Pitt Lectures Conservatives On Violence...Months After Tombstoned For Violence

THE WRATH OF FOOLS: An Open Letter To the Far Right
[Stand by for a morality lecture from the Hero of the Newton schoolyard.]
To: Palin-lovers, Fox "News," the "mainstream" media, and the Far Right, et al.
From: William Rivers Pitt
Date: Monday 10 January 2011
Re: The blood on your hands
[You ******* piece of shit
From: WilliamPitt
Date: May-09-10 03:34 PM
Just to make sure you see this before it gets deleted, here you go: ]
Dear “Patriots,”
At the time of this writing, Rep. Giffords is lying in a hospital bed in critical condition. The God you Bible-spewing frauds love to flog the rest of us with must have been in that supermarket crowd with her on Saturday, with His hand on her shoulder, because it is nothing short of a full-fledged miracle she survived at all. Doctors are actually cautiously optimistic that she will survive, though the degree to which she will ultimately recover is still sorely in doubt. She can respond to simple commands, according to her doctors, and is marginally able to communicate. If she survives her wound, it is wretchedly certain her life will never, ever be the same.
I just thought you should know a few things about the people you helped into their graves and hospital beds this weekend.
Yes, you.
You false patriots who bring assault rifles to political rallies, you hack politicians and media personalities who lied through your stinking teeth about "death panels" and "Obama is coming for your guns" and "He isn't a citizen" and "He's a secret Muslim" and "Sharia Law is coming to America," you who spread this bastard gospel and you who swallowed it whole, I am talking to you, because this was your doing just as surely as it was the doing of the deranged damned soul who pulled the trigger. The poison you injected into our culture is deeply culpable for this carnage.
You who worship Jesus at the top of your lungs (in defiance of Christ's own teachings on the matter of worship, by the way) helped put several churchgoers into their graves and into the hospital. You who shriek about the sanctity of marriage helped cut down a man who was about to be married. You who crow with ceaseless abandon about military service and the nobility of our fighting forces helped to critically wound the wife of a Naval aviator who fought for you in a war. You who hold September 11 as your sword and shield helped put a little girl born on that day into the ground.
You helped. Yes, damn you, you helped.
["Explain how you have the time and money to post to DU from your ******* car, you poor ******* victim."]
The "mainstream" media is already working overtime playing up the "Disturbed loner" angle with all their might. There is no doubt, from the available evidence, of Mr. Loughner's transformation into a disturbed individual. But here's the funny part: all the crazy crap he spewed, about the gold standard (a favorite of Glenn Beck, the master of Fox "News" fearmongering...so he can sell his gold scam to suckers) and government mind control and everything else before going on his rampage, is straight out of the Right-Wing Insanity Handbook. His personal YouTube ramblings were a mishmash of right-wing anti-government nonsense...the kind that attracts sick minds like Loughner, the kind that only reinforces their paranoia, the kind that finally pushes them over the brink and into the frenzy of violence that took place on Saturday. The kind that the likes of you have been happily spreading by the day.
["Leave my mother out of your comments, or meet me in the street, you ****."]
He did not act alone. You were right there with him. You helped.
["Yes, I ******* said it. Let the mods delete this. I ******* hope you read it first, you piece of shit."]
I'm talking to you, "mainstream" media people, who created this atmosphere of desperate rage and total paranoia out of whole cloth because of your unstoppable adoration for spectacle, and ratings, and because the companies that own your sorry asses agree with the deranged cretins you helped make so famous and powerful. It was sickeningly amusing on Sunday to watch Wolf Blitzer bluster and bluff on CNN about how the media owns no responsibility for this disaster. It was like watching a ten-year-old try to explain how a lamp got broken while he was running through the living room, but no, it wasn't him. It was, in reality, a pathetic display...but that is what you generally get whenever Wolf is on your screen.
["**** you. I'll PM you my address. Say that shit to my face. I swear to God, any time, anywhere."]
"Mainstream" news personalities like David Gergen and John King bent over backwards warning people not to blame Sarah Palin and her ilk for this calamity. It was a sick man who did this, they said. Bollocks to that. I hate to break this to the "mainstream" media know-betters, but words matter. When people like Palin spray the airwaves with calls to violence and incantations of imminent doom, people like Loughner are listening, and prepared to act. The "mainstream" media lets it fly without any questions or rebuttal, because it's good for ratings, and here we are. Words matter. Play Russian Roulette long enough, and someone inevitably winds up dead.
