"The Republican Party needs to be eliminated"

No nuanced interpretation needed here. The DUmmies are flat out admitting their totalitarian mindset by declaring that "The Republican Party needs to be eliminated." You can see them proudly make that Thought Police assertion on this THREAD. So is there anybody out there who still wants to challenge my frequent comparisons of DUmmies with wannabee Chekhists who would love nothing more than to rove around the country and liquidate Republicans? Yeah, I love how Democrats are always yapping about diversity...except when it comes to political diversity. So let us now watch the DUmmie Chekhist squad eagerly anticipate the day when they can begin their Republican liquidations in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, taking note of the junior Rotfront league, is in the [brackets]:
Mike Malloy: The Republican Party needs to be eliminated.
[And DUmmies unanimously agree.]
from the "Amen" corner.
They serve no useful purpose. There's no reasoning with them. They'll gladly destroy the country if they think it will return them to power.
May they all rot in pieces. I hate to say I hate anyone, but I hate them all.
[A La Pared! And now to hear from the rest of Team Totalitarian...]
Yep - Domestic Terrorist Organization.
[So sayeth a DUmmie who would love to free the REAL terrorists.]
I just said that same thing to my husband not 5 minutes ago!!!
2010 needs to be a reckoning. We need an uprising that makes the 2008 election pale. I think that fundraising is going to be extremely challenging (coincidence, no?) but we have to finish the job.
[Continue the liquidations HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!!]
I also have been telling my husband this since the election. We must for the sake of the Country and the World, bring them down, expose them, vote them out and prosecute them and if necessary jail them. They must go now and asap.
[Couldn't we just save time by skipping the "prosecute" part?]
a strategic hamlet program for republicans they call themselves an insurgency, we need to use counterinsurgent tactics.
[So says a DUmmie who would drown in his own urination if made to face a Republican all by himself.]
THIS IS NO JOKE. In listening to Obama's speech tonight honoring LIncoln. I realized that we are entering into a 2nd civil war.
[Pssst! Inconvenient truth... Lincoln was a...a Republican!]
Eliminated with extreme prejudice. By any means necessary.
[Declared the big brave DUmmie Sturmbahncritter.]
they are our enemy combatants!!! we need to place them on a shelf, they have never been for the people or for the country their record shows their insane tactics over and over again. Their Tax cuts should be shoved...............
[Screeched the DUmmie with the soiled diaper.]
I haven't been this furious in a long time. I want to beat that party into a bloody pulp and then incinerate the remains.
[A La Pared! To The Ovens!]
that party needs to die a swift, merciless, painful death.
[Feel the love!!!]
I'm trying to figure out if that was from the democratic underground or the current congress.
They'll gladly destroy the country if they think it will return them to power.
Funny, isn't that exactly what the Dems have been doing since the 2006 elections?
Oooo, I am so afraid of these little wussies. Aren't these the people that don't believe in private gun ownership? We're the ones that are armed. I'm a little 50 yr. old woman, and they don't scare me. Come and try to get me, nancy boys. All I'd have to do is say, "boo", and they'd piss their pants.
Leftists with a totalitarian mindset, turning political differences into capital crimes. The heirs of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot festering in basments and dorm rooms throughout America.
Obama's stormtroopers.
"Yeah, I love how Democrats are always yapping about diversity...except when it comes to political diversity." PJ Inc
And you are all about political diversity. Sure. Believe it, wankers. PJ's all about gay marriage.
"Leftists with a totalitarian mindset, turning political differences into capital crimes. The heirs of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot festering in basments and dorm rooms throughout America. Obama's stormtroopers." smitty
See, this is the kind of shit that makes you fuckers sound batshit crazy. Not one, NOT ONE, of smitty's claims are true. Smitty's a fucking loon. And yet many of you are inclined to believe him. It's a wonder of nature. I say that because it certainly isn't a wonder of being Intelligently Designed.
DUmmies are disgusting maggots on so many levels....
Well they're certainly not players in a healthy republic, that's for sure.
If your views and policies can't stand the light of day, and won't stand up against opposing views the notion that you kill your opponents is just not how the game is played.
I think that this will be shown in the upcoming midterms.
