DUmmies Worry About November Elections

The DUmmmies are now starting to sweat over the upcoming November elections. What caused this latest outbreak of worry warts was a statement by White House Press Secretary that the Democrats could lose the House in November which you can see in this THREAD, "Robert Gibbs says Democrats could lose House in November." Hey, it won't be for lack of trying on Obama's part. Playing golf while the Gulf is flooded with oil and instigating a toxic lawsuit against Arizona for trying to stop the illegal alien flood doesn't help matters. Also economy busting measures which keeps unemployment at high levels doesn't exactly ingratiate yourself with the voters. So let us now watch the DUmmies bite their fingernails over the November elections in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, stocking up on the popcorn and beer in preparation for watching the election results, in in the [barackets]:
Robert Gibbs says Democrats could lose House in November
President Barack Obama's chief spokesman says it's possible that Democrats could lose their majority in the House this fall.
Press secretary Robert Gibbs says there's no doubt that enough seats are in play for Republicans to take control. Gibbs says the outcome of the fall vote will depend on whether Democrats wage strong campaigns.
[Strong campaigns? They won't even attend town hall meetings in their own districts.]
Is this unnecessary alarmism or is it wise to try to motivate the base by pointing out the stakes in the upcoming election? And will talk like this discourage potential Democratic voters, or not? And will it merely encourage the other side?
[I encourage all DUmmies to get up early and vote on November 3.]
I'm not sure how I feel about this. I had thought that while they might pick up some seats, it won't be enough to be able to take over either chamber. But if this is a plausible threat, then I have more to worry about than I thought. A GOP takeover of the House would be an unmitigated disaster.
[Tylenol is on recall so you will need to OD on Zanax.]
I'll bet any amount of money Dems hold the House.
[Bank it.]
Intrade has the pukes at 56% winning the house and the trend isn't good.
[What are the Vegas odds?]
Please, take your case of depression and negativity to a psychiatrist. Many of us prefer to stay positive and look toward kicking GOBP ass this fall. And we damn well can if we work the ground and get out and vote. It is that simple.
[Depression and negativity is what makes my DUmmie ants so much FUn to watch!]
Sorry to put it in such harsh terms but there is an absolutely solid chance we will enough seats flip to hand over control. I would put the odds at 50/50 at this point. It's not right or fair but the scumbaggy gNOp kicked up enough dust and ginned up enough unwarrented anxiety to cloud out the actual reality. Here's hoping the Dems are able to put things back into proper perspective. Remember...those f*cks are the ones who drove the car into the ditch to begin with.
[Obama is doing EXACTLY what is necessary to drive the Democrat party into the ditch at the polls.]
Remember Scott Brown? Might have been a fluke, but probably not.
[I remember Scott Brown and how William Rivers Pitt told us not to worry because he was sure to lose. Bank it.]
I am going to spend anything I can afford to defeat Bachmann the idiot.
[Bachmann is just $10 away from being defeated.]
I voted for Coakley, but a lot of acquaintances didn't, and most had the same reason "why bother - they're all the same". These are people who had hope a year ago, now crushed.
[Enjoy the Rush Crush.]
FDR did much, much more than Obama. No comparison. He immediately went to work for the average Joe and Jane. And the economy turned around quickly.
[Yeah, it only took 8 years for the economy to turn around when WWII started.]
Not what I said at all. The opposition party is ALWAYS more energized in mid terms. We need to WORK.
Make a strong and CLEAR case, ATTACK HARD, and work the grassroots HARD !
[Posted the DUmmie who plans to spend the next few months in his basement surrounded by pizza cartons.]
Obama needs to start talking about what his plan is to dig this country out of the whole its in and he needed to do it yesturday.
[Obama prefers to spend his time at the golf course trying to get a whole-in-one.]
he needs to deliver to the American people ... thats the point
[Don't worry. Obama will deliver your pizza.]
Gibbs is just stating the facts. Unless we work our asses off
to prevent it, we WILL see a Republican holocaust in November.
[Prepare the Walmart detention centers!]
We might shake our heads and somewhat laugh at the tea bagger candidates, but apparently the Brown win in Mass. was no fluke because now we have Angle leading Reid, and Fiorino and Boxer neck, and neck. Yes, a DISASTER is in the making. I know these are Senatorial races, but the same applies. We've got to get busy.
[Would you like DUAC sauce on your pizza?]
START TODAY. Write letters to the editor. Go to your local campaign office and sign up. I have.