["Any chance you're anything other than a chickenshit ****?"]
Remember the run-up to the Iraq invasion, and the subsequent occupation? "WMD everywhere, al Qaeda connections to 9/11, plastic sheeting and duct tape because we're all gonna die!" was the central theme of the majority of your broadcast schedule for years...until it was all proven to be a lie. You helped the liars, you were the liars, but you knew that. You also got your spectacle, and the corporations that own you got paid a king's ransom, so everyone was happy, except the dead.
["I promise I will drop you if we ever meet."]
Tell me this is any different, I dare you. For the spectacle, the ratings and the pleasure of your owners, you ran names like "Sarah Palin" across the sky in lights, even after she should have faded into well-deserved obscurity, and helped this blister of right-wing rage fester until it finally burst. This was your show, and in perhaps the most wretched irony of all, I would bet all my worldly possessions that your ratings are through the roof right now. You got what you wanted. I hope you are pleased.
["I ******* promise."]
And yes, I'm talking to you, Sarah Palin, you unutterably disgusting fraud. You pulled it off your ridiculous website, but it's out there: you put cross-hairs - literally, cross-hairs - on Rep. Giffords, you blithered about "reloading" instead of "retreating," and you made this country more stupid and violent with every breath you took. Well, congratulations, you failure, you quitter, you inciter of mobs. You put the cross-hairs on her, and someone finally pulled the trigger. Run from it all you like, Lady MacBeth, but this blood will never be washed from your hands.
[Fraud? Was Sarah Palin the one who perpetrated the Karl Rove Indictment FRAUD?]
I'm talking to you, Sharron Angle, you walking punch-line, who talked about "Second Amendment remedies" being necessary if you didn't get your way on health care reform during your failed Senate campaign.
["If you dare, say that shit to my face. I am not hard to find."]
I'm talking to you, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly, and Michael Savage, and Ann Coulter, and Laura Ingraham, and to every other right-wing tripe-spewing blowhard blogger and Fox News broadcaster. I hope you are proud of yourselves, because this is the day you get to reap what you have been relentlessly sowing since you were forced to encompass the unmitigated outrage of a Black man winning the office of President of the United States.
["You suck. And I will wipe you out if I ever get the chance."]
That's right, I said it. Anyone who thinks good old-fashioned American bigotry and racism are not the core motivation for a vast majority of these so-called "revolutionaries" should get their heads examined. You've heard of the "elephant in the middle of the room?" Well, this is the burning cross in the middle of the room, and no amount of spin will douse those flames.
[Pitt has had an elephant in the middle of the room ever since May 12, 2006.]
I'm talking to you, Koch Brothers. Your money to create and spread this disease was well-spent; you now have one less Democrat in the House to worry about, at least for the foreseeable future. Congratulations, you un-American sacks of filth.
[Hmmm...Have you ever tried talking to your very own TruthOut colleague, the violently unstable Jason Leopold about the journalistic FRAUD you both perpetrated simply as an easy means to fame?]
And I'm talking to each and every one of you who listened to these traitors and believed the nonsense they spewed at you for no other reason than to pick your pockets for campaign/organization contributions. I'm talking to you who wore your silly fatigues and carried your badly-spelled fact-deprived signs to protests with pistols on your hips and rifles on your shoulders. You who threw bricks through the windows of politicians you disagreed with. You who shot out the windows of Rep. Giffords' office not even a year ago.
[The Magic Man who was so unstable that he threatened VIOLENCE on a homeless woman continues on and on and on with his morality lecture.]
You worked very hard to create exactly this atmosphere in America, and now it has come to be. We have entered the age of the Wrath of Fools, and we now must again exist in an America where the word "assassination" has become all too relevant.
["Wrath of Fools" from the FOOL who was so clueless that he thought he could FOOL the world with a complete journalistic HOAX.]
You helped this happen. You.
[You? You PLAGIARIST. You? You FRAUDSTER. You? You THREATENER of VIOLENCE upon a homeless woman.]
You know it. I know it. Have the guts to admit it, even if only to yourselves.
[Speaking of admitting it, almost five years have gone buy and you have yet to ADMIT that you perpetrated a journalistic FRAUD.]
