DUmmies Debate John Kerry Yacht Tax Avoidance

You want to know the easiest way to own a big yacht if you don't have the bucks? Simple. Just marry a rich old widow. That was exactly what John F. Kerry did. Okay, he does have to put up with an incredibly annoying wife but with his Yacht, "Isabel," he can get away from the old bag in comfort. And despite the fact that he could easily tap into the half billion dollar Heinz fortune to pay the Massachusetts sales and excise tax of about a half million dollars, Kerry avoided those taxes by registering the yacht in Newport, RI. Yeah, he is one of the biggest whiners in the Senate about the rich not paying "their fair share" of taxes but when it comes time for Momma T's Boy Toy to pay his fair share, he goes looking for loopholes to avoid payment. This has caused something of a debate in DUmmieland as you can see in this THREAD, "Mass. Sen. Kerry Docks Family's New $7M Yacht In Rhode Island, Saving $500,000 In Taxes." So let us now watch the DUmmies debate about Kerry paying his "fair share" in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, noting that kite boarding has become more popular than windsurfing, is in the [brackets]:
Mass. Sen. Kerry Docks Family's New $7M Yacht In Rhode Island, Saving $500,000 In Taxes
[And he'll be the first to squawk about the need to raise taxes.]
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is docking his family's new $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in taxes to his cash-strapped home state.
If the Isabel were kept at the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee's summer vacation home on Nantucket or in Boston Harbor near his city residence, he would be liable for $437,500 in one-time sales tax. He would also have to pay $70,000 in annual excise taxes.
Rhode Island repealed those taxes in 1993. That has made the state something of a nautical tax haven.
Kerry spokesman David Wade said Friday the boat is being kept at Newport Shipyard not to evade taxes, but "for long-term maintenance, upkeep and charter purposes."
[And this can't be done in Taxachussets?]
Wade noted the vessel was designed by Rhode Island boat designer Ted Fontaine and purchased in the state. It was built in New Zealand by Friendship Yachts.
[Not American made?]
A Department of Revenue spokesman said Kerry would be liable for Massachusetts taxes if he berthed the boat in the Bay State within six months of its purchase. If the Isabel were brought to Massachusetts after that period, the state would have to decide if it wanted to pursue the taxes.
[So would the people who question this be called "berthers?" Now on to the DUmmie Peanut Gallery...]
Nobody wants to pay more taxes through piss-poor planning. I wouldn't even criticize a Rethug for this. It's not tax dodging like sheltering income or using shell corporations, it's just good sense.
[Yeah, just good sense to conveniently avoid all those taxes which the likes of Kerry slam for avoiding.]
Bullshit! It's being greedy. He can pay the taxes, and their are desparate people that need the...money. Why is everyone for social services until THEY have to pay them? If you are for them but go running when the bill comes, call yourself a right winger. If he has money for a $7000000 yacht, he can pay the f*cking taxes!
[Kerry is of the Leona Helmsley school of taxation.]
Personally, I don't. I take very little in the way of deductions because ............ I believe that most of those tax dollars go to good use.
[Such as Obama golf outings and buzzing Lower Manhattan in Air Force One.]
Perhaps there are other reasons besides money to choose Newport.
[Great burger joints?]
Despite Joe Biden's ridiculous "Get patriotic!" remark about paying more taxes, anyone who fails to take advantage of a loophole like this is an idiot. Good for Kerry.
[So you won't moan anymore about tax loopholes?]
There are loads of Kerry boating stories every year.
He has had boats for decades.
Really nice ones.
A few different ones over the years.
He is a well known boater
[A few different rich wives over the years makes the difference.]
Look I get trying to save 500k. I really do. He got caught and now is gonna pony up. Good for him, but it is absurd to argue he didn't know about this tax law. This is no different than Geitner's behavior, which I spoke up against at the time.
People living in WA state do this all the time. They buy car in Oregon which has no sales tax, and register in Oregon, but use it in WA state where they live. Just drive through any high density housing and you will see many cars with OR license plates.
[And I bet a lot of those cars still have Obama bumper stickers on them.]
It is owned by a Heinz company LLC. I doubt Kerry had much to do with the financial decision making.
[Heinz seems to buy most of the Boy Toy toys.]
It's a CLEAR CASE of racism...
[Anti-Irish, especially those from County Kohn.]
Actually, he can afford it because he married into money.
[A Kewpie Doll is being shipped to you via expensive yacht.]
The biggest problem with Kerry's deliberate tax dodge is this: John F-ing Kerry - proclaimed by main stream media as THE GREATEST COMBAT HERO OF THE VIET NAM WAR - has no problem bitching and moaning up a storm about "the rich" not paying their fair share when it comes to taxes, but when it comes to him personally, he will do ANYTHING to avoid paying any taxes.
I honestly don't care if John F-ing Kerry does what he can to avoid taxes. But if that is how he's going to approach his own tax problems then he needs to shut the hell up about everyone else's taxes. If he's screaming folks are not "paying their share" then he needs to write a check to the state of Massachusetts for $500,000 or STFU.
