Saturday, September 11, 2010

Maynard G. Krebs DUmmies Hate ...WORK!

WORK! Maynard G. Krebs couldn't hear the word without yelling it out in shock. That same attitude is prevalent in DUmmieland. More specifically they want EXACTLY the type of work they want for big bucks. Ironically, some DUmmies are talking about the great jobs they used to have during the EVIL Bush Regime compared to the crummy (or no) jobs currently available under the Bamster as you can see in this THREAD, "I'm wondering if it is really worth it to go back to work..." So let us now watch the DUmmie aversion to WORK in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, chronicling their adventures in FUnemployment, is in the [brackets]:

I'm wondering if it is really worth it to go back to work...


I've been out of work for two years, and while it has been stressful at times, it has also been a time of blissful relaxation.


Now I've gone back to a full-time job and I'm absolutely miserable.


This job - dealing with subject matter that I absolutely hate - pays only $11.58 per hour. At my last full - time job, I made over double that.

[Hey, you get free rent and pizza from mommy so you have plenty left over to buy antique lava lamps at yard sales.]

The worst part of it is that have no time for anything else - now that I work full time, I find I'm working ALL the time - keeping my house clean, washing clothes, and cooking meals.

[You had a personal servant before?]

f course, I'm single - I decided long ago that marriage and having children in this economy would be way too stressful / expensive.

[It's the Obama economy.]

Is it really worth it to work full time?


Seems like it takes all the joy out of life.

[Enjoy your Recovery Summer.]

How did we get in this state of mind where people feel obligated to find a job and work?

[It's called free enterprise or would you prefer the Bolshevik alternative? And now to the other lazy DUmmies...]

I will not work.


Not till the issue I have is corrected, I am due from years ago.

[Still waiting for that brain implant?]

I did check out work scene a few years ago, to see if things had changed, they hadn't

[Sorry. Work still involves...WORK!]

So somebody is going to correct my issues.

[Because you are just too lazy to correct your own unemployment issues.]

And some think my post here could be work, but they cover such a wide set of views, they don't point to any single thought, but that thoughts exist.

So when commenting on work, it would be insane when already due, to go and work for something. That makes no sense.

[As little sense as your thoughts, DUmmie RandomThoughts.]

And I don't think correlation is causation, and know I will be given money for beer and travel and much enjoyment to compensate for wrong smear done to me years ago.

[We done him wrong.]

So I also don't worry about correlations, since I know they can be used to try and train and from that are not real.

[You also obviously don't worry about logical thought patterns.]

The debt due to me is real, and will be paid.

[Yes, we all owe you, YOU DUmmie RandomThoughts.]

Also society will get more just, and more compassionate. But things have always been that way.

[May we just call you DUmmie NoThoughts?]

I'm curious if the expiration of your unemployment compelled you to work. And what you would have chosen to do should unemployment be available in perpetuity.

[Sit on his butt in perpetuity. That is what happens in the Scandinavian countries.]

You're cleaning, washing and cooking for one?

[Heavy WORKload there.]

Just a few years ago, it seemed like everyone had at least a little spare time to exercise, to go on vacations, to do gardening, etc. Not to mention having the spare MONEY to do all those things.

[Just a few years ago during the EVIL Bush Regime.]

For just about everyone, it's get up, go to work, do essential chores, go to bed. Day after day...just to keep the lights on and some basic food on the table.

[People PAY for food? At this very moment I have a freezer filled with HUNDREDS of FREE coupon bought chicken/buffalo wings.

Maybe it's time to demand better wages

[Go on strike and achieve your goal. No WORK!]

Then find someone who will pay your bills.

[Ben Burch is looking for a Sugar Daddy.]

The whole idea of a career, of having to find a job (nowadays, any job), and keep it whether you like it or not, just in order to survive – the way we do now – is a relatively new development in human history. It was not such a struggle and didn’t often force us to do things that were against our nature just to survive.

[Yeah, those feudal serfs from way back when sure had it made.]


Anonymous Anon 1:50 said...

There was an odd occurrence up here in Detroit a few years back, when a number of welfare recipients decided that they would 'unionize' and demand more benefits.

"Or what"? was the near-instant response... A sit-in? Refuse to pick up your checks?

Stop working? Oh... wait.

