"Chant of 'tax the rich' growing louder in nation"

The DUmmies like to work themselves up into a good frothing every now and then--oh, like, every five hours or so. And a favorite target--maybe THE favorite target, along with Christians--is THE RICH! BOO! HISS! The EEEVIL Rich! Tax them! Confiscate their goods! Smear them with Michael Moore's excrement! Make them watch episodes of "Pink Lady and Jeff"! NOTHING could be bad enough to do to rich people!
So it should come as no surprise on this Labor Day weekend that currently near the top of DUmmieland's "Greatest" list is this THREAD, "Chant of 'tax the rich' growing louder in nation."
There's no place like foam, and there's no place like DUmmieland for rabid foaming-at-the-mouth class hatred. So let us go there now. The DUmmie remarx are in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--who always makes sure his rabies shot is up-to-date when he ventures into DUmmieland--is in the tax [brackets]:
Chant of 'tax the rich' growing louder in nation
[Some enchanted even-ing . . .]
Billionaire Warren Buffett may not seem to have much in common with angry laborers at town hall meetings or armies of California nurses protesting in the streets. But these days, the executive celebrity in his boardroom and working folks on the front lines have found a common mantra as the economy continues to sputter and the 2012 election approaches: "Tax the rich."
[Warren Buffett has been wasting away again in Marxaritaville.]
They are joining Democratic politicians, such as U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, who pounded the issue of making "millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share" nearly a dozen times at a recent event in Oakland.
[Uh, Babs, the rich already pay WAY MORE than their fair share. They're taxed at a higher rate, and they put in many times more in actual dollars. If you want things to be "fair," then tax everybody at the same rate, no matter their income. The rich would still put in far more dollars than anyone else, and everybody would have some skin in the game of trying to keep taxes down. Now THAT would be fair!]
The calls have become louder as President Obama plans to unveil his jobs plan next Thursday. . . .
[If there's time during the pregame show.]
Today, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, and the powerful National Nurses United union . . .

will take the message one step further with one of their trademark protests - this time opening a symbolic "soup kitchen."
[The Soup Nancy says: "No soup for you freepers!"]
[Now the frothing and foaming begins . . .]
Do something to them. REVOLT!
[The DUmmies are revolting!]
Our elected leaders respond in a way indistinguishable from a dog watching a card trick.
{Say, that reminds me of that painting of the dogs playing cards. Have you seen that one? It's a hoot! See, the artist has these dogs sitting around a poker table, smoking cigars and such. . . .]
[No, I don't think the dogs are actually "stealing" from one another. They each have their own set of chips. . . .]
'Tax' them? Confiscate their assets.
[Throw their assets out on the street!]
Seems like that idea is unconstitutional - Fourth Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated. . . ."
[Constitution, Shmonstitution!]
The Constitution is the law of this country...It is not to be ignored.
It is our duty to revolt and take back what they have stolen from our nation.
[DUmmies, reporting for DUty!]
Stop the Corporate Machine and Create a New World. Join the Prolonged Occupation of Washington DC starting 6 October.
[Apparently there is another DAY WHEN EVERYTHING FINALLY CHANGED on the way! And in proper Euro-style, too: "6 October."]
OK -- first give them the bill for environmental damage - then put them in jail/confiscate assets!
[To Club Gitmo with them! No, TO THE HAGUE!!]
A better idea.
[DUmmie Enthusiast posts a picture of a guillotine.]

Works like a charm and the heads can be displayed on pikes to put the fear of doG into those not shaved by the National Razor. We need to start building some.
[Building guillotine platforms can be part of the new jobs bill.]
Amen! WAY overdue.
I'll pay for the wood!
[OK, we've got the wood covered. Now who will spring for the blade?]
I am a highly skilled woodworker, all we need now is someone to craft the blade!
I'm pretty good with metal and have access to the tools and there's probably some scrap around here big enough to make it from.
It doesn't have to have too sharp an edge. You know.
[I love it when a plan comes together!]
Eat the Rich
[That's why we chop off their heads first.]
Tax the motherf***in' rich people already.
[How about taxing the people who don't pay ANY taxes, so things'll be fair?]
Axe the rich
[OK, that seems to be the general consensus: Tax 'em and then axe 'em.]
Riddle me this: why is it that the Democratic Socialists and other far leftists were calling for this years ago and it's only now hitting the mainstream? . . . Why is it that Dem Socialists, Communists and other far leftists are always so far ahead of their times?
[OK, mainstream libs, time to catch up! On your Marx . . . get set . . . OVERTHROW!]
By their works we will know them, all the others can go f*** themselves.
[What book is that in? I must have missed that verse.]
I'm going to join the prolonged occupation of Washington DC on the 6th of October. Now, tell me what are you going to do besides throw words onto a screen?
it's my mantra: tax the rich tax the rich tax the rich
[It's like "Om . . . Om . . . Om. . . ." The DUmmies say this whenever they want to get to their Happy Place.]
Give the rich a choice: pay their fair share in taxes, or face the guillotine.
[How about both? Of course, it's hard for them to generate further revenue once their heads have been lopped off. . . .]
