Olbermann: DUmmies Rage at DUmmie FUnnies

Freeper bottom-feeder "PJ-Comix" plans to "harvest juicy comedy nuggets" from DU today RE: K.O.
[It should be a very productive harvest starting out with the comedy gold nuggets provided by DUmmie Amerigo Vespucci.]
This man / woman is the host / hostess of a regular F.R. feature, "DUmmies Funnies."
[GASP! You said the forbidden name out loud in DUmmieland. VERBOTEN!]
He / she randomly plucks DU quotes and adds his / her witty and insouciant remarks like "what a DUmmie!"
["What a DUmmie!" That might have been the first time I posted those exact words in like maybe a year.]
Oh, that ZESTY FreeRepublic wit.
[Hey, it caused you to lose a night of sleep.]
Further proof that while mutual attraction may exist, cousins should not marry.
[DUmmie logic in action.]
HA HA HA! Hey, PJ! I just made a DUmmie Funny, you f*cking TOOL. You're right, this IS a lot of fun.
[Screeched the angry DUmmie in the performance cage. And now to his fellow DUmmie performers who exist strictly for our amusement...]
Might make more sense if he simply got a life.
[I guess you haven't heard that the DUmmies in my DUmmie Ant Farm exist SOLELY to provide comedy nuggets for the DUmmie FUnnies.]
There's a whole website devoted to doing that. Google "Conservative Cave"
[Now you're in BIG trouble. You just posted that other FORBIDDEN name.]
I stumbled across it a couple of weeks ago. A really revolting site that I considered posting an OP exposing them but decided not to as I didn't want to give them any free publicity.
[Congrats on doing just that...giving the Conservative Cave free publicity.]
I found that site around a year ago while Googling my DUsername. Seems they're obsessed with this place, hanging on our every word. In contrast, I haven't visited that Loserville even one time after seeing how comically worthless it is - like the freeps' weaker, more boring cousin.
[Good news, DUmmie Cirque du So-What. Your DUmmie Losername also appears in the DUmmie FUnnies.]
Actually, I always read that thread on FR. I find it cute how fascinated they are.
[May I put you on the DUFU PING List?]
And how sane the comments PJ chooses tend to be, and sometimes, he admits to agreeing with the DU members. It's as close to a conversation as they will get with those who disagree.
[Could you send that endorsement to WILLIAM RIVERS PITT?]
Guess we'd all better be extra series today.
[Especially YOU, DUmmie DCKit.]
Yo, PJ - KISS MY HAIRY ASS! Juicy enough for ya?
[Sorry. Ben Burch got there first.]
It's not the first time the village idiot laughed at the town folk. It won't be the last.
[The next laugh will come in exactly 24 business hours.]
The guy is so not funny, his stuff just comes across as stupid
but then conservative comedy is an oxymoron.
[The stupid parts come from quoting DUmmies like you word for word.]
(This DUFU edition will be updated with more angry comedy nuggets from this thread so keep providing the material for me to harvest, DUmmies.)
He's just a boisterous asshole lacking in wit of any kind. It's like that episode of "Cheers" in which Cliff Claven decided to do stand-up comedy. And the little shit is so full of himself...each episode of "DUmmies Funnies" is heralded with all of the pomp and glamour that F.R. can muster (which isn't much).
[DUmmie Amerigo Vespucci has just mentioned "DUmmie FUnnies" for a SECOND time. Okay, I have to say it out loud...DUmmie Amerigo Vespucci is a...LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]
But all I can say to him / her is have fun trolling, troll.
[We ALWAYS have a BLAST DUFUing the DUmmies.]
Do reactionary leftist morons have a rite of passage where they have a humorectomy, and they are unable to laugh at anything?
I figure that it'd be like a bris for asshats.
I love the meta-narrative. It's like Stephen King the writer showing up in his own novels.
Only more retarded.
Did I mention loving these guys? Seriously. Awesome.
The FUnniest part is that they truly don't realize that if 95% of American read most of their "thoughts" (and that includes mainstream Democrats), they'd be just as simultaneously horrified, fascinated, and amused as your readers.