"John F-ing Kerry...bitching and moaning up a storm...John F-ing Kerry...he needs to shut the hell up...STFU." jumpin jerome
Jesus Christ. Aren't I, troglaman, supposed to be the hate-filled asshole thug around here? You're encroaching on my territory, jj. I thought I had it clearly marked but apparently my bladder ain't what it used to be.
By the way, you stupid dumbass, how did you come up with the "$500,000" figure? Don't tell me, you're just being cleverly rhetorical.
So is this how we're going to discuss the repealing of the Bush tax cuts for the upper 2%? (another clever rhetorical question)
Of course it is! "Hey John Fucking Kerry, why don't you just shut the fuck up?"
Deep shit, jj. You've adroitly defined the issue as always.
"So is this how we're going to discuss the repealing of the Bush tax cuts for the upper 2%?"
I've come to realize that we're all "wealthy." If you still work for a living, you're part of the top 2% and should have your taxes increased. The only ones who escape the Dems wrath are people like John Kerry. "Tax the rich" means cutting the child tax credit that the little folks benefit from. The hypocrisy is staggering.
"It was built in New Zealand by Friendship Yachts.
[Not American made?]"
Nope. All those taxes (sales, income, etc, etc, etc) went to....New Zealand.
"Aren't I, troglaman, supposed to be the hate-filled asshole thug around here?"
You are.
A stupid hate-filled asshole reactionary leftist fascist thug.
"I thought I had it clearly marked but apparently my bladder ain't what it used to be."
Try Depends. Your Mom will thank you.
"By the way, you stupid dumbass, how did you come up with the "$500,000" figure?"
From the news article you clearly didn't read, fucktard.
"So is this how we're going to discuss the repealing of the Bush tax cuts for the upper 2%?"
No like this: a.) class envy is a remarkably idiotic way to form fiscal and tax policy.
And b.) The Treasury's tax take will fall dramatically.
And c.) You're a dumb fuck.
Oh, and trogletroll?
The are more millionaire Democrats in the Semate than Republicans.
So the Dims are the Party of the Rich.
Unbelievable. The 'wealthy' in this country pay the VAST amount of taxes not to mention the fact that study after study has shown that those mean, nasty republicans pony up on average more than TWICE the amount of charitble donations than the oh so 'compassionate' dems/libs who TALK a good game but NEVER deliver in real life.
Is there any DOUBT that Kerry was avoiding the Mass. sales tax? Who could BLAME him. That's HOW the tax game is played in this country and in each state.
There's an entire industry built upon helping people, business and corporations FIND these loopholes and/or take advantage of them.
With all that being said, this statement REALLY ticked me off....
"If you are for them but go running when the bill comes, call yourself a right winger."
Too bad the vast majority of the left NEVER pick up the bills.
It's like going out to dinner and when the check comes, you can COUNT on the lib to be in the bathroom.
John Kerry, Timothy Geithner, Charles Rangel...what do these men have in common (besides being Democrats)? Why, they don't want to pay taxes!
And who can blame them, taxes are for little people living in Blue States and Flyover country, those "Fucking Nascar retards"*
*Quoting Eric Altermann of JournoList fame.
Hey troglaman, do you pay all your taxes or are you a rich Democrat?
Lazarus - thanks, you've answered Troglaman the Guttersnipe as well as I could and maybe more politely...I appreciate it. :)
And I am among those who got a tax cut while Bush was President and on January 1, 2011 I will be among those screwed by The Obamassiah and his ilk when they refuse to make those cuts permanent. And I damn sure don't make over $250,000 a year. And I was never in the top 2% of tax payers.
No one has gotten a tax cut under this regime and there are going to be a lot of people who are going to get financially raped beginning January 1, 2011. I fully expect unemployment to begin to climb beginning the last quarter of this year and accelerating unless those cuts are either maintained or made permanent. And I fear the economy will be shoved into a depression as a result of these tax increases.
Get ready...it's gonna get MEAN next year.
Troggy's not worried. He thinks the dems' sugardaddy, George Soros, will come to the rescue. After all, Soros is obambi's puppetmaster. And guess what? He's a billionaire. And I thought only Republicans were the party of wealth.
"I've come to realize that we're all "wealthy." If you still work for a living, you're part of the top 2%" (probably elrond's sock puppet posing as anon)
Let's think about this incredibly stupid statement, shall we?
anon suggests that if you're still working, you're part of the upper 2%.
True or false?
anon's a dumbshit. Anyone disagree?
"Troggy's not worried. He thinks the dems' sugardaddy, George Soros, will come to the rescue." susie
Making shit up again. I, troglaman, didn't say a thing about Soros. Susie did. Got that? It's susie's heroic sugar-daddy fantasy, not mine.
She's done this before. And, admittedly, made me aware of my inner lesbo. I thank her for that.
Make of it what you will.
Did I make you aware of your inner idiot, too?
"Anon's a dumbshit. Anyone disagree?
I do, if anyone on this thread is a dumbshit, it's you.
BTW, I don't got no sock puppet, I don't need no stinkin' sock puppet.
