Rush Limbaugh Reads Article By DUFU Author

By the way, for those of you, the familial audience here (and you know this), when I say, "I wonder if my audience realizes how fortunate they are," what you know is that that's a media tweak. I'm saying that 'cause I want the left to say, "Do you realize what Limbaugh said? He actually said he wonders if his audience realizes how fortunate they are!" You and I know what's going on here. This is the dirty little secret. In fact there's a guy. P. J. Rednick? J. P. Bladnick? J. R. Ewing? Let me find it. P. J.? It's in the DC Examiner. Where did I put the...? P. J. Gladnick I think it is. Yeah, here it is. "The Rush Limbaugh Challenge," P. J. Gladnick. "I have found a fascinating phenomenon among liberals. They feel free to harshly criticize Rush Limbaugh yet rarely, if ever, listen to him. And when they do hear him it is in carefully selected brief excerpts or in second- or third-hand accounts. This leads to a lot of misconceptions on their part.
You can read the original article about the Rush Limbaugh Challenge in the Washington Examiner HERE. If you notice, the Rush Limbaugh Challenge is open only to non-moonbat leftists which leaves our own troglaman out. But don't feel bad, Troggy. None of the DUmmies qualify either. However, enough about the trog. Back to my favorite subject...MEEEEEEE!!!! And here Rush mentions your humble correspondent again in his conclusion:
So here's urging people to take the "Rush Limbaugh Challenge." This is in the DC Examiner opinions on yesterday afternoon. It cleared about four o'clock in the afternoon, and the point is that he's right.
The strange thing is that until I heard Rush today I was in a bad mood. Luck did not seem to be happening for me in a project I was working on. However, as soon as I heard Rush, my luck instantly changed. Everything went my way. I am only sorry I didn't make a beeline for the Casino. With that Rush Luck working for me I bet I could have won a bundle at the Cleopatra slot machine.
Now I am wondering if the Rush Luck will work its mojo for DUFU co-conspirator Charles Henrickson who is now attending the big Lutheran (LCMS) convention in Houston where they are getting ready to either re-elect their current president or choose a new president. Got that? Choose a NEW president. I mention no names so as not to jinx it but you can probably guess who I am rooting for.
One final note. The experience of having Rush mention your name and read your article over national radio is certainly surreal. It was kind of like having a giant invisible finger pointing out of the radio directly at me.
Okay, we will soon return you to the regular DUFUs.
Except for being the Olberdouche "Worst Person in the World", this is the best!
Congratulations, felicitations, and "you go, boy!"
Anon 1:50
Personally, I think that DUmmie FUnnies is better than Rush and it has fewer commercials.
Rush should be all, "It's like an giant invisible finger pointing out of the worldwide computer directly at ME," when YOU posted this.
"I'm saying that 'cause I want the left to say, "Do you realize what Limbaugh said? He actually said he wonders if his audience realizes how fortunate they are!" Pills
Um...what? How fortunate they are? My take is the liberals are hoping for an early rapture. Since you all are the anointed ones, destined for heavenly paradise (I heard something about this true?), then why don't we get it over with? Better sooner than later.
So anyway, since liberals are all whispering about how fortunate or not Rush's listeners are...
"You and I know what's going on here. This is the dirty little secret. In fact there's a guy. P. J. Rednick? J. P. Bladnick? J. R. Ewing? Let me find it. P. J.?" Pills
It's "PJinc" (by the way, Rush, you stupid cow). Rush goes on to reference PJinc who had written a very nice opinion piece on why Rush is so fuckin great and if people would just listen then...blah blah blah.
And that's it.
I, troglaman, don't think PJinc was addressing a "dirty little secret" libs are spreading around about Rush. To the contrary, PJinc was claiming Rush had a secret. And if all us libs would just listen...we'd become pod-people just like the rest of you.
Can anyone reference anything that has to do with this dirty little secret? Or whether Rush's bold attempt at manipulation - "I'm saying that 'cause I want the left to say..." actually worked?
Didn't think so.
Never mind. It's the thought that matters.
You got your 15 minutes, PJinc. Make it count.
Troogy boy just got his fifteen seconds, and still can't make a point.
I remember that segment of his show, PJ. I was also reading something else at the same time (multi-tasking) and I never put the connection together to realize he was talking about YOU! Heh heh. Lucky bastage. Rush (& his staff) check out tons of blogs. (As if there's anything to watch on TV.)
Congrats, PJ, that's quite an honor.
I think you're a bit jealous of PJ. But keep working at it and maybe you'll be given a mention on KayInMaine's crypto-anarcho pandemonium blog.