Food, housing, medical care, clothing and dignity all come with a price tag. You may earn the dough to but more/better or you may rely on the generosity of your fellow man.

But never imagine that generosity is an entitlement, or that charity is your right.

We are in a time of great financial stress and pressure, and the quality of mercy is already strained.

These nits are about to break it.

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Corona said...

Do these choads even know what's involved living in an agricultural society/economy? They believe everything before industrialization was bliss.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"..having to find a job..just in order to survive... is a relatively new development in human history."

These people are still welcome to give up their homes, indoor plumbing, electricity, and try homesteading.

"It was not such a struggle and didn’t often force us to do things that were against our nature just to survive."

Absolutely, nobody will force you to do anything. You're welcome to leave the firewood be and simply be cold all winter. You can hunt and grow a garden or do nothing at all and go hungry. The important thing is you won't have to do anything against your nature, like actual work.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Tazzerman said...

Pathetic with a capital P.

Where did these fools get the notion that you can just sit around on your lazy ass all day long and NOT have to work?

Public education maybe? Lazy assed parents? TV?

The scary part of this is the fact that this attitude is pervasive, at least from what I've observed.

Gimme gimme gimme..

11:52 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

"How did we get in the state of mind where people feel obligated to find a job and work?"

"Reagan and free-market economics have made most work environments into a mental Auschwitz."

"Just another way of excusing a system in which most are enslaved."

Slavery, mental genocide, the tyranny of the alarm clock and the workplace. This thread is a gold mine of unintentional humor as the DUmmies rage against capitalism and the 40 hour work week.

I blame Obama for this sorry state of affairs. The poor DUmmies thought the election of BO would bring about a redistribution of "wealth", freeing them from the threat of work, hunger, bills and slow Internet service.

Instead, they're faced with the task finding a job in an era of recession. Working at something they hate, for wages they detest, and then coming home to cook and do housework!

Slavery! Intellectual genocide!

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

After due consideration, I think these are the Troglaman Clones that Speaker Moonbat was talking about when she said she wanted an economy where those who wanted to paint, write, etc., could do so without having to worry about work or pursuing a career.

These fools honestly think the "rich" and the business community have more than enough money to both support them and keep on living with no problem. It's the height of insanity and exactly what you would think would come from a Moonbat.

God save us from the Moonbats and the Troglaman Clones...

10:43 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"More specifically they want EXACTLY the type of work they want for big bucks." PJinc

Don't you?

Of course not. You'd rather pursue a non-union line-worker/service-oriented job somewhere making minimum wage. Wouldn't we all?

This is such a non-argument. What's telling is the that you asshats make it a fault. As if settling for shit should be the norm.

You fuckers would be entirely happy with the middle class all working for McDonalds and Tysons. Walmart and mini-marts across America. That's the America you're envisioning. You think it SHOULD be that way. And you'd happy with it.

Fuck you.

12:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to law school and I'm waiting tables. Money's good, but my feet have blisters and my back is killing me.

Would I rather be doing something else? Yes.

By "something else," do I mean "be unemployed again?" NO.

It's a tradeoff. Life is full of them.

1:09 AM  
Anonymous susieq2cute said...

Trogladouche, screw yourself. That's probably the only sex you get anyway. My sister works in the office at our local Walmart. She makes decent money and has decent insurance. She helps support our widowed Mother. How dare you look down on her and her fellow workers. Since when has holding down a job and working hard become fodder for ridicule. I doubt you're even capable of holding down a decent job if your crazy rants here are an example of your intellectual capacity (which is zero to none).

11:08 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"This is such a non-argument."

Trogidiot, staw-man builder extrodinaire, strikes again.

You are such a moron.

Can you really breathe on your own?

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

"You fuckers would be happy with the middle class all working for McDonalds and Tysons. Walmart and minimarts across America."

What are you talking about? Where did anyone here say anything close to that absurdity. You have a bad habit of inventing "facts" about us then attacking us for espousing the "facts" you invented.


1:54 PM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"You have a bad habit of inventing "facts" about us then attacking us for espousing the "facts" you invented."

That's whu it's called a straw man argument.

Is it especially favored by the weak minded.

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You fuckers would be happy with the middle class all working for McDonalds and Tysons."

Much better to be homeless, living on the steps of McDonald's and protesting the loss of their dollar menu?

