"The President has decided not to 'go big'."

Smallball. That's what President Obama is doing. The reason he looks so weak and ineffective is that it's a . . . a ploy, a tactic, strategy even--yeah, that's what it is! He WANTS to not do much.
But that has the DUmmies in a tizzy, of course. They had such high expectations . . . now dashed to smithereens. The disappointment and the anger are palpable, here in this THREAD, "The President has decided not to 'go big'."
So let us now join the DUmmies as they decide to "go DUmb," in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, looking forward to not watching the president's address, is in the [Barackets]:
The President has decided not to "go big".
[Instead, he will "go beg," when he speaks to the Congress next
Robert Reich mentions this on MSNBC a short time ago.
[Robert Reich decided not to "go big" long ago. And he's succeeding!]
Robert Reich mentions this on MSNBC a short time ago.
[Every time for Robert Reich is a short time.]
The President wants to create "up to a million jobs". . . .
[This is a high priority, since Obama and his staff will be looking for jobs in about fourteen months.]
by coaxing Congress to release the highway funds, etc.
[Release the funds!]
A million jobs is nothing to scoff at but it is not going "big" when there are 15-20 million unemployed in this country.
[A million make-work government jobs. Yeah, I'd say that's something to scoff at.]
It is a band-aid.
[I'd rather have cuts than your band-aid.]
So those that were expecting more, there you have it.
[Lower your sights . . . and fire away! The DUmmies react . . .]
Did anyone actually think he would? Big means bold... Obama doesn't do bold.
[He's still working on italics.]
Bold is leadership. Bold is vision; Bold is the promise of a better future.
[Bold is on vacation.]
We have timid and wavering.
[It is what it is.]
Is ANYBODY surprised by this??? Are the Obama loyalists going to blow smoke up our asses again, and tell us why this is a GOOD thing?
[He may be in the minority, but benburch thinks blowing smoke up his ass is a good thing.]
He does bold on the stump but it pretty much stays there. . . .
[Mr. Teleprompter can be very bold.]
The highway fund plan isn't his jobs plan. Reich is wrong.
[But do two wrongs make a Reich?]
Reich is wrong.
[Two Reichs make a long.]
Especially since he hasn't even announced his jobs plan yet.
When can we expect that?
[Let's see, I think that's scheduled for next Wednes--no, Thurs--well, I think Boehner's giving him 15 minutes during halftime of the football game.]
Next week, it's been reported as such since before he went on vacation.
[Which was back in April, as I recall.]
We haven't heard squat yet. Keep your pants on.
[C'mon, ben! You weren't told to squat yet! And get your pants back on!]
OK...I'll keep my pants on but I won't hold my breath.
[And ben usually really gets into the holding-his-breath part.]
Yeah, don't jump on the President today...There will be plenty of time next week when he announces his real timid, ineffectual job plan.
[Mark your calendars! I think it's now been moved to 2:00 a.m. on the night of September 8. Up against the juicer infomercials, so he may be able to hold an audience.]
Good morning! I say, what a joy it is to look ahead and show you the signs of your future. So much happiness is in store for you, the most brilliantly lighted stars are put to shame by the brightness of your light! Oh, happiness, what an elusive thing you are, but thank GOD you were born beneath this star! Drop another coin in the slot and I will tell you more!
[Winning The Future!]
I do not necessarily agree with tax breaks as an incentive for hiring. I think tax increases are a better incentive.
[Yes, let's PUNISH businesses, give them less capital to work with! Jobs will ABOUND . . . overseas.
Must we bow to his moderate, conservative, Republican policies and his form of bi-partisanship?
[Obama must bow to Boehner and move his stupid address! Which has now been pushed back to 3:30 a.m. . . .]
perhaps I should take my marbles and go home while I have a few marbles left?
[DUmmie kentuck, you look marble-less!]
If you had listened to him you would know that he plans on releasing his jobs plans in the future... and you would know the future isn't here yet...
[It never is, is it?]
he is a first on many levels.
[First in debt, first in peas, first in the regrets of the American people.]
If he was going to bring out a big WPA infrastructure plan, it would be floating around out there today. . . .
[Obama will be coming up with his plan, oh, right before kickoff on the 8th.]
Some expect a new Works Progress Administration. . . .
[I expect a Whiny Powerless Address.]
In no scenario is Congress going to authorize a trillion dollars in new spending on jobs.
[Hey, what's a few trillion among friends?]
It has nothing to do with "balls of steel".
[It has to do with "bills of steal."]
When did Reich get on the inside?
[I think he crawled through that crack in the corner.]
It's like we're constipated. Mr. President, please. Let's put some umph in our fight!
[Push! Unngh!]
He's so deflated, this president.
[He should have a Flat Tire beer summit.]
Why does he remind me of Charlie Brown?
[Why is Lucy holding that football over there? Oh, it's kickoff time!]
Obama is quite possibly the worst/weakest negotiator of all time.
[I think it's down to him and Neville Chamberlain.]
He wants to give his jobs plan in a joint address to Congress on September 7th.
[It's now been moved to early morning on the 9th, opposite the Farm Report.]
What if they refuse to let him speak to a joint session?
Or change the date...
[Hold on. This just in: Saturday the 10th, PBS, right before Bob Ross.]
He's lowering expectations. Chess you know.
My expectations are nearing the Earth's core.
[Hee! Hee!]
until the speech, it's speculation.
[OK, Sunday, 4:00 a.m., opposite the test pattern. The White House has LOCKED THIS IN!]
"I do not necessarily agree with tax breaks as an incentive for hiring. I think tax increases are a better incentive."
He's being ironic right? Othewise somebody shoot the dumb fuck.
Good morning! I say, what a joy it is to look ahead and show you the signs of your future. So much happiness is in store for you, the most brilliantly lighted stars are put to shame by the brightness of your light! Oh, happiness, what an elusive thing you are, but thank GOD you were born beneath this star! Drop another coin in the slot and I will tell you more!
Is that you, Troglafuck?
[DUmmie kentuck, you look marble-less!]
Okay, I laughed out loud at that one.
Damn. I'd rather watch the test pattern. It's WAY more interesting.
[Bold is on vacation.]
There's some truth to that worst negotiator thing, he seems to want to shift into hardball and queer the deal inches from closing it, and conversely wants to whine about the other side not wanting to deal with him after he uses the bully pulpit to beat them like a rented mule.
It's almost like he really thinks the BS the MSM keeps putting out about his wonderfulness is actually believed somewhere.
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