Nutroots Nation: KOmmies rock Las Vegas!

The KOmmies of Daily Kos are DUmmies with better press. They may be slightly more upscale--some of them even have jobs--but they are just as Looney Left. Under Head KOmmie Markos Moulitsas, DKos has cultivated the image of the cool, cutting-edge place in the blogosphere for progressive movers and shakers.
And for the past few years, they have held a "Yearly Kos" KOmmie KOnvention during the summer. They call it "Netroots Nation," but really it's more like "NUtroots Nation." All the hip, with-it KOmmies assemble at some hotel, and they bring in lots of their favorite nutcase politicians (Reid, Pelosi, Grayson, Franken) and pundits (Ed Schultz) to speak to them over several days. Whoopee! Party time! Of course there is also much frolicking and merriment in the PM.
This year's just-concluded bash was held in Las Vegas. So let's join KOmmie Adam B, "chairman of the board of directors for NN," as he looks back on the highlight of their year (the lowlight will come this November), here in this THREAD, "NN10: Leaving Las Vegas." KOmmie Adam B is in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, who sat through a long convention of a different kind in Houston earlier this month, is in the [brackets]:
NN10: Leaving Las Vegas
[Viva Las Vegas! Viva Viagra! ¡Viva la Revolución!]
I hope you were inspired.
[I hope you perspired.]
I hope you were engaged.
[I hope you are enraged.]
I suspect you're exhausted.
[I suspect you're defrosted.]
There are so many sub-conferences which take part in Netroots Nation. Of course, there's the formal calendar with its keynote sessions, panel discussions, training sessions and caucuses.
[With all those Caucusians. Me, I'm part of the GLBT Caucus--Goy Lutheran Bilingual Translators.]
There's the Exhibit Hall, an energetic world of its own.
[And the Exhibitionist Hall, where benburch hangs out. (No, not *literally*! Ewww, disturbing mental image!)]
There's the social calendar, too. . . .
[WHEEEE! Parties! Dancing! Showgirls! Showguys! Chocolate fountains! Ice sculptures! And hundreds of nerdy little leftists!]
then there's what I'd call the interstitial conference. . . .
[You would, Adam B. And you'd be the only one who knew what you meant. Was "interstitial" on your Word of the Day calendar? Most people would think you're talking about an "intestinal" conference, like it was about excreting waste material. Well, come to think of it. . . .]
I can't possibly single out one moment -- big or tweet-level -- and that's not my job.
[Do you even HAVE a job?]
more than any other conference we've run, this was a *progressive* conference more than it was a Democratic conference.
["Progressive," good. "Democratic," bad.]
Yes, party leaders and office seekers were there, but this felt more like a conference about progressive ideas and building our progressive movement (and obtaining progressive policy victories) than it was about the electoral process.
[Don't kid yourself, Adam B. Those Democrat hack politicians were there to lock up your votes once again, not because they care about your "progressive ideas." They just want to make you FEEL like you're important to them.]
As chairman of the board of directors for NN, I need to know what you think.
[Oooh! "Chairman of the board of directors for NN"! I'm impressed. In other words, you're Head KOmmie Kos's little lackey--kind of like EarlG is to Skinner, in the parallel universe of DUmmieland.]
So tell us stories about your Netroots Nation experience.
[Once upon a time, there lived a bunch of looney little leftists who left their basements and trekked out into the desert at the hottest time of the year. They sat among themselves in a big hotel and pretended they were the most important people on earth. Everyone else in the land laughed at them, but they could not hear the laughing, because they were too busy listening to sleazy politicians and pundits who needed to fawn all over them in order to keep their jobs. The looney little leftists sat for hours on end, on their ends, and then in the evenings they got up and ate from chocolate fountains and boogied the night away. It was a magical time. . . .]
To give you an idea -- from your feedback last year, we added karaoke this year.
[KOmmie Karaoke! Yes! Off-key renderings of "Imagine" and "Sweet Caroline" till your ears bleed!]
and to make sure the schedule was more endurable overall.