Seriously, PJ - you need to get off your lazy and ass find a wider audience for this stuff. It's entertaining even WITHOUT your comments; add in the sometimes hilarious commentary and its really wicked good fun.
Reminds of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Maybe you need a robot?
Laz, the DUmmie rite of passage is not a humorectomy, it is a full frontal lobotomy performed with a dull spoon. Unfortunately, the lobotomy is not accompanied by an orchidectomy, as they are still able to breed.
Is Skinner male or female?
Serious question. Can't tell from that pic.
He looks a lot like my Aunt Helen.
"Maybe you need a robot?"-JK
or two.
Really? Have the ants become aware of their audience?
Is it just me or does Skinner look like a wax sculpture.
Has anyone actually seen this guy move?
Are we sure the two hippies didn't steal this statue from a wax museum?
Hi DUmmies!
You guys are hilarious keep up the self delusional community. I get hours and hours of laughs from it.
Johnny 5 is alive
Skinner looks like a lesbian I know named Sarah. He also kinda looks like Rachel Maddow.
Laz, it's not that they're unable to laugh at anything (i.e. they laugh at people who disagree with them, especially when bad things happen to said people like sickness or death), it's that they're unable to laugh at themselves. This is due to the fact that their bloated egos give them massively arrogant and self- righteous attitudes, so they thus cannot tolerate when others mock them.
JK, maybe he could write a book? It could be like a quote compilation book filled with memorably moronic DUmmy comments, with the chapters divided up by themes (i.e. A chapter on religious quotes which show their bigotry against Christianity and adoration of Wicca and astrology, a chapter on their idiotic ideas for the economy, a chapter on their BDS and/ or PMS rants, etc.).
I think Dummie Funnies is hilarious. I have to make sure I don't visit while I'm drinking a cup of coffee. I love coffee, but I don't really like it up my nose.
For the love of God, man, why are you teasing us with the wait for the DUmmie reaction to El Olberdork getting fired?
It's gotta be comedy gold, Jerry.
What's the hold-up? I've got a tingling up my leg just thinking about it.
"DUmmies Funnies."
[GASP! You said the forbidden name out loud in DUmmieland. VERBOTEN!]" Pjinc
Dear God!!! There's a traitor in our midst!
My fellow liberal saboteurs...FLEE NOW! We have been discovered. It is only a matter of time before the PJinquisitors find you. By then, it will be too late.
I, the mighty, brave and courageous troglaman, shall remain behind and guard your retreat. I shall sacrifice myself if need be.
Emergency code: theyRcrazymofos.so.BFD
Authorization: whatabunchofdumbshits
About Loughner...
He bought a gun...you guys like people buying guns
He bought an expanded magazine...you guys like expanded magazines
He brought a loaded gun to a political rally...you guys like bringing guns to political rallies.
He spoke about "grammar control"...you guys came up with the notion of "grammar control".
He did what your culture wanted him to do. And yet you STILL had nothing...absolutely nothing to do with this fucking travesty.
It's a familiar pattern.
You did it with Iraq - supported the shit out of it then took no responsibility for it's utter failure.
You did the same thing with the financial meltdown - supported the very mechanisms that led to it. And after it happened someone else magically was to blame...not you, oh no, not you. Couldn't be you.
There is a core hypocrisy to your thinking. It's fucking obvious. To a baboon, it's obvious.
You fuckers brought us here. It's really that simple. But instead of wondering what you did wrong, you assign blame to someone else. You take no responsibility what-so-ever for what you've done. You're unable to do it probably because you all have anal abscesses or some such shit.
Brain Damage.
It's the only thing that fits.
trogalman is trying to think logically everyone pay attention, it's truly quite telling.
This is what they consider thinking we'd call it a brain fart.
It's almost sad to watch. I can't believe I'm feeling pity for you.
Please scream that logical fallacy to everyone you know and as loud as possible. It's what's pulling us back from the brink. Average Americans look over the left hand shoulder of the political road and they see this. It's what reminds people how silly they were to listen to you nuts in the first place. THANKS!
Johnny 5 is alive
Seriously, PJ. Enough teasing.
On with the DUFUing of the Olberman spectacle.
