"The bloody VOICE!!!"

The bloody VOICE!!!
[Drives the loons NUts!!! Perhaps we should send Apache helicopters over Afghanistan to play Sarah Palin recordings on loudspeakers to drive Al-Qaeda from their caves..]
Belatedly doing my homework and watching the Gibson interview. Forget the content (or lack thereof), the only things I hear are nasality, rising inflections, strange and arbitrary emphasis on words and, and......NUKULAR
[Uh, uh, umm... Well, I umm...certainly ah, ummm...happy that uh...that is, Obama's uh, voice, doesn't ummm...bother you.]
Oh geez...Hillary and that fake northeastern accent...fingernails on chalkboard. Palin's reminds me of Francis McDormand (sp?) from her role in Fargo
[Actually Hillary's normal accent is that of suburban Chicago. The rest of the time she is doing either a fake southern or fake northeastern accent.]
Great minds think alike. I already call Palin. "Marge Gunderson."
[Yah! Actually I like the Marge Gunderson accent.]
Lindsey Graham and Phill Gramm. Their voices SUCK and its not the southern thing either because I grew up and still live in the south. I know I've complained about their voices too. Palin's voice is just plain horrible.
[And you will be hearing a lot more of her voice for years to come. Hee! Hee!]
Oh I complain about liebermans voice. GOD it irritates me to no end x( I can't listen to him I have to turn him off. Worse than listening to boosh and I'd definitely prefer listening to nails on a chalkboard than hear one peep outta liebermans maw.
[Lieberman's voice sounds sort of like an adenoidal Elmer FUdd. However he does look like a muppet.]
I ALWAYS think of the guy on Alf! Sounds just like him!
[Perhaps but when I see Lieberman speak, he reminds me of a muppet.]
Chris Matthews, Joe Lieberman, Bush*, Lindsey Graham all have HORRIBLE voices that make me want to throw a shoe through my t.v. whenever I hear them. Oh, and Rod Decker, a local newsman has the worst voice on the planet.
[Chris Matthews sounds like a honking goose whenever he blurts "HA!"]
What can possibly be worse than Jaaames Sensennnnnbrennnnnerrrrr? Also, the voices and accents of so many other Republican senators. O Mi God. Oh, jesus. Is there anything worse? Republicans are such ugly people. Ugly in manner, ugly in attitude, ugly in vocal expressions, ugly in "vallyuhs" (values) and dumb as mud. People with ugly world views are almost uniformly ugly in all their traits, thoughts, expressions, appearances. It can never successfully be concealed.
[Of course, this DUmmie thinks that the Code Pink freaks appear perfectly normal.]
Reagan's condescending tone drove me nuts.
[There you go again!]
The sound of Bush's voice makes me want to scream. The way he mangles the language is far worse than his fake Texas drawl which he's so proud of. He tries to use big words but even when they're written in very large letters he still manages to fumble them. Chertoff's voice is nerve wracking too. Rumsfeld's voice is brittle and sarcastic and I'm glad he's no longer doing his crappy immitation of being a human being on TV. Sean Hannity is shrill and hits you like machine gun bullets. Swartzennegger's limited vocabulary and thick accent makes you wonder why he hasn't dropped some of that accent after all these years. It makes me think he's too lazy to pronounce words that he hears on a daily basis. He can't pronounce the 'th' in that. It still comes out as 'dat'.
[Believe it or not, one of the most difficult sounds in English for foreign speakers to pronounce is "th". It seems easy but many foreign speakers just can't do it. Maybe something you have to pick up early on. I notice the same problem with the way "R" and double "R" is pronounced in Spanish. Most Americans can't do it correctly. Your humble correspondent can but that is because of early training in that idiom.]
Someone Called It "Fargoese" After the movie...a bit of Canadian with a touch of lumberjack. :rofl:
[Mixed in with a bit of Bullwinkle.]
I can't wait for the debate. I know they get some of the questions before hand, but she can't stand up to Joe's on the spot questions.
[Assuming that Joe is even on the Democrat ticket by the time the debate begins.]
Actually I expect her to slaughter Biden, his ability to think on his feet is nonexistent, and being a senior Senate committeeman or chairperson is no training at all for this. Any "Telling questions" Senators might ask in that forum are prepared well in advance by staffers and lobbyists making the ambush ready, like askaris beating game for the fat businessman on safari. The questions are anything BUT extemporaneous.