11:24 AM  
Anonymous DumbAss Tanker said...

RandomThoughts either has deep and serious mental issues, or else somewhere in Trollville he's laughing his ass off.

3:57 PM  
Blogger JorgXMcKie said...

The level of ignorance on display here [and Troggy's idiot addition] is simply effin' stunning.

They really don't know squat, do they? No wonder they can't find/hold a decent job.

I guess it's just more evidence that they believe the rest of us should give up our hard-earned money to them due to their innate wonderfulness.

To misquote Bugs Bunny: "What a bunch of maroons. What Imbessells."

9:08 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"I guess it's just more evidence that they believe the rest of us should give up our hard-earned money to them due to their innate wonderfulness." Jorg

Who's 'the rest of us', Jorg? The one or two out of a hundred? Because if you aren't one or two out of a hundred, then you're getting a tax break. You're GETTING BACK your hard earned money, you stupid moron. In fact, Obama wants to give you even MORE back with tax cuts for the middle class and small businesses.

However, this means letting Bush's tax cuts for the elite money-makers expire. This level of taxation would be LESS than what Reagan taxed the richest 2% of America. Got that? It's less than Reagan.

Letting Bush's tax-cuts expire will add nearly a trillion a year to deficit reduction. Isn't that what you chimps want? Deficit reduction? Well here's an answer, you clueless jackasses. If these fuckers paid in taxes what they pay in PR and legal fees every year, what a merry christmas we'd all have.

But no. We have to solve these problems by not allowing a fucking Mosque to be built. Or to burn Korans. Or to claim homos are to blame for the deaths of our soldiers.

This is the crux of it. You have no answers. The answers you DO offer have absolutely nothing to do with the problem. In fact, the answers you provide CAUSED the problem. Why should anybody listen to your bullshit?

That's an honest question. I have no hope whatsoever it will answered.

1:40 AM  
Anonymous JK said...

Once again, I'm left wondering how many of the DUmmies are actual liberals and how many are really Lousy Freeper Trolls doing just-slightly-over-the-top caricatures of liberals.

These people cannot be real. They're just a little too perfectly cartoonish.

Still FUnnie, though!

6:28 AM  
Anonymous krazy kat said...

"That's an honest question."

The problem is you never ask an honest question.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous tonto's expanding headband said...


You've become a cartoon version of a Democrat, sputtering and verbally running amok like a liberal Daffy Duck.

Hey, would be O.K. to burn a Koran if it were wrapped in an American flag? That's an honest question.

4:46 PM  
Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

Troglman, to put it simply, you're brain dead.

Jacking up the tax rate in the middle of recession is insane and only those with no clue about economics would support something so phenominally stupid.

NO ONE GOT A TAX BREAK. If you think cutting tax rates without cutting the actual tax owed is a tax break then you are a terminal dumb ass.

There won't be trillions added to the Treasury. If that were true, then what happened Kennedy, Reagan and G.W. Bush cut taxes didn't was all fantasy, just like your private universe.

As to the rest of your diatribe, power-slamming your head up your ass while foaming at the mouth and howling like a mad dog has gotten to be a pain in the ass. Want hope? The best hope is you get a clue. Sadly, I don't see that happen since you're too deeply afflicted with terminal dumb ass disease.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

JK - I've heard and watched a lot of these people on CSPAN and other programs and I can assure you that the Troglaman Clones on DU are exactly what you see - crazed insane Moonbats who are completely divorced from reality.

They are what you see....and if that scares you, it means you're paying attention (unlike Troglaman the Guttersnipe) and that's a good thing.

1:06 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"Obama wants to give you even MORE back with tax cuts for the middle class and small businesses."

Please, I'm begging you, take your meds and have a nice long nap.

When you wake up, you may actually be back in contact with reality.

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Corona said...

Comon' PJ, 3 upsets in a row last night. The DU-ers must be flumflustering out there. We gotsta know.

8:48 AM  
Anonymous DumbAss Tanker said...

Anything Obama says about middle class tax cuts has exactly NOTHING to do with any form of rational economic analysis, and EVERYTHING to do with class warfare rhetoric for crass short-term electioneering purposes.

I could understand you simply lying about this Troggie, since you are after all an Obamite, but are you really so brain dead that you actually believe your own bullshit?

