I would like to thank Pravda for the ringing endorsement of the McCain/Palin ticket! Nothing could warm my heart more.
This is right up there with Hamas endorsing Obama, along with a number of other, ah, "Religion of Peace" Bombskateers.
These and the fact that Euroweenies would be "much happier" with Obama, (perhaps socialists sniff each others butts and wag their tails), and I have NO doubt that the Republican ticket is the best thing for the United States.
McCain is eminently qualified to be Commander-in-Chief of all Armed Forces. Obama is less qualified than Kerry for God's sake.
Pravda puts up a column of foulmouthed whining, posing and posturing? Oooh! Makes me want to buff up some of the old nuke sites in Montana...
Thanks for reminding us that you're the enemy, Boris!
Could any one of you tell me why Palin would be OK here? President. Palin's ready to be the President?- T-man.
Seeing as Gov Palin is more qualified to be president then Obama, and the only candidate on either ticket with executive experience; I would say that would be OK here. Please tell us how Obama is ready to president?? And how he is more qualified to be president then McCain...who he's actually running against??
I'm in accord with SOG, but at the same time Ms. Palin's views are more in accord with mine than any of the other three candidates involved in the race, and her experience doing anything in an executive function exceeds the combined experience on the entire Democrat ticket (McCain's extensive military time counts for something on this, though in my experience the military leadership environment is in many ways a sheltered one though uniquely demanding in other ways, so I can't say which of them comes out better on this between McCain and Palin). So yes, I'd be fine with her being in charge.
""Could any one of you tell me why Palin would be OK here? President. Palin's ready to be the President?"
Add the six months experience as VP to her experience as a Governor, and you have someone with 2 and one half more years of experience than Obama, who must be President from day one. Based on this alone, I'd vote for Palin over Obama every day, and twice on Sunday. But here's the thing: McCain is not going to die in office or be forced to "abdicate" anything at all. You, and the rest of the DUmmies just can't admit that McCain is a healthy man with decades of life still ahead of him. McCain/Palin is a winning ticket, even you seem to understand that.
Obama should have waited a few more terms before campaigning for President. If he had waited for as little as 12 years (two terms as a Senator), he just might have become President. But he just couldn't contain his ambitions and wait it out. He couldn't even wait ONE TERM, or even ONE YEAR, before he decided to run for higher office. That speaks volumes as to his ambitions, and to his lack of commitment to the very people who voted him into office. He's going to lose and this will destroy his political career forever. This is his last term as a Senator, his political Swan Song, and he can kiss the Presidency goodbye forever.
Check Teddy Roosevelts resume folks. It reads JUST like Sarahs even down to the avid hunter... :) -tm
This comment has been removed by the author.
"John Gatti was a community organizer, Teddy Roosevelt was a governor."
Yeah, I'll settle for that, they'd just have coronaries (and then vote from the grave anyway) if anyone tried to point out that Hitler and Mussolini were community organizers, too, so I'll stick with the Teflon Don.
Nobody is "ready" to be President. It's a job you can't train for. It's unique. The best thing you can bring to it is good Character.
The "Information", or data necessary to be President is provided by experts and advisers. That's the easy part. It's Character that determines what you DO with that information.
And I believe Gov. Palin has it.
Information is easy; Character is hard.
Palin has Character but no information.
McCain has both Character and information.
Biden has information but no Character.
Obie has neither information nor Character.
You can help fight back, or at least fight back against the media.
Sign this petition. I will send it to the MSM, NYTIMES, Obama campaign and McCain campaign with lots of details once I get 1000, hopefully by the end of the week!!
Help spread the word!
I thought the Libs were all worked about about Obama being a target for an assassination...and with Hillary as his VP, that was almost a given. ;-)
But now they're moaning about McCain bowing out early. I'd be much more worried about Biden getting into the Oval Office chair than Palin.
If only Kim Jung Mentally Ill weren't incapacitated...Obama could wrap up the North Korean Madman endorsement as well.
But how does this Pravda article help Michelle's children?
troglaman said...
Let's say, theoretically, that McCain/Palin get elected. Six months later, McCain is diagnosed with terminal cancer and must abdicate his powers.
Could any one of you tell me why Palin would be OK here?