But, in the debates, the roles are different...this time the fat businessman waiting for the perfect shot is the moderator and the press, and Biden will be cast in the role of the game - the outsiders he roasted (or was made to appear to roast) at those oh-so-collegial Senate proceedings.
Deer-in-the-headlights Biden, prepare to meet your Artemis.
Oh, jesus. Is there anything worse? Republicans are such ugly people. Ugly in manner, ugly in attitude, ugly in vocal expressions, ugly in "vallyuhs" (values) and dumb as mud.
Politcal differences as moral failing and intellectual weakness, young Joe Stalin speaks his mind.
Palpable hatred. Delete that. Palpable fear.
I love the smell of DUmmie fear in the morning.
Smells like victory.
If they want to talk about bad accents. Waht about ted "hiccup" Kennedy. Cna anyone ever understand waht the hell he is saying half the time. what about "KKK" Byrd,or ALgore the human tree???
I could care less how anybody talks and I love the Canadien accent,eh. Get me a jelly donut and a beer, eh.
The one accent I really can not standis elitism. And almost all democrats have it, they think they knwo more than anyone else.
I thought she sounded (a little) like Marge in "Fargo" as well... and I thought it was sexy as hell (for both McDormand AND Palin).
But, from a previous thread, I can see why "lesbian, pagan, socialist, feminists" wouldn't like her.
Also, at first, I was concerned about how Palin would do in a debate against Biden...
Now, I can't WAIT for it.
My sincerest hope is that we'll see a post-debate DUmmy thread about how "mean" Sarah was for attacking good ol' Joe.
So typical of the left. These 'people' are SO tolerant of others, so 'understanding' and compasionate, so altruistic in their desires to right every wrong and include ALL people under their 'tent'. Ahhh yes. Can't ya just FEEL the love folks?
Elrond and Gunslinger, you guys nailed it!!
"Yes, Sarah Palin's voice drives DUmmies absolutely CRAZY." PJ
"Clinton's voice "makes angels cry." Glenn Beck
"The reason is her voice. I don’t think there is a man of voting age in America who will want to listen to her every day for four years in office. This is why Bill is always given a pass for cheating on her. Men understand instinctively that Bill had to find his pleasure elsewhere; find escape and relief from that voice." Caruba
"As you can see, the Hardball gang spent precious airtime talking about how grating Hillary's voice is."
So, you see, it's you guys who pay attention to 'the sound'. We, at least those in my tribal circle, pay attention to what's being said within 'the sound'. The sound within the sound. Difficult concept, I know.
Will your post be available on audio cassette?
The Trogster said: "So, you see, it's you guys who pay attention to 'the sound."
Ummm, were you dropped on your head as a child? Did the point completely elude you that this entire post derives from the comments of your fellow moonbats on Sarah Palin's voice?
Why is it that the Liberal Media prefers to hire uncharismatic liberal speakers, such as Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Alan Colmes, Anderson Cooper, Katie Couric, Brian Williams etc., while charismatic conservative speakers, such as Pat Buchanan, Bill O Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Brit Hume etc. are few and far between?
I do not understand why the Media prefers to hire uncharismatic speakers over charismatic speakers just so that they could spread their liberal agenda. I would think that hiring conservative charismatic speakers would be much more profitable, but I guess the media just prefers to hate America, rather than actually serve the voice of the people.
BTW, I think that Palin needs to be elevated to the Presidency, while McCain should be kicked off the ticket entirely, and be replaced by Roy Moore as VP. We shouldn't have to have our principles compromised by that RINO's 'maverickness'.
We....pay attention to what's being said within "the sound".
What fantasy land do you live in? Please read that DUmmie thread and prove that those dolts are listening to anything other than each other's tantrum.
Rare look inside the DUmp's nerve center!
Corona said...
Will your post be available on audio cassette?
O.K., that made me LOL. ;)
"The bloody VOICE!!! "
Do you guys remember "Mars Attacks"?
Maybe if we get Pailin to yodel Tman and his ilk's heads will explode! I have an image of Biden's plugs popping off while his head shakes uncontrollaby.