You don't expect to wander into that den of iniquity on my own, do you?
Troggy, troggy, troggy, i am surprised.
I was under the impression that even the most clueless liberal trolls have realized it's time to stop dragging out the idiotic and untrue "Loughner was a right- winger" line, in the wake of all the information revealed about him which proved that he was a leftist, as well as a lunatic who was motivated solely by his own madness, but you decided to drag it out again anyway. Your persistence almost rivals your ignorance and hatred.
"He spoke about "grammar control"...you guys came up with the notion of "grammar control"."
Wait, wtf are you talking about? I can't seem to recall anyone here ever mentioning that before the shooting, and even then, we only did so to show how completely insane Loughner was.
"He did what your culture wanted him to do."
1. Your assertion that our "Culture" wants to see people assassinating Democratic politicians is a total crock and you know it. No matter how much you may try to claim that we're all a bunch of psychopaths who want to murder everyone (And even at times directly accuse us of doing so, always without a shred of proof), it's simply not true.
2. Giffords was a moderate Democrat who hadn't been in the public eye much at all (For a political figure, I mean) before the shooting. Even if your moronic and hate- filled hypothesis were hypothetially true (And, of course, it's not), wouldn't you think a more outspokenly liberal politician would be targeted?
"You take no responsibility what-so-ever for what you've done."
That's because we have nothing to take responsibility for, because we had nothing to do with what happened, and neither did liberals. Loughner was simply a deranged lunatic who'd been psychotically obsessed with Giffords and thought of killing her for several years prior to the shooting, and finally snapped.
The only thing you're doing by continuing to claim that Loughner is a rightwinger and we're somehow responsible for what he did in spite of the mountains of evidence to the contrary is to further demonstrate to all of us what a complete imbecile you are.
Oh, and one more thing:
What the hell does the Giffords shooting have to do with this thread? Nobody mentioned it here, it makes no sense for you to do so. Then again, pretty much nothing you say makes sense to anyone in their right mind.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
You am mad dog killers. You am stupid because me am brilliant.
You am hypocrite because me am brilliant.
You am all fuckers because I are brainless fuckwad and me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I'd say yours was rather pathetic attempt at a smear. But then you are taking your marching orders, aren't you?
"troglaman said...
About Loughner..."
One of you reactionary leftists.
Big fan of "Mein Kampf."
And "Das Kapital".
"He spoke about "grammar control"...you guys came up with the notion of "grammar control"."
Never heard of it. Must be some sort of reactionary leftist postmodernist fetish.
It appears troglaman, good little apparatchik that he is part of an organized attempt to associate every kook and conspiracy
theorist with the right.
Let's see: Loughner is demonstrably crazy, therefore he must be right-wing. His obsession with certain conspircy theories make him a right-winger because the the conspiracies he obsesses about are kooky and therefore right-wing.
Troglaman and his pals are using a circular arguement in which only one result is possible,the right must be silenced,if not for violence, then for the kookiness that only needs a nudge to turn violent.
Come on PJ I can't take it anymore.
Oh, you moonlight as a grief councilor.
Yeah we probably wont be hearing from you for a while then.
Talk'em all off the ledge and then get back to lampooning them. It's great job security.
Even trogals can't wait. Look at his last argument, he missed the last exit on the road to pathetic-ville. He's in need of some good humor too.
Johnny 5 is alive
"It appears troglaman, good little apparatchik that he is part of an organized attempt to associate every kook and conspiracy theorist with the right." elrond
"He bought a gun...you guys like people buying guns. He bought an expanded magazine...you guys like expanded magazines. He brought a loaded gun to a political rally...you guys like bringing guns to political rallies. He spoke about "grammar control"...you guys came up with the notion of "grammar control". The Almighty Trog
Is there something I, troglaman, said that wasn't true? Maybe you could point it out, elrond.
Instead, elrond describes troglaman's statements as an "organized attempt to associate every kook and conspiracy
theorist with the right."
Do something for me, you frigging monkeys - Which statement, trog's or elrond's, can be proven right or wrong? Once deciding that, which statement do you believe?
You'll believe elrond and call me names. I'm having another Kreskin moment.
