Angry DUmmie (redundant?) declares: "I don't have to be nice."

Obama won. The Democrats won. They control the White House. They control both houses of Congress. They got the Porkulus bill passed. These should be happy days for the DUmmies, halcyon days. But no. Hatred CONSUMES them, still. Yes, even though the Democrats can have their way on whatever they want, the DUmmies are ABLAZE with HATE--as we saw in our last DUFU and now here again today--hatred of conservatives, hatred of Republicans, hatred of anyone who opposes them. Witness this THREAD, "I don't have to be nice." Feel the love!
The DUmmies tend to have these competitions to see who can sound the angriest, the fiercest, the most foul-mouthed in their denunciations of the Right. Tough-guy talk is easy, of course, when you are holed up in your basement burrow and shouting into an echo chamber. And the DUmmies are not happy unless they are hatin' somebody!
So don your asbestos suit and get ready for the fiery blasts from the DUmmie furnace, in Raging Red, while the calm commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, reminding you to hug a DUmmie today--they need it--is in the [brackets]:
I don't have to be nice.
[I don't think you KNOW HOW to be nice, DUmmie Joe Fields. Proceed . . .]
I'm not the sort of guy to mince words. When I write or say something, there's no mistaking where I stand.
[Yes, Joe, it's all about you. Now show us how righteously indignant you can be.]
As I have been monitoring almost all of the right wing talk programs, almost daily . . . I have heard a resounding, GREATLY INCREASING, unending drumbeat of pure, unadulterated HATRED for Obama and the administration.
[As you now begin YOUR resounding, GREATLY INCREASING, unending drumbeat of pure, unadulterated HATRED for conservatives and Republicans!]
These radio show hosts . . . all speak with the rabidity of a hydrophobic dog.
[They got the hydrophobie! Better put 'em down!]
You can almost see see the wild, maniacal look in their eyes, and the drool hanging from their lips, as they speak on the radio in a rage that should only be reserved for the Hitlers of the world.
[Or the wild, maniacal rage that you reserve for conservatives.]
Before the year is out, my guess is that they will be clamoring for Obama's impeachment.
[Before the year is out, YOU DUMMIES may be clamoring for BO's impeachment, if he doesn't act as radical-leftish as you like.]
Well, here are my thoughts: I am reminded of a scene in the John Wayne movie "Big Jake," when I think about Obama extending his hand across the aisle in a gesture of bi-partisanship. After being goaded by another cowboy, who was clearly pushing for a fight, Wayne smiled and said, "Well, I guess there's no point in trying to get on your good side." Then he reached back and floored the guy with a roundhouse punch.
["Big Joke" Obama will smile and say, "How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?"]
F*CK THEM!!! F*ck the republicans and everything they stand for, because they sure as hell don't represent any part of America that I want to be associated with. EVERY GODDAMMED REPUBLICAN REPRESENTATIVE AND SENATOR CAN GO F*CK THEMSELVES!!!
[Pretty good, Joe, but if you REALLY want to impress your fellow DUmmies, set your caps lock on ON, use the "F" word MORE than once per sentence, and ADD MORE EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!!!!!!]
They aren't Americans.
[It's true. We came here from Mozambique.]
[Better, better. You've got the caps lock thing down pretty well now, Joe. Profanity level acceptable. But . . . NEEDS MORE EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!!!!!]
It's open season on republicans.
[Release the hounds!]
All of you motherf*ckers can whine and use all the hot button words you want, like "neo marxist," "socialist," comrades" "communists," or whatever the f*ck you want to call us or the administration.
[Hot-button words we can believe you are!]
The truth of it is that you only have G.W. Bush and yourselves to blame.
[BDS knows no cure.]
We're just trying to clean up this huge stinking mess you left us, so f*ck off, eat sh*t, die, leave the country or whatever.
["Die" is a nice touch, Joe, but "whatever" is a little weak.]
Not only am I going to meet fire with fire, but I'm just now getting warmed up.
[Warming up in the bull(sh*t) pen, lefty Joe Fields!]
I have a lot on my mind and a sh*tload of arthritis medicine.
[Conservative destroyin' and glucosamine chondroitin! Now let's hear from your fellow Peace, Love and Toleranceā¢ Party mates . . .]
K & R !!!!!!
[Kick a Republican !!!!!!]
Its a great post, BUT..... they will not get out of the way. They will continue to impede AND worse.
[They might actually hold a differing opinion AND try to persuade people! Shameful! Un-American!]
[DUmmie discourse at its finest!]
There is no way to win against these people as long as passion for our aims and anger against those who would derail them is absent.
[I don't think you're going to have trouble with the anger part.]
John Wayne's got nothing on Obama.
[Sheriff BlackBerry Bart is about to whip something out. . . .]
I'm really afraid we're going to be at a loss unless we get MORE control of the Media!
[Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, et al.--ALL LOUSY REPUBLICON SHILLS!!]
We don't NEED to be on "defense" anymore, we WON and we need to ACT like it..we need to go on OFFENSE!
[Hey, I for one find you pretty offensive.]
We've got to play hardball!
[Insert benburch joke here.]
I loved Howard Dean because he would just kick ass and not care!
Just look at how they have swayed public opinion by merely telling a couple lies about the stimulus package: its pork, its too expensive, it won't create jobs - ALL lies.
[It's pork, it's too expensive, it won't create jobs--all TRUE.]
tax cuts don't work. . . .
[What a terrible thing--to let people keep more of their own money!]
Don't beat around the bush so much!
[Beat ON Bush!]
I'm sick of the sh*t too. To the point where I moved to a place in the woods. I have lived in nazibama, and florida.I have been sick of hearing the rashlimpdick neonazi sh*t since about 86 when I was an over the road salesman in SouthFlorida covering from Key West to Ft Pierce, I had areas where the only radio reception was the station spewing rash. I kept the radio on in order to hear any dangerous weather updates. Being out in the bush could be dangerous if there was a tornado or fire.
[Stay outta da bush! Especially in Florida and Nazibama, DUmmie HillbillyBob.]
I have been hearing this lie sh*t for years and had reached the point I wanted to drive over to rashes palm beach mansion and drive my truck through his living room. I did keep a little sanity, not much.
["Not much" is being generous, HillbillyBob.]
I live on a little farm out in the woods. . . .
[It's a funny kind of farm.]
When the hell are the rest of American citizens gonna wake the hell up and take back our country? are we all pussies?
[We are DUmmies, hear us roar . . .]
what scares me the most is that they are most certainly going to try to put the blame for this recession/depression(?) on him.
[I strongly disagree! We will put the blame on the Democrat Congress too!]
They need to be house-trained by Obama's team, and fast. We had a wonderful animal-trainer called Barbara Woodhouse. She used a choke chain. That's all they need. Don't revile them for being what they are. Dogs are dogs. Not human beings.
[It's the pussies vs. the dogs!]
I hope Obama finds his spine. . . .
[In Search of the Missing Barackbone.]
[Yelling into an echo chamber must make you feel big and tough!]
bipartisanship my ass.
[benburch is bipartisan with his @$$.]
I hate them are so not alone. . . .
[It's a regular HateFest!]
I'm still hoping to see some unity between the two parties. . . .
Whew! Catharsis or primal scream therapy?
[Neither. Normal DUmmie discourse.]
BTW, does anyone know what's going on with Randi Rhodes?
Joe Fields, here's the next step... Figure out a way to take your rant (with which I fully agree) and PG edit it for a family newspaper!
[Like the Manson Family.]
Feel the love.
Just a quick observation:
"There is no way to win against these people as long as passion for our aims and anger against those who would derail them is absent."
I find it interesting that you'll hear this type of statement from virtually every leftist around but what you'll NEVER hear is exactly what those so-called 'aims' are.
Never, ever.. It doesn't happen. They are a vague collection of pseudo-concepts with no grounding in any form of consensus or reality. Ask 5 leftists what they are and you'll get 10 different answers.
And Damn to Hell the citizens who actually elected them! Isn't that right, DUmmie? So much for democracy in America when it comes to the DUmmies. If the liberal shoes don't fit, kill the man with the wrong size feet, right Trog?
The DUmmies, as usual, are confusing controlling the White House and Congress with achieving dictatorial powers. It's no wonder many of them admire Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. Still, they're a bunch of brainless pussies who cower in a blog that bans dissent.
Doesn't it give you a warm feeling to know that we have our own resident Little-Ball-of-Hate that spews this kind of bile for our own amusement?
Our dancing monkey should show himself by about 2am DFT (DUmmie FUnnie Time). Someone remember to start the calliope.
Now Obambi=John Wayne??? Wow, bet the Duke is rolling in his grave.
"You can almost see see the wild, maniacal look in their eyes, and the drool hanging from their lips, as they speak on the radio in a rage that should only be reserved for the Hitlers of the world."
Classic projection,. This DUmmie rants and raves and show all the hatred that he ascribes to others, and he and the rest of the DUmmies don't even realize it! As my wife said when I told her about this: "When your eyes are filled with hatred for another, all you'll ever see in another is hate. But that's not their hatred your seeing, it's your own."
Honey, you're a keeper!
What puzzles ME the most is how these mental cases can sit through a John Wayne movie and like it. Don't they HATE John Wayne and anyone who remotely resembles him (hetero white males)? I'm sure there was something else on TV that would help validate their insanity on Animal Planet, Lifetime or the History Channel, no? Was that videotape documenting the Trail of Tears worn out?
BTW. Does anyone know what's going on with Randi Rhodes?