[11:00 a.m. Singing of "The Internationale" . . . 11:05 Opening Incantation . . . 11:10 Speaker . . . 11:30 Lunch . . . 3:45 Speaker . . . 3:50 Chakra Release . . . 3:55 Closing Rant . . . 4:00 PAR-TEEEEEE!!!]
Thanks again. You each make our conference, and our movement, what it is.
"Thanks again. You each make our conference, and our movement, what it is."
Bowel movement?
Lots of "Fear and Loathing" fantasies as Netroot Nation departs Las Vegas and flies back to their basements.
Raoul Duke: "Total control now. Tooling along the main drag on a Saturday night in Vegas. Two good old boys in a fire-apple red convertible. Ripped. Twisted."
What happens in Vegas should have stayed in Vegas. Since the nutroots has escaped, they now walk among us.
Kind of funny, these fauxgressive are spat upon by their Chosen One and hardly notice. There was a bit of grumbling when Obama refused to attend and sent a video instead, but than to add insult to injury the person that he sent to represent him was the only Republican in his administration, Ray LaHood.
I was just lucky enough to have been at the NCOA convention in Vegas at the same time. A couple of us hiked over to the Rio to check out the nut kooks.
Talk about your Star Wars bar scene. Checked out the aptly named VooDoo Lounge on Thursday night and asked the bartender how business was with the big convention here. He looked a little put out and told us that "these f'ing nerds and geeks were all down in their rooms smokin' weed" and not doing him much good.
Hint for you lib/progressive chicks..Shave the pits and bathe once in awhile, especially if you're going out in public.
I didn't notice any mention of earth-shattering wisdom or strategies presented.
Was there an actual purpose for this nattering nit-fest, or was it just a giant dance?
Temptations ran high when one proggy at the blackjack table yelled, "Hit me!" Gauze was packed in his ears as the ambulance drove him away.
Who the fuck goes to these things? Do you? I don't.
Are you guys all heading to the next tea-bagger Liberty Picnic event? Fuck no. You're not.
We're not involved. We're not.
Doesn't this absurdity ever get to you stupid dumbassed jackasses? Ever? Fucking net-roots. Like it matters.
It's amazing to me what you stupid dimwit pussies think is important.
We're all doomed.
Trogladouche, you and every lib I've read think it is so cute to call concerned citizens that have joined in tea party events, "teabaggers". My 83 year old mother and my little ole 57 year old self attended the first tea party event in her small Southern town. I just want you (and any other lib idiot that might read this) to know that neither of us have the desire to do to a man's privates what the term "teabagging" means. We are two sweet Southern ladies who would not have known what that expression meant until douches like you, troggy, brought it up. But, you know what it does when we are called that disgusting expression. It doesn't make me mad so much as it makes me determined...that in November we work even harder to vote your buddies out of office. So, troggy, take your teabagging self and work on yourself.
"Who the fuck goes to these things? Do You? I don't?"
Hey troggy! If nobody thinks the Netroot freakout was important why did so many prominent Democraps show up in Las Vegas? Harry Reid was there, Nancy Pelosi was there, illegal Senator Al Franken was there, communist Van Jones was there, insane Howard Dean was there, Obama sent a recorded message.
Absurd? You bet! It's absurd that so many important Donk politicians think that Kos and his demented Netroot nation is even worth dropping a dime on.
We are fucking doomed.
I'm not doomed! I'm excited. I can see November from my house. People are sitting up, paying attention and getting involved. Democracy is a beautiful thing! This country has survived much bigger challenges than a bunch of Kos or DUmmies. Of course, if I were one of those people, I'd probably be feeling pretty doomed, too.
" Since the nutroots has escaped, they now walk among us."
You make them sound like zombies.
susieq2cute, think of it this way:
Tis a far far better thing to be a teabagger, than a teabagee, like troggy.
Oh, troggy does it all; homo, lezbo, hippie, and all-around idiot.
susie, I doubt very much that troogy froggy ever leaves Mom's basement.
Covered in Cheeto crumbs and whacked out on Mountain Dew, normal people would avoid him like the plague.