9:03 AM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Jacking up the tax rate in the middle of recession is insane and only those with no clue about economics would support something so phenominally stupid." jj

You're fundamentally wrong. You don't cut taxes when you're AT WAR. There's not a sane economist anywhere that would propose doing so. But that's just exactly what you did...started two multi-trillion dollar wars and then took around a trillion a year out of the coffers. So we had to borrow the money. Now our souls belong to the Chinese and will for the next hundred years or so.

Great fucking job.

And your answer to this cluster fuck? Keep cutting taxes.

When all this war and tax-cut shit started going down back in the day, did you ever once wonder who was going to get the goddamn bill? The answer is no. The sparkle ponies would take care of it. You fiscally responsible know-it-all's didn't rear your ugly heads until the black guy showed up. The pooch had already been screwed loooong before then.

"Hey, would be O.K. to burn a Koran if it were wrapped in an American flag? That's an honest question." expando

That assumes that I'd care about some dumbfuck wrapping a Koran with an American flag and burning it. I care more about Lady Gaga's "meat dress". And so should you.

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...


"And your answer to this cluster fuck? Keep cutting taxes."

Eloquently stated...and yet, Rethuglicans and many Democraps want to retain at least some of the Bush tax cuts, even Obama is not totally opposed, go figure. Something about raising taxes during a recession being a bad idea, I suppose.

The real problem isn't taxes are too low but spending too high. Back to back three trillion dollar budgets with their huge deficits (and more in the future) is the ultimate problem.

Most voters realize that increasing taxes won't cure the budget deificts since Congress will merely increase federal spending accordingly. Currently 78% Republicans, 70% Independents and even 44% of Donks believe that the current level of federal spending is too high and cannot be sustained.

4:56 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"The real problem isn't taxes are too low but spending too high." elrond

The spending was too high 8 years ago. This isn't, in any way, a new problem. In fact, in 2008 the problem evolved and became catastrophic. Red line.

We're way past spending too much money. That's already happened. Now the problem is what do about double-digit TRILLIONS of debt and a collapsed economy. Obama did NOT cause this problem. Obama's problem is digging out of it.

Let's remember something. You agreed with the decision about Iraq. You agreed with the tax-cuts. You agreed with Wall Street deregulation.

These three factors crippled us. It didn't work. The "new" RepubliDUm idea is to extend the Bush tax cuts and add another 4 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years.

Maybe a little forward-thinking would have been prudent when supporting a multi-trillion dollar war for no good reason. Maybe you could have asked yourself who was ultimately footing the bill. If you had, you might have (or maybe not) discovered it was you. And me. We're the ones who are paying for it. Trillions and trillions. For what? Think we got our money's worth?

Your sudden come-to-Jesus about the money being spent is simply an indictment of how blind and stupid you've been all this time. It's not an especially good indicator of how you'd handle things in the future. In fact, I, troglaman, would trust a herd of goats to make better decisions than you jerk-offs.

1:23 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

trogleidiots answer to everything:


What a dope. What a maroon.

"Now the problem is what do about double-digit TRILLIONS of debt and a collapsed economy."

We'll see after the coming tsunami rinses the reactionary leftist Democrat shits out of Washington, won't we?

6:49 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

"We're way past spending too much money."

So Obama era deficits don't count, is that what you're saying? Doubling, then tripling the national debt doesn't matter becuase "we're way past spending too much money."

The herd of goats making economic decisions since 2006 has a big "D" branded on its collective ass.

By the way, more money has been spent on the Stimulus Bill than on the Iraq adventure. Think we got out money's worth?

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...


Here we are nearing the end of "Recovery Summer" looking forward to "Economic Stagnation Fall". Who knows what the winter will bring.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Jerome Goolsby said...

Pounding down a bottle of Everclear before pounding his head squarely up his ass, TROGLAMAN - The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog - repeatedly power-slammed his head up his ass and emitted the following pile of worthless mental excrement:

"Let's remember something. You agreed with the decision about Iraq. You agreed with the tax-cuts. You agreed with Wall Street deregulation.

These three factors crippled us. It didn't work. The "new" RepubliDUm idea is to extend the Bush tax cuts and add another 4 trillion to the deficit over the next 10 years."

