State of the Eunuch: DUmmies nix Obama's Nudnik Moment

Good speech for a Rethuglican. That's the consensus of the DUmmies on the Compromiser-in-Chief and his State of the Eunuch snoozefest last night. It was Obama's Nudnik Moment: The erstwhile Anointed One has become the Annoying One.
Many threads to choose from; for now we'll go with . . .
this THREAD, "So far, it's a super-progressive speech." and
this THREAD, "Well DU has become quite the Obama bash fest...." and
this Pitt THREAD, "Is this as bad as I think it is?"
There's more where those came from, so if PJ wants to do a SOTU DUFU later, he'll have plenty of material.
So let us now walk across the aisle and take a seat next to a DUmmie, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, who should have watched the speech last night to help him get to sleep, is in the [Barackets]:
So far, it's a super-progressive speech.
[Prepare to be shot down, Obamabot impik!]
Progressive? . . . Progressive? That's a freaking laugh!
[DUmmie Go2Peace is having a Jim Mora Moment: "Playoffs? PLAYOFFS??"]
this is DU, unless Obama goes Karl Marx this speech will be panned.
[DUmmie Uzybone, this is your Kewpie Doll Moment! Congratulations!]
Well DU has become quite the Obama bash fest....what the hell happened to DU, seems to have merged with freerepublic.
[Merging Traffic: Troll Booth Ahead]
Some unwelcome guests have infiltrated.
[Undocumented lurkers.]
I think it was a pretty good SOTU. Not the most inspiring and lofty. . . .
[Damning with faint prez.]
I thought the speech was brilliant then came to DU to rave about it...and yikes.....! . . . It's not meant to be a recitation of the Liberal Manifesto. . . .
[Of course not! It's supposed to be a recitation of the COMMUNIST Manifesto!]
Idiots have taken over this place. . . .
[This is news??]
Locking. This post focuses on DU members, not the discussion of ideas.
[OK, let's discuss our ideas ABOUT the idiotic DU members. . . .]
[Speaking of idiots, let's check in with Pitt . . .]
Is this as bad as I think it is?
[Whatever Pitt thinks it is, that's what it is. Pitt starts this thread simply to have people agree with him.]
I have been known on more than one occasion to defend the President even when he didn't necessarily deserve it. I've also kicked him in the ass more than once.
[Yes, Pitt, you have established your credentials as the Opinionator of Record. . . .]
This is an excellent Republican speech.
[Well, it WAS long and boring, Will, so you must have liked that.]
There were a few belly-rubs - new energy policy, and oh we love the children - but he has been kissing GOP ass from beginning to end.
[Even benburch would not stoop that low!]
Please tell me I'm just an insane person.
[You're just an insane person.]
what is this crap? . . . Total poop grenade. Sh*t everywhere.
[Obama believes in defecate spending.]
Yup. Bone to the left. Bone to the right. Bone to the center.
[Boehner in the back, falling asleep.]
Sadly, I can't bear to watch or listen to him any more.
[That makes all of us!]
Maybe Obama should have had backup dancers and strobe lights to make it more "exciting."
[Barry Obama and the Golddiggers! Yes, I can see it now: Babs Mikulski, Big Sis Nappy, Bawney the Dancing Queen, all shaking some serious booty!]
I feel like I'm on a sinking ship!
[This is your Titanik Moment.]
It is certainly not inspiring. Of course I have had 4 shots of Canadian Mist. So it's back to FarmVille and DU for me.
[Stuck on Stupor: The State of DU-nion.]
Talked for well over an hour, didn't say a damn thing
[It's a gift!]
It was boring. . . .
[Barack Obama puts the BO in BO-ring!]
"It was boring."
Yes. Yes it was.
"this is DU, unless Obama goes Karl Marx this speech will be panned."
True. Scratch the green patina off a DUmmie and you'll find a red interior.
But... but...
CBS says that 93% of Americans LOVED El Arugulas All-Pep Wankathon!
SEE. BEE. ESSSSS!!! Mainest of the Mainstream Media!
If they don't have the facts, they are required by law to make them up!
I mean, what's a guy got to do to get believed around here, anyway?
Have it inserted somewhere in Deuteronomy?
Dan Rather, Chris Matthews and Helen Thomas weep bitter tears.
I could've eaten a box of Alpha-Bits and crapped a better speech.
Eunuch - Noun: A castrated man, usually one castrated early enough to have major hormonal consequences
Nudnik - Noun: A pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore.
Nudnik (pretty funny).
So apparently, PJinc, Obama struck you as a pestering, nagging eunuch...Holy shit! You have EXACLTLY described my inner homo...To. A. Tee. A nagging, nattering little emasculated nabob. did you know? How did you KNOW Obama and my inner homo were EXACTLY THE SAME PERSON?
You're freakin' me out now, dude.
"I could've eaten a box of Alpha-Bits and crapped a better speech." corona
Bet it'd be a powerful, explosive, and surprisingly fluid speech, corona. Might even a good way.
"Bet it'd be a powerful, explosive,"-troglaman
Watch that violent rhetoric troglaman. There are other liberals like yourself lurking this site. Who knows what this type of language could do to them.
"Who knows what this type of language could do to them."
Insanity is infectuous? trogalturd could infect some other reactionary leftist with sleaze-addled logorrhea?
Who knew?
Sarah Palin made me laugh, "Winning The Future, Obama's WTF moment." It's kind of ironic, even the DUmmies would agree with her, if they could set aside their Palinoia and Palinphobia. From the most conservative to the far left, darn near everyone who watched the SOTU sat there having a WTF moment at some point. Sputnik, the cold war, competing with the Chinese, uhh, haven't we done all this before? What, are we going retro now?
Kind of funny too, Winning The Future, the name of Newt Gingrich's book, the new lefty rallying cry. WTF, indeed.
troglaman said...
"I could've eaten a box of Alpha-Bits and crapped a better speech." corona
"Bet it'd be a powerful, explosive, and surprisingly fluid speech, corona. Might even a good way."
Bravo! What a visionary you are.
"Watch that violent rhetoric troglaman." troglanon
Gastric disturbances, douche-nozzle. Not exactly "Killer Tiller" or anything like that...not that you'd know the difference.
".not that you'd know the difference."-troglaman
The media, the Democrats, and you certainly don't. At least when it comes to scoring political points. Or real life tragedies.
Or lying through their stinking teeth about real life tragedies just to score political points.
Nudnik - Noun: A pestering, nagging, or irritating person; a bore.
In other words...Nudnik = Troglaman.
"Or lying through their stinking teeth about real life tragedies just to score political points." laz
Name one lie, dumbshit. One.
If you can't, that sorta means you're the one who's lying. Got that, jackass?
Name the lie or STFU.
"Name one lie...One."
Your fevered attempt to link Jared Loughner to conservatives. A lie, a Joseph Goebbels Big Lie.
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