This is not the end of the story, but is just the beginning. The good people of the United States of America, the true patriots, have finally seen you with your media-painted masks ripped off. They have seen what comes to pass when hate, venom, ignorance and violence goes unchecked and unanswered. You have been exposed, and the fact that it took such an unimaginably horrific act for that exposure to take place only increases the fierceness with which you will be answered. You will be repudiated, not with violence, but with the scorn and rejection you so richly deserve. Spin it as you will, scramble all you like. You are found out, and you have nowhere to hide.
[Where did you hide when you went into seclusion following the exposure of your FRAUD in 2006?]
I could go on, and on, and on, and on, but you get the gist.
[Yeah, we get the gist, Will. You feel free to perpetrate fraud, threaten violence, and possibly some sick Temporary SockPuppet immorality but you continue to wear a gigantic chip on your shoulder and lecture the rest of us on things that you are GUILTY of bigtime. ...And now his fellow DUmmies cheer on the supreme hypocrite...]
You are the best. I am in awe. And in tears..
[We know that is NOT you homeless DUmmie bobolink.]
kudos. I hope this is read far and wide.
[Oh, it will be...especially at the DUmmie FUnnies.]
it's like giving someone the ammunition and then saying you didn't pull the trigger.
[it's like giving Pitt a temporary sockpuppet and then saying you didn't go into the schoolyard.]
Bravo. Should be sent to every media outlet
["Hi. I am William Rivers Pitt, the man who fooled you with my phony Karl Rove indictment scoop back in 2006. I was wondering if you would be so foolish as to swallow my utter BS again. Thank you."]
Thanks for putting it all together in one beautifully written article.
[That will be held up as a supreme example of what an utter fraud WILLIAM RIVERS PITT is.]
I wish I was a wealthy man, so that I might have the privilege of flying to Boston tonight ...
[I'm sure Will would be happy to dip into his Trust Fund to send you money to travel to Boston to worship his hypocrisy.]
You said it very eloquently sir. I hope this gets out far and wide, although it's certain the msm will ignore it entirely.
[The MSM might not be too happy to be reminded about the fraudster who suckered them with the Karl Rove Indictment "scoop."]
UPDATE: More details on the astounding extent of Pitt's hypocrisy at NewsBusters.
Mind control is out of the right wing handbook? Really? I bet we can find psycho-babble new age crap all over DU that parallels Loughner's. I guess that "proves DU is a far right wing extremist web-site. Pitt's ramblings are about as coherent as Loughner's. And as usual, hillarious.
Oh PJ's google alert must have went off! bwahahaha! So predictable and yet Will's story has been shared nearly 5,000 times on Facebook. Meanwhile, the ever so envious PJ sits in obscurity. So fun to watch you react everytime Pitt puts up a new post. I actually lost today's bet cuz I thought you would have gotten it up faster. You're slacking PJ!!
^Will Pitt weighs in.
Anonymous said...been shared nearly 5,000 times on Facebook.
Stupidity multiplying itself.
I, troglaman, speaking as your pet liberal, can tell you this - I have never, ever spoken violence on this website...ever. I admit to calling you the the most stupid motherfucking squirrel-jumpers on the face of the planet. But I've never expressed a desire to beat you up, shoot you, or fuck around with your family.
Would you like to know how many times your very selves have happily offered to do exactly that to yours truly? The Mighty Trog?
So we're presented with a unique opportunity here...a microcosm if you will.
And if jackin jerry comes up with another uncomfortably descriptive scene of the mighty trog slamming and cramming his head up his ass, then my point is proven. Don't you think?
Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
Obama : “Get in Their Faces!”
Obama: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
Obama : “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
Obama : Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
Obama “Punish your enemies.”
Obama : “I’m itching for a fight.”
Looks like the POTUS has blood on his hands. Appears his left wing rhetoric and hate basically put the gun in the hand of the left wing loon that shot all those poor people.
I expect Obama should be taking personal responsibility for this in 24 business hrs.
Thanks, Guttersnipe for showing so clearly I was right - you don't have the intellectual depth to comprehend the English language.
Stating you power-slam your head squarely up your ass like a jackhammer is not a threat of violence, it's a statement of fact. Those who can comprehend English know that. Since you can't, you don't.
And thanks again with your latest post for proving that you are a clone of William Rivers Pitt.
Imagine their reactions when it dawns on these fools that the shooter was a leftist who hated God, called the USA a terrorist nation involved in 2 illegal wars loved flag burning and was a drugged out goth who assassinated a republican federal judge appointed by George Bush!
