"Simply Hypocritical": Head KOmmie Kos and KOmmie BoyBlue swell the ranks

"What? Me, guilty of the very hate speech I condemn?
But, but, I am the Great and Powerful Kos!!"
Last time, we documented the DUbble Standard of DUmmieland, where William Pitt the Hypocrite, in typical high DUdgeon, has denounced the rhetoric of the Right, but who himself has engaged in violent rhetoric against (at least) George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, and Sarah Palin, and threatened actual physical violence against a homeless woman, DUmmie bobbolink.
Today we travel next door to KOmmieland, where Head KOmmie Kos and KOmmie BoyBlue swell the ranks of the hypocrites on the Left. Of course, like the DUmmies, the KOmmies have blamed conservatives for the terrible crime in Tucson, without a shred of evidence of any linkage whatsoever. But both Head KOmmie Kos and KOmmie BoyBlue are guilty of using violent language themselves! Here are the relevant links . . .
From Head KOmmie Kos, January 11, 2011:
Tea Party Express fundraises off Arizona tragedy, lies about Daily Kos
From Head KOmmie Kos, June 25, 2008:
2010 will be primary season
From Free Republic, exposing Head KOmmie Kos endorsing even MORE violent imagery:
New info: DAILY KOS Founder Endorsed T-shirt TARGETING Sarah Palin's Face in Rifle Crosshairs
From KOmmie BoyBlue, January 9, 2011:
My Apologies to This Site, The Victims, and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
From KOmmie BoyBlue, January 6, 2011:
My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
But before we proceed, let us sing this musical tribute to the Righteously Indignant Left, written by yours truly, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson. Click the music link and sing along!
Tune: "Simply Irresistible"
They say we're vitriolical
And deeply diabolical
They say that we're so horrible
Our hate speech is deplorable
See them rant, see them rage
Anger fills every page
But the hate they detect
Is a trait they project
They like to condemn the Right
But now I find they're
Simply hypocritical
Simply hypocritical
They say when we're rhetorical
It can't be metaphorical
The language must be literal
Unless it's by a liberal
They can wish Bush would die
Or hang Palin on high
With no sin of their own
They can cast the first stone
They like to condemn the Right
But now I find they're
Simply hypocritical
Simply hypocritical
(Simply hypocritical) They're so pure, there's no imagery that's violent
(Simply hypocritical) They're so sure there's no hatred of their own
It's unbelievable, the story that they spread
They say we're guilty, that the blood is on our head
But Beck and Limbaugh now, they're wishing they were dead
They like to fight the Right
Now I find they're
Simply hypocritical
They're so pure, there's no imagery that's violent
(Simply hypocritical) They're so sure there's no hatred of their own
Hypocrisy on overkill
The word is pharisaical
The evidence is plentiful
Their posturing is Pittiful
See them rant, see them rage
Anger fills every page
But the hate they detect
Is a trait they project
They like to condemn the Right
But now I find they're
Simply hypocritical
They're so pure, there's no imagery that's violent
(Simply hypocritical) They're so sure there's no hatred of their own
(Simply hypocritical) They're so pure, there's no imagery that's violent
(Simply hypocritical) They're so sure there's no hatred of their own
Simply hypocritical
So let us now metaphorically storm the gates of KOmmieland, where the boys are swell and the hypocrisy is rank, and where the KOmmie KOmments are in Self-Righteous Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, wondering if Kos and BoyBlue can appreciate the Robert Palmer Girls, is in the [brackets]:
Tea Party Express fundraises off Arizona tragedy, lies about Daily Kos
[Head KOmmie Kos politicizes the Arizona tragedy, hides his own violent rhetoric]
From a Tea Party express fundraising email: "The media didn't tell you that the left-wing website, DailyKos, had targeted Congresswoman Giffords, putting a BULLSEYE on her, did they? But that's just what happened." The media didn't tell you that because it never happened. It's fantasy. It's a lie. And of course, since they can't verify the existence of such a bullseye image on this site, they'll claim it was scrubbed.
[Do you, Head KOmmie Kos, promise to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth. . . ? Yes, Kos, please tell us the WHOLE truth about your "targeting" Giffords and "putting a bullseye" on her, and don't hide behind the "image." "Image" isn't everything. So let us look at your 2008 post, which DID appear on your site . . .]
