The Lefties' Lament: "Stuck in the Middle with O"

As we all know, the Looney Left now thinks of Barack Obama as some sort of "centrist"--"Bush Lite"--even though BO may be the most liberal president we've ever had. But he hasn't satisfied every DUmmie's wet dream of a Socialist Utopia, and so that has the DUmmies feeling sad--sad and angry and stuck. Nowhere to go. Sure, there's talk of "primarying" the guy, but how likely is that to succeed? And with whom? Alan "Dick" Grayson? But if BO ends up being the Dem candidate again, and the DUmmies decide to sit on their hands and stay home, how happy will they be with a President Moosekiller or President Magic Underpants? Thus the DUmmie Dilemma, and it is bemoaned in this THREAD, "Chris Hedges: 'The Left Has Nowhere to Go'."
But before we go to the DUmmie thread, let's sing the Lefties' Lament, "Stuck in the Middle with O." BTW, I was inspired to write this song by the news yesterday of the passing of Gerry Rafferty, who wrote the original that's the basis for this parody. Click the music link and sing along!
Tune: "Stuck in the Middle with You"
Well, we don't know why we bother to vote
We got the feeling we're cutting our throat
We're still screwed the same whoever we choose
And you're wonderin' why we're singin' the blues
Loons on the left are we, freepers on the right, here we are
Stuck in the middle with O
Yes, we're stuck in the middle with O
And we're wonderin' where it is we should go
It's so hard to keep this "D" in "DU"
Giving up, yeah, we're sayin' we're through
Loons on the left are we, freepers on the right, here we are
Stuck in the middle with O
Well, we thought life would be cushy
And we thought that he would cure disease
But his moves, they were so Bushy
Slappped us in the face, spurned our
Pleas. pleas
See the writing there on the wall
And it says that he's no lib at all
It's too late to get a bill on the floor
Yeah, we don't think that we can take any more
Loons on the left are we, freepers on the right, here we are
Stuck in the middle with O
Well, we thought life would be cushy
And we thought that he would cure disease
But his moves, they were so Bushy
Slappped us in the face, spurned our
Pleas. pleas
Yeah, we don't know why we bother to vote
We got the feeling we're cutting our throat
We're still screwed the same whoever we choose
And you're wonderin' why we're singin' the blues
Loons on the left are we, freepers on the right, here we are
Stuck in the middle with O
Yes, we're stuck in the middle with O
Stuck in the middle with O
Here we are, stuck in the middle with O
Now on to the stuck DUmmies, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson--who thinks Gerry Rafferty's "Baker Street," with its fantastic sax and guitar solos, is one of the best pop songs of the last 40 years--is stuck in the middle of the [Barackets]:
Chris Hedges: "The Left Has Nowhere to Go"
[But down.]
“The left has nowhere to go,” Nader said. “Obama knows it. The corporate Democrats know it. There will be criticism by the left of Obama this year and then next year they will all close ranks and say ‘Do you want Mitt Romney? Do you want Sarah Palin? Do you want Newt Gingrich?’”
[The DUmmie Dilemma: Stuck in the Middle with O.]
There is no major difference between a McCain administration, a Bush and an Obama administration.
[Barack McSame.]
Environmental and anti-war groups, who plead with Obama to address their issues, are little more than ineffectual supplicants.
[Dem Men Don't Hear Plead.]
Obama, like Bush and McCain, funds and backs our unending and unwinnable wars. He does nothing to halt the accumulation of the largest deficits in human history. The drones murder thousands of civilians in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as they did under Bush and would have done under McCain. The private military contractors, along with the predatory banks and investment houses, suck trillions out of the U.S. Treasury as efficiently under Obama. Civil liberties, including habeas corpus, have not been restored. The public option is dead. The continuation of the Bush tax cuts, adding some $900 billion to the deficit, along with the reduction of individual contributions to Social Security, furthers a debt peonage that will be the excuse to privatize Social Security, slash social services and break the back of public service unions. Obama does not intercede as tens of millions of impoverished Americans face foreclosures and bankruptcies.