These people immediately wished so hard that Loughner was a "teabagger" that they actually believed it for a while. It must have been some sort of pent up angst. But now we see that he believes everything they do. Soon they will fall into their customary "Unabomber" mode, and ponder whether or not the well intentioned young man may have had a valid point in shooting the Blue Dog Demo.
"I could go on, and on, and on, and on, but you get the gist."
I started skipping sentences then paragraphs because you were going on and on and not surprisingly nothing was remotely new. This is just another day of crazy but you've wrapped all of your crazy thoughts into one big pile of steaming BS this time.
Way to practice what you screech.
When this back fires and blows up in your face like every other prediction you've ever made has, I'll be hear to laugh at you.
For the time being though I'm more worried about the victims of this tragedy than you're ridiculous rant that borders on delusional.
My prayers and thoughts go out to the poor families who have lost loved ones in this tragedy and to those who survived and have to endure the emotional and physical pain of recovery.
God Bless You
Johnny 5 is just hanging in there.
"Republican congressional candidate Stephen Broden stunned his party Thursday, saying he would not rule out violent overthrow of the government if elections did not produce a change in leadership."
"Congressman Stupak, you baby-killing mother f***er... I hope you bleed out your a**, got cancer and die, you mother f***er," one man says in a message to Stupak."
"If our tea parties had hoods, we would burn your ass on a cross on the White House lawn."
"This was a symbolic killing. Who I wanted to kill was every Democrat in the Senate & House, the 100 people in Bernard Goldberg's book."
"Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of the Nashville field office for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said the two men planned to shoot 88 black people and decapitate another 14. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community."
"Bruce Turnidge harbored fantasies of assassinating President Bill Clinton and threatened his family or acquaintances at least four times, a prosecutor said Thursday."
"An offense report filed against Cartwright the day he died outlines an angry husband who threatened his wife, kept guns and knives on hand, was "severely disturbed" that Barack Obama had been elected president, and believed the U.S. government was conspiring against him."
"In this nation, we think we are free, but you need a certificate to be born, a license to drive, a permit to build, a number to get a job and even a paper after you die," says David Bryan Stone Sr., 45, the alleged head of the Hutaree militia, accused of conspiring to overthrow the government and plotting to kill police officers."
"45-year-old parolee, described by his mother as angry at left-wing politicians, opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers on an Oakland freeway early Sunday and was hit by return fire while wearing body armor, authorities said."
"Court documents released Tuesday say Williams told investigators he intended to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco to kill people at the ACLU and the Tides Foundation, an organization that says it promotes economic justice."
"Dr. George Tiller, who remained one of the nation's few providers of late-term abortions through decades of protests and attacks, was shot and killed Sunday in a church where he was serving as an usher and his wife was in the choir."
"The day after the bomb went off in Birmingham, Rudolph is believed to have returned to his rural home near Murphy, North Carolina. There he visited a video store and rented Kull the Conqueror. The movie has never been returned."
“To the teams that desire making it this far next year: Gear up! In the battle, set your sights on next season’s targets! From the shot across the bow — the first second’s tip-off — your leaders will be in the enemy’s crosshairs, so you must execute strong defensive tactics,” she wrote. “You won’t win only playing defense, so get on offense!” Palin
I, troglaman, could go on and on. Would you like me to start quoting some of the tea-baggers misspelled signs? Are any of you seriously suggesting your rhetoric hasn't been violent? Remember the Obama health-care town meeting where people showed up with assault rifles? How would you have felt if it were Muslims who'd done the same thing?..exercising their American right to bear arms.
You fuckers are the internal threat. You've attacked America many more times than the Muslims have. Deal with it.
Feel free to read what some of your companions have been tweeting Trogaldouche. Luckily it's all recorded and will be shown at the institution of hypocrisy, and admission is free bring a friend.
Johnny 5 is just hanging in there
I must be late to the party. What exactly is Pitt suspected of doing in Newton, MA?
Here is a Dem wanting to shoot Fla Gov
Scott ...
By Mark Hemingway
Created Jan 10 2011 - 3:06pm
Democratic Congressman on GOP Gov. Rick Scott: 'They ought to put him against a wall and shoot him.'
Comments (1)
While Paul Krugman and other liberal commentators continue to exploit this weekend's tragedy by making hay out of supposedly extreme rhetoric on the right, perhaps they would do well to examine some of the rhetoric that has come from the left. On October 23, The Scranton Times reported that Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa., said this about Florida's new Republican Governor Rick Scott:
"That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida," Mr. Kanjorski said. "Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks."