These idiots just don't have a single clue, do they?
If you haven't seen this, you should.
The hard facts begin at 2:04
Particularly red and juicy meet for a Friday afternoon!
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
We're beginning to see the outline of Obama's 2012 reelection campaign.
But the rich are already taxed, the top 5% income group pays 58% of all federal income taxes.
Still, I'd love to see Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry stripped of their wealth then decapitated.
So much violent imagery---the guillotine, axe the rich, the motherfuckin' rich, eat the rich, craft the blade, heads on a pike, the National Razor and (scariest of all) armies of California nurses.
Silly DUmmies, you're outgunned.
Must be a shortage of prozac in DUmmieland.
What happens when the rich are taxed out of existence? 49% of the country don't pay a dime in income taxes, and actually receive money back that they never paid in the first place. Since the rich pay the VAST majority of income taxes, what does that do to federal revenue streams, and consequently to all the welfare the professional left depend on? Exactly. Not that it will ever happen, but if these babies ever got their wish, federal revenue would drop 60% overnight, and these common jackasses would be fighting each other over bread rations. The idiots of DU are our current version of Robert Mugabe's regime. How'd that work out for ya'?
If you listen closely you can hear the sweet music of a large, bulbous and empty moonbat head exploding all the way from the hinterlands of Maine...
Thanks, Radical!
It's tasteless, crass, and completely within the bounds of free speech and political expression.
It's also funny.
And, I do! I do hear lib heads a-poppin'!
How long before someone screams "racism"?
"Never mind that in recent decades Big Labor, along with Big Government, have probably COST Americans jobs, driving businesses overseas or out of business. No, one must cling to one's romantic notions." Chuck (just because it rhymes with SO many things like.....er...dumbcluck)
'Probably' assumes at least a little doubt. And rightfully so. Why? Because, you bunch of dolts, this statement is, without a doubt, just one big cluster fuck.
And what the hell do "romantic notions" have to do with anything? That, in and of itself, should set off your bullshit alarm.
"...in recent decades...Big Government...probably COST Americans jobs".
Really? Let's see...Reagan (eight years) plus Bush HW (four years) plus Clinton (eight years) plus W (eight years)...20 of the last 28 years have been managed by you dumbshits. You all can go ahead and factor in Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Be my guest.
So Chuck...are you saying that in recent decades you jackasses are mostly responsible for big government and the loss of jobs overseas? Of course you are, you stupid jackass!
But you'll never admit it (even though you just did).
Troggy, you ignorant slut! Again we see you powerslamming your head up your ass in your knee-jerk reaction to reality invading your delusional world.
Do some homework, douchebag. After Reagan forced a Democrat controlled Congress to do their jobs of representing the people instead of closet communists like yourself and your Union buddies, the economy grew, jobs were added (17 million jobs under Reagan alone)and tax revenues doubled.
Carter had a Democrat controlled Congress, which gave us stagflation and job loss.
George H W Bush had a Democrat controlled Congress which forced through a tax rate increase after HWs "no new taxes" taunt. This did not wreck the economy, but it did not help it in the least. The rate of GDP growth slowed down.
In fact, in every time period when there was a DUmbass controlled congress and a DUmbass president, government regulations increased exponentially and jobs went over seas. So, between big government (which W helped along with such DUmbass laws such as Medicare part D and No Child Left Behind)and Unions pricing their labor out of the market, we have jobs heading to lower cost countries. But, you'd never admit that, would you, you ignorant slut?
The reactionary left's understanding of economics is just so.......primitive.
And that includes you, trogleturd.
TROGLAMAN The Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe said...
"Never mind that in recent decades Big Labor, along with Big Government, have probably COST Americans jobs, driving businesses overseas or out of business. No, one must cling to one's romantic notions." Chuck (just because it rhymes with SO many things like.....er...dumbcluck)
'Probably' assumes at least a little doubt. And rightfully so. Why? Because, you bunch of dolts, this statement is, without a doubt, just one big cluster fuck.
And what the hell do "romantic notions" have to do with anything? That, in and of itself, should set off your bullshit alarm.
"...in recent decades...Big Government...probably COST Americans jobs".
Really? Let's see...Reagan (eight years) plus Bush HW (four years) plus Clinton (eight years) plus W (eight years)...20 of the last 28 years have been managed by you dumbshits. You all can go ahead and factor in Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Be my guest.
So Chuck...are you saying that in recent decades you jackasses are mostly responsible for big government and the loss of jobs overseas? Of course you are, you stupid jackass!
But you'll never admit it (even though you just did)."
Let's see.....
"So Chuck...are you saying that in recent decades you jackasses are mostly responsible for big government and the loss of jobs overseas? Of course you are, you stupid jackass!" - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
warrantless condesencion - check
"....big cluster fuck....you dumbshits" - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
worthless vulgarity - check
"'Probably' assumes at least a little doubt. And rightfully so. Why? Because, you bunch of dolts, this statement is, without a doubt, just one big cluster fuck." - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
tired insults - check
"Really? Let's see...Reagan (eight years) plus Bush HW (four years) plus Clinton (eight years) plus W (eight years)...20 of the last 28 years have been managed by you dumbshits. You all can go ahead and factor in Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Be my guest.