Wrong again, Guttersnipe.

What slammed the economy was the successful efforts of ultra-corrupt Chris Dodd and Bloated Pervert Congressman Barney Frank, both hard-core members of the DSA (Democratic Socialist Party of America) who set up and then supported a financial system that was doomed to fail and successfully fought off all efforts to stop it until it did crash and burn and then both of these Troglaman Clones just walked away unscathed.

You are blindly supporting the other way to destroy economic activity...taking money from the public and thus denying the private sector the resources to rebuild. You, Guttersnipe, are happily and merrily cheering for actions to trigger a depression.

Luckily on November 2 we have the chance to toss your ilk out on their ass and maybe keep a disaster from happening.

1:32 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"By the way, more money has been spent on the Stimulus Bill than on the Iraq adventure." elrond

I think you're wrong.

And it was your imbecilic ideology that got us to the point of having to take these extreme measures. The bail-out (TARP) under Bush, was probably necessary. The stimulus, under Obama, was probably necessary.

But the reason both these measures needed to be taken was because of how badly you screwed things up. YOU SCREWED THINGS UP. Bad.

How many factual blows to the head does it take? The Obama administration isn't causing these problems, it's reacting to these problems. In case you haven't realized it yet, the damage done to this nation was historic in scope. We'll be feeling the effects of this cluster-fuck for a long, long time.

2:11 AM  
Anonymous Elrond Hubbard said...

"The Obama administration isn't causing these problems, it's reacting to these problems."

Unfortunately, it's reactions have been ill-informed, ill-considered and ill-executed...resulting in an even sicker economy and body politic.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous DumbAss Tanker said...

Elrond Hubbard said...

"Here we are nearing the end of "Recovery Summer" looking forward to "Economic Stagnation Fall". Who knows what the winter will bring."

Longships full of bloodthirsty raiders, at the rate things are going.

8:16 AM  
Blogger TANSTAAFL said...

"I think you're wrong."

Of course you don't, you reatrded marmoset.

You could be hit on that lil punkin haid of yours with a Clue-By-Four™ and you wouldn't believe it.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Unfortunately, it's reactions have been ill-informed, ill-considered and ill-executed...resulting in an even sicker economy and body politic." elrond

Once again, you're wrong. Look at lost job stats comparing Obama vs Bush.

You make it sound as if you know better. But you don't. How do I know? Because you can't offer an alternative. You just whine and bitch like a pouty, spoiled, little girl.

Cutting taxes for the rich doesn't work.

Trickle down economics doesn't work.

Unfunded wars don't work.

Borrowing a shit-load of money from China, despite your deluded expectations, didn't work.

So what is it that you're offering that's any different? What? Getting rid of food-stamps, social security, medicare, the dept of education and Mosques? Taking it out on poor Americans? Making being gay illegal? Making having a baby sown by your father, brother, or a rapist mandatory? Leaving civil-rights up to business owners? Stopping the genetic cloning of full grown human brains into mice?

These are all beliefs shared by some of your senatorial candidates, by the way.

These are the answers to our economic problems, elrond? To anyone else thinking clearly, it's bullshit.

2:04 AM  
Anonymous krazy kat said...

Sounding a bit desperate there troggy.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Sounding a bit desperate there troggy." kat


Anyone claiming the libs are sponsoring the implantation of full-grown human brains into mice...sounds desperate.

So does getting rid of Social Security and Medicare. So does leaving civil-rights issues up to private businesses. So does having a date on a Satanic alter with a little blood sprinkled around. So does making being gay a crime. So does using campaign funds to pay for rent, food, and bowling parties.

That's desperate.

1:29 AM  
Anonymous krazy kat said...

Troggy, you're cute when you're sputtering like an angry Elmer Fudd.

12:16 PM  
Anonymous troglaman said...

"Troggy, you're cute when you're sputtering like an angry Elmer Fudd." kat

Prove me wrong, kat. Be careful.

1:34 AM  
Anonymous Treg said...

"This is such a non-argument." Trogidiot, staw-man builder extrodinaire, strikes again. You are such a moron. Can you really breathe on your own?

4:30 AM  
Blogger DR AQ said...

We are in a time of great financial stress and pressure, and the quality of mercy is already strained.Samsung-mobiles price in pakistan

2:45 AM  

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