Well done Elrond, you said exactly what I was going to say...curse the luck.
Susie, you got Troggy pegged also I see....very nice.
And Lazarus - I don't think it's Mountain Dew, I'm thinking straight Everclear would explain his rants a lot better. That and LSD of course.
Pickled brain, eh, JG?
Lazarus - I suppose that's as reasonable an explaination as any for Guttersnipe.
Got to be some reason other than pure sick evil for someone like Troglaman the Guttersnipe to be such a vicious, hateful, dishonest, self-delusional hate-mongerer I'm thinking.
But I could be wrong....
JG, I'd like to think troggy is under the influence of something when he posts his vitriol.
But, I visit many conservative blogs, and read a lot of comments. Generally, troggy's liberal rants are par for the course. Being conervative blogs, a troll's first post is condescending. Then, when said troll is put in his/her place, they resort to the sort of vitriol displayed by troggy.
I think Ann Coulter is right, it is a mental disorder. Maybe they were ignored as children because mommie and daddy were out protesting the latest cause. I'm no shrink. Troggy will say I'm projecting and it's all Freudian. After all, he must have stayed in a Holiday Inn once in his life.
Yeah, Susie, I think you're right...evidently Troglaman the Guttersnipe is the dishonest sick pervert I feared... ::: sigh :::
"But, I visit many conservative blogs, and read a lot of comments. Generally, troggy's liberal rants are par for the course. Being conervative blogs, a troll's first post is condescending. Then, when said troll is put in his/her place, they resort to the sort of vitriol displayed by troggy." susie
Well now. I've got to give susie creds for her observations. It's nice to know someone is actually thinking...sort of.
However, I'm not automatically condescending during my initial posts, susie. You got that wrong. I, troglaman, tend towards trying to achieve optimum humiliation by using obscenity laden, mocking, reality-based insults. So your expert examination of predictable liberal behavioral patterns doesn't really apply to me, a predictable liberal.
Sadly, that makes you full of shit.
But you knew I'd say that...being the expert liberal prognosticator you are.
So we're both right.
"evidently Troglaman the Guttersnipe is the dishonest sick pervert I feared" jumpin jerome
Well well well. You just admitted you fear me.
You're such a fucking pussy, jj. You just are.
"However, I'm not automatically condescending during my initial posts, susie."
But your crazy sandwich-board rants are automatically wrong. And hysterical. And on the intellectual level of an apoplectic dung beetle. And stupid.
Did I mention wrong?
Pretty much a waste of internet packets, when you get to the bottom line.
"Well well well. You just admitted you fear me."
And you miss a lot, too.
Pitiful, really.
TROGLAMAN - the sick perverted dishonest INTERNET troll who serves as The Official Hate-Mongering Anti-American Guttersnipe of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site - angrily power-slammed his head squarely up his ass and emitted the following worthless mental excrement:
"I, troglaman, tend towards trying to achieve optimum humiliation by using obscenity laden, mocking, reality-based insults. "
Well, your tries always end in abject failure as what you REALLY wind up doing is proving yourself a vicious dishonest hate-mongering Anti-American clueless Guttersnipe who unlesahes unfathomably stupid Everclear-fueled rants with no connection to reality with insulting stupidity.
Wow, JG, I can't stop laughing. It's brilliant, you're brilliant!
::: bowing to Susie :::
Why thank you m'dear :) I am honored by your appreciative comments.
"Trogladouche, you and every lib I've read think it is so cute to call concerned citizens that have joined in tea party events, "teabaggers"." susieicantstanditcute
Trogladouche is OK and "tea-baggers" isn't. Is this some sort of perverted attempt at calling on my inner lezbo, susie? Thanks! A. Whole. Fucking. Lot. You. Sadistic. Harlot.
And besides that, the fact you don't know you NAMED YOUR DUMBASSED SELVES "TEA-BAGGERS" makes it easy to believe you're brain damaged. And I, troglaman, would like to be one of the first to say I'm sorry. I'm sure it wasn't your fault.