Let's just say Karl Rove decides not to steal this election.
Obama would be President from day one. Can you tell me why he would be okay here?
President. Palin's ready to be the President?
Palin has governed a state. Obama has done what now? Organized a community, voted present in the senate?
McCain may win. I didn't think it could happen but it's looking more and more like it might. Gives me nightmares. And then there's President Palin. Shoot me now.
Get some perspective.
What has Obama ever done that makes you think he'd be okay as President?
Advocated higher capital gains taxes in a time of declining economic growth?
Written two autobiographies about how badly he's dealt with being (half) black?
Taught identity politics at a law school?
"These and the fact that Euroweenies would be "much happier" with Obama, (perhaps socialists sniff each others butts and wag their tails), and I have NO doubt that the Republican ticket is the best thing for the United States." a said
No doubt. Such confidence. Especially in light of the fact that our banking industry is going tits up, we're spending 11 billion a month in Iraq, and the dollar is beginning to resemble a peso. And you have "NO doubt that the Republican ticket is the best thing for the United States." How inspiring.
Well then, a said, you are complete an utter dumbass. Because there's no other way to look at this other than a complete failure at almost all levels. Absolutely nothing you believe in is working. Not one thing. Your snark's good, though. I'll give you that.
"Taught identity politics at a law school?" The Craw
Fuck you. I want one, halfway credible, reference that Obama taught "identity politics" at Harvard. One. Waiting. I already know you can't do it.
You stupid lemming. You soak up and spew this bubbly bullshit and, without a doubt, believe it. It's beyond my ability to comprehend. Drink the Kool Aid, excrete, gather the excrement, and repeat X2.
When does one decide to either flee the building or try to put out the fire? It doesn't matter to you friggin jackasses because you don't even think there's a fire. Everything's great. We're "fundamentally strong". Sure.
The flames are licking our feet. Many of you obviously and perversely like that. Truth be told, I'm not adverse to a little flaming foot licking myself, but Jesus. Rome is crumbling, my friends.
A screaming hoard of rhesus monkeys would be better suited for the White House than a Republican.
Trog, you moron, Obama taught identity politics at the University of Law School, where he was, you knowk, a "professor of constitutional law" (not just an adjunct or lecturer as he would be designated anywhere else under the same circumstances)l, and *NOT* at Harvard law school where he was a student.
Are we going too fast for you now or what?
I mean, could you point out the actual executive experience Obama has? And give a few details, like how many people worked for him and how big his budget was?
I mean, if you believe he has more experience to handle the biggest executive job in the world better than Palin then you should be able to point out how he has more experience in executive positions to compare, right?
Or are you just frothing at the brain again? (Or should that be some more, or still, or something?)
"I thought the Libs were all worked about about Obama being a target for an assassination...and with Hillary as his VP, that was almost a given. ;-)" anon
Do you, anon, wonder what reaction I might get, as a cave-dwelling lib, if I'd said something about, oh let's see, McCain becoming an assassination target because he'd signed on Sarah? And I thought I was being funny? Think about that. On the other hand, never mind. You're way way way way too much of a dumbass.
texas calling
Think about this: "Or it feels like it was written by someone whose grip on his own identity is weakened, and who simultaneously sees himself as both self and as other."
Got that from your really great site:
Heavy, dude.
Sigh. I learned more after dropping acid and going to a Jethro Tull concert. Dumbshit.
"Trog, you moron, Obama taught identity politics at the University of Law School, where he was, you knowk, a "professor of constitutional law" Dave
It was Harvard. And I want you to show me anything that says he taught identity politics. Anything. Saying he taught constitutional law at Harvard doesn't cut it, cucumber brain.
Got your proof yet, dave? I'm waiting for something about his classes. Something a student said. Something. Or is teaching constitutional law at Harvard in and of itself, imparting identity politics in an effort to corrupt the innocents?
What it comes down to, dave. Is that you don't know what the fuck your talking about but choose to say it anyway.
trog, you seem... tense.
Come on... buck up, lil' camper.
Pan Trog
A 4400 word post and that’s all you saw fit to quote?
Come on this (I'm sorry I just can't come up with a sufficient derogative to describe this yahoo) worships Slobodan Milosevic fer Bobs sake and thinks Yugoslavia was some kind of happy xanadu until that evil NATO invaded.