[Picky, picky, picky. . . .]
[So far the article. Now on to the DUmmie comments . . .]
I think a primary challenge is critical. . . .
[Alan "Dick" Grayson: In your heart you know he's NUTS!!]
The paradigm is being shifted toward a plutocracy more and more. . . .
[Shift happens.]
Might as well eat popcorn and crash through multiple movie sets then.
Let's face it, we have a clinton administration. Given the fact that the clintons have treated Obama like their house servant. . . .
[Benson Obama.]
Candidate Obama and President Obama are like two different people.
[The ol' switcheroo. The real Obama is being held in a storage room in Dick Cheney's basement.]
Emmanuel had a little device on his desk when he was in the WH where he could see Obama's every move.
[Rahm watched via his TrackBarry.]
I have a place to go. I can vote Green.
[Alvin Greene: Blacker than Barry and he needs a job!]
You can't vote green and be on this forum.
[Go join the GUmmies.]
Reminding me there is no where to go does not promote peace of mind.
[North Korea beckons.]
I would prefer having a sumo wrestler fart in my face over following Nader.
[We all have our little "quirks," don't we, ben?]
If a sumo wrestler farting in your face turns you on, go for it!
[Some Like It Sumo.]
obviously you prefer obama farts.
[B.O. Plenty.]
I have no loyalty whatsoever to the Democratic Party and I've been a member for 25 years.
I've been a member for 40 years and I'm right there with you.
[It's a contest! Who's the longest-time Democrat who will join our mass exodus? Rats overboard!]
I'd vote for a Dean party. . . .
My son is in the national socialist party. . . .
[Thank you, Mrs. Hilter.]
Why worry? The world is going to end anyway.
[Joycelyn Elders or Alfred E. Neuman? I can't tell.]
polls of ALL liberal Democrats (voters and non-voters alike) approve of Obama by a margin of 91%.
[DUmmieland is the Noisy Nine.]
Gosh I thought it was 523%
[That would be in only some precincts of Chicago.]
there are plenty of places to go. We just can't talk about them on DU.
[GUmmieland beckons.]
I have nowhere to go but there is such a thing as going nowhere. I might just stay home. . . .
[FarmVille beckons.]
You have nowhere to go. You have nowhere to go.
[Your eyes are getting heavy. . . . NO, WAIT! STOP! You will NOT hypnotize me! TO THE STREETS! MAN THE BARRICADES! DUmmieland is RISING UP! . . . Well, sorta. . . . In our minds, I guess. . . . That's where it's got to start, isn't . . . zzzzzzzzzzzz. . . .]
Well, I approve of Obama too when my only other option is "the other side". Darth Vader vs Luke Skywalker, I'll take Luke.
[The Farts are strong with this one.]
The Left DOES have somewhere to go. It's a place called "the streets."
[zzzzzzzzzzzz. . . .]
I've got someplace to go- Canada
[Yes! Now you've got it! Go north, young DUmmie! And take your pals with you, eh!]
The Left should sprint to the Barricades !!
[zzzzzzzzzzzz. . . .]
Oh, my!
The Republicans haven't even made their first pot of Congressional coffee and these goobers are darn near suicidal!
The drama queens unfolding will be a sight to see!
Gee, these mongoloids compare the lightbringer with McCain so much that I guess we missed the McCain administration, huh?
These creeps have every mental disorder in the books.
[Dem Men Don't Hear Plead.]
Any man who makes puns should be hung, drawn and quoted.
Fascinating creatures....
"I've got someplace to go-Canada."
Sadly, this is just another idle Dummie promise.
"The Left should sprint to the Barricades!!"
Two exclamation marks, this Dummie is serious.
"You have nowhere to go. You have nowhere to go."
The Dummie suicide watch is in effect.
Dummies who think Obama is a centrist or "Clinton Lite" are delusional. Barry remains what he has always been---a Leftist radical. He's already shoved this country further to the Left than many thought possible. He's gearing up for 2012 and looking forward to challenging the Republicans in Congress.