I'm beginning to think they're trying to lose ON PURPOSE!
[Hee! Hee!]
I don't think the Moonbat base of the Democratic Socialist Party of America (DSA) has a clue as to how powerful a repudiation they will receive from the public in November or how to do anything to stop it. Which is good since it will strip the Troglaman Clones of their power to continue destroying American Society.
The dummies are fools, but they are right that each of us needs to reach out to others and educate them:
Win the house or no, it's only the beginning.
Patience and perseverance will ultimately pay off for conservatives.
"FDR did much, much more than Obama. No comparison. He immediately went to work for the average Joe and Jane. And the economy turned around quickly."
More liberal fantasy. FDR was in office for 12 years compared to Obama's 19months. But the Depression economy did not turn around quickly; in fact it didn't turn around at all. It wasn't until 12 million men entered the armed forces after Pearl Harbor that the unemployment rate fell below 10%.
The unemployment rate in 1933 was 22.9%, in 1934 23.2%, in 1935 21.3%, 1936 15.3%, in 1937 15.0%, in 1938 17.4%,in 1940 14.6%. It has been argued that FDR's policies actually prolonged the depression (just like Obama's will).
BTW, fortunately, "the average Joe and Jane" were not Japanese-Americans, interned by order of FDR in 1942.
"[Strong campaigns? They won't even attend town hall meetings in their own districts.]"
And when a Dem DOES attend one, he attacks his constituents.
Or reveals himself for an ignorant ass.
Fun times we live in.
"This may be a positive in the long run because in the 2012 elections Obama and the Donks will own the ruinous economy, fractured polity and disastrous foreign policy...Troglaman will, of course, blame it all on Bush." elrond
When should've I stopped blaming the holocaust on Hitler? Or the Russian revolution on Marx and Lenin? Or the discovery of flight on the Wright brothers?
Everything you mentioned, elrond, was a fact of life before Obama took office. That is simply the fact of the matter. History doesn't change once done.
What Obama will be held to is his ability or inability to correct it...can he pull us out of this shit-storm? We'll see. I'm not optimistic. Things may be too broken. I fear they are. But that's his test. Because the damage has already been done...by you folks. And, much to my amazement, you want to keep doing the same suicidal shit that got us here in the first place. You figure it's your God given right, or something equally moronic, to do so.
It probably IS our God-given right to fuck ourselves over if we want to. And we have. No one to blame but us. Oh, sorry...the libs. You all had nothing to do with it.
Fucking head-cases. All of you.
breitbart, laz? You're referencing breitbart? He's your shining light?
You have the brains of a stump...a dirt clot...a clam shell.
I break with thee...
"breitbart, laz? You're referencing breitbart?"
I'm providing links to clips on a Breitbart web site that prove that Democrat representatives are either thugs or morons.
I suggest you take a look before you prove to the world, once again, what a short bus riding, window licking retard you really are.
"You have the brains of a stump...a dirt clot...a clam shell."
And you're an idiotic reactionary left fascist.
"What a maroon!"
-Bugs Bunny
Everyone seems to forget that the Dems have been in control of the Congress for what, 3+ years now almost 4?
Amazing how BUSH gets blamed when in fact the left has been in control of the legislative branch since 2006.
Reality-based community. Now THERE is an oxymoron if I've ever heard one.
Troglaman, for lack of anything coherent to say, will chant the "Bush, Bush, Bush" mantra for the next 50 years.
"Things may be too broken. I fear they are."
Already making excuses for Obama's failures? But the One has no interest in repairing "things"; I think his vision for America necessitates chaos---fiscal, political and international. In periods of crises big government expands. FDR knew that, so does Obama.
Troggy is in lock step with the marching morons.
"Troggy is in lock step with the marching morons."
Kewl, a C. M. Kornbluth reference.
Yeah, Kornbluth was a favorite of my misspent youth. I still have a weakness for 50s sci-fi.
Look at my username......
"Troglaman, for lack of anything coherent to say, will chant the "Bush, Bush, Bush" mantra for the next 50 years." elrond
Bite me. What I said was that Obama will be held to account on his ability or inability to pull us out of your all's great big, giant, smelly, collective asshole. He may fail spectacularly. I think he probably will. Most likely he'll get sphinctered by you bastards.
If you think I'm saying Obama should be held blameless for his actions, you're wrong. I've ragged on Obama (Oh no! That may have been my inner lezbo right there. Shit!) a lot. You know I have.