2010 will be primary season. . . . the corrupt, the tone-deaf, and the reactionary within Democratic ranks will face the possibility of primary battles.
["Battles," Kos? Isn't that a bit militaristic?]
Who to primary? Well, I'd argue that we can narrow the target list by looking at those Democrats . . . .
[The "target list"? The "TARGET" list, Kos?? So you DID "target" certain Democrat congresspersons?]
I've bolded members of the Blue Dogs for added emphasis.
["Blue Dogs," dehumanizing language. And among the bolded Blue Dogs you emphatically list is . . . "Giffords, Gabrielle (AZ-08)." There it is, Kos! In your own words! Your "TARGET LIST," with Congresswoman Giffords listed by name! Bolded, even, for emphasis!]
this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district.
["BULLS EYE," Kos, "bulls eye"!! Again, Kos, your own words! True, no bulls eye "image," but, Kos, you haven't told us the WHOLE truth about your violent WORDS! "Battles," "target list," "bulls eye" . . . what were you thinking, Head KOmmie Kos?? Are you trying to incite VIOLENCE? Why, by your own standards for condemning the Right, you must be!]
[But wait! That's not all! In the FR thread linked above, "New info: DAILY KOS Founder Endorsed T-shirt TARGETING Sarah Palin's Face in Rifle Crosshairs," there is a screenshot of YOU, Kos, endorsing a t-shirt depicting Sarah Palin in a rifle's crosshairs. This was AFTER the Tucson tragedy, and you ENDORSED this t-shirt with these words . . .]
Wow. This makes STARK mockery of the Palin "surveryor's mark" spin.
[Apparently, Kos, you think it's OK to have an image of Sarah Palin's FACE in the crosshairs, but for Palin to pinpoint a congressional DISTRICT on a MAP--that is inciting violence! Well, thank you for this evidence of your rank HYPOCRISY, Markos Mousetits. And now we turn to one your little KOmmies, BoyBlue, who at least has had the decency to APOLOGIZE, sorta, for his own violent rhetoric . . .]
My Apologies to This Site, The Victims, and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords
[Well, BoyBlue, you're a better man than your buddy, Head KOmmie Kos, who hides behind an "image."]
Most of you know by now my diary bemoaning Rep. Giffords' voting against Nancy Pelosi has been taken by the far right to preemptively protect themselves when it is inevitably found out that the perps against Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords are tied to the far right. . . .
[WHOA, WHOA! I thought this supposed to be an APOLOGY, BoyBlue, not an attack! You know, say you're sorry for what YOU said, and that's that.]
I made a VERY poor choice of words when I partially titled the diary, "now dead to me."
[OK, after some more lines attacking the Right, KOmmie BoyBlue finally gets around to apologizing for his language.]
Of course i wished no harm to Gabby.
[And of course, likewise, KOmmie BoyBlue, you have NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER, NONE, that Sarah Palin wished any actual harm on Congresswoman Giffords herself.]
[And now here is what KOmmie BoyBlue wrote . . .]
My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me!
[Well, there it is, KOmmie BoyBlue! "DEAD," in capital letters! Therefore YOU, KOmmie BoyBlue--you who live IN TUCSON, writing just TWO DAYS before the shooting--YOU must have incited the violence of someone likewise THAT INTENSELY ANGRY against Congresswoman Giffords! Yes, that theory makes a whole lot more sense than blaming something Sarah Palin put on a map months ago.]
[There you have it, boys and girls. More proof--it is ever plentiful--of the following truth of life: Hypocrisy, thy name is KOmmieland . . . and DUmmieland . . . and HUffieland. . . . Simply Hypocritical!]
Every one of these deranged blowhards sounds just like Troglaman The Guttersnipe.
I think that pretty much says it all when it comes to if these people are dishonest, uncoherent, and Anti-American. The answer is yes to all three.
Kos and the rest of the libtard squealers must be gettin' really tired of gettin' their little foreskins caught up in their collective zipper.
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch!
It's interesting and instructive that the politicians and media who counseled us not to rush to judgement after the Fort Hood massacre are the same politicians and media who are encouraging us to rush to judgement in the Arizona shootings.
So now we see the Democrats and their media allies trying to instigate a witch hunt against their political opponents.
