DUmmies stick voodoo pins into Limbaugh, Beck, and Palin

Feel the love! The gentle folk of DUmmieland, who think they've cornered the market on love and compassion--how do they react when someone on the other side of the political spectrum comes down with a malady or illness? Get-well wishes and cards and flowers? Well, not exactly.
When Glenn Beck announced the other day that he might be going blind, the DUmmies responded with this lovely THREAD, "Limbaugh struck deaf. Beck struck blind. When Palin loses her voice, it'll be a trifecta!"
Like pins into voodoo dolls, so are the Days of Our DUmmies. Their happy thoughts are in Dear Hearts and Gentle People Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--back after several busy weeks away--is in the [brackets]:
Limbaugh struck deaf.
[DUmmie struck DUmb.]
Beck struck blind.
[Strike two . . .]
When Palin loses her voice, it'll be a trifecta!
[Three strikes and you're out--of compassion!]
Goooooooo, JESUS!
[Uh, Jesus HEALED the deaf and the blind.]
Whatever voodoo you are cooking up, keep it coming.
[VooDU! VooDU!]
You know if there is a god, this sh*t is a MESSAGE. Old Testament style smiting!
["If there is a god"? Be careful, you might be in line for a smiting yourself!]
Am sick of the screechy women that Repubs put out front. Their voices are shrill. . . .
[Is that you, Nancy Pelosi?]
Beck was whining about Braille (!) and now he's going blind?!!!
[If whining causes blindness, I'm going to open a white cane concession in DUmmieland.]
Smearing Vaseline in ones eyes to bring forth tears can also cause blurred vision.
[So, what would be blurred for benburch?]
When Cheney gets struck, the dark side will become lighter. . . .
[Cheney Insanity Addiction (CIA) has no known cure.]
Ooooh, yeah. Maybe CHEENEEEY'll be the one get the cosmic STFU. That would be fine.
[You can almost SEE the DUmmie drooling!]
I bet they all suck at pinball anyway.
[But DUmmies excel at pin-doll.]
I want her face to get so wrinkled she becomes a prune. I want her hair to turn gray and I want her to slowly lose control of her faculties.
[You want Sarah Palin to become Helen Thomas?]
Don't wish harm to anybody. . . .
Lady Blah Blah has already lost her mind. . . .
[Another DUmmie with Palin Madness Syndrome (PMS).]
I can't recommend this. . . . I can't let myself wish ill on anybody.
[Your fellow DUmmies may have voodoo dolls, DUmmie Mimosa, but we here at DUmmie FUnnies have Kewpie Dolls--and we give them away! Yours is in the mail!]
I would have been happy if Bush had just lost his Dick. . . .
[OK, I'll grant you, that one is almost FUnnie!]
Scratch a reactionary leftist, find the fascist writhing underneath.
Another Two Minutes Hate from the DUmmies, they're just like their big brothers in the JournoList. No one hates more nastily or more deeply than a liberal---people who are always citing the moral superiority.
It's the snotty presumption of superiority that is most irksome.
Their bile and hatred is completely justified (in their minds)by the obvious brilliance of their feelings-based agenda.
It's way past time for a serious smackdown.
"I want her face to get so wrinkled she becomes a prune. I want her hair to turn gray and I want her to slowly lose control of her faculties."
Charming! Let's put you in charge of social security and medicare. Sounds like you could whip those death panels into shape in no time.
anon 10:27AM
If they were in charge, I don't doubt that leftist weasels such as these DUmmies would politicize Medicare, Obamacare and SS. People voting incorrectly or expressing "incorrect opinons" would find their benefits curtailed, delayed or denied.
It's a time proven totalitarian trick to keep the proles in line.
New White House projections for fiscal year 2011 raises the deficit by $1,400,000,000,000. That's 1.4 trillion dollars in additonal debt. The deficit is now increasing by $5 billion a day. How's that grab you troglaman?
The fiscal irresponsibility of the Obama administration increases along with the deficit. The President and Congrss are binging like fiscal crack addicts while the nation drifts into unharted waters.