"Before this however, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was a prosperous country with a motivated, happy workforce which enjoyed a relatively high standard of living."
"Along came NATO, its strings pulled by Washington, to create havoc and chaos in the region by means of its criminal intrusion, against which Serbia had to fight to protect its citizens, thousands of which were slaughtered by the Croats and Muslims and Kosovar terrorists. Yet Milosevic was the one dubbed the Butcher of the Balkans, a label easy to stick since he had been systematically isolated by the arms of the octopus whose head resides on Capitol Hill"
That alone should remove him from any consideration as a source for interpretation of reality.
And by the way, you’re missing the really important lesson of PJs post, Palin has DU so pissing in their pants they will go as far as Pravda to try and discredit her.
Truly pathetic.
Oh, and by the way I did happen to catch Ian Anderson at the Majestic in Dallas a while back. Best damn concert I ever attended!
Texas out
Thanks, son. I'm getting a bit carried away. I'll fix myself a little warmed milk and go to bed. You always take good care of me.
And dave? Go fuck yourself.
"And by the way, you’re missing the really important lesson of PJs post, Palin has DU so pissing in their pants they will go as far as Pravda to try and discredit her." texas
DU will go as far as Pravada. WTF? You're crazy. Like DU's can influence Pravada. Give me one tiny bit of proof. You can't. You make it up as you go along you dingbat corncob.
I'm going to bed now, son. Couldn't pass up texas' blatant attempt at making an ass out of himself.
Warm milk?
Damn what a wuss ;]
As a source ya maroon!
Texas out
Sigh, I learned more after dropping acid and going to a Jethro Tull conceert.
T-man we have so much in common; I saw Jethro Tull at the Nassau County Coliseum in 1972. That was just before I voted for McGovern while in a marijuana fog. Interesting how drug abuse and voting Democrat seem to go together.
"Interesting how drug abuse and voting Democrat seem to go together." elrond
So tell me what you're taking now. Please.
@ troglaman:
"The young law professor stood apart in too many ways to count. At a school where economic analysis was all the rage, he taught rights, race and gender."
"Before he outraised every other presidential primary candidate in American history, Mr. Obama marched students through the thickets of campaign finance law. Before he helped redraw his own State Senate district, making it whiter and wealthier, he taught districting as a racially fraught study in how power is secured. And before he posed what may be the ultimate test of racial equality — whether Americans will elect a black president — he led students through African-Americans’ long fight for equal status."
"“He tested his ideas in classrooms,” said Dennis Hutchinson, a colleague. Every seminar hour brought a new round of, “Is affirmative action justified? Under what circumstances?” as Mr. Hutchinson put it."
"At the school, Mr. Obama taught three courses, ascending to senior lecturer, a title otherwise carried only by a few federal judges. His most traditional course was in the due process and equal protection areas of constitutional law. His voting rights class traced the evolution of election law, from the disenfranchisement of blacks to contemporary debates over districting and campaign finance. Mr. Obama was so interested in the subject that he helped Richard Pildes, a professor at New York University, develop a leading casebook in the field."
"His most original course, a historical and political seminar as much as a legal one, was on racism and law. Mr. Obama improvised his own textbook, including classic cases like Brown v. Board of Education, and essays by Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Dubois, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, as well as conservative thinkers like Robert H. Bork."
Here's a memo from Obama on his class' exam results - read it yourself to see the outsize emphasis he put on minorities and identity politics. Specifically in this case supposed racial motivation over hiring practices for the Fire Department.
These by the way are not from any partisan blog; they're from the New York Times. Try reading it some time.
FYI I'm not diminishing Obama's service to law students. I'm not even an opponent per se of identity politics, affirmative action and so forth.
But for one, I don't think that an over-arching state mandating blanket racial equality without regard to individual circumstances is a good idea, or even necessary.
For two, I don't think such a strong focus on identity politics makes for a particularly reassuring background for a President - ESPECIALLY not the potential first black American president in history.
Nor is that kind of experience comparable to the executive experience gained by running a huge, energy-rich, strategically important American state, or even a small town within that state, or serving on an energy oversight board.
tman said:
I want one, halfway credible, reference that Obama taught "identity politics" at Harvard. One. Waiting. I already know you can't do it.