Bush did what he did and Obama will do what he'll do. Saying Bush created big problems does not mean Obama won't either.
And explaining it to you like I'm speaking to a child can only mean the appearance of my inner grand-ma. Things are seriously going to get fucked up now.
"Look at my username......" laz
ooooooo (smiles knowingly as if sharing a private joke)
"breitbart, laz? You're referencing breitbart?" the mighty trog
"Ummmmm.....no. I'm providing links to clips on a Breitbart web site" laz
Attitude. Sexy.
But anyway...so you're providing links from Breitbart's website but not referencing Breitbart.
That must be like providing links to the Daily Kos without referencing the Daily Kos.
I can relate, bro.
"troglaman said...
"Look at my username......" laz
ooooooo (smiles knowingly as if sharing a private joke)"
Yes, you truly are an illiterate Person of Stupid.
Here's a Klew™, fucktard: it's a literery reference. Which you will never understand. Even if you understood what "literery reference" means.
"But anyway...so you're providing links from Breitbart's website but not referencing Breitbart.
That must be like providing links to the Daily Kos without referencing the Daily Kos.
I can relate, bro."
No you can't.
You're too stupid.
Oh, and I notice that you don't react to the fact that that Democrat representaive has all the social graces of a Nazi Brownshirt.
Probably because you're too stupid.
You sound a lot like Obama (but with a fouler mouth), you both blame everything on Bush, rattling his name like maracas.
But if Obama were actually leading an economic recovery a blame game wouldn't be necessary. A surging economy would the leave us no doubt who is a success and who a failure.
lol politics
Anon 7:19PM,
How profound.
"Here's a Klew™, fucktard: it's a literery reference." laz
Yes, you rare yet uniquely stupid dumbass futurian...I got it the first time.
I wouldn't normally complain about spelling, but don't you think someone bragging about their literary acumen should be able to spell 'literary'?
Probably not.
"But if Obama were actually leading an economic recovery..." elrond
Why is he having to lead a economic recovery? Recovery from what, elrond?
Dare you answer? Most likely not.
Oh, but I wanted to ask...when do we stop blaming Custer for The Last Stand?
Personally speaking, I think the guy has taken enough heat for the slaughter. Sitting Bull did the slaughtering for Christ's sake, not the 7th Calvary. Right? It's time George be exonerated. Custer, that is.
"Yes, you rare yet uniquely stupid dumbass futurian...I got it the first time."
Now, now, troll, you know it's a sin to lie.
"I wouldn't normally complain about spelling"
Why not, you complain about everything else. You sound like an Irish grandmother most of the time. A drunk, foul-mouthed grandmother, but just like one nonetheless.
"Why is he having to lead a economic recovery?"
Because He's Teh Won, the answer to America's prayers, the bringer of light and unicorns and rainbows and sparkles, the Miracle Worker™.
"Recovery from what, elrond?"
From the crash in the housing market caused by the Democrats, you ignorant moron.
Barney Fwank: learn it, live it, love it.
But the economy is now Teh One's.
Of course, you're too stupid to understand that.
"Personally speaking, I think the guy has taken enough heat for the slaughter. Sitting Bull did the slaughtering for Christ's sake, not the 7th Calvary. Right? It's time George be exonerated. Custer, that is."
Wow, there's stupid, then there's trogletroll.
Keep trying moron, I love coming by here to laugh at your idiocy.
"Wow, there's stupid, then there's trogletroll. - Lazarus Long"
Kudos to you Lazarus....wish I'd have thought of that first. Seems Guttersnipe needs more Everclear than usual to try to be even remotely coherent.
"Sitting Bull did the slaughtering for Christ's sake..."
And Sitting Bull wasn't even a Baptist.
"Recovery from what, elrond?"
Oh, I don't know, maybe the housing market collapse and the those 8,000,000 lost jobs that even the Veep has admitted aren't coming back.
"Oh, I don't know, maybe the housing market collapse and the those 8,000,000 lost jobs that even the Veep has admitted aren't coming back."
Don't forget, it was Democrats and their opolicies that caused the collapse.
So it's Oilbama's recession. Now and forever.
"You sound a lot like Obama (but with a fouler mouth), you both blame everything on Bush, rattling his name like maracas." elrond
Who started two stupid wars?
Who created a trillion dollar tax cut (for the upper 2 percent) without paying for it?
Under who's administration did the economy tank? Remember?