If the past few weeks are any indication, the rack of indescretions, sneakery, and downright boobage of the present administration are going to gut them like a trout.
"NOT ONE, of smitty's claims are true. Smitty's a fucking loon. And yet many of you are inclined to believe him."
The problem with your statement, Troglaman, is that all you have to do is actually READ the DU thread to see that you factually incorrect and, based on the explicit language at DU, Smitty is clearly stating the truth.
In a long thread, at a major liberal website, the suggestion that an entire political party be eliminated goes unquestioned - except by a single person who subtly and sarcastically makes a point about opposition and dissent.
In the rest of the thread, there is no debate. They are calling for the elimination of viewpoints different from their own. They are calling for the abolition of an entire political group.
And more than one poster calls for "death" or "extreme prejudice."
No offense, my friend, but while you protest and shriek that we're not seeing reality ... ACTUAL reality is right there on the screen for all of us to read.
The most amusing aspect of all, of course, is that - with one exception - none of them seem even vaguely aware of the irony of their behavior ... calling their opponents fascist while behaving in a manner that defines fascism.
There is nothing liberal about the modern liberal. If you are a classic liberal, today you are a conservative.
And for what its worth, we don't ever want Democrats silenced or crushed or "eliminated with extreme prejudice." As long as there's a free market of ideas, they'll lose.
Any real liberal should be deeply ashamed of what's in that thread.
Cowardly fascist pukes like these never get their hands dirty.
Historically, they always find street gang thugs, issue them brownshirts, and send them to do the real 'wet work'.
Whoever it is that comes for us, they'll die like flies.
Be warned.
Icarus already said it, but I'll say it again. Read that DU thread and you'll soon realize that the DUmmies are almost unamimous in their desire to eliminate any and all Republican opposition.
This is not a lowa abiding party that disagrees with us...They should be treated like the criminals they are.
Yep. Domestic terrorist organization.
I want to beat that party to a bloody pulp and then incinerate the remains.
I didn't say it, the DUmmies said it. You're a fascist enabler and an asshole, an asshole in denial.
Ooops "lowa" = "law"
For a second there, I actually thought you meant "Iowa-abiding party".
These fools forget how many Republicans have guns. Some of us have more than one very big, powerfull guns.
They can bring it on.
When metrosexuals goose step...hillarious!
I guess dissent = patriotism only prior to January 20th, now it equals terrorism. Perhaps they would be interested in making this law retroactive as well?
Thought not.
The DU has gone Full Retard!
NEVER go full retard!
lots of cyber balls on display over there.
no worries though, none of them have the stones to carry out their threats for real....what a bunch of irrelevant bugs
All I can say to the intolerant left is bring it on...
OH NO!! The big bad moobats are coming to silence us..LOL!!
I actually wish they would. I'd like to see the look on their dumbfuck faces when they realize that all the hopeychange in the world can't stop a bullet... bring it moonbat!!
If you are a classic liberal, today you are a conservative.
Not true -- there is very little distinction between "conservatives" and "liberals" these days. Both are statists -- i.e., they believe state power should be used to restrict individual liberty and increase government power.
The only folks these days who are close to "classic liberalism" are Libertarians, although many of them are inconsistent in regard to state power.
They even alienated the Canadian.
What a wonderful thread.
These goobers aren't happy with winning an election and getting to drive until the next election, they want everybody off the common bus.
So much for "Big Tent" Inclusiveness, huh?
Of course when your political philosophy can be handily deconstructed by a clever 12-year old, I can see where you cannot abide anyone else's ideas.
"The problem with your statement, Troglaman, is that all you have to do is actually READ the DU thread to see that you factually incorrect..." icarus
What's that mean? Does it mean that the DU thread was correctly quoted or that "The heirs of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot (are) festering in basments and dorm rooms throughout America".
If it was correctly quoted, and you take comments at DU seriously, you're a dumbass. On the other hand, if you actually believe "The heirs of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot (are) festering in basments and dorm rooms throughout America", your a fucking psychopath.
What is it with you guys and this "basement" shit? Jesus. Crazy assholes.
