DUmmies Massage Al Gore Sex Charges

Al Gore sex investigation to be re-opened, say Portland police
[Which is why Algore suddenly hid his assets in an LLC to protect from lawsuits.]
An investigation into claims of sexual assault by former U.S. vice president Al Gore is to be re-opened, Portland police said Wednesday.
[Once again it was the National Enquirer, NOT the MSM, which broke this story.]
The move came after the massage therapist that accused Gore of mauling her in a hotel room in late 2006 was identified as Molly Hagerty.
[Forgive Al Gore. He just needed the release of his "chakra."]
In a statement Wednesday, police officials said: "The Portland Police Bureau has made the decision to re-open the case regarding the allegations brought forward against Mr. Al Gore.
[AFTER the National Enquirer published the details. FUn Fact: Your humble correspondent once sold a story to the NE. All it took was spending a day of research at the library.]
"Consistent with our policy regarding open investigations, the Police Bureau will not be commenting on any additional specifics regarding this case at this time."
[They won't be commenting but let us now look at the DUmmie comments about Al Gore which is sort of permitted under Skinner's new GroupThink rules.]
Oh boy just in time for the elections. Coincidence?
[Are you sure the massage therapist wasn't Karl Rove?]
What's Al running for?
[He just wanted a warming of his globals.]
How is it ok for you to disrespect former Vice President Gore but no one can say one bad word about Obama?
[Why don't you ask Skinner that? He's the one who came up with the ridiculous GroupThink rules.]
It could exonerate him and show the MT for the fraud she might be
[Better check with the DNA of the vice-presidue.]
THis is just too Paula Jones for me to take seriously.
[Is that you, Bill Clinton?]
certainly she writes well for a masseuse - sounds like Rover hired a xxx novelist for the job
[Rover faxed her the script from a Kinko's in Amarillo.]
she said that her friends encouraged her to keep quiet, that they were the Birkenstock Tribe (all very liberal, including her).
I for one believe Al to be celibate
[Is that you, Tipper?]
and a pair of pant's with al's "goo" on them.
Our great former President Al Gore is not a person who would do such a thing.
[He would never lose his precious bodily fluids.]
This stinks of Rove.
[Rove paranoia continues its hilarious path in DUmmieland.]
I agree that it has Kove written all over it.
[But of course. Just hold that thought until the nurse arrives with your lithium treatment.]
I believe her entire story and effort were created by GOP operatives to tarnish Al Gore in 2006, in case he was thinking about running in 2008 for president. Preemptive action.
[The main thing "tarnished" was the massage therapist's pants.]
I wouldn't be surprised if those rethug bastards are worried Gore will run & win because of the BP gusher.
[Apparently there was an AG gusher which ended up on the therapist's pants.]
whats wrong with a LITTLE Rub and tug
[The Ben Burch Special.]
I balme Bush.
Al Gore, a member of the Party of Ted Kennedy, Bll Clinton, John Edwards and Barney Frank, couldn't possibly be involved in a sordid sex scandal.
Al Gore as a Crazed Sex Poodle, wrap your head around that image. Shudder. I wonder, does Al "Big Poodle" Gore appeal to troglaman's inner homo or inner lezbo?
John Edwards will issue a statement presently, attesting to the impeccable credentials of the Vice-Poodle.
"Silky Pony? Meet Sex Poodle! Pood' meet Pon'!
I'm sure you have a lot to talk about and Slick Willy Clinton will be along to show y'all up.
Only time will tell if this will be the real "Inconvenient Truth" for algore.
I question the timing of this story. I smell Rham Emanuel behind all this. Obama's slide in popularity might have had AlGore contemplating a Nixon like comeback in the 2012 primaries.
But he'll still have to face Her Highness and the Big Dawg.
It's a Rovian conspiracy? Funniest thing I've read in a while! Yes, Republicans are trying to frame a washed up Dem who isn't even running for office in an attempt to influence the election. You betcha.
This really isn't all that suprising... Afterall, Algore did hang out with Bill Clinton for 8 years. I'm sure he got some pointers from ol' Bubba.
He even copied his mentor by leaving "stains" on her clothes... How fucking creepy is that.
"Al Gore as a Crazed Sex Poodle, wrap your head around that image. Shudder. I wonder, does Al "Big Poodle" Gore appeal to troglaman's inner homo or inner lezbo?" elrond
Is Gore's inner poodle a stud or a bitch? This is the stupid dumbass question both my inner homo and inner lezbo are concerned with. It's somehow "important" to them...fucking asshole whiners. The 90 year-old dwarf in the back of the ox-cart is indifferent, in case you were wondering.
The crazed sex poodle formerly known as Al Gore. Prince may sue.
"Crazed sex poodle", Al Gore as Rex the wonder dog, a concept that makes KayInMaine wet.
