DUmmieland is ten years old!

DUmmieland Troika, left to right (but all far left):
EarlG, Elad, Skinner
DUmmieland is ten years old! It was on January 20, 2001, that DUmmieland was founded, as a safe house and whining post upon the Inauguration of Chimpus Khan.
Skinner and the DUmmies are having a week-long celebration to mark the momentous occasion! Lots of THREADS to choose from, starting with a special homepage and going on from there.
So let us go now to our DUmmie Ant Farm, where the birthday festivities are in full swing, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--laughing, because the sudden dismissal of Keith Olbermann (which we may get to in our next DUFU) is spoiling their birthday party--is in the [brackets]:
Democratic Underground was launched on January 20, 2001, to protest the illegitimate Supreme Court selection of George W. Bush. . . .
[Skinner, do yourself a favor and call this number now: 1-800-BUSH-WON. Grief counselors are standing by.]
a comment on Free Republic . . . said something along the lines of, "Go back in eight months time and they won't even be there," . . .
[Hey, Skinner, we're GLAD you persisted! We FReepers have found HOURS OF ENDLESS ENTERTAINMENT by visiting our DUmmie Ant Farm. You guys provide a hilarious peek into the mind (if you can call it that) of the Looney Left!]
A decade later, DU hosts the biggest independently-run liberal discussion forum on the planet.
[Which one?]
Nearly 26 million individual visitors stopped by in 2010. . . .
[25 million of which were LOUSY FREEPER TROLLS!!!]
reading more than a quarter of a billion pages.
[Then they got to Pitt's SECOND essay.]
[The DUmmies chime in . . .]
there are some of us with a DECADE OUT OF OUR LIVES...which is SMALL FOR YOU...but BIG FOR US...You WILL "Perhaps" UNDERSTAND what this site meant to us........Yet the TOMBSTONE LIVES...and the DEAD ARE GONE...and the GRAVES ARE THERE...BUT, SOME CARRY ON. . . . YES...I DO UNDERSTAND...MOVING ON and how it HAS TO BE...but not good to leave so many "in the dust" to do that. . . . It's gone on a bit...and who knows where it will END...for ALL OF US! FOR ALL OF US! . . . SO MUCH OF MY LIFE HERE with so MANY GOOD FOLKS that I passed time with ...some dead, some "under the stone," some still alive and kicking and working and others gone off to "parts unknown." It IS what IT IS! Not to be bitter or angry or even to shed tears or get nostalgic, too much. It Is what It Is! And the TRI-UMVERATE of DU knows that BETTER THAN ANYONE!
[THE TOMBSTONE LIVES! Happy birthday, Skinner!]
We better clean up the living room and watch our language. We may be getting some visitors.
[Quick! Get the doobies out of the ashtrays!]
Skinner Rules!!
[Skinner makes up the Rules!!]
Extremely Swell News!!!!!!! Is swell too strong?
[No, but the smell is.]
do those of us who have been here from the beginning get cake and ice cream?
[How about a granite cookie?]
"Not a star vehicle..." "...a community" !!
[That was Skinner's not-so-veiled slam against Markos Mousetits of KOmmieland.]
Happy Decade DU!! You light up my life.
[You give me hope to carry on . . .]
Happy Anniversary to us all!
[Gaia bless us, every one!]
DU is most definitely something else on the net!!!
[The Hindenburg is most definitely something else in the air!!!]
Since 2002 I have been happy visiting DU on a daily basis.
[Drugs have their place, I guess.]
What a long strange trip it's been. . . .
[You ain't kiddin'!]
I can't imagine DU ever not being in existance. Hear that Skinner, Earl and Elad, this place has to be around F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!!!!!
[Signed, PJ-Comix and Charles Henrickson]
The ones who are gone for various reasons are much on my mind tonight. Some need to be here with us still. It's hard to enjoy my almost 9 years here when so many are gone.
[DUmmie madfloridian is MAD about all the tombstones!]
Here's to 10 years of sanity. . . .
[Don't you think you should wish for something a little more realistic?]
I lurk. I read. I laugh. I grieve. I hope.
[I hurl.]
Woo hoo! DU is a preteen!
[DUmmieland is the Bart Simpson of the internets.]
Thanks to D.U. I've lost 40 lbs. in 3 months, I've got fuller thicker hair than I have in years, my arthritis is gone and I'm pain free for the first time in years. I can spend more time with the kids, I'm no longer waking up in the middle of the night due to frequent, painful urination, I look fifteen years younger, my spouse and I are having the best sex of our lives. D.U. cured my foot odor while providing fast soothing relief for my eczema, psoriasis and gout.