Kanjorski did not win reelection in November. Perhaps the former Congressman was not sincere when he suggested Scott be shot, nonetheless this remark is a far more literal and explict call to violence than the relatively benign (and bipartisan) matter of putting than targets on a map. Yet, Kanjorski's remarks were virtually ignored at the time. One wonders what the reaction would have been if a Republican congressman had called for a Democrat to be put against a wall and shot. I very much doubt it would have been dismissed by Democrats and the national media.
Beltway Confidential Paul Kanjorkski rick scott violent rhetoric
Source URL: http://washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/01/ex-rep-paul-kanjorski-d-pa-fla-gov-rick-scott-they-ought-put-him-
I didn't leave the Dem party...I fled in terror and got a restraining order.
How stupid.
All so painfully, embarrassingly stupid.
And tragically stupid.
The stupidest part of all? Next time around, when some far-left nut does something stupid and evil - my friends on the right will be just as stupid and just as eager to blame the left.
A pox on all their houses.
Everyone needs to grow up and shut up. On both sides.
Of course, I just knew Troggy would leap onto the DUmmies' soapbox to join them in completely ignoring the evidence about Loughner and joyously crowing that he MUST have been a right- winger motivated by Sarah Palin and Fox News without a shred of proof, to then claim as he always does that all conservative Americans are violent extremists who belong in prison.
" I have never, ever spoken violence on this website...ever."
You've personally accused me and others here of being violent terrorists on several occasions. If that's not "Hate- filled rhetoric," I don't know what is.
As for your little list of far- right psychos and bringing up Tea Partiers, do you want me to AGAIN bring up the whole laundry list of liberal psychos who either got violent (Now including Jared Loughner) or threatened violence (DU alone has innumerable threads filled with violent threats and fantasies)? Or, are you still sore from the shaming I gave you back then?
Kirk Johnson said...
"I must be late to the party. What exactly is Pitt suspected of doing in Newton, MA?"
Ever hear the song "Don't Stand So Close to Me?"
As far as Pitt's windy BS goes - Goldy, silvery, bronzy...
I, troglaman, speaking as your pet liberal, can tell you this - I have never, ever spoken violence on this website...ever. I admit to calling you the the most stupid motherfucking squirrel-jumpers on the face of the planet. But I've never expressed a desire to beat you up, shoot you, or fuck around with your family
That's a bonus for you. Should you ever have the opportunity to spew your ridiculous tripe to my face, I would have the honor of arranging an extended stay at one of any mumber of this country's excellent trauma facilities.
Such a tragedy. Everyone I know from Maine is sane.
So, what happened to you?
Classic analysis and breakdown of poor Wee Willie's rant. Love how you interjected the portions of his rant to that homeless dreck Bobbolink. Cheers sir!
Loughner's shaved head jail pic and Pitt bear an eerie resemblance to each other. Has anyone ever seen Pit and Loughner in the same place at the same time? Is Pitt in reality BoyBlue of DailyKos (She's DEAD to me) fame?? Just sayin'.
You seem a little tense their dear. What's a matter your solar powered dildo run out of steam, or did you scare it limp again??
The federal judge who was also shot and killed by Loughner was a GHWB appointee and Republican, ipso facto, Loughner was a deranged Democrat. That's how it works, right?
OK, whoever has hijacked Kayinmaine just cut it out! The clue is "spit!". Nice girls swallow and I know for a fact that Kayinmaine is a nice girl.
"Of course, I just knew Troggy would leap onto the DUmmies' soapbox to join them in completely ignoring the evidence about Loughner and joyously crowing that he MUST have been a right- winger motivated by Sarah Palin and Fox News without a shred of proof..." adam
Ignoring what evidence? There is no evidence yet, dumbfuck. And it's amazing to me that you conclude that I said he "MUST have been a right-winger", or motivated by Palin, Fox News...because I never said anything like that. That makes you a liar. Got that Mr. Catholic Guy? What's God have to say about liars? Last time I heard, it had something to do with a burning inferno.
There is no question you folks happily endorse violence. You know it. I know it. You know I know it and I know you know I know it. This is a tired dance.
I'm beginning to doubt you, adam. If you've been working with troubled children, violence has certainly been discussed. Mental illness has also, without a doubt, been discussed.