You might even make her "wet".
I heard this show(just as I hear all of them). Congrats on the honorable mention from the Maha Rushie.
A fortunate listener and a soon to be more than casual peruser of your blog.
"You might even make her "wet"." kat
Elrond. kat brings it up again.
So, just for the record...
The mighty trog didn't bring it up. kat did. This means "wet", "wetness", what makes one "wet", is all fair game. Why? Because kat brought it up, not me. Just like the last time.
Once again, this is typical. kat brings up wet, trog comments on wet, trog is condemned for being a pervert...and we all go our merry way.
Watch and learn elrond. Ready?
What do you mean by "making kayinmaine wet", kat? elrond wants to know. I've already got it figured out. So does susie.
The fact that you're listening to your inner 'whatever' is a good thing. Listen and learn.
"It works every day of the week, every time Rush is on the air, you nattering bandersnatch." laz
Does it? Could you reference anyone else mentioning "the dirty little secret"? Bet you can't, loser. You just suck up what you can from Rush's big fat viagratic, oxycontin ass and are good to go. Good for you.
Fucking sheep. Keep up the good work.
Troggy, don't bring me into your dirty little diatribe. Whatever you and kayinmaine share between you is no concern of mine.
"Troggy, don't bring me into your dirty little diatribe. Whatever you and kayinmaine share between you is no concern of mine." susie
You're full of shit. Or did I hallucinate this during one of my many drug-infused sexfests?
"We can all presume what Kay meant by "wet". But, since you want to play games, I'll assume she's wet because her son finally convinced her to take her monthly shower (we know aging hippies always stink). I think you're wrong, though, that most of "us" want to know what kayinmaine meant; unless by the word "us" you meant you, your inner homo, and your inner lezbo." susie
It was obviously a concern of yours a few days ago. Liar. And you mentioned the "inner lezbo" which, I agree, was relevant. How else would kat know what makes kay wet?
I hope you keep giving me opportunities to prove you're a bullshitter, susie. It's like a little birthday present every time you post.
(get ready for some moralistic, hypocritical drivel)
Why did you need to cut and paste? I wrote all that. That's beside the point. I just meant that I think you're stupid for carrying over the crap about kayinmaine's wetness to another posting. It's kinda like beating a dead horse, don't ya think? I'm sorry I wasn't able to go all "moralistic" on you this time. Morals to you is like sunshine to a vampire. Happy Birthday!
"Rush's big fat viagratic, oxycontin ass"
Smatter, sweetie, jeoulous?
Has anyone else ever mentioned that trogletroll's posts are the most verbose, yet sense-free scribblings on the interwebs?
"It's kinda like beating a dead horse, don't ya think?"
Well, he beats his dead dick, so what's the difference?
Gratz, PJ!! Great opinion piece, too :-)
Jeez, I go away for a few days and KayInMaine raises her ugly, wet, head again. Enough, it's probably a troll or a moby. Kay should be left alone in Stephen King land with her dark political fantasies.
"I wrote all that. That's beside the point." susie
Precisely. What you write is "beside the point". I'm in complete agreement.
It's a starting point, susie. We can agree about something.
The day that you and I agree on anything, is the day hell freezes over.
"The day that you and I agree on anything, is the day hell freezes over."
Or trogletroll the scarecrow gets some brains from the Wizard of Oz.
"I wrote all that. That's beside the point." susie
"Precisely. What you write is "beside the point". I'm in complete agreement." the mighty trog
"The day that you and I agree on anything, is the day hell freezes over." susie
So if we don't agree about anything then you don't agree that you "wrote all that" even though you said "I wrote all that".
Too much drama, susie. Too crazy. I'm sure it's not the first time you've been accused of such a thing.
No, actually, you're the first person that has called me crazy. So, as it's coming from a total idiot, I'll just take it with a grain of salt. It's the first word you've called me that I can actually say in front of mixed company. By the way, trogidiot, isn't it kinda like the pot calling the kettle black?
Susie -
Troglaman the Guttersnipe can't understand that, even with the copious amounts of Everclear he chugs down before making his posts on here.
And I would suggest a shaker rather than a grain of salt where Guttersnipe is concerned.
Have a great day Susie :)
"And I would suggest a shaker rather than a grain of salt where Guttersnipe is concerned. Have a great day Susie :)" jj
Smiley face. Hmmm.
Stay away from her, you bastard! I saw her first.
"Stay away from her, you bastard! I saw her first."
Have you ever had a date?
I mean with a real woman.
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