Looking forward to the follow-up on the Keith fallout. Progressives losing their minds could be on some x-rated comedy central program or even animal planet. They do so resemble parrots.
Squawking at ear splitting levels whatever their masters teach them, then go on to spend the rest of their lives in a cage, covered in the dark.
"Is there something I, troglaman, said that wasn't true? Maybe you could point it out, elrond."
As I pointed out, there are several things wrong with your statements:
1. As I and Laz pointed out, none of us had even heard of "Grammar control" before the shooting.
2. There is far more evidence of him being liberal than conservative, and even so, the only things motivating Loughner were his own insanity and his psychotic obsession with Giffords.
3. If he were a rightwinger, he'd most likely go after a more outspokenly liberal politician than a moderate like Giffords.
You simply ignore those replies to you which you cannot explain away with a few cheap insults and obscene comments.
"You simply ignore those replies to you which you cannot explain away with a few cheap insults and obscene comments." - Adam speaking about TROGLAMAN - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
Sadly, Adam, that's all you'll ever get from Troglaman The Guttersnipe since his only substitute for lack of intellectual depth is to repeatedly power-slam his head squarely up his ass in a blind rage.
"You'll believe elrond and call me names."[troglaman]
They'll believe me because I tell the truth while you prevaricate.
"Is there something I, troglaman, said that wasn't true?"-troglaman
Not enough bandwidth, champ.
"As I and Laz pointed out, none of us had even heard of "Grammar control" before the shooting." adam
Last I heard, you and laz didn't do the shooting.
“The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar. You control your English grammar structure.” Lougher YouTube
David Wynn Miller, who is a complete and utter right-wing nut job..."tells the The New York Times that Lougher has “probably been on my Web site“..."(Miller) said he "absolutely" agreed with Loughner's assertion that "the government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar."
Why does Miller agree with Lougher's accusation that the government is brainwashing the people by controlling grammar? Because Miller's been saying the same thing for years. Would you like an example of "grammar structure"?
And this guy has somewhat of a following. Go figure.
So, adam. The fact that you and laz never heard of "grammar control" is irrelevant. Lougher heard about it...from a right-wing lunatic. Lougher believed he was being brainwashed by the government's control of grammar.
Sort of sounds like the belief liberals being are being given super-powered remote controls that turn-off Fox News, doesn't it? Where'd I hear that? I'm pretty sure Lougher would've wholeheartedly bought into that idea just like many of you did.
"Is there something I, troglaman, said that wasn't true?"
Not enough bandwidth, champ." troglanon
We're fine with bandwidth because all you have to do is find one thing.
Ready boss? Go!
Is there something I, troglaman, said that wasn't true?
"I, troglaman, speaking as your pet liberal, can tell you this - I have never, ever spoken violence on this website...ever."
"David Wynn Miller, who is a complete and utter right-wing nut job"
Never heard of him, so I can't speak on his politics.
" Lougher heard about it...from a right-wing lunatic."
ANy proof this was where he got it from? Miller said their ideas are similar, does that mean Loughner automatically got it from Miller?
Ok, so that's all you got that supposedly proves Loughner was automatically an ultra- conservative nutjob? Want to see some proof I have that he was far- left?
1. His own personal acquaintances have stated that he was far- left in his politics.
2. He hated Bush. Leftists hate Bush.
3. He believed 9/11 was an inside job. That is an almost exclusively liberal position.
4. On his Youtube account, the only video on his "Favorites" list was of a masked punk burning an American flag. Conservatives believe in respecting and saluting the American flag; Liberals believe in stomping on it, spitting on it, defecating on it, or indeed burning it.
5. His favorite books included 'Mein Kampf' and 'The Communist Manifesto,' neither of which are popular reading among conservatives but both of which are frequently found on liberals' shelves.
6. He was a fan of the punk band Anti- Flag, whose fanbase consists pretty much solely of ultra- liberals around Loughner's age range.
7. He was a rabid Atheist, a position held more by liberals than conservatives.
8. He hated cops and referred to them as "Pigs," a favorite term for them among liberals.
That conclusive enough for you, moron?