Quick look at the current DU threads...every bit as creepy and nonsensical as the online postings of Jared Lee Loughner. Anything that contradicts their claims - LIES!! - Don't need no stinkin' evidence. Hope none of them get their hands on a semi-auto anytime soon. Creepy.
"Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. The goal is different. The goal is globalization...And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did. That's what Al Gore, the U.N., and everybody on the global warming bandwagon [are doing]." –"The Glenn Beck Program," May 1, 2007
"So here you have Barack Obama going in and spending the money on embryonic stem cell research. ... Eugenics. In case you don't know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. ... The stuff that we are facing is absolutely frightening." –"The Glenn Beck Program," March 9, 2009
"When I see a 9/11 victim family on television, or whatever, I'm just like, 'Oh shut up' I'm so sick of them because they're always complaining." –"The Glenn Beck Program," Sept. 9, 2005
"ERICKSON: This is crazy. What gives the Commerce Department the right to ask me how often I flush my toilet? Or about going to work? I'm not filling out this form. I dare them to try and come throw me in jail. I dare them to. Pull out my wife's shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door. They're not going on my property. They can't do that. They don't have the legal right, and yet they're trying."
"There’s a lot of talk on this board about armed revolt. I am curious what form of such a revolt the revolutionaries would prefer. I can see a few scenarios:
1. Military Coup – The military deposes the government and declares itself in charge. A junta rules until democracy can be restored, similar to what happened in Pakistan.
2. Armed Rebellion – The fed up civilian population attacks their enemies forcibly. They take to the streets, or wherever they need to go, to ultimately depose the government and install one that follows their own ideals.
3. War for secession – Individual states try to secede and perhaps ultimately must arm to do it."
Front page poll on Sean Hannity's website.
Here are the words of your leaders, you stupid butt-wipe psychotics. And they have NOTHING to do with violence? Nothing at all?
Are you all convinced you can simply disavow this shit and everything will go away? That the bulls eyes were really the view from a survey transit?
The obvious question becomes how stupid I am for not believing this explanation or how stupid you are for swallowing the whole fucking tamale. Any one of you pussys want to weigh in on this one?
Ick. Hypocrisy hardly covers it.
I hate to be so obviously superficial, but every time I see a picture of Kos (or Will Pitt, for that matter), it just completely cracks me up.
Kos is like a personal Rorschach test, and how you feel about that picture (and his famous Mentos commercial!) reveals a lot about individual values and ideology.
Bottom line: if you look at that picture and actually see a figure you'd want to lead you ... you just have to be a liberal.
It's just too funny.
Stunned by facts and reality which overwhelmed his weak and shallow intellect and fueled by hate, TROGLAMAN - The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site - repeatedly power-slammed his head up his like a jackhammer and emitted pile after pile of worthless mental excrement:
Glenn Beck is a commentator - not a leader of anything.
Whoever ERICKSON is, he's right. And he's not my leader either, far as I know he's not in charge of anything.
And there are no threats of violence against people in any of that you put up - just facts which of course cause you, you sick perverted Guttersnipe, to repeatedly power-slam your head up your ass in yet another fit of childish rage showing you're just an intellectually blind and clueless jackass, Guttersnipe.
But again, who could expect anything better from Troglaman -The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt.
Freedom of speech Trogaldouche, if you don't like it get the f*** out!
Anyone can say anything they like. When you get lefties getting their collective panties in a twist over something they do regularly to suddenly listen to them play dumb, which might not be actual paying, it's disgusting.
Thank God all of America gets to see exactly what the left is all about. There is no bottom for the left. They sink deeper and deeper into depravity which is fortunately leading to their irrelevancy. No longer will America listen to the whining 2 year old in car. We're done with you. Prepare for the rhetoric to ratchet up.
You guys have been found lacking in all aspects. You have no shame and no respect for human life. You use this tragedy for political reasons only. You've all been hoping a day like this would come. Yet again you and your ilk get it wrong. The youtube video of tweet after tweet after tweet calling for Palin's death is incredibly disturbing but sadly not surprising. Enjoy the backlash.
Johnny 5 is alive
"...Eugenics. In case you don't know what Eugenics led us to: the Final Solution. A master race! A perfect person. ..."
Unfortunately for you, you retarded marmoset, that is an exact statement of fact.