"T-man, Icarus already said it, but I'll say it again. Read that DU thread and you'll soon realize that the DUmmies are almost unamimous in their desire to eliminate any and all Republican opposition." smitty
Pussies. First of all, the DU thread means shit. The fact that it's being made into a universal statement about DUmmies is a testament to your universal ShitForBrains constitution. And it's no surprise to me, troglaman, that you think it comes down to believing the dumbshit DU thread or the "The heirs of Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot (are) festering..." bullshit. It's one or the other.
Quite a testament. Really is.
For all you left wing creeps, bring it! We are here, we ain't queer and we aren't going anywhere!
Spew your vile filth all day long! We expect it from you! You have nothing positive to contribute to the country. Oh...and we are able to defend ourselves...and you are not!
"For all you left wing creeps, bring it! We are here, we ain't queer and we aren't going anywhere!" no name
Scary. Especially the part about being able to defend yourselves.
Tell us, that-who-must-not-be-named, who's about to invade? Me? Troglaman? Explain it. Can't wait.
Let's hear it. Loon.
It's Presidents Day!
Today Obambi will sign the GASS (Great American Spending Sham) Act. Also known and the Poohlosi Pilfering our Progeny's Pockets Bill.
Welcome to the Age of Mob Rule!
"We WON, Dammit! Now grab your ankles!"
You're right, the DUmmie thread doesn't mean shit; the ranting of a few loons is nothing of consequence. The DU has no power and no one really takes them seriously.
But they do represent the mind set of today's extreme left (hey putz! note: I said "extreme left" not "left")... and they are festering, just like you.
They are the ultimate conspiracy addled pussies, always terrified of another Rove trick or the ressurection of George Bush and his jack-booted Rethugs. Their solution: silence opponents. Smells like teen Stalinism.
If those bastards want to take us out, then they should damn well be prepared to fight, we true Americans believe in something called the 2nd Amendment, something that democrats tend to crap all over.
Bring it on Democrats! Unlike you, we true Americans would rather die on our feet then live on our knees!
This is no surprise. "Unity and coexistence" are just empty terms-just like "change" and they prove there desire daily on how the want to annihilate anyone that differs from them and their agenda.
I think they've got their Retard dial set on 11 and T-man is insisting that anything less than a 12 doesn't count.
'course I'm kinda used to the T-man running interference for all kinda little Stalinist bastards. Makes one wonder why he bothers.
"They are the ultimate conspiracy addled pussies, always terrified of another Rove trick or the ressurection of George Bush and his jack-booted Rethugs. Their solution: silence opponents. Smells like teen Stalinism." smitty
Well smitty, I noticed the qualifier("(hey putz! note: I said "extreme left" not "left"). Never the less, it's easy to forget the fact that Obama won this election which means "the left" is now "the majority". More people in America think like me, troglaman, than think like you, the smitty. The left has become 'the central'.
You mentioned "the ultimate conspiracy addled pussies", and you're right, they are addled pussies, goddamn it. Take this for instance:
"That's where my mind starts exploding, and this is dangerous to have these explosions going this way. Could it have been George Soros? Could it have been a consortium of countries -- Russia, China, Venezuela -- countries that are eager to have Barack Obama elected because they know that will make it easier for them to continue their own foreign policies in the world?"
Any nutty conspiracy going on there, smitty? Of course not. "Silencing opponents" and "Smells like teen Stalinism" are perfect depictions of big fat earth-mother homos, walkin around barefooted, pregnant, stoned and looking for a hand-out. Perfect. The ultimate deception.
Smitty thinks the sneaky left are about to throw their ponchos off and machine-gun the crowd.
Conspiracy whore indeed.
"Bring it on Democrats! Unlike you, we true Americans would rather die on our feet then live on our knees!" he-who-shall-not-be-named
Sign up, fuck face. Why're you screwing around with us homo-loving libs when you could be over there fighting the real terrorists?
I await your pussie-assed excuse.
"Historically, they always find street gang thugs, issue them brownshirts, and send them to do the real 'wet work'."