So now Obama's expected to, within one and a half years, put right the whole enormous shit pile that you idiots choose to leave America. Does it bother any of you jackasses that none of you spoke up about the deficit before?...the wars? My recollection is that you defended this shit. You SUPPORTED it. I even remember being told a deficit economy wasn't such a bad thing.
But now it's reasonable to expect these monumental failures (such as the destruction of our economy) could be neatly wrapped up within a year and a half of a new administration. Sure.
Whether or not you want to admit it, your ideology failed. Tax cuts failed. Trickle down failed. Free market failed. Unbridled war failed. It all went to hell...and unbelievably, you continue to stridently believe it all can still work.
How do you friggin do it?
"Oh, I don't know, maybe the housing market collapse and the those 8,000,000 lost jobs that even the Veep has admitted aren't coming back." elrond
And when was that? When did the housing collapse happen? When did the bubble burst?
Jesus, elrond. Are you remotely capable of understanding your argument as being disingenuous? I was here when you were defending all this bullshit.
You're representing yourself as if you've held these positions forever. I happen to know you haven't.
"troglaman said...
Who started two stupid wars?"
The islamonazis. And they lost in Iraq and are losing in Afghanistan.
"Who created a trillion dollar tax cut (for the upper 2 percent) without paying for it?"
A tax cut is not an expense, you economic illiterate. It's not taking people's money at the point of a gun.
"Under who's administration did the economy tank? Remember?"
Oilbama's. And it's ongoing, you ecomomic illiterate.
"So now Obama's expected to, within one and a half years, put right the whole enormous shit pile that....." you Democrats created? No, because he AGREES with the shitpile. Remember, illiterate, you have to "share the wealth".
Which is the attitude of a barbarian and a looter.
"Does it bother any of you jackasses that none of you spoke up about the deficit before""
You miss a lot, don't you, illiterate? A whole fuckin' lot.
"My recollection is that you defended this shit. You SUPPORTED it. I even remember being told a deficit economy wasn't such a bad thing."
"But now it's reasonable to expect these monumental failures"
Wait. I thought Oilbama was the Lightbringer, the Bearer OF Unicorns, The Spreader of Sparkle.
"Whether or not you want to admit it, your ideology failed."
Actually, you economic illiterate, it's made America the greatest nation on God's green Earth, and you can't stand that your reactionary, exploded, well, it can't be called "economics", becasue left-fascism fails each and every time it's tried, at enormous cost in lives and treasure, your reactionary fantasy is a murderous lie.
And you wnat to know what the ultimate irony is? No matter what clown face left fascism puts on as "for the little guy" or whatever other boilerplate propaganda you spew, at its heart, socialism/progressivism/communism is nothing more than an appeal to selfishness.
"Who started two stupid wars?"
Who continues to fight two "stupid wars"? Checked the casualty rate in Afghanistan lately?
Who's running up a daily deficit of $5 billion dollars?
Who spends hundreds of billions of "stimulus" dollars while the economy continues to tank?
During whose administration did the American work force decrease by 652,000 in June, 2010?
Who keeps extending unemployment benefits because there are no jobs and no one is hiring?
Who's going to increase the deficit by another $10trillion in the next decade?
During whose administration will federal debt reach 62% of GDP by the end of 2010?
Who's administration will likely roll out a value added tax next year?
Could it be Obama? Why yes, it could.
"Why is he having to lead a economic recovery?" the mighty trog
"Because He's Teh Won, the answer to America's prayers, the bringer of light and unicorns and rainbows and sparkles, the Miracle Worker™." laz
Thanks. You're a mind-blower, my friend, that's for sure. But, I, troglaman, am confused...when you all talk about 'recovery', what is it you mean? What are we recovering from?
And I'm totally down with the rainbows and sparkles and especially the unicorns.
"Who continues to fight two "stupid wars"? Checked the casualty rate in Afghanistan lately?" elrond
And when did it dawn on you these that these wars had become stupid? Because you certainly didn't feel that way before. You defended them. I was around then.
And what is it you're exactly asking for? Are you seriously suggesting that the blunders of Bush just go away? Disappear? They're now Obama's problem and that's that? Well...
"A recent Time poll found that 71 percent blame Bush for the “balky economy,” versus 27 percent who blame President Obama."
Looks like people aren't buying it, elrond. Maybe if you just keep saying it...
"Who's administration will likely roll out a value added tax next year?" elrond
Source. I think you're full of it.