/I'm easily amused
"Did the point completely elude you that this entire post derives from the comments of your fellow moonbats on Sarah Palin's voice?" stupid fuckin dumbass
No, dumbshit, it didn't elude me. The quotes above are wingnuts getting all fucking riled up with Hillary's voice. Hillary's voice. And now you're all goofed up about somebody going whacko about Palin's voice when you stupid jackass motherfuckers were doing the same thing 4 months ago? IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER!!! You're all going to send me to an early grave. Straight ahead heart attack. Stroke. I can't believe how stupid...ffft...up...taking a pill and going to bed.
Troglabutthead: "You're all going to send me to an early grave. Straight ahead heart attack. Stroke."
"Republicans are such ugly people."
This, coming from a member of the party/ liberal worldview that also includes Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Al Franken, Cindy Sheehan, Cynthia McKinney, Michael Moore, Rosie O' Donnell, and of course the repulsive shriveled hags of Code Pink?
Save enough pills for after November 4th, tman....I think you'll need them.
Do you think this will send the tman over the cliff for good?.....I hate the sound of Hillary's voice; I hate the sound of Hillary's voice; I hate the sound of Hillary's voice; I hate the sound of Hillary's voice!
Do you think this will send the tman over the cliff for good?.....I hate the sound of Hillary's voice; I hate the sound of Hillary's voice; I hate the sound of Hillary's voice; I hate the sound of Hillary's voice!
Uh, oh, a double post...I'm sorry tman. Not!
Why don't you post it again for good measure.
Nope, not gonna do it, tman. I want to keep our little lib pet around for a little longer.
"Nope, not gonna do it, tman. I want to keep our little lib pet around for a little longer." susie
Have I just taken a room at Motel Hell??
But you're right, susie. I do have to admit there's more road-kill around here. Good for the clan. One word: sausage.
You RepubliDUm road-kill are less work than culling the libs. Have you ever had a Birkenstock shoved up your ass? Didn't think so. Not a pleasant experience.
But you, susie, could've posted the same thing 100 times and made the fact that you're an idiot a forgone conclusion for ever and ever and yet *choke* I'd still be there for you. Just like you'd be there for me.
Kiss Kiss
Susie. You wouldn't happen to kinda look like Sarah...maybe just a little...? Glasses?
Tman, you and your clan don't hunt for your own meat? You have to dine on roadkill? Lazy, aren't you (and probably dumb to boot)? And please don't choke up for me. I'm able to take care of myself just fine. See? Conservative women are taught to fend for themselves. I can grow my own food, catch my own fish, and kill my own meat. Sorta like my idol, Governor Palin. In fact, I'm a steel magnolia, and I don't need any pussy lib like you to be there for me. As for your salutation "kiss kiss"....all I've got to say about that is "blech, blech".
Trograpist, I want to kill you so badly it's not even funny. I want to kill you, bring you back from the dead and kill you again. AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. And then I want to shit in the wounds. I don't care if this makes me or anyone else look bad. I fucking hate you THAT MUCH.
I don't even come here anymore because your fucking comments put me in a bad mood and then I end up hurting someone. But someday that someone will be YOU, fuckwad. Nobody deserves to have their head sawed off by some fuckwad terrorist (in other words, your best friends) more than you, child rapist.
"I don't even come here anymore because your fucking comments put me in a bad mood and then I end up hurting someone. But someday that someone will be YOU, fuckwad. Nobody deserves to have their head sawed off by some fuckwad terrorist (in other words, your best friends) more than you, child rapist. FUCK OFF AND DIE." the mysterious and complicated manbearpig.
manbearpig told me she was a woman. And I've noticed she's awful protective of susie. Hmmm. Not that there's anything wrong with that but why does she have to take it out on me, Troglaman?
Your use of caps is really really scary, manbearpig. Isn't it hibernation season yet?
"Conservative women are taught to fend for themselves. I can grow my own food, catch my own fish, and kill my own meat. Sorta like my idol, Governor Palin." stupid susie
Is anyone else troubled by this? Like all conservatives know how to "kill my own meat". Mighty frontier hunters. My clan knows how to kill their own meat but we don't brag about it. Okay, maybe sometimes. But only after bringing down a wooly mammoth.
So what do you do with the spleen, susie? We prefer it raw. Liver? Raw. Still-beating heart? Heh. Raw. Knee tendons? Now those we like to cook up with a few potatoes and insect larvae.
So, susie. Not only is your "kill our own meat" comment utter crap, it's also scary to any meat-bearing animal like myself, Troglaman.