"Is there any DOUBT that Kerry was avoiding the Mass. sales tax? Who could BLAME him. That's HOW the tax game is played in this country and in each state."
What's really amusing is that this tears away the reactionary leftist mask and reveals the enormous, no, the Himilayan heights of fascist hypocrisy.
"Did I make you aware of your inner idiot, too?" susie
As a matter of fact, you didn't.
It's called 'projection', susie. It's a Freudian thing.
"BTW, I don't got no sock puppet, I don't need no stinkin' sock puppet." elrond
Yes you do. You once told me that you were the "anon" that posted blah blah blah. You admitted it. That's what's called a 'sock puppet'. So the fuck what.
And before you go off on me for being the spawn of satan, know that I know you did it and are probably still doing it.
For the record, I don't give a shit. You can be whomever you want. As you know, I'm the essence of multiple personalities. I encourage it. The difference between you and me is that I, troglaman, am willing to admit it. I'm proud. You're ashamed. (million dollar country lyric right fucking there, my friends. inspiration has struck...stricken...strack)
"What's really amusing is that this tears away the reactionary leftist mask and reveals the enormous, no, the Himilayan heights of fascist hypocrisy." literery laz
You find the enormous Himilayan (it's actually spelled 'Himalayan') heights of of fascist hypocrisy amusing? AMUSING?
Well...you can laugh your merry ass all the way to the indoctrination camps, my happy little friend. And we'll see how friggin funny you think it is when I turn off your Fox News with my new super-duper remote control...FROM YOUR BACK YARD! Yes, that's right. I could be there right now. Turn it to Fox and we'll give this baby a try... I'll know when change the channel because I'M IN YOUR BACK YARD...I'm waiting...not Jersey Shore, you idiot...Oprah?...what the fuck?...KISS videos? Jesus.
Never mind.
"You find the enormous Himilayan (it's actually spelled 'Himalayan') heights of of fascist hypocrisy amusing? AMUSING?"
No, you illiterate chimp, I find it disgusting. Along with your missing the point of just about everything everybody posts here.
Dealing with you is like dealing with a retarded marmoset.
"Well...you can laugh your merry ass all the way to the indoctrination camps, my happy little friend."
See what I mena?
Scratch a reactionary leftist, find the fascist writhing underneath.
Do you jerk off to the Stalin poster you have on the wall in Mom's basement?
LL, you wouldn't believe what he does to his Øbama statue.
You're right, I did once post as "anonymous" but it was done inadvertantly and I admitted it.
I think Lazarus Long might actually be your alter ego; the good, reasonable troggy trying desperately to escape the evil, potty mouthed troglaman. Very like like the Gollum/Smeagol dichotomy, the Yin/Yang struggle.
We're all rooting for you.
EH, thanks to you and LL I now have the perfect image of troggy . I can see him now pounding away on his pc in his mommie's basement, a shriveled little Gollum-looking person, smeared in cheetos, and high on Mt. Dew. Bazzinga!
"I think Lazarus Long might actually be your alter ego; the good, reasonable troggy trying desperately to escape the evil, potty mouthed troglaman."
That is one of the greatest insults I have ever been subjected to on the internet!
And that, my friend is a very long time!
I demand a retraction!
If not a retraction, you can buy me a beer.
"I can see him now pounding away on his pc in his mommie's basement, a shriveled little Gollum-looking person, smeared in cheetos, and high on Mt. Dew. Bazzinga!"
That'd actually be every reactionary leftist troll extant.
And that's pretty funny.
No retraction warranted. In my clumsy fashion I was painting you as the anti-troglaman. Planet Earth to his Bizarro World, Frodo to his Gollum, the eternal struggle between political sanity and left wing madness.
"Do you jerk off to the Stalin poster you have on the wall in Mom's basement?" literery laz
Yes! Jesus. Finally someone who understands...
Who does it for you? I'm guessing Reagan but, shit...it could be Palin or W for all I, troglaman, know. Coulter? Malkin? Rumsfeld?
It's just a guess, literery laz, but I have a feeling you're a Liberace Loving Literature Lazarus sort of guy. (*ding* Palin!)
Tell me I'm wrong, you big lug.
"anti-troglaman" elrond
Define that, if you dare. You already know you're going to sound idiotic..."Say NO to Trog"...but carry on!
Troggy, are you capable of holding a job with your mental deficiences? Just asking, cause I can't see you interacting with normal people. You'd creep me out.
"troglaman said...
"anti-troglaman" elrond
Define that, if you dare."
Anyone sane.
"Dealing with you is like dealing with a retarded marmoset." literery laz
You would know.
"You'd creep me out." susie
Everything creeps you out, you pu...um...scardycat.
You scare me? Yeah, right. You're nothing but a whimp. You use your mouth to harrass. I actual don't think you have the balls to do anything but run that nasty mouth of yours.
"roglaman said...
"Dealing with you is like dealing with a retarded marmoset." literery laz
You would know."
Thank you for recognizing the truth. For once.
Yes! Its quiet sensitive and appealing. It’s so vivid in description that my mind was swayed in imagination while reading it. It’s also very informative so thanks, and keep writing. tax avoidance
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