Troggy quotes commentators with no political standing or power over our lives at all. Let's see what his socialist messiah, the elected President of the United States has said:
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,”
"We're gonna punish our enemies, and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us"
"A Republican majority in Congress would mean hand-to-hand combat on Capitol Hill for the next two years."
It is obvious exactly who is inciting violence. I am amazed that someone as willfully stupid as Troggy can walk and breathe at the same time.
"I am amazed that someone as willfully stupid as Troggy can walk and breathe at the same time." - Anonymous.
Sadly I know of at least one other person on the INTERNET who just as willfully stupid as Troglaman and people who of know of him ask that exact same question. Sadly there is no coherent answer to that question. It simply happens.
Anybody happen to see "Death of a President (2006)"..
The thing that gets me during this WHOLE ginned up, left-wing 'controversy' is the fact that we spent eight years, listening to the left as they threw every single nasty thing they could at GWB, INCLUDING movies, not just one mind you, about his assassination.
Where were all these talking heads THEN? I wonder if it might have had something to do with the fact that they agreed with the vitriol and hate that was just SPEWING from the left in regards to Bush, Cheney et. al.. non-stop for eight years!
Every one of these deranged blowhards sounds just like Troglaman The Guttersnipe.
Like old, brain damaged, semi-literate, left-over hippie......
Like young, stupid, progtarded, semi-literate, urban hipster douchebag.
Just another DaILyKoS day!! Bring on the grape kool-aide! Drink, my children, the end is at hand!!
Ick. Hypocrisy hardly covers it.
Amazing how he/she/it never see the projection, isn't it?
“Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic”
--Fyodor Dostoevsky
That should be permanently posted to the front page of the DaILyKoOk.
1. Military Coup
2. Armed Rebellion
3. War for secession
These were the choices Sean Hannity offered, on the front page of his web site, for a change in government.
None of you can tell me this isn't true.
Name me one left-wing pundit that has recently offered the same alternatives. One. I don't want a commenter, I want a pundit. I want a candidate.
Can you name me one candidate for Senate other than Sharon Angle that called for "second amendment remedies" if the right people weren't elected? One hard-left pundit? One hard-left candidate? The answer is no. You can't. Was there ever a Bush or McCain rally where the left showed up with firearms? Pistols and assault rifles? Show me. You can't.
You're all so full of shit. Full. Of. Shit.
Don't you think it's interesting that a brand-new schizophrenic (they're a daily occurrence) with no apparent political affiliation can spark a discussion about how you fuckers are so crazy? That's a bad sign. The general public has taken the Rorschach and decided you're all starting to get fucking scary. They're right.
Keep it up. Obama is the most radical, socialist, communistic, Muslim, radical Christian, Kenyan, totalitarian, death-squad, youth-indoctrination-camp, fox news remote control detonator, take-your-guns-away, take-your-freedoms-away president...ever.
You have decided to advertise these little psychotic ideas of yours...as real. But they're not real. None of them are true. But many of you monkeys believe it none the less. Tragic though it is, it is also horribly (in every sense of the word) funny.
"Don't you think it's interesting that a brand-new schizophrenic (they're a daily occurrence) with no apparent political affiliation can spark a discussion about how you fuckers are so crazy? That's a bad sign. The general public has taken the Rorschach and decided you're all starting to get fucking scary." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe (aka The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt).
I'm not interested in the least bit...in fact anyone with a clue knew that would happen (outside of YOU, Guttersnipe since you're terminally clueless). As usual you missed the entire point of this thread, which of course is normal for you, Guttersnipe, as you have the reading comprehension level of an eight year old and the analytic ability of a two year old.
And if anyone scares the general public, it's people like YOU, Guttersnipe, who continually slam their head up their ass, emit worthless mental excrement and pretend it's meaningful and coherent and try to pass it off as showing a deep and unmatchable intellect.
Power-slam your head back up your ass, Guttersnipe...your fantasy world awaits and it's the only place that makes sense to you and can tolerate your mindless hateful drivel.
Troglaturd. You want a pundit? Dylan ratigan and Ted Rall, MSNBC, November 8th 2010. "Are things in our country so bad, that it might actually be time for a revolution? The answer obviously is yes, the only question is how to do it."
Suck on that, hypocritical loser.
