DUmmies Go Into Labor Day

The DUmmies are going into Labor--Labor Day, that is--with noble visions of Joe Hill and Jimmy Hoffa and Norma Rae dancing in their heads. Workers of the world, unite! Solidarity forever! Yes, the DUmmies go all Wobbly on Labor Day.
Never mind that in recent decades Big Labor, along with Big Government, have probably COST Americans jobs, driving businesses overseas or out of business. No, one must cling to one's romantic notions.
So, several threads in our DUFU today, a couple started by DUmmie Taverner and one by DUmmie nadinbrzezinski: This THREAD, "Time for a Labor Movement NOW!" and this THREAD, "All jobs should be unionized," and this THREAD, "'Unions are Evil...' Outside of local target."
So let us now sing "The Internationale" and join the DUmmies in their righteous oppressed-worker mode (in Bolshevik Red, of course), while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--wondering if PJ and I should form a DUFU Writers Union and picket all you oppressive, low-paying readers--is in the [brackets]:
Time for a Labor Movement NOW!
[Time for a righteous rant NOW!]
We all labor. . . .
[We so exploited!]
Time to start a real worker's movement.
[That would start with you guys doing real work.]
Some will laugh. . . .
[You're right! We will!]
they can go f*** themselves.
[Now THAT would take some real movement!]
Solidarity forever,
Solidarity forever,
Solidarity forever,
For the union makes us strong.
[Such hilarity for freepers,
Such hilarity for freepers,
Such hilarity for freepers,
For the DUmmies make us laugh.]
what would the movement do exactly?
[Move! What do you THINK a movement would do? Why, we'd . . . move around some, standing outside of gates and singing songs and holding signs and being righteous and oppressed.]
General strikes, shut commerce down.
[General strike! Stick it to THE MAN! NOT ONE D*MN COMMERCE DAY!!!]
Why not expand unionization?
seeing that we are down to about 12% of the populace belonging to unions at best, that looks to be an area for improvement.
[Driving businesses overseas or out of business did not do a whole lot for expanding union membership.]
ORGANIZE... ORGANIZE, and organize some more. It is that organizing that got you things like that pesky weekend or the eight hour day, or health rights.
[nadinbuttinski butts in with that pesky writing style of hers.]
Get more professions unionized IT, Sales, Sales Engineering, pretty much any kind of Engineering... Hell even Management.
[Management should unionize. Good thought there, DUmmie Taverner. Then they can go on strike against themselves.]
In a resurgent labor movement I would love to see right-to-work scabs excluded somehow. . . . We also have a lot of union Republicans. I suppose it unrealistic to plan to leave out idiot assholes like that.
[Republicans should be thrown into the no-right-to-exist movement.]
Workers of the world, awaken!
[DUmmies, do your belly-achin'!]
Just cause someone has money doesn't make them evil. . . .
All jobs should be unionized
[DUmmie Taverner thought his idea in the previous thread was so good, he gave it a thread all its own!]
Everything from IT Workers to Managers to Commercial Sex Workers
[Now you're talking! benburch would LOVE to form a union with a commercial sex worker!]
All jobs should be unionized. That is all.
[That is all NUTS! But then, that's what we expect from you DUmmies.]
F**in A. Would K&R a million times if I could.
[Unfortunately, the Poster Workers Union only allows you 15 K&Rs per hour. Then you have to have a break.]
Not sure about the sex workers.
[Is that you, Eliot Spitzer?]
San Francisco has unionized prostitutes. . . .
[The San Francisco 69ers.]
Yes, everyone should be forced to join a union..Particularly those who work for themselves.
[Just think! You can shut down your own work!]
you're entitled to your opinion. . . .
[Sorry. Section A, Paragraph 6, forbids union members from having their own opinions.]
I'd never be in favor of requiring unionization.
I don't know if small, family-owned businesses should be unionized.
Having the option is what we need. Not forced or denied one way or the other.
[Look, are you guys members of LFTU or not? Have you signed up? Have you paid your dues? If not, zip it!]
I'd be skeptical of requiring unions for everything. If the employees are happy with the way things are, then a union isn't exactly neccesary.
Yes, all jobs should be unionized!
"Unions are Evil..." Outside of local target
[Sister Nadin starts a thread . . .]
in Poway...
[No way!]
They are trying to gather signatures to get rid of the pension system for the police and fire in this city.
[Let me guess: Nadin pulled a siggy iggy.]
On the way out... me... "UNIONS ARE SO EVIL that this is why you got an eight hour day and weekends."
["Pesky," Nadin. You should have said, "this is why you got that pesky eight-hour day and them weekends."]
Signature gatherer said nothing...
[He was stuned. The poor guy's thinkin': "Who's this crazy lady with the bag of triage milk and bottled water?"]
Fact is, he is getting paid 3-6 bucks a signature...
[Hey, he's part of the Signature Gatherers Union.]
Fact is we have our own version of Walker here.
[Walker, Poway Manager.]
Fact is they need to be confronted... silence means you agree with them.
[Nadin will never be accused of silence.]
Methinks they are not getting the sigs though. I have gotten five robo calls from the member of the city council in question (DeMaio).
[Robo DeMaio.]