Charles - I'm not so sure Baker Street is one of the best pop songs of the last 40 years but you're dead right about those sax and guitar solos.
Chris Hedges is right - the Moonbat/Troglaman Clones have no place to go. They will never vote for anyone who isn't a "Democrat". The District of Columbia is the perfect example of that. They gave Carter an overwhelming landslide against Reagan. Nationwide the Moonbat/Troglaman Clones have shown repeatedly they don't care a Tinker's Damn for anything about a candidate other than "are you a true Democrat (i.e., a Socialist Utopian Moonbat with Anti-American tendancies)?"
The next two years are going to be pure hell for the Moonbat/Troglaman Clones and it will be fun to watch their Troglaman-like meltdowns on DU.
BTW - keep a sharp eye on DU...I just read a story a few minutes ago that says Dick Cheney has to decide whether or not to put himself on the list to receive a heart transplant. That should trigger a truly awesome DUmmie FUnnies post from DU.
I've always known they were cowards and liars I just wish they would keep their word on this one subject MOVE!!!!
I'm not going anywhere. By ballot or by bullet we'll get this country back on track.
Johnny 5 is alive
"The Left should sprint to the Barricades !!"
Reaches a factual impossibility by the fourth word. Typical Prog Democrat magical thinking.
Republicans in the House open with a reading of the Constitution.
Democrats burst into flame.
"[FarmVille beckons.]"
Cracked me up!
"As we all know, the Looney Left now thinks of Barack Obama as some sort of "centrist"--"Bush Lite"--even though BO may be the most liberal president we've ever had." PJinc
PJinc makes a factual statement and then draws the conclusion that Obama's the "most liberal president we've ever had."
The "looney left" is, correctly, branding Obama as a capitulating pussy. But that's the point. He's not the most liberal president. Not even close. So how is it that describing the left as NOT happy with Obama and then concluding he's the most liberal president ever...even make fucking sense?
It doesn't.
Know what? It's not what your's the amount of 'the what' your swallowing. The AMOUNT. It's astonishing. You'd all be amazing girlfriends, wives, mistresses, and pet goats. No shit. Why? Because of the big swallow. That's why. I can only hope to meet some of you someday.
Repeatedly power-slamming his head squarely up his ass, TROGLAMAN THE GUTTERSNIPE emitted the following pile of worthless mental excrement:
"The "looney left" is, correctly, branding Obama as a capitulating pussy. But that's the point. He's not the most liberal president. Not even close. So how is it that describing the left as NOT happy with Obama and then concluding he's the most liberal president ever...even make fucking sense?
It doesn't."
If you believe that The Obamassiah is not the most liberal President in history, Guttersnipe, it's because you're every bit the leftist lunatic we all know you to be. You'd have to be a leftist extremist to not think The Obamassiah is the most liberal President in history. And that's also why reality doesn't make sense to you, Guttersnipe, because while he is the most liberal President in American history, he's not created the Socialist Utopia you and the other Moonbat leftist extremists have demanded of him.
But since you've no place to go but The Obamassiah, Guttersnipe, you're just going to have to keep supporting him like a good little clueless intellectually blind Moonbat.
@Jerome Goolsby - Exactly! He wont get it but exactly none the less.
You see when you're standing at the extreme left and the US still isn't flying the hammer and sickle then the President is a moderate.
Some of us just like to call him Bush-lite because we know how much that comparison is like salt on the wound. Mainly because you guys started making the comparisons. We're just reminding you how much you hate him too.
Johnny 5 is alive
"PJinc makes a factual statement and then draws the conclusion that Obama's the "most liberal president we've ever had.""
Ummm, dude, that's what is known as a "fact".
"English, muthafukka. Do. You. Speak. It?"
"The Obamassiah is the most liberal President in history." jackhammer jerome
That's a bold statement, you moron. You're all so down with the notion but don't offer up one little teeny itsy bitsy fact to support it. And I, troglaman, am here to tell you you're full of shit.