"Don't you think it's interesting that a brand-new schizophrenic...with no apparent political affiliation can spark a discussion about how you fuckers are so crazy?"
A "discussion"? Not really. What was sparked was a phony Democrat/media McCarthyite firestorm. The people who were swamped in the November elections are trying deperately to undo the outcome of those elections. But it ain't working; people have realized that they're being manipulated and have rejected the pre-packaged bullshit coming from party hacks like you.
I shouldn't call it a "McCarthyite firestorm", rather it's it's pure Stalinism. The Donks and their media allies are cynically taking advantage of a tragedy to smear their opponents. The "discussion" isn't about us "fuckers", rather it's a ugly partisan attack on the leaders and spokesmen/women of the Republcian party.
But it's not working, their game is too transparent, too opportunistic, too full of lies.
Like I said, the people who cautioned us not to rush to judgement after the Ft. Hood massacre are the same people who are insisting we rush to judgement after the Tucson shootings. Just read troglaman's fevered postings.
"And there are no threats of violence against people in any of that you put up." jackin jerry
"Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however."
No violence implied there. None.
"Pull out my wife's shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door. They're not going on my property."
Violence Schmiolence, right jj? By the way, Eric Erickson is Red State and an CNN employee, dumbshit.
And "Armed rebellion" has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with violence.
This is what you're selling? Are you at all cognizant of the fact that ANYONE buying this crap would be dumber than a turnip?
You've put yourself in a difficult position, jackin, slammin, crammin, jerry (my inner homo asks that you don't make me describe said position).
You either have to say that you were bullshitting when you said "there are no threats of violence against people in any of that you put up"; or you have to say "Pull out my wife's shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door" is not a threat of violence.
You're just stupid. There's no other explanation.
"...just read troglaman's fevered postings."
Fevered. Not bad. I'll use it. I'll trade 'bilious' for 'fevered'.
troglaman's fevered postings are mostly fevered quotes of fevered rhetoric...yours. Want some more? I've got a shitload.
"I've got a shitload.
That's why you're full of shit. (That's a cheap shot, isn't it?)
I'd wager, however, that I could up the ante on the fevered rhetoric. There's plenty of crazies out there in Leftieland.
"A "discussion"? Not really. What was sparked was a phony Democrat/media McCarthyite firestorm. The people who were swamped in the November elections are trying deperately to undo the outcome of those elections."
Bing - fuckin' - go.
Oh, and trogalturd?
The most murderous politicians in history have been your heroes, the reactionary leftist mass murderers like Stalin, like Hitler, like Mao, and like Pol Pot.
And I'm sure you jerk off in front of their posters every day.
"By the way, Eric Erickson is Red State and an CNN employee, dumbshit." - Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
So? He's still not a leader or spokesman for anything or anyone of importance, particularly if he's a CNN employee. And I still have no clue who he is nor do I care.
"Are you at all cognizant of the fact that ANYONE buying this crap would be dumber than a turnip?" - Troglaman - The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
Which explains why people here know you're dumber than a turnip. Unlike people like you, we marginalize extremists while you and your ilk put them in charge of things.
You can power-slam your head up your ass all you want, Guttersnipe, but it won't alter the fact you've nothing coherent to say and that you have the character of a five year old brat kid.
"Don't you think it's interesting that a brand-new schizophrenic (they're a daily occurrence) with no apparent political affiliation can spark a discussion about how you fuckers are so crazy?"-troglaman
Interesting? It's not even surprising. It's a pre-packaged meme that the media/liberals have been waiting to unleash. Much like the obituaries that are written before the famous actor dies, this script was written long ago. Your obsession with her just helps them carry the water for it.
p.s. troglaman, high horses aren't stable when they're made out of whole cloth.
"I'd wager, however, that I could up the ante on the fevered rhetoric." elrond
You're on. I don't think you can do it. Charity?
"Whoever ERICKSON is..." jackin jerry slam man
"By the way, Eric Erickson is Red State and an CNN employee, dumbshit." The Mighty Trog
"So?" jacking jerry slam man
There you go.
"It's a pre-packaged meme that the media/liberals have been waiting to unleash." troglanon
Is it? I hate to tell you this, but you might be wrong. My personal estimation is that you're definitely wrong. But let's put your odds at 50-50. Even then, there's a one in two chance you're wrong. Let's say your luck is bad and you ARE wrong. What then?