Yes, I have kept track... and I am proud of myself, one decided to LEAVE my local Ralphs after getting noisily confronted by me.
[Noisy Nadin, speaking truth to Poway!]
[A DUmmie responds . . .]
I sometimes wish we were evil. Maybe we'd be scarier. Something you wouldn't want to mess with...
[You don't laugh at DUmmieland's crap,
You don't put Fox on the screen,
You don't pull the mask off that Guy Fawkes stranger,
And you don't mess around with Nadin . . .]
Some years ago, up in Detroit, welfare recipients grouped together and announced that they were going to unionize...
It failed when someone pointed out that this would be "complaining about the comfort of the seats when you're getting a free ride", and the effort went nowhere.
I've always wondered what a strike would have consisted of.
"I sometimes wish we were evil." You DUmbasses are evil. You wish to use the government to extort money from people who actually do something so it can be given to societal parasites such as yourselves because you're "entitled".
"Maybe we'd be scarier." No. you evil turds are pathetic, sad, and mildly amusing, but not scary.
"You DUmbasses are evil. You wish to use the government to extort money from people who actually do something so it can be given to societal parasites such as yourselves because you're "entitled". troglanon
You stupid, stupid dumbshit. Mr. Stinkwagon's gonna hump my leg (probably the other one) once again... but let's stop defining Social Security and Medicare as entitlements.
Welfare is an entitlement. Federal Housing is an entitlement. Social Security and Medicare...they're not entitlements. We've been paying into them with every paycheck. We've put a part of our earnings into both these programs and at this very moment, it's working.
Despite your beliefs and "romantic notions" (as Chuck-Chuck-BoBuck postulated in an earlier thread), Social Security is solvent for the next 25 years. That's why Wall Street would love to get their hands on it. There's a couple trillion in there.
But it's added nothing to the deficit. You only get it if you've worked for it, or if your spouse worked for it and died, or if you're a minor and a parent worked for it and died. What you get is what's been paid for. That's pretty much how it works.
During the RepubliDUm debate tonight, Perry declared Social Security a "Ponzi Scheme". A criminal enterprise. Romney, on the other hand, pledged to protect it (probably by turning it all into a giant 401K account). A line was drawn. Pretty interesting.
But what a choice. Shit. It's going to come down to these two guys.
Obama wins...not that it will make a whole lot of difference. He only offers a small chance to be 'not as fucked'. Bottom line..we're all fucked to one degree or another.
See how depressing I am when I'm not drinking everclear and jamming my head up my ass, Mr. Stinkwagon? I promise I won't do it again.
Re: that Norma Rae movie, specifically that scene where she hops up on the table to show everybody her sign, I'd always presumed she was making her lunch order known and had merely misspelled "onion".
"New congressional estimates show that the account that Social Security disability checks are drawn from will be insolvent by 2017 without intervention, the Associated Press reported. " (August 22, 2011 - http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/08/22/social-securitys-disability-fund-will-go-broke-in-5-years/)
"Save The Date: Social Security Will Go Broke
Chuck Blahous and Scott Nystrom, 07.29.09, 11:45 AM EDT
The trustees warn that Social Security goes broke in less than 30 years. Critics say no way, but it's probably even sooner." (http://www.forbes.com/2009/07/29/board-of-trustees-personal-finance-retirement-saving-social-security.html)
Report: Medicare could go broke by 2019
By Peronet Despeignes, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — Medicare will go broke by 2019, seven years earlier than predicted a year ago, and could begin squeezing the rest of the federal budget as soon as 2011, according to a report released Tuesday by the trustees of Medicare and Social Security.
"....talk about Social Security being in fine fiscal shape is misleading. The program is running $40 billion annual deficits at the moment. Those deficits are supposed to be paid by government bonds in its trust fund. But as President Bill Clinton's budget professionals pointed out, the money to repay those bonds can only come from more borrowing, higher taxes, cutting other programs or by cutting Social Security benefits. Today, that means more borrowing. At a time when the federal government borrows 42 cents for every dollar it spends, Social Security's deficits add to the problem.
The sad fact is that today's Social Security faces 25 percent benefit cuts for everyone receiving Social Security in just a couple decades. These cuts will hit every retiree, including the lowest income seniors. It is possible to prevent this catastrophe -- but every year we delay making changes, the eventual cost goes up." David John, July 12, 2011 (http://www.heritage.org/Research/Commentary/2011/07/Fix-Social-Security-to-give-better-future-to-our-kids)
"Welfare is an entitlement. Federal Housing is an entitlement. Social Security and Medicare...they're not entitlements. We've been paying into them with every paycheck. We've put a part of our earnings into both these programs and at this very moment, it's working.
Despite your beliefs and "romantic notions" (as Chuck-Chuck-BoBuck postulated in an earlier thread), Social Security is solvent for the next 25 years. That's why Wall Street would love to get their hands on it. There's a couple trillion in there.
But it's added nothing to the deficit. You only get it if you've worked for it, or if your spouse worked for it and died, or if you're a minor and a parent worked for it and died. What you get is what's been paid for. That's pretty much how it works." - Troglaman The Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe, angrily power-slamming his head up his ass
Looks like Troglafuck screwed the pooch again.
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