I've never seen three people in my life who look as brain-dead stupid as the three losers in that photo.
Of course I've never seen trogladyte either, so I could be wrong.
All this celebrating is about to come to a grinding halt when they figure out one of their buddies is no longer on the air waves. This drastic of a drop from being so high might undo some of them. They might snap..... grief councilors man you posts and bring in some reinforcements it's going to get bumpy.
ahahahahahahahaha Bye Keithy!
Johnny 5 is alive
"Democratic Underground was launched on January 20, 2001, to protest the illegitimate Supreme Court selection of George W. Bush. . . ."
They've been lying through their stinking teeth for 10 years now.
Ten years of moving the country farther away from the left. That's quite an accomplishment, DUmmies.
Why don't your right-wingers gets lives or jobs or something? Do something other than beat your wives, murder children, or mooch off the government?
Hey, cons, what WAS it your mothers allowed your fathers to do to your asses as children to make you right-wingers so vile and HATED.
I mean, again, you murder children?
Why don't your right-wingers gets lives or jobs or something? Do something other than beat your wives, murder children, or mooch off the government?
Oooo! A DUmmie decided to grace us with its presence.
Sounds like a serious amount of projection, DUmmie. Abortionist baby killer. Food stamp moocher. Aren't you in FAVOR of butt-plugging, dress-wearing, hopscotch-playing homosexuality?
Don't foget the drug use Shambhala, the kind of drug that reactionary leftists use to burn out the neurons and leaves nothing but mindless lies and hate.
Again here's me being superficial ...
... but don't they just look PERFECT?!
It just cracks me up when stereotypes fit so perfectly.
What dweebs. What liberals. They're just perfect. It's like Hollywood casting.
Actually, if I saw them in a movie, I'd probably think it was unbelievable - because no way anybody in real life fits stereotypes so perfectly.
I love these guys. I love liberals. I really truly do.
DUmmieland is ten years old and it behaves like your typical fifth grader---childish humor and childish rages, lack of coherence and self control, puerile jokes and general fecklessness.
Fifth graders grow up and become adults but the DUmmies are trapped in their intellectual childishness.
Shambhala, I think it was a hit and run. Wait... was that harmful rhetoric? DAMN THAT PALIN! Anyway since the ants in the ant farm seem to have become self-aware, there might be a few more. But I also believe their "moment of clarity" will pass and they'll bury their heads back in the sand and it'll be back to business as usual.
By that I mean one angry little ball-of-hate will be all that will remain for us to trifle with.
I still think the Democratic Underground was invented by Iowahawk as a satire on liberalism.
That applies to troglaman too.
"krazy kat said...
DUmmieland is ten years old and it behaves like your typical fifth grader---childish humor and childish rages, lack of coherence and self control, puerile jokes and general fecklessness.
Fifth graders grow up and become adults but the DUmmies are trapped in their intellectual childishness."
Krazy Kat, you've described Troglaman The Guttersnipe perfectly. Well done, my good man, many kudos to you.
"By that I mean one angry little ball-of-hate will be all that will remain for us to trifle with."-Anonymous 4:20pm
Well, two if you count kayinmaine. But then she's more of a "Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs At Midnight" (via The Tick Cartoon)
You know; loony, loud, and not very effective.
Is that an "I'm with stupid" tee shirt on Elad?
Woo hoo! DU is a preteen!
Is that you, BenBurch?
"Krazy Kat, you've described Troglaman The Guttersnipe perfectly. Well done, my good man, many kudos to you." jackin jerry
Am I missing something? I thought kat's a girl.
Freudian slip, perhaps, jj? With a little dash of repressed wish-fulfillment and a smidgen of British accent, old boy?
Or...dear God in Heaven...jj's right and kat's a guy or a guy trapped in a woman's body.
Either way, I'm here to help you, kat. You need to throw-off your sexual constraints and BE WHO YOU ARE with pride.
Foot-ware is often an expression and projection of your soul and sexual orientation, kat. It just is.
That's why I, troglaman, have decided to make you an offer...on some bitchin black-market birkenstocks.
This opportunity aint gonna last forever, kat...just so you know.
"Am I missing something?"-troglaman
You have no idea how much. Still, I admire your willingness to improve. You have no where to go but up.
troggy baby,
How dare you presume I'm a girl. Enjoy the mystery, embrace uncertainty.
"troggy baby, how dare you presume I'm a girl. Enjoy the mystery, embrace uncertainty." kat
Thank you. I'll do my best.
You wouldn't happen to be an armadillo, would you? A trans-gender, gay armadillo?
Not that I think you are. I'm just enjoying and embracing the mystery and uncertainty.
I have to admit it's sorta fun.
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