I'll tell you - it won't make one iota of difference. Even if you are absolutely and completely proven wrong, you won't blink an eye.
It's who you are.
"The most murderous politicians in history have been your heroes, the reactionary leftist mass murderers like Stalin, like Hitler, like Mao, and like Pol Pot. And I'm sure you jerk off in front of their posters every day." literery laz
No violent, twisted imagery here, folks. Move along.
If that's what it takes to keep it up, laz, by all means continue. Keep on truckin.
"Is it? I hate to tell you this, but you might be wrong. My personal estimation is that you're definitely wrong. But let's put your odds at 50-50. Even then, there's a one in two chance you're wrong. Let's say your luck is bad and you ARE wrong. What then?"-troglaman
That's a lot of indecision you're dealing with there. Tell you what, make up your mind and come up with a coherent thought and I'll discuss it with you. OK champ?
"I don't think you can do it."
If you read my recent posts I already have. Nevertheless, Google "Bush/Hitler" or "9/11 conspiracies" or go to "Zombietime.com". There's bad craziness out there and they all are on the Left.
"No violent, twisted imagery here, folks. Move along."
130,000,000 dead murder victims, victims of reactionary leftist utopianism, becasue of YOUR heroes, you retarded marmoset.
Really, in order to stop the "violent, twisted imagery" you really should take those posters down off of Mom's basement wall.
And stop playing "yankee-my-wankee" as you stare intently at them.
"If you read my recent posts I already have. Nevertheless, Google "Bush/Hitler" or "9/11 conspiracies" or go to "Zombietime.com". There's bad craziness out there and they all are on the Left." elrond
Concerning our little wager, elrond...for the sake of expediency, how about we limit our quotable population to those with an audience of a million or more. No commenters. Just pundits, candidates, politicians, big-time bloggers, etc...anyone without an audience of a million or more doesn't count. That seem fair?
If so, I think I'll kick your ass before this thread disappears.
"Really, in order to stop the "violent, twisted imagery" you really should take those posters down off of Mom's basement wall. And stop playing "yankee-my-wankee" as you stare intently at them." literery laz
You do realize this is your fantasy, not mine. But the "yankee-my-wankee" was a nice touch (no pun intended).
Bet you're a hit with the girls, laz.
Bet your a big hit with you blowup doll, trogalturd.
And I just have to admire the way you don't deny worshipping at the altar of reactionary leftist mass murderers.
Do you draw a teeny little Hitler mustache on your own face using your own feces?
"And I just have to admire the way you don't deny worshipping at the altar of reactionary leftist mass murderers." laz
Is this how it works? If I don't deny it...it's automatically true?
You roll in raccoon poop.
I went to your "yankee-my-wankee" website and it's enough to puke a dog.
You were molested by the mail man and liked it...something about the stamps.
OK, laz. Now what you have to do is vigorously deny each and every one of these claims. Because whatever you don't deny, is true. See how well I understand your concept?
I'm sure you've heard of the Golden Rule, laz. I, troglaman, am the "do unto you" part.
"Is this how it works? If I don't deny it...it's automatically true?"
No, you're a reactionary leftist.
A really, really stoooopid reactionary leftist.
Of course it's true.
"OK, laz. Now what you have to do is vigorously deny each and every one of these claims."
Why would I react with anything other than disdainful laughter at your insane juvinile attempt at.....what, humor? deflection? straw man construction? idiocy?
You are such a retarded marmoset.
It's always worth it to see Troglaman the Guttersnipe show he has the maturity level of a five year old child in his responses to you, Lazarus. Reminds us all when we deal with Guttersnipe, we are not dealing with an adult, but with a vicious, hate-mongering man-child buffoon.
"Do you draw a teeny little Hitler mustache on your own face using your own feces?"
"Bet your a big hit with you blowup doll, trogalturd." literery laz
Draw your own conclusions.
BTW, laz. Keep it up (and I'm sure you know EXACTLY what I mean. me am brilliant).
"It's always worth it to see Troglaman the Guttersnipe show he has the maturity level of a five year old child in his responses to you, Lazarus." jackin jerry
Yes, of course. Just as an aside, jackin jerry, how would you classify, in terms of maturity, the following responses to the mighty trog?