Indeed, Anon. A year ago, I got into a big Youtube debate with an obnoxious liberal troll. This guy claimed he was part of a small Communist revolutionary group seeking to violently overthrow the government, and in an effort to try and scare us I guess, he made a point of repeatedly mentioning that his little group was recruiting urban gang members to act as his organization's foot soldiers. Of course, I'm not worried about him in the least (He frequently comes across as just another "Internet tough guy" who would soil his pants if personally faced with a conservative, a US soldier, or any of the other groups he routinely bashed), but at the very least he demonstrates the mindset of the extreme left in our country, as does much of DU.
Smitty thinks that the sneaky left are about to throw their ponchos off and machine gun the crowd.
I don't think that at all; as ususal, you're blathering and putting words in peoples' mouths.A rather shameful habit on your part, yet typical of the left.
Perhaps (not quite realizing it) you'd like to throw off your inner homo for once and machine gun Rush Limbaugh or even me.
Never the less, it's easy to forget the fact that Obama won this election which means "the left" is now "the majority". More people in America think like me, troglaman, than think like you, the smitty. The left has become 'the central'. - "hope"ful troggie
Non-sequeteur, troggie. Winning the election only means more votes were cast/counted for Obama than McCaint.
Given that McCaint was such a lame-assed campaigner and flip-flopping erratic SOB with no major policy differences, it's no wonder more people saw Obama as less dangerous for the country. Many people who don't think like you either left the presidential choice blank or didn't bother to vote at all.
That is the same reason W won in 2004 -- Kerry was the lame-assed campaigner and flip-flopping erratic SOB that time. (That and the spectacle of Terezzzzza bitch-slapping him in public!)
The majority of Americans still understand that capitalism is the reason for the country's prosperity. They also understand that expansion of government is dangerous to both prosperity and liberty.
They understand that expanded government control of the economy only invites corruption, waste, bureaucrats picking winners and losers, political favoritism, elimination of competition and the retarding of progress that results from free markets, free minds, and free trade.
The left is playing the fear factor about the economy, just as the left accused W of playing the fear factor on terrorism. Everywhere the propaganda machine is shouting "worst catastrophe since the Great Depression" and other such lies when the facts are the economy is in no worse (and in fact better) shape than when Reagan took office.
The left has its chance now, and just like Hoover and FDR, they will flail about, waste resources, time and money, and end up prolonging the problems. Hopefully they won't be allowed to prolong it for 18 long years or choose war as a means of rescue as happened then.
"The left is playing the fear factor about the economy, just as the left accused W of playing the fear factor on terrorism." Classic
The tanking economy happens to be a fact, unlike the Iraqi "mushroom cloud".
Subtle difference.
Classic Liberal said: "Not true -- there is very little distinction between "conservatives" and "liberals" these days. Both are statists -- i.e., they believe state power should be used to restrict individual liberty and increase government power.
You are making the common mistake of conflating Republicans and Conservatives.
The most basic tenet of Conservatism is that government is a necessary evil, and should be kept limited and small.
Some Republicans may be statists, but no Conservatives are.
George Bush, love him or hate him, was no Conservative.
As to the DUmmies in this thread, don't take them lightly. They are a voice in the Democrat Party. They may not drive it into actual mass murder, but the "Fairness Doctrine" and more unconstitutional gun control will be the first steps toward ideological genocide.
Without a voice, and without the means to make the government fear us as the Founders wanted, anybody that does not agree with the Fascist Socialists will be silenced, ignored, disenfranchised.
These people are signaling the direction their Party will go. This is nothing to laugh at. This is something to prepare for.
According to gunslinger...
"The most basic tenet of Conservatism is that government is a necessary evil, and should be kept limited and small."
"They may not drive it into actual mass murder, but the "Fairness Doctrine" and more unconstitutional gun control will be the first steps toward ideological genocide."
"anybody that does not agree with the Fascist Socialists will be silenced, ignored, disenfranchised."
This is your face, einstiens. Nothing radical going on here. Move along.
"The most basic tenet of Conservatism is that government is a necessary evil." gunslinger
And this is a pretty good argument that conservatives shouldn't run the government. Why? Because they don't believe in it.
Should your church be turned over to non-believer?
Should your army be run by a pacifist?
Should your daycare hire a pedophile?
Of course not. And conservatives don't believe in government.
There you go.
u lost my vote its time to grow up spoiled brats with silver spoons
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