Let me ask you this, adam. If you knew a blooming paranoid schizophrenic was listening to "Miller and the "Mathematical Interface for Language" and reading Mein Kampf, would you have been worried if he'd looked at Palin's "Don't retreat, Reload!" web post? Or listened to Glen Beck's creepy description of killing Michael Moore? Would you have been alarmed about an increased interest in weaponry - expanded magazines? Would you, knowing this about a kid you're working with, even consider partisanship a factor? I would hope the hell not.
Would ANY of you dumbshits say someone believing every single word uttered by Rush, Hannity, Savage, etc., wouldn't be one crazy-assed terminator motherfucker? Capable of wandering into a group of atheistic, baby-aborting, liberals and shooting 20 of them?
Fox News Syndrome is a serious contender for entry into the next DSM.
Ever hear the song "Don't Stand So Close to Me?"
Ah, yes. 'Tis exactly what I suspected.
"That makes you a liar. Got that Mr. Catholic Guy? What's God have to say about liars? Last time I heard, it had something to do with a burning inferno.
There is no question you folks happily endorse violence. You know it. I know it. You know I know it and I know you know I know it. This is a tired dance.
I'm beginning to doubt you, adam. If you've been working with troubled children, violence has certainly been discussed. Mental illness has also, without a doubt, been discussed."
1. For the twentieth time, I am NOT Catholic. I'm Methodist. Get that into your head.
2. It's not lying to say that you've jumped on the bandwagon in claiming that only conservative rhetoric motivated Loughner and all other political violence. In either case, a Christophobic bigot like you whose opinions on Christianity are motivated entirely by stereotypes you picked up from TV shows has no business lecturing me on what it means to follow Jesus.
3. No, we DO NOT endorse violence, and YOU know it. You love claiming that we do, and personally accusing us specifically of being terrorists, but never provide a single shred of proof. That is indeed a tired dance. In fact, that's what makes your calling me a liar especially funny and hypocritical, as you lie about us every chance you can get.
4. The kids I work with generally aren't really "Troubled." They're regular teens, some with issues like all kids have (i.e. divorcing parents, a couple of them are poor), but no more than most other teens. I don't believe we've ever really had to bring up the issues you mentioned.
" If you knew a blooming paranoid schizophrenic was listening to "Miller and the "Mathematical Interface for Language" and reading Mein Kampf, would you have been worried if he'd looked at Palin's "Don't retreat, Reload!" web post? Or listened to Glen Beck's creepy description of killing Michael Moore?"
1. (And this is the most important issue relating to this case, imo) Not only is there no proof AT ALL that he listened to any conservative pundits' rhetoric, his own writings, personal tastes in music and books, and the testimonies of people who personally knew him all very strongly suggest that he was quite liberal in his politics.
2. Your bringing up Michael Moore is rather hypocritical, as he has advocated violence, too. His book 'Stupid White Men' has a chapter entitled 'Kill Whitey.' The same book also instructs liberals to pray that Republicans are all inflicted with life- threatening diseases. In fact, the left is filled with pundits advocating violence, such as Ted Rall calling for a violent revolution. Plus, James Jay Lee (The radical environmentalist psycho who held three people hostage in the Discovery Channel building a few months ago) was directly inspired by the works of Al Gore.
"Would ANY of you dumbshits say someone believing every single word uttered by Rush, Hannity, Savage, etc., wouldn't be one crazy-assed terminator motherfucker? Capable of wandering into a group of atheistic, baby-aborting, liberals and shooting 20 of them?"
1. Again, I could reverse that by saying the same about those who believe every word uttered by Moore, Rall, Gore, etc. massacring a group of conservative Christians.
2. Loughner was the one who was an ardent Atheist.
3. The judge Loughner killed was a conservative Bush appointee.
4. Giffords was a moderate Democrat who held conservative positions on many issues (i.e. She supported Arizona's policy on immigration). If this really were politically motivated, you'd think the shooter would go after a more outspokenly liberal target. The only thing motivating Loughner was his own insanity. He had been psychotically obsessed with Giffords and thought of killing her since 2007 (Making liberals' claim that Palin made him do it especially laughable, since she wouldn't come into the spotlight for another year).
You really have no place in any civilized political debate, Troggy.Literally the only things you have to contribute are insults, obscenities, false accusations, and ignorant stereotypes.