- "like Stalin, like Hitler, like Mao, like Pol Pot...I'm sure you jerk off in front of their posters every day."
"And stop playing "yankee-my-wankee" as you stare intently at them."
"Do you draw a teeny little Hitler mustache on your own face using your own feces?"
"Bet your a big hit with you blowup doll, trogalturd."
This, according to jj, is the "maturity" level to which I, troglaman, am responding to like a 5 year old.
The trouble is, jackin jerry, that a 5 year old iguana is more mature than laz. Why would you say...wait a minute...ah, I get it.
jj likes you, laz. He's using me, the mighty trog, as his foil. You're masturbatory, fecal smeared fantasies of mass murderers have tickled his fancy.
I can only hope that one day, soon, the two of you can find your way to blissful happiness. Let me know if you need any Che Guevara posters.
I also have the entire "Faces of Death" collection, jerry and laz (or should I call you j-laz?) in case you're interested.
"Draw your own conclusions"
All the sane people here have.
You're on the evolutionary level of a spittle slathered polyp.
""Yes, of course. Just as an aside, jackin jerry, how would you classify, in terms of maturity, the following responses to the mighty trog?
- "like Stalin, like Hitler, like Mao, like Pol Pot...I'm sure you jerk off in front of their posters every day."
That'd be TRUE.
""And stop playing "yankee-my-wankee" as you stare intently at them.""
That'd be TRUE.
""Do you draw a teeny little Hitler mustache on your own face using your own feces?""
That'd be TRUE.
Pretty fucking disgusting, but true nonetheless.
""Bet your a big hit with you blowup doll, trogalturd.""
No answer for this one. You haven't reported what your doll said.
Maybe someday you'll actually have a date with a real girl.
"I also have the entire "Faces of Death" collection, jerry and laz (or should I call you j-laz?) in case you're interested." - Troglaman the Guttersnipe, aka The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt
Why the hell would ANYONE want artistic renderings of your soul, Guttersnipe? The thought alone can be used as an expectorant.
"And I just have to admire the way you don't deny worshipping at the altar of reactionary leftist mass murderers." laz
And I, troglaman, have to admire the way you don't deny you rolled in raccoon poop.
Does is mask your scent or something?
Isn't it sad that the civilized world is passing you stupid conservative boys by?
You boys will never be better than the stupid, shitty old bastards who screwed your dumb mommas and produced you.
Yeah, THAT disgusting. See, you have to live like human beings, boys, and stop being SO envious of liberals.
Just what is it about abusing or murdering women and children that SO gets you right-wing cowards off?
See, liberal men don't abuse their women. They are not wastes who only TALK about serving their country, they actually do. They are not hateful, ignorant losers who have to blame others for their FAILED lives. They are intelligent, kind, and open-minded human beings.
You guys are only stunted morons played like the fools you are by the right-wing media.
You don't even pass for human. LOL
"Just what is it about abusing or murdering women and children that SO gets you right-wing cowards off?"
Wait: Where the hell did that come from? None of us have said that. We all expressed sorrow and sympathy over what happened to Giffords.
"They are intelligent, kind, and open-minded human beings."
You certainly are demonstrating those traits in your reply! Saying that we "Don't even pass for human" because our views on politics are different from yours is your idea of being "Intelligent, kind, and open- minded"?
btw, speaking of what a hypocrite you are, it certainly is funny that you accuse us of being "Cowards," yet you yourself are too cowardly to identify yourself!
"See, liberal men don't abuse their women."
Tell that to Bill Clinton (Juanita Broaddrick would take issue with that statement of yours), John Lennon (This punk idolized by the Left as a "Champion of peace" abused his son and both of his wives), or Bill Maher (He once revoltingly accused George W. Bush of being a wife- beater with no proof, yet several of his own exes have stated he was physically abusive to them).
" They are not wastes who only TALK about serving their country, they actually do."
No, they feel they serve their country by being "Professional protestors" who spit on those who actually do serve their country, and call them "Nazis" and "Baby- killers."
" They are not hateful, ignorant losers who have to blame others for their FAILED lives."
The left is built around blaming others (i.e. conservatives, rich people, white people, etc.) for their own failed lives! It's the whole premise behind Affirmative Action!
Your entire post is a gigantic, nauseating mound of projection.
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