(trogladouche was pretty funny)
The expression, "trogladouche" is neither perverted, nor sadistic. I'm just suggesting that your brain could use a good cleansing with a strong jet of water (and perhaps some vinegar). Just a suggestion, troggy. I think it would do wonders for your personality, too.
Great! So I can call you Susie LaDouchebag? And we're cool? Even if you need a "strong jet of water (and perhaps some Clorox)" into your brain-stem?
You are the shit, my sister.
So, Susie LaDouchebag...who named the tea-baggers "Tea-Baggers"? Look it up yet? It'd be great if you were the one who broke the news. People will wonder if you'd undergone the "Clorox" treatment but fuck them.
Project much?
Are you actually saying that I named teapartiers, "teabaggers"? Now you have definitely jumped the shark. lol You're such a pathetic little toad. I have to laugh; I'm sorry, but you're so pathetic. lol It must be awful being you. lol
"So, Susie LaDouchebag...who named the tea-baggers "Tea-Baggers"?"
Some perverted reactionary leftist with a fascination for male genitalia defamed Tea Partiers as "teabaggers".
And even with that being said, I'd much rather be a "teabagger" than the teabagee like you are, trogletroll.
Susie2Cute, responding to one of Troglaman The Guttersnipe's hateful Everclear-fueled diatribes stated the following:
"I'm just suggesting that your brain could use a good cleansing with a strong jet of water (and perhaps some vinegar). "
No offense, Susie, but I don't water and vinegar will do it. I'm thinking an 80% Clorox solution followed by a complete Lysol flush myself....I'm betting it's pretty vile inside that head of his.
You're right, JG. His brain is already pickled, so it would just slurp up all that vinegar. It would take industrial strength bleach to clean out that mess.
"Are you actually saying that I named teapartiers, "teabaggers"? susie
Probably. Are you seriously saying you don't know that the term "tea-baggers" was a self-identifying moniker first uttered by "tea-baggers"? Because it was.
What's important to note here is that susie just can't believe it's true. She just can't do it. And she's not alone. Why's that, I wonder.
People normally believe seriously delusional psychopathics once. After that, anyone not on the learning curve gets the monkey treatment.
That'd be you folks.
By the way, while I was IN YOUR BACK YARD trying to get my super-duper remote control to work, I put a little crude oil AND a little toxic dispersant in your water supply. We need to establish a base-line database for our continuing death-panel studies and you're all frickin expendable.
All the indoctrination camps, by the way, have been built upon oil fields. We thought you'd all be more comfortable there.
Hey, if nothing else, we're humane.
Thanks again for your cooperation and your patriotic sacrifice.
So, you have actual proof I used the word "teabagger" at the tea party I attended? You don't even know where I live. You're as crazy as a loon; or is it the Everclear? And these camps you're talking about....all you lefties are talk and no bite. Who's coming to get me and my friends and family? You? You're nothing but a hippie "pussy"cat. I'm about as scared of you and your kind, as I am of my little 5 lb. chihuahua.
"Probably. Are you seriously saying you don't know that the term "tea-baggers" was a self-identifying moniker first uttered by "tea-baggers"? Because it was."
Wow, that is an out and out lie, troll.
Pretty despicable.
And desperate.
"What's important to note here is that susie just can't believe it's true."
Becasue it's not. It's a lie.
"People normally believe seriously delusional psychopathics once. After that, anyone not on the learning curve gets the monkey treatment."
Which is why the sane people here enjoy poking you with sharp sticks through the bars in your cage as you skreech and fling poo.
"All the indoctrination camps, by the way, have been built upon oil fields. We thought you'd all be more comfortable there."
Scratch a reactionary leftist, find the fascist writhing underneath. I think you Brown Shirt has Cheeto stains on it, monkey boi.
"Thanks again for your cooperation and your patriotic sacrifice."
Something you wouldn't know if it bit you on the ass.
Troglaman The Guttersnipe still thinks power-slamming his head repeatedly up his ass and spewing mental excrement everywhere shows his brilliance.