Above post was in response to this ^^
You stupid lemming. You soak up and spew this bubbly bullshit and, without a doubt, believe it. It's beyond my ability to comprehend. Drink the Kool Aid, excrete, gather the excrement, and repeat X2.
When does one decide to either flee the building or try to put out the fire? It doesn't matter to you friggin jackasses because you don't even think there's a fire. Everything's great. We're "fundamentally strong". Sure.
The flames are licking our feet. Many of you obviously and perversely like that. Truth be told, I'm not adverse to a little flaming foot licking myself, but Jesus. Rome is crumbling, my friends.
As for the other, well, I posted a reply to a similar sentiment yesterday. If I recall correctly, you called me a dung beetle in response.
Anyhoo, here it is again:
How does the performance of the U.S. economy really compare with other advanced economies over the eight years of George Bush's presidency? Data published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the World Bank, the International Comparison Program (ICP) (a cooperative venture coordinated by the World Bank) and the U.S. Census Bureau allow a nonpartisan, factual assessment. Here are some of the findings:
-- Economic growth. U.S. output has expanded faster than in most advanced economies since 2000. The IMF reports that real U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of 2.2% over the period 2001-2008 (including its forecast for the current year). President Bush will leave to his successor an economy 19% larger than the one he inherited from President Clinton. This U.S. expansion compares with 14% by France, 13% by Japan and just 8% by Italy and Germany over the same period.
The latest ICP findings, published by the World Bank in its World Development Indicators 2008, also show that GDP per capita in the U.S. reached $41,813 (in purchasing power parity dollars) in 2005. This was a third higher than the United Kingdom's, 37% above Germany's and 38% more than Japan's.
-- Household consumption. The ICP study found that the average per-capita consumption of the U.S. population (citizens and illegal immigrants combined) was second only to Luxembourg's, out of 146 countries covered in 2005. The U.S. average was $32,045. This was well above the levels in the UK ($25,155), Canada ($23,526), France ($23,027) and Germany ($21,742). China stood at $1,751.
-- Health services. The U.S. spends easily the highest amount per capita ($6,657 in 2005) on health, more than double that in Britain. But because of private funding (55% of the total) the burden on the U.S. taxpayer (9.1% of GDP) is kept to similar levels as France and Germany. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that 84.7% of the U.S. population was covered by health insurance in 2007, an increase of 3.6 million people over 2006. The uninsured can receive treatment in hospitals at the expense of private insurance holders.
While life expectancy is influenced by lifestyles and not just access to health services, the World Bank nevertheless reports that average life expectancy in the U.S. rose to 78 years in 2006 (the same as Germany's), from 77 in 2000.
-- Income and wealth distribution. The latest World Bank estimates show that the richest 20% of U.S. households had a 45.8% share of total income in 2000, similar to the levels in the U.K. (44.0%) and Israel (44.9%). In 65 other countries the richest quintile had a larger share than in the U.S.
Investment has been buoyant under President Bush. According to the ICP outlays on additions to the fixed assets (machinery and buildings, etc.) of the U.S. economy amounted to $8,018 per capita in 2005 compared to $4,963 in Germany and $4,937 in the U.K. Higher taxes on the upper-income Americans, as proposed by Mr. Obama, are likely to result in lower saving and investment, less entrepreneurial activity and reduced availability of bank credit. Lower-income Americans would be among the losers.
When considering the distribution of income and wealth in the U.S., another factor that should be taken into account is the sharp rise in the number of immigrants. The stock of international migrants (those born in other countries) in the U.S. grew by nearly 10 million from 1995 to 2005, reaching a total of 38.5 million according to the World Bank.
The inflow of migrants may have restrained the growth of average income levels in the bottom quintiles. Nevertheless, their earnings still allowed immigrants to remit $42 billion to their families abroad in 2006, double the level in 1995. So the benefits are widely spread among the families of immigrants remaining abroad -- an important U.S. contribution to the reduction of poverty in these countries.
-- Employment. The U.S. employment rate, measured by the percentage of people of working age (16-65 years) in jobs, has remained high by international standards. The latest OECD figures show a rate of 71.7% in 2006. This was more than five percentage points above the average for the euro area.