"You know it. I know it. You know I know it and I know you know I know it. This is a tired dance."-troglaman
GOOD GRAVY EVERYONE! TROGLAMAN'S READING MINDS AGAIN! Everybody stay calm, try to think about other things because he'll know MAN!
He's just like everyone in the news and all those other liberals that can read minds. Are you policing our thoughts troglaman?
Oh, and just one more thing, Troggy:
As a further example of a liberal pundit inciting violence (I can't believe I forgot to mention this earlier), "Reverend" Al Sharpton has gallons of blood on his hands, with his "Violent, overheated rhetoric" directly inciting the incident at Freddy's Fashion Mart in 1995, plus the Crown Heights riot.
"You really have no place in any civilized political debate, Troggy. Literally the only things you have to contribute are insults, obscenities, false accusations, and ignorant stereotypes." - Adam
Dead right, Adam. Troglaman the Guttersnipe is only motivated by hate and his own extreme arrogance and narcissim. He is incapable of carrying on any civilized political debate simply because of his exceptionally low intellectual depth and dangerous level of brainless demagoguery.
"You fuckers are the internal threat. You've attacked America many more times than the Muslims have."
Lacking anything substantive, troglaman calls on his inner Joe McCarthy and indulges in slander.
"you fuckers are the internal threat. You've attacked many more times than the Muslims have."
1. 1993 bombing of the WTC, six dead, 1042 injured.
2. 2001, 9/11 attacks, 3000+ dead, hundreds injured.
3. 2002, D.C. sniper shootings, 10 dead, 3 injured.
4. 2009, Fort Hood massacre, 13 dead, 30 wounded.
5. Shoe bomber, underwar bomber, Times Square bomber---unsuscessful attacks.
What do these attacks have in common?
Why, they were carried out by Muslims, not by us "fuckers".
So,as ususal,you're so full of shit it's coming out yur ears.
You left out Oklahoma.
You knew that.
Atlanta? Missed that one too.
Do you make any distinction between American Muslims and foreign Muslims? Like, for instance, do American Muslims enjoy American rights? The reason I'm asking is because Muslims are usually considered extremely conservative. They're super religious, have dress codes, no alcohol, no MTV. And I bet they vote Republican. Just like conservative Christians.
And remember I said "number of attacks" not how many people were killed....I'm not disputing 9-11's significance. But you're not counting honestly, elrond. Number of attacks domestically. The first WTC attack could arguably be domestic. Count 'em. Including assassinations (domestic terrorism at its best).
"1. For the twentieth time, I am NOT Catholic. I'm Methodist. Get that into your head." adam
Shut up. You're a fucking Methodist? Am I, troglaman, the only one who didn't know this?
If so, adam, I apologize. I could've sworn...
Anyway. Congratulations. You're a Methodist.
"You left out Oklahoma."
I also left out the Arkansas shootings, the El Al shooting (in Los Angeles), the Discovery Channel hostage taking, the Unibomber, the Seattle Jewish Center shootings and the Brooklyn Bridge shooting. No "fuckers" were involved in any of these attacks; they were carried out by your buddies, a mixture of Muslim nuts and eco-nuts.
P.S.Your comparison of Muslims to conservative Christians is laughable and you have no idea how they vote. But it's interestingly that the only Muslim in Congress is a Democrat.
"I'm not disputing 9-11's signifigance."
A modest concession on your part.
"Including assassinations (domestic terrorism at its best)."
President Kennedy was killed by a communist.
"If so, adam, I apologize"-troglaman
It's a good start. Now backtrack for all the years you've been here and get to all the other apologies you owe.
You've got a lot of work ahead of you.
"It's a good start. Now backtrack for all the years you've been here and get to all the other apologies you owe." trolanon
Pussy...oh wait. Sorry. I've obviously hurt your feelings along the way somehow. You are, like many of my liberal, gay friends, clearly very delicate. I can assure you that whatever I said was not meant personally.
Would you like me to send cookies to anyone, troglanon? A fruit basket? Just give me a list of the offended parties and I will make sure to make amends...maybe even showing up for a hug or two like Oprah.
"I've obviously hurt your feelings along the way somehow. You are, like many of my liberal, gay friends, clearly very delicate. I can assure you that whatever I said was not meant personally." - trogladyte
You're a liar.
"You're a liar." troglanon
That would assume you took it personally. That's your fucking problem, not mine...my fragile flower.
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