But that only works for his fantasyland universe he visits by power-slamming his head up his ass.
Reality is this - all Guttersnipe does is show he's a hate-mongering linguini-spined fool who is too morally bankrupt and intellectually vacant to carry on a coherent meaningful conversation on virtually any subject.
"So, you have actual proof I used the word "teabagger" at the tea party I attended?" Susie LaDouchebag
No, susie. I'm saying the tea-baggers named themselves "tea-baggers". And I'm right. So when you utter things like "Trogladouche, you and every lib I've read think it is so cute to call concerned citizens that have joined in tea party events, "teabaggers", you're obviously blowing shit. Unless you it's you that's being too damned "cute"...wait a minute...where have I heard THAT before?...oh, susieq2CUTE...of course.
Need I, troglaman, say more?
"...all Guttersnipe does is show he's a hate-mongering linguini-spined fool who is too morally bankrupt and intellectually vacant to carry on a coherent meaningful conversation on virtually any subject." jj
Who initially called tea-baggers "tea-baggers", jerry?
(troglamatic prediction: jj won't answer. this is where the intellectually-vacant rubber meets the coherent-conversation road. jj will take a pass)
You lie! Tea Party participants did not label themselves, "teabaggers". That is an out and out lie. Anderson Cooper, who knows all things gay, started it all. You are a typical lib. You think if you repeat a lie enough times, people will believe it. It's part of the lib playbook. Liar!
"Who initially called tea-baggers "tea-baggers", Jerome ?
(troglamatic prediction: Jerome (who is vastly superior to me) won't answer. this is where the intellectually-vacant rubber meets the coherent-conversation road. jj will take a pass)" - Troglaman The Guttersnipe
That answer is easy - I don't know and I don't care.
By the way, you can stop trying to be cute - you aren't good enough to pull it off by a long shot, Guttersnipe.
And by the way, Susie is absolutely right - you are a liar, Troglaman.
Nothing to see here, move along.
"No, susie. I'm saying the tea-baggers named themselves "tea-baggers"."
And that is a lie.
I demand a retraction.
"Who initially called tea-baggers "tea-baggers", jerry?"
Some reactionary leftist with a "thing" for male genitalia.
"I have no doubt you are sexually hip, but just in case you’re not, please know that “teabag” has a particular meaning in certain circles. In order to have a discussion of our general topic, we must be aware of that meaning, and I call on the Source of All Knowledge, Wikipedia: “‘Teabagging’ is a slang term for the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth or on or around the face (including the top of the head) of another person, often in a repeated in-and-out motion as in irrumatio. The practice resembles dipping a tea bag into a cup of tea.” I could quote you more, but you have had enough.
The liberal media, to use a convenient tag, went after the protesters with glee. Take Anderson Cooper, the acclaimed anchorman for CNN. He was interviewing David Gergen, the political pundit. And Gergen was saying that, after two very bad elections, conservatives and Republicans were “searching for their voice.” Cooper responded, “It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.” He said this with a smirk.
MSNBC had an outright field day. Rachel Maddow and a guest of hers, Ana Marie Cox, made teabag jokes to each other for minutes on end: having great, chortling fun at the conservatives’ expense. And here is the performance of another host, David Shuster:
“For most Americans, Wednesday, April 15, will be Tax Day, but . . . it’s going to be Teabagging Day for the right wing, and they’re going nuts for it. Thousands of them whipped out the festivities early this past weekend, and while the parties are officially toothless, the teabaggers are full-throated about their goals. They want to give President Obama a strong tongue-lashing and lick government spending.”
Shuster went on to say that Fox News personalities were “looking forward to an up-close-and-personal taste of teabagging.” Etc., etc., etc. All the while, MSNBC was picturing Republican figures, and the following words were on the screen: “TEABAG MOUTHPIECES.”
Ma and Pa America may not have been in on the joke, but plenty of other people were. On HBO, the lefty comedian Bill Maher commented, “When the year started, ‘teabagging’ was a phrase that referred to dangling one’s testicles in someone else’s face.” And the tea-party protesters “managed to turn it into something gross and ridiculous.” Tuh-dum.