Face it troggy, your attempts to link Loughner to the Right are lame and unconvincing, smacking of desperation.
But I give you credit for faithfully adhering to the Democrat line despite it lack coherence or shame.
"Face it troggy, your attempts to link Loughner to the Right are lame and unconvincing, smacking of desperation." elrond
What the fuck are you talking about?
He bought a gun...you guys like people buying guns.
True or false, elrond.
He bought an expanded magazine...you guys like expanded magazines.
True or false?
He brought a loaded gun to a political rally...you guys like bringing guns to political rallies.
True or false?
He spoke about "grammar control"...you guys came up with the notion of "grammar control".
True or false?
And I'm desperate?
This is a losing argument for you pussies. It just is.
BTW, anybody hear about the backpack bomb left along the MLK-Day parade route in Spokane? Very sophisticated shit. Shrapnel, rat poison (anti-coagulant) and a pipe-bomb.
Anybody want to make a bet about where this one ends up?
Didn't think so.
"Anybody want to make a bet about where this one ends up?"-troglaman
Sure. More baseless accusations by leftists like yourself. Your meme has been canceled troglaman.
"Anybody want to make a bet about where this one ends up?"-troglaman
Too bad it won't end up where it belongs....
troggy, your "logic" is stunningly incoherent.
Let's see, everyone who buys a gun with an expanded magazine must be a right wing crazy. Everyone who brings a gun to a political rally must be a right wing crazy.
Why? Because you say so. Proof is not necessary, the accusation is sufficient. The spirit of Joe Stalin is alive and unwell on the left. Baseless accusations and guilt by association. Sorry, it doesn't work, the burden of proof is on you, not us.
As for "grammar control" I never heard of it until you raised the issue. You would be better off practicing some "self-control" rather than flailing about with your reckless smears.
A typical troglaman post is long on assertion, short on facts and coherent argument, and invariably written in the highest gear.
"troggy, your "logic" is stunningly incoherent...Let's see, everyone who buys a gun with an expanded magazine must be a right wing crazy. Everyone who brings a gun to a political rally must be a right wing crazy." elrond
Really? Is this what I'm saying? Where did I say everyone that buys an expanded magazine is crazy?
Since I never said it, isn't it fair to conclude your logic is incoherent? Yes. Yes it is.
You're full of shit. You're drawing conclusions. I'm not.
Let's revisit what the mighty trog said -
"He bought a gun...you guys like people buying guns. True or false?
"He bought an expanded magazine...you guys like expanded magazines. True or false?
"He brought a loaded gun to a political rally...you guys like bringing guns to political rallies. True or false?
"He spoke about "grammar control"...you guys came up with the notion of "grammar control". True or false?"
I'm not drawing conclusions, I'm asking which one of these statements is true or not. What's readily apparent is that none of you pussies have the guts to answer.
"I'm not drawing conclusions, I'm asking which one of these statements is true or not. What's readily apparent is that none of you pussies have the guts to answer."
1. As we have said, many of your statements are false, most notably the one that supposedly conservatives came up with the notion of "Grammar control." That is false, and as it is clear here, none of us even heard of it before the shooting.
2. You're the one who doesn't have the guts to answer MY proven facts demonstrating that Loughner was clearly and unmistakeably a liberal. You offered four very vague statements, at least one of which is clearly and completely false to anyone in their right mind ("Grammar control"), and the others of which are broad enough to apply to many liberals as well as conservative (i.e. in case you're too dumb to figure it out, there are liberals who are not opposed to private gun ownership). In contrast, I provided twice as many clear, concrete facts about Loughner which revealed him to be clearly on the far left (And I've still got one or two more up my sleeve if you want). However, due to your cowardice and ignorance, you deliberately avoided addressing my points. Look in the nearest mirror or other reflective surface if you want to see someone who doesn't have the guts to answer basic questions.
Your "statements" are nothing more than broad, unproven, generalizations about "you guys" (i.e. conservatives). As such, they are worthless, a true or false answer is both impossible and a waste of time.
You're not asking an honest question; you're making sly, dishonest, accusatory statements.
It's all rather shameful, I thought better of you.
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