The U.S. unemployment rate averaged 4.7% from 2001-2007. This compares with a 5.2% average rate during President Clinton's term of office, and is well below the euro zone average of 8.3% since 2000.
-- Debt interest payments. The IMF reports that the interest cost of servicing general government debt in the U.S. has averaged 2.0% of GDP annually from 2001-2008, compared with 2.7% in the euro zone. It averaged 3.2% annually when President Clinton was in office.
The cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has been largely absorbed in a relatively small increase in the defense budget (to 4.1% of GDP in 2006 from 3.8% in 1995). A much higher proportion of U.S. income was devoted to the military during World War II and the Korean War.
The evidence shows that much of the Democratic Party's criticism of President Bush's economic record is wide of the mark. True, the economic slowdown now affecting most advanced countries will likely result in rising unemployment over the coming months. But thanks to sensible policies pursued by the Bush administration (not always with adequate support from a Democratic-controlled Congress), the U.S. economy is sufficiently flexible to keep unemployment below the 7.7% peak reached in the last post-recession year of 1992.
By Keith Marsden
Mr. Marsden, a fellow of the Centre for Policy Studies, was formerly an adviser at the World Bank and a senior economist in the International Labor Organization.
Sorry, that was "brainless dung beetle."
My bad.
Well of course the minorities will take over after Obama's elected. Whites will be sent to Gitmo thanks to you Patriot Act shitheads. Those of us lucky enough to have shoe polish will be servants of the new world order.
Slurp it up, mandible.
troglaman said...
Well of course the minorities will take over after Obama's elected.
T-man, t-man. Do you really think that opposition to affirmative action and identity politics stem from a fear that "the minorities will take over," and take their revenge on white males?
Like, seriously?
I wonder if libs really, honestly, think that?
If so it would explain why they need extravagant conspiracy theories to explain why conservatives/Rethugs/Neocons/KKKristians consistently hand it to them in their own favourite game, politics.
They think we are a bunch of hick KKK members.
Honestly, tman, are you unable to come up with an analysis that might show even a little sophistication?
Or is that all you've got?
So tell me what you're taking now. Please.
Currently I lick frog skins and drink single malt scotch.
"Currently I lick frog skins and drink single malt scotch." elrond
I'm there. See? We have more in common than you think.
"T-man, t-man. Do you really think that opposition to affirmative action and identity politics stem from a fear that "the minorities will take over," and take their revenge on white males?"
No. The idea never occurred to me. It occurred to you.
Hm. Strange that you'd post a comment implying that, then.
"Hm. Strange that you'd post a comment implying that, then." manwithscaryclawfingers.
Really? Show me. I didn't post anything about "the minorities taking over". You did. Your brainpan, not mine. Dumbass.
Tman, regarding your remark at 1:49 am, yesterday: "McCain may win. I didn't think it could happen but it's looking more and more like it might. Gives me nightmares. And then there's President Palin. Shoot me now." I'll oblige the heart, right? Small target, but I think I can hit it. I'm only teasing, but you know I can't pass up a chance to rag on you.
"I'll oblige the heart, right? Small target, but I think I can hit it. I'm only teasing, but you know I can't pass up a chance to rag on you." little susie cutie pie.
Oh shut up, you little tramp. Of course you're kidding about shooting me in my lil ol heart. Gulp.
I didn't know you liked to swallow.
troglaman@yahoo. com said...
Really? Show me. I didn't post anything about "the minorities taking over". You did. Your brainpan, not mine. Dumbass.
That's weird.
troglaman said...
Well of course the minorities will take over after Obama's elected. Whites will be sent to Gitmo thanks to you Patriot Act shitheads. Those of us lucky enough to have shoe polish will be servants of the new world order.
Slurp it up, mandible.
2:24 AM
"(Obama) taught identity politics at a law school?" mandible
There. Shut the fuck up all you crabs.
"I didn't know you liked to swallow." susie
Clever girl. Is it important to you that I may be a homo? Like that should matter? Of course it does.
My inner homo has nothing to do with this discussion. I've successfully repressed him. Pervert.
And you're clever by half.
I have nothing against homosexuals. Quit stereotyping.
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