"...when you all talk about 'recovery', what is it you mean? What are we recovering from?"
The housing meltdown, the crisis brought on brought on by Democrat policies.
Can't you read, you economic illiterate?
"I think you're full of it."
And I think you're a moron.
I'm right, you're wrong. Again.
A "Time" poll? I am impressed.
Bush's blunders (and he did make them) have been exacerbated and deepened by Obama and the Donks.
Here we are in "recovery summer" with no recovery in sight. But wait! The Democrats are extending unemployment benefits to 2.5 years.
Now unemployment compensation has become yet another welfare entitlement. It's simple, the more people on the federal dole, the more dependent they are on the government, the more likely they'll vote Democrat.
Repeat after me, "There are no jobs. Obama is not interested in private sector jobs."
BTW, the extension of uneployment benefits is coming from additional federal borrowing.
"What are we recovering from?"
Record deficits, massive unemployment, a collapsed housing market. But you're right, we aren't reovering from any of it.
Value added tax? Do a little Googling, it's in the works.
Obama's "deficit reduction" committee is expected to recommend it.
"breitbart, (literery) laz? You're referencing breitbart? He's your shining light? You have the brains of a stump...a dirt clot...a clam shell. I break with thee..." the one and only mighty trog.
"I'm providing links to clips on a Breitbart web site that prove that Democrat representatives are either thugs or morons." literery laz
Your timing's perfect (my lively and lovely literery Lazarusorific Einstein)...
Breitbart has just become THE solid-gold pillar of truth and the American way, hasn't he?. Yes. He. Has. I've loved everything since HIS EXCEPTIONALLY TRUTHFUL VIDEOS starring "Superfly O'Keefe".
You've proven yourself an idiot nearly every time you said something this thread, my little lazoriscious. Not my fault.
"Breitbart has just become THE solid-gold pillar of truth and the American way, hasn't he?."
Here's a question: why did you end a question with a question mark and a period?
Because you're a moron.
As to Breitbart, it's great to see another sensible conservative giving the same shit back to the reactionary left that they've been dishing out for years.
It's even greater to see the reactionaries squealing like stuck pigs.
Sorta like, well, your pathetic squawks on this thread.
" I've loved everything since HIS EXCEPTIONALLY TRUTHFUL VIDEOS starring "Superfly O'Keefe"."
Which destroyed ACORN. HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now squeal, piggy, squeal.
BTW, moron, I love the way you rushed to the defense of the thuggish/moronic Democrat representatives.
"BTW, moron, I love the way you rushed to the defense of the thuggish/moronic Democrat representatives." literery laz
I didn't. Instead, I happened to be lucky enough to call Breitbart an idiot before he, once again, made himself an idiot. Troglamatic timing.
As always, you continue to defend him, you dumb fucker...while everyone else BUT YOU knows Breitbart's a moron...which therefore makes YOU a moron.
You're now zero for 3 or 4, dumbass. Something like that. Give. The. Fuck. Up.
Or don't.
I'm down with the second option.
"troglaman said...
"BTW, moron, I love the way you rushed to the defense of the thuggish/moronic Democrat representatives." literery laz
I didn't."
Which was my point.
Trogladouche, Breitbart proved his point with that video. He succeeded in proving that there were racists in the naacp audience, when sharrod initially started the racist part of her story. The naacp had labeled an entire group of people (the Teapartiers) as racists. So, he wanted to show that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. He succeeded. He didn't know the stupid white house regime would over-react. That was a bonus!
Exactly right Susie....Troglaman The Guttersnipe is cluelessly out of touch as usual.
"Breitbart proved his point with that video." susie
That the NAACP is racist. Sure.
Dumbshit. Is that why they condemned Sherrod? Wanted her fired?
Pretzel logic.
But then the NAACP rushed to judgment, didn't they? Isn't that the new take on how stupid they are?
Not that you dumbshits rushed to judgment. No.
Pretzel logic.
I think you all pretend to be the hateful motherfuckers you present yourselves as being. You pretend.
Anon 1:38, I don't know why the naacp condemned sherrod. You want to ask them? Mine is not to wonder, but to laugh at them. Hey, I have a suggestion; take your pretzel logic, coat it with mustard and eat it.
Anon 1:38
Is that you troglaman? Sounds like you. I think the phrase you once used is "sock puppet".
"Breitbart proved his point with that video." susie
That the NAACP is racist."
And the irony is so thick you could cut it with your Boy Scout knife.
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