So Chuck...are you saying that in recent decades you jackasses are mostly responsible for big government and the loss of jobs overseas? Of course you are, you stupid jackass!" - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
logical fallacy(ies) - check
worn talking point(s) - check
Gotta admit, that checklist works pretty darn well.
Bye the way, Anonymous 11:10AM, you've nailed Guttersnipe as well as I ever could, so I will simply give you props and say well done my good man, well done indeed.
"Do some homework, douchebag." troglanon
"For most part between 1995 and 2007, the Republicans controlled both houses."
So during those twelve years, you dumbshits not only controlled both houses, you also for the most part controlled the presidency.
Mr. Stinkwagon will undoubtedly hump my leg for being redundant...but the economy crashed in 2008 months before Obama took office. You dumbshits, according to YOUR OWN triangulation about who controls the purse-strings, etc., therefore caused it.
You controlled both houses and the presidency for the majority of the 12 years leading up to Obama's election. Right?
Of course not! You had nothing to do with it! It was George Soros, the liberal media, black UN helicopters and secret liberal TV remote controls which disabled Fox News.
Your denial, inability to recognize your own mistakes, and an amazing talent for squirming, is a big problem. A big problem.
And what's up with Obama-as-chef offering up a steaming bowl of Cream of Wheat, PJinc?
What's next? Obama-as-Aunt Jamima offering pancakes? Obama-as-Uncle Ben offering up a big plate of cooked rice?
It must of been a difficult editorial decision to go with the Cream of Wheat motif. Understandably, you probably wanted to stay away the 'uncle' and 'aunt' thing. I get that. Who the hell has a black uncle?
No one around here. You got that right.
Sorry...I'm being wordy. But this is important.
I'm old enough to remember Sambos Pancakes (what is it about blacks and pancakes?). Anyway, there might be a treasure-trove of images of little black Sambo you could use, PJinc.
Of course, I'm only thinking about the the tiger running around until he becomes butter.
(another troglamatic triple, kj)
Yes, it's another Trogladouche Triple Postâ„¢!!!
The DUmmies in that post are a sad example of what happens when you let your kids watch too many slasher movies, then they grow up, fail dismally in life, and reach middle age without accomplishing anything besides a successful disability claim for lifestyle-induced or aggravated problems like morbid obesity, DTs, or late-stage STDs.
They are of course just closet revolutionaries who constitute no threat to anyone but themselves, should they ever cross the Rubicon (Hi, Nads!) and obtain an actual weapon. But if they were actually capable of anything beyond jaw-jacking, it would behoove them to remember that those who built the guillotines eventually followed their initial victims to the blade.
"what is it about blacks and pancakes?"
I had now idea you were a racist. I guess all your hate needs different ways to vent.
(sp -5) on me
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me claim GOP bad as mine hero Democrats for spending like crazy fools. Me know only way to fix is spend more and more and more. Because I are brilliant, you am stupid if you say otherwise. Me just blame blame blame because I are brilliant and me no need to offer idea other than spend spend spend so me never have to do anything but get welfare check because I are brilliant so you owe me.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Anonymous said...
"what is it about blacks and pancakes?"
I had now idea you were a racist. I guess all your hate needs different ways to vent.
That's all Troglaman the Guttersnipe has besides the ability to repeatedly power-slam his head up his ass is blind foaming at the mouth rage and pure hate of anything and everything that violates the standards of his fantasy land universe. So I for one am not the least bit surprised that Guttersnipe is a racist since he supports the DSA and their policies and like the good little groupthink Moonbat lemming his is constantly espouses those policy positions here as he power-slams his head up his ass.
"It is our duty to revolt and take back what they have stolen from our nation."
That's politics for a shoplifter. He's not boosting DVD's, he's revoltin' for the nation. Can't be a bizzare rationalization when it's DUTY!
"But if they were actually capable of anything beyond jaw-jacking, it would behoove them to remember that those who built the guillotines eventually followed their initial victims to the blade." DAT GUY
Behoove? Who are you, Shakespeare?
Never the less, message received. We are entirely behooved. Your dire warning has sent shivers throughout the progressive blogosphere.
By the way, did the inventors of the gallows eventually follow their victims? The inventors of the gas chamber? The electric chair? The drowning pool? The iron maiden? Firing squad? The deep pit filled with sharp stakes and poison snakes?
Of course they did! DAT GUY's deep sense of history and wry irony leaves no doubt about who's head is next to roll.
Or he's bullshitting...artfully.
"By the way, did the inventors of the gallows eventually follow their victims? The inventors of the gas chamber? The electric chair? The drowning pool? The iron maiden? Firing squad? The deep pit filled with sharp stakes and poison snakes?
Of course they did!...." - Troglaman, the vicious hate-mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe
I think I'll let the blatant stupidity of Guttersnipe's latest pile of mental excrement stand on its own...no embellishment needed as Guttersnipe has flawlessly shown he's dumber than a fence post and as clueless as a doorknob.
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