Troggy blames Bush in 5...4...3..
"If they were in charge, I don't doubt that leftist weasels such as these DUmmies would politicize Medicare, Obamacare and SS. People voting incorrectly or expressing "incorrect opinons" would find their benefits curtailed, delayed or denied." kat
Soooo scary.
This is perfect. kat is saying that the stupid leftists would like to note who's voting "incorrectly" and curtail their "Medicare, Obamacare, and Social Security". She's saying Obama supporters would keep track of those who vote against them and would take revenge on those of us who do.
I have no doubt kat believes this to be true. Even though it's entirely a product of her happy little brain-pan.
And additionally, aren't you folks opposed to Medicare, Obamacare, and SS and all the rest of that entitlement shit?
Maybe...we think we're doing you a favor. Since you've all been bitching about it for fucking ever, we're finally granting your wish - no more Medicare, Obamacare, and SS for republiDUms. You should be grateful. It's going to reduce the deficit enormously.
Thanks for stepping up to the plate, you guys.
When you're dependent on the government for your health care and your retirment pension you'll do very little to rock the political boat. "You don't want those evil Republicans taking away your social security and health care, do you? Of course we don't. It's simple, entitlements become
a way of ensuring political loyalty and silence. It's an old ploy going back to the days of Bread and Circuses.
" kat is saying that the stupid leftists would like to note who's voting "incorrectly" and curtail their "Medicare, Obamacare, and Social Security"."
Sure thing, trogeltroll.
Lay down with fascists, stand up with a brown shirt.
"And additionally, aren't you folks opposed to Medicare, Obamacare, and SS and all the rest of that entitlement shit?"
Well, considering that reactionary leftists sold a Ponzi scheme like Social Security to Grandma (who actually thinks she has an accout in Washington with her name on it, conatining all the monies exacted over a lifetime of working).....then, no.
Reality based conservatives want to bring it into some kind of congruence with, well, reality.
Yeah, troggy, I see you stepped up to the plate and struck out (as usual). Now take your glove and bat and run home like a good little Dummie.
By the way, you like to paint conservatives with a broad brush. It makes it easier to hate us.
"When you're dependent on the government for your health care and your retirment pension you'll do very little to rock the political boat." kat
But we're NOT dependent on our government for health care or our retirement pensions. We're dependent on corporations. So doing "very little to rock the political boat", which is exactly what's going on RIGHT NOW, takes on a little different stink, don't you think?
How is it that you can't see this? What you so direly predict will happen if the government takes over is what has ALREADY happened since the corporations took over.
None of you make sense. Ever.
"It makes it easier to hate us." susie
Right. I'm frolicking in my hate sprinklers 24/7, for sure. It's my life.
This is called 'projection', susie. It's a Freudian thing.
"But we're NOT dependent on our government for health care or our retirement pensions."
Sweet Cthulu on a hot dog bun, you are a moron.
I guess you never heard of the Ponzi scheme called "Social Security"?
Or the government takeover of healthcare called "Obamacare"? It we all in the news.
"I guess you never heard of the Ponzi scheme called "Social Security"? literery laz
Explain yourself, you stupid chimp.
"Or the government takeover of healthcare called "Obamacare"? literery laz
Name one aspect of Obamacare that qualifies as a government "takeover"? One.
You're a fucking tool, literey. You're a Beck guy, right? I can tell. You Becksters all look and smell the same. You should be sent back to where you came from...and don't think about dropping any kids in this country you prolific, Mormon rabbit.
A drunken rant if I've ever heard one. Troggy's pathetic.
I'll give you one, you dingbat. Everyone will be forced to purchase insurance whether they want to or not. And if a person refuses, the IRS will be able to fine you. Yes, Americans favorite bureaucracy, the IRS, will have the right to even go into your bank account. But, as stupid as you are, you're probably on the government dole, so it will be provided for you. That's why you're not worried. We workers will be paying it for you.
Prop C in Missouri just passed 71.1 to 28.9! That's even better than I expected.
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