"Crazed sex poodle", it sounds over the top but we all know that Al Gore has been bonkers for years.
"Crazed sex poodle", Al Gore as a leg humping dog, something more appropriate for troglaman.
"Crazed sex poodle", Al Gore as a leg humping dog, something more appropriate for troglaman." kat
"Most people believe that the paper napkin...small fruit stand...a ball bearing...a bowling ball...Some dolphin toward a turkey hides...infected wedge...a globule a microscope around a stovepipe..." laz
And I, troglaman, am the friggin wierdo?
By the way kat, you mentioned something several days ago about my new puppy. You said I shouldn't kiss him with my potty mouth. Remember?
Then you say this, you friggin twit..."Crazed sex poodle", Al Gore as Rex the wonder dog, a concept that makes KayInMaine wet." You said "wet".
My puppy want's to know what you mean by describing kayinmaine as being "wet".
After explaining that, you'll automatically become a part of the "potty-mouth" club. Aren't you excited?
But clearly, let's be honest. Most of us would like to know just precisely what made kayinmaine wet. Let's hear it.
"And I, troglaman, am the friggin wierdo?"
Yes you are.
Troggy, you're a prime example of what drugs can do to a person's brain. I was the one that posted, "do you kiss your puppy with that mouth?". You called me "church lady" because of that remark. That's amazing, since lately you've been accusing some people of misquoting you. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones (or were you stoned posting this). So, I think you owe kat an apology. Your message has been completely blown to hell, kinda like your brain.
Yep, susieq is right; she, not me, is concerned aobut you kissing your puppy with that potty mouth.
As for KayInMaine, she's said a number of times that Democrat politicians make her "wet". Her word, not mine; it's probably somthing orgasmic. That's it, I've joined the potty mouth club.
Susie, that just goes to prove what I said earlier about Troglaman the Guttersnipe. He is mentally incapable of comprehending his OWN posts, let alone anyone else's, so no one should be surprised he did this.
I still believe it's not only drugs but copious amounts of Everclear that have blown his brain apart.
Have they never considered that Gore is a Rovian plant, to get them to submit, and give up all their money from their dead-end loser jobs?
"As for KayInMaine, she's said a number of times that Democrat politicians make her "wet"."
"Yep, susieq is right; she, not me, is concerned aobut you kissing your puppy with that potty mouth." kat
Thanks. Susie may have talked about my kissing my puppy but YOU, my little vixen, said "a concept that makes KayInMaine wet". That makes you a potty-mouth. Does it not? Or are you talking about KayInMaine in a dunking pond or something? Why don't you explain to us all what makes KayInMaine wet. The notion appeals to my inner lezbo. Why?
Because it seems to me the only way you'd know what makes KayInMaine wet is that you KNOW what makes KayInMaine wet.
Before you get all indignant, let's remember you brought up the wetness factor. Not troglaman.
Boy, troggy, you sure do love to beat that dead horse continuously. We're adults here (well, we don't know exactly what you are). We can all presume what Kay meant by "wet". But, since you want to play games, I'll assume she's wet because her son finally convinced her to take her monthly shower (we know aging hippies always stink). I think you're wrong, though, that most of "us" want to know what kayinmaine meant; unless by the word "us" you meant you, your inner homo, and your inner lezbo.
"As for KayInMaine, she's said a number of times that Democrat politicians make her "wet"" kat
Kat's running a KayInMaine "wet" tally. I must have not been paying attention. Anybody else in the asylum notice kat's "KayInMaine 'wet' statistics"?
The startling notion, kat, is that you're interested in what makes KayInMaine wet. You're obviously interested.
Tell us why.
"I think you're wrong, though, that most of "us" want to know what kayinmaine meant" susie
Just so we're clear, 'us' is everyone who reads this blog, you friggin idiot. It's not tribal, it's everyone who reads it...including me.
"Just so we're clear, 'us' is everyone who reads this blog, you friggin idiot."
What's this "us" shit, Kemosabe?
O.K., we're having a prolonged discussion on Kay being "wet", what "wet" means, the origin of her "wetness", and why it's important to "us". We're being dragged down to troglaman's level, which is somewhere south of the basement.
Time to move on.
O.K., we're having a prolonged discussion on Kay being "wet", what "wet" means, the origin of her "wetness", and why it's important to "us". We're being dragged down to troglaman's level, which is somewhere south of the basement. Time to move on." elrond
Thank you for snapping me out of it, my friend. I had become a sycophant to the process.
But no. A thousand times no! It was not I, the honorable and noble troglaman, that opened this particular door of irresistible temptation. No. I only probed its dark and mysterious recesses (as I, admittedly, am apt to do given the circumstances).
Your moral charge is misdirected and misguided, elrond. Follow the wet.
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