After Cooper and the others smirked about “teabagging,” the word went utterly mainstream — although you could say that, if Cooper used it, it started mainstream: because how much more mainstream can you get than a CNN anchor? On ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, E. J. Dionne, the liberal columnist, spoke of “a right-wing candidate supported by the teabaggers.” The host himself, Stephanopoulos, followed suit. On PBS’s NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, senior correspondent Gwen Ifill used “teabaggers” as well. At the New York Times, Paul Krugman used it in a column. Elsewhere, Roger Ebert used it in a movie review. And so on.
Some politicians — Democrats — have talked about “teabagging” and “teabaggers” too. And that includes the biggest Democratic politicians of them all. Recently, both President Obama and former president Bill Clinton spoke to congressional Democrats behind closed doors. They were giving pep talks on health-care legislation. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse reported Clinton as saying, “The reason the teabaggers are so inflamed is because we are winning.” Rep. Earl Blumenauer reported Obama as saying, “Does anybody think that the teabag, anti-government people are going to support them if they bring down health care?”"
-Jay Nordlinger
Nope, no Tea Party members there. Nothing but a collection of has-been reactionary left fascists.
You lie! Tea Party participants did not label themselves, "teabaggers".
"The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick. They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”
And history was made. You idiots, without knowing what the fuck you were saying, advocated tea-bagging the "fools in DC" and the "liberal Dems before they tea-bag you". And it went on and on.
This is why, much to the delight of everyone BUT you prudish dinosaurs, it's comic gold.
You're not called tea-baggers because of a cleverly designed plan to be offensive. It's more like you're my old uncle Jake who once proclaimed, after spilling salad dressing, that he had "stink finger". I kid you not. One of the funniest moments of my life. He hadn't a clue.
I KNOW there had to have been some of you turning to each other asking "I'm not sure we should go with this 'tea-bag' thing, are you?". It HAD to have happened.
It's stuff like this that keeps me, troglaman, addicted to you poisonous mother fuckers. I kid you not.
Who initially called tea-baggers "tea-baggers", jerry? (troglamatic prediction: jj won't answer. this is where the intellectually-vacant rubber meets the coherent-conversation road. jj will take a pass) mighty trog
"That answer is easy - I don't know and I don't care." jj
Took a pass. Another trog-as-Kreskin moment.
I'd say you fall into the "intellectually-vacant" category, jj. You don't care and you choose not to know.
Honest, at least.
"A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.”"
My goodness, with each and everything you post you just confirm more and more what a moron you truly are.
How is that statement a Tea Party member calling the movement "teabaggers"?
ARE you really such an illiterate chimp that you can't read the English language?
"And history was made."
Only in the "minds" of morons like you.
"You're not called tea-baggers because of a cleverly designed plan to be offensive."
Truly. Deeply. Profoundly. Retarded.
I gave you quotes from, what, a dozen reactionary leftists and you still try to defend them?
Pathetic. Beyond pathetic.
"I KNOW there had to have been some of you turning to each other asking "I'm not sure we should go with this 'tea-bag' thing, are you?". It HAD to have happened."
Now he's setting up straw men.
Deeply moronic straw men, ineffective straw men, stoooopid straw men, but that's what we've come to expect from the fascist troll.
Troggy is totally reprehensible. Most of these tea partiers had never been politically active before (me included). Then we're labeled this disgusting expression. Most of these grannies, housewives, etc. didn't even know what it meant. I surely didn't, until I looked it up online. Never in our lives did we believe that we would have to take to the streets because a fascist regime is trying to turn America upside down. But, what idiots like troggy don't understand is that they have awakened a sleeping giant. And,I don't think most of the tea partiers will ever fall asleep again. Thank you, dems! But, troggy loves to come on here and show us his sexual sophistication. Knowing him he probably knows everything sexual and has tried most of it out. At least we little grannies and mommies don't have to be tested regularly for STD's like troggy and his ilk probably has to.
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