Love you.
No, your clan does not know how to do anything but whine. If there weren't supermarkets, you'd starve to death. And it irks you to no end that I (and a lot of conservative women like me) could be turned out anywhere in this country and survive, and you'd die of starvation. You probably don't even grow your own marijuana.
And, oh by the way, tman....I don't need manbearpig or anyone to "protect" me. I guess the women in your clan are as whimpy as the men, and need protecting. Gee, all you lib men are for women's lib, but then you condescend to us. I've held a job since I was a teenager; I'm not like your lib women; they're either limosine libs, kept women, or welfare women. So, take your condescension back to your cave, and use it on your woman, or women.
"And it irks you to no end that I (and a lot of conservative women like me) could be turned out anywhere in this country and survive, and you'd die of starvation." real cute susie
"Turned out"? What does that mean, you psycho? Countless conservative women will be "turned out" and escape into the wild where they'll get along just fine because they can hunt, gut, etc?
Where do you live, generally, susie? Are you prepared for the upcoming expulsion of conservative woman into the wild dangers of...um...the forest or something?
If you would like to join our clan, let me know. I'll talk to one of the elders. Meet me on the bluff next to the Hill of the Stupid, right under the wingnut tree.
"Gee, all you lib men are for women's lib, but then you condescend to us". susie
Do we? I didn't know. All the more reason to storm the castle.
God Bless you, susie.
God has already blessed me with a wonderful life. I have loads of friends who love me; a wonderful tightknit (and conservative) family, and the brains to see through your pitiful crap. See? I'm the extremely happy sort that your libs hate to see. Even if your Obamessiah squeeks through, it will not ruin my life, I lived through the twin catastrophies of Dhimmi Khadir and Bill "blue dress" Clinton, and I'm still here. When life gives you lemons, make a strong marguerita and enjoy. You can call me all the names you want, and it won't ruin my day. I go to school and teach and we say the pledge (with "under God"), we have our moment of silence, and we even pray before lunch.
"and the brains to see through your pitiful crap." susiebrains
Sheesh, the Bluedress incident. Blowjob. Takes a lot of brains to see why this is an impeachable offence, susie. Those brains of yours must be squeezing right out your ears.
Let me ask you something. Why does the fact that the president got a blowjob from an intern make a difference to you? Because it clearly does. What's your problem? Be specific.
"I'm the extremely happy sort that your libs hate to see." susie
You can't be happy if you think I hate to see you happy. Can't happen. If you think I, or anyone else, hate to see you happy, you can't be happy.
You're such an open book, susie.
And you're such a closed book, tman; closed book, closed mind. Hmm, you're all over the fact that I mentioned "blue dress" Clinton, because apparently it concerns sex. And don't try to be cute and all (it's so unbecoming in a lib man), you and I both know it had nothing to do with the "blue dress". It was all about lying. Oh, by the way, why no comment on Dhimmi Kadir?
Oh, yeah, tman; I'm happy that you're happy that I'm happy. Happy now?
"Hmm, you're all over the fact that I mentioned "blue dress" Clinton, because apparently it concerns sex. And don't try to be cute and all (it's so unbecoming in a lib man), you and I both know it had nothing to do with the "blue dress"." stupid susie
You brought up the blue dress, susie, you.
"...apparently it concerns sex"
You wouldn't happen to, um, have a blue dress, would you? Stained with sin? $100.00 right now. Let's go.
Why do you want my blue dress? Is your's at the cleaners? And, if you're insinuating what I think your insinuating....not on your life; I'm not one of your tramp lib women, or clan members. Not in your lifetime....ewww, just the thought makes me want to puke. I'm married, a lady, and foremost, a Christian. But, it does tell me one thing about you, you have to pay for a woman. We already know you have no personality, now we know you must look like crap. Ewwwww!!!!!!!
And you still haven't mentioned Dhimmi Kadir, your party's elder statesman.
"if you're insinuating what I think your insinuating....not on your life; I'm not one of your tramp lib women, or clan members." susie
You're not? Holy shit. I thought I was making time with a liberal (in disguise) harlot, tantalizingly posting from my cave. My bad.
Disregard. You've gone from sexy to insane. Forget I said a thing.
Yeah, I get your drift. On your planet, if you have morals you're insane.
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