"Obama Bows to Boehner"

That is not only a quote now all over the news headlines according to Google but also comes from this DUmmie THREAD, "Is there some strategic move I'm missing with the debate scheduling?" And KUDOS to FReeper Roscoe Karnes from whom I am stealing his BRILLIANT photo which perfectly summed up the situation. I know that the DUmmies after seeing that photo will be dying to use it so I am giving them permission to indulge and steal it as I did. Another image I have is of Obama right now acting like Col. Saito of "Bridge On the River Kwai" who, after losing face by giving in to the British demand that their officers not be forced to do manual labor, privately pounded his desk and sobbed like a baby because of his humiliation. Perhaps Barack has learned his lesson and will ask permission first before DEMANDING to speak to a joint session of Congress. So let us now watch the DUmmies wince at Obama bowing to Boehner in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting that Obama is probably deeply imbibing the saki right about now, is in the [barackets]:
Is there some strategic move I'm missing with the debate scheduling?
[Another brilliant move by the pan-dimensional chess genius with the end result of a humiliating bow to Boehner.]
It's simply inconceivable that the Administration didn't know that the GOP debate was the same night. And the Administration immediately acquiesced once Boehner objected.
[Obama checkmated himself. Brilliant move!]
Am I missing something? What net positive is gained by intentionally double-booking with the intention of relenting?
[The positive is the BRILLIANT photo graphic created by FReeper Roscoe Karnes. I am predicting it will go VIRAL on the Web.]
I think putting such an important speech opposite a football game is probably a dumb move, though.
[That's what happens when you checkmate yourself.]
This just seems sloppy (unless there's some advantage I'm missing).
[The advantage that you're missing is DUFU comedy gold entertainment.]
No it just makes Obama look inept and weak.
[Really? Who could have guessed that?]
Like you, I have no idea what the WH is doing. It's all very upsetting.
[Take two Tums and a big whiff from the chloroform rag.]
All I know is that on Thursday - I'll be watching the start of the NFL season.
[Since we already know that the Obama jobs speech will be just more boring same old, same old.]
It's a version of the "accept the first invitation you receive" rule. The GOP booked America that night and it's odd that the Administration would schedule a conflicting event without good reason.
[Odd that they're played politics with the scheduling the speech. But HILARIOUS how it completely BACKFIRED on them. BOW BEFORE YOUR BOEHNER!!!]
Actually, the news tomorrow will be that Obama bowed to Bohener.
[Yup! You are exactly right! I just checked with Google News.]
Here is my hometown newspaper headline and lots of others as it is a AP piece:
"Obama bows to Boehner; jobs speech will be Sept. 8"
["Obama Bows to Boehner" is the EXACT headline I am now seeing from many news sources according to Google.]
WASHINGTON— In a retreat after an hours-long test of wills Wednesday, President Barack Obama agreed to deliver an address on jobs and the economy to a joint session of Congress on Sept. 8, yielding to House Speaker John Boehner, who had balked at Obama's request for a Sept. 7 speech.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that it is not embarrassing.
[Col. Barack Saito is right now pounding his Oval Office desktop and sobbing over his humiliating loss of face.]
Administration tried to play chicken. And lost...
The game won't be interrupted. Start time may move to 9pm.
[Great. A boring speech that pisses off NFL fans.]
This was a major screw up!
[Sayeth Mr. Obvious.]
Does Obama even WANT to be reelected? I'm starting to really wonder.
[If he gets to keep Air Force One he might bow out gracefully.]
One of two things.
1. Either the WH is completely clueless and wasn't aware of the GOP debate, although it had been planned months ago.
2. The WH was trying to play mind games with the GOP by scheduling Obama's speech on the same night as their debate and therefore attempting to steal their thunder.
Either way, the WH got smacked down.
Childish games they all play while Rome burns.
[And DUmmie Beacool WINS a bowing Kewpie Doll for having a brief moment of mental clarity!]
Sad thing is, the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats will still blindly vote for this asshat (Obama) because they've so completely lost any contact with reality they can't do anything else.
What of bunch of pathetic lunatic lemmings....
This was an attempt to overshadow the GOP debate already scheduled. I find it hard to believe that his staff did not know about the debate when they picked this date. Talk about amateur hour. If this speech is so important he could have come back from vacation early, and given it. He could have given it the following week also; it's not like he's going to save the economy anytime soon.
I guess Obama wants to provide a lite hearted comedy sketch to the half time show. Idiot.
"... it just makes Obama look inept and weak."
The President's re-scheduled speech had better be over before kickoff.
What a maroon! (B. Bunny)
Skully said...
This was an attempt to overshadow the GOP debate already scheduled. I find it hard to believe that his staff did not know about the debate when they picked this date. Talk about amateur hour....
Skully - did you forget who you are talking about? Remember - The Obamassiah flatly stated he was smarter than anyone on his staff, so when you consider how The One has performed in office, can you really be surprised how lousy those who work for him are???
krazy kat said...
The President's re-scheduled speech had better be over before kickoff.
What a maroon! (B. Bunny)
I wouldn't count on The One being done in less than an a hour considering what a windbag he can be and how sanctimonious and self-aggrandizing he is.
"I think putting such an important speech opposite a football game is probably a dumb move..."
Obama will have to punt.
"All I know is that on Thursday I'll be watching the start of the NFL season."
You and me both Mr. DUmmie. Beer, bratwursts on the grill and the Packers---life is good.
...and we can watch Obama's half-time dog and pony show.
I hope Obama is in the middle of a stupid sentence when the feed abruptly changes to the game without warning. That would be sweet.
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