You're going to lose this battle, jackin jerry. Promise.
So tell us why he's the most liberal president ever. Enlighten us. Did he free the slaves? Did he end segregation? Did he provide Social Security? Did he establish equal rights for women? Did he set aside large areas of untouchable land known as "National Parks"? Has he made any difference regarding gun control?
Just what is it he's done to establish his place in history as "the most liberal president ever"?
You're a dipwad, jackin jerry.
"English, muthafukka. Do. You. Speak. It?"
"Did he free the slaves?"
That was a Republican President, you mouth-breathing, inbed catamite.
Lazarus - it's not that Troglaman The Guttersnipe can't speak English; it's that his intellect is so shallow he cannot comprehend it in any but the simplest forms. It would explain his consistent use of gutter language when attempting to argue a point or why he power-slams his head repeatedly up his ass as he has in his latest post when reality forces him to ramble like a clueless fool and spew forth DSA talking point language sprinkled with invectives like the good little intellectually blind Moonbat he is. It also explains why Guttersnipe tries to show The Obamassiah is not the most liberal leftist extremist ever to be Chief Executive by trying to claim that ending slavery and segregation, establishing Social Security, setting equal rights for women and establishing the National Park system and attempting to snuff out the Second Amendment are all accomplishments of leftist extremists.
But then again, what else could one possibly expect from someone who is nothing more than a poor perverted copy of William Rivers Pitt?
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
Me make statements as fact while slamming my head up my ass.
Me go off on wild rants since me no comprehend reality because I are brilliant.
I are jackass so me claim you are.
I are brilliant because me thinks like William Rivers Pitt.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
I are Troglaman. Me am brilliant.
PJ & Charles, I don't envy you having to wade through the Bandwidth-o-Hate (i.e. DU/Kos) after the lunatic killing spree.
I think a Kewpie is in order for anyone of them who noticed that the loony was:
*A truther
*Mein Kampf fan
*Communist Manifesto fan
*flag burner fan
*ardent athiest
*hated Bush
Good luck guys.
"But then again, what else could one possibly expect from someone who is nothing more than a poor perverted copy of William Rivers Pitt?" jackin jerry
What? What the fuck does that even mean? case you haven't noticed. It means nothing.
Didn't you hear me the first time? I'll ask you me one thing, jackin jerry, that proves Obama as "the most liberal leftist extremist ever to be Chief Executive". One thing.
You won't be able to do it. Why? Because you're a psychopath. You can't help yourself.
Where did you say you generally live? Anyone within a hundred mile radius might have a passing interest.
"English, muthafukka. Do. You. Speak. It?"
"I'll ask you me one thing, jackin jerry, that proves Obama as "the most liberal leftist extremist ever to be Chief Executive". One thing."
Good point Lazarus...I get bored after a while trying to match wits with an unarmed man (aka Troglaman The Guttersnipe). Guttersnipe (The Sick Perverted Clone of William Rivers Pitt) wouldn't care what anyone would say as "proof" anyway, since reality causes Guttersnipe to repeatedly power-slam his head up his ass.
Guttersnipe keeps claiming he's not a clone of William Rivers Pitt. Yet his behavior keeps showing that's exactly what he is, and when called it, Guttersnipe instantaneously power-slams his head repeatedly up his ass.
I hope Guttersnipe finds at least a few seconds of lucidity to tell you whether or not he speaks English, Lazarus, but I wouldn't count on it. Just keep asking though...
"Obamacare." literery laz
Obamacare is the mostest liberalist thing ever?
Why's that?
You're such a dumbshit, laz. You couldn't explain this if you wanted to. A cup of pond scum would have a better chance at illustrating it. You're not a salient being, laz. You're a pod person. Quit pretending.
"...reality causes Guttersnipe to repeatedly power-slam his head up his ass"..."Guttersnipe instantaneously power-slams his head repeatedly up his ass." jackin jerry
Hmmm. You-Know-Who is getting interested again, jer.
The DUmmies have a problem with Greens...?!?!
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