Betty Ford Clinic? Twelve Step Program? Something involving substance abuse or, perhaps, sexual pre-versions. Anyway, she'll wind up face down in the gutter outside a Manhattan bar.
Anon @ 6:38, I'd have to agree. I find it weird that they'd hold up a movie with John Wayne (Who in his movies usually represents the core of everything they despise; a strong yet decent, brave white man willing to stand up for what's right and protect those who can't protect themselves) to compare to their Obamessiah. I'd have thought they'd stick to a movie with Sean Penn or one of his crowd.
All right ... I'm calling bullshit. I'm raising the Big Brown BS flag all over this one.
These people can't be real. They can't. In fact, your buddy Troglaman isn't real, either. There is no way anybody can be such a perfect stereotype, such an empty one-dimensional caricature.
I'm increasingly convinced that DU is about 85% Lousy Freeper Trolls, 10% Lookie-Loos gawking at the train wreck, and maybe 5% real moonbats.
These people are just a little too perfect. They can't really be this batshit insane. They can't really all completely fail to notice how clearly they really are projecting. And whoever said it above is right - its all about projection. No wonder they hate so much! They project their own inner self-hatred and homicidal rage onto everybody else. They think we think like them ... so of course they hate us ...
If they were real. But its gotta be a hoax. They can't be real and be this perfectly stereotypical. No way.
Yeah, they can be real. Some people practice on a musical instrument for years on end and sooner or later they can do stuff most couldn't do. Practice makes perfect.
I can understand Trog trying to defend his own Liberal beliefs, but defending DUmmies?
That's when he loses the rest of his credibility.
Anon 3:22PM: I agree. While T-man and I don't always play nice; I don't think he is as bat shit crazy as the moonbats on DU. He actually makes coherent points at times. He's more like a devil's advocate for them. For a liberal ass-hole, he's all right.
"He actually makes coherent points at times."
His points, his credibility, and his arguments are lost in his incessant name calling.
A little self control goes a long way. He takes very short trips.
Here's how I see it:
Troglaman is a crude, cynical, foul- mouthed, mean- spirited jackass who's rarely if ever right on an issue. However, unlike the majority of the DUmmies, at least he is mostly sane and lucid.
"Troglaman is a crude, cynical, foul- mouthed, mean- spirited jackass who's rarely if ever right on an issue. However, unlike the majority of the DUmmies, at least he is mostly sane and lucid." Adam
Thanks Adam. It means a lot to me.
Then there's this:
"Doesn't it give you a warm feeling to know that we have our own resident Little-Ball-of-Hate that spews this kind of bile for our own amusement?" he-who-shall-not-be-named
OK. Let's wait just one goddamn minute here. I think you misunderstand, he-who-shall-not-be-named. I come here because you fellas are all about the love. Coming here is like coming to Church.
It's a matter of interpretation. For example, when you refer to me as your "little ball of hate", I know, deep in my heart, that you're appealing to my inner homo. And that is so totally cool. Thank you, my friend. You've revealed my pathway to God.
And to the rest of you. Coming here is like visiting a magical forest. We've got our squirrels (skully), our gnomes (icarus), most importantly, our magic sparkle pony (smitty).
I love you all.
(Put it back in your pants, he-who-shall-not-be-named)
BTW, does anyone know what's going on with Randi Rhodes?
Is this thread about DUmmies or a particular dummy who inhabits his own magic midnight kingdom?
Isn't that cute? Troglaman thinks the "anonymous" posts are all coming from me.
It's actually a shame Troglaman - or any other brave liberal - will never attempt to actually substantively address the contents of the last two DUmmie threads.
It would be fascinating to see a liberal - who presumably professes to support tolerance, free speech, and political dissent - defend and explain the sentiments expressed by the DUmmies.
Normally, of course, I'd give them a break - if it were only a few of them. Every crowd has a few nut jobs. But when PJ finds two threads in a row where 95%+ of the writers are expressing ideas exactly contrary to the core principles of liberalism ...
Well, its interesting. Like I said: its a shame nobody, including Troglaman, will have the simple courage to discuss it.
Shorter version: I'd love someday to hear an honest liberal's real feelings about DU.
Aww, Trog, why did ya leave me out? Don't I deserve a place in your magical mushroom fantasy world?
"I come here because you fellas are all about the love."
Actually, Trog, we're "all about" laughing at the irony of DUmmies, who are the ones who claim to be "all about the love" but can't seem to love, or even tolerate, someone who doesn't agree with them.
"Aww, Trog, why did ya leave me out? Don't I deserve a place in your magical mushroom fantasy world?" ray
OK, you big galoot. You can be the fairy princess. Or, if you want, the talking bunny. Either one. The choice is yours, my friend.
"It's actually a shame Troglaman - or any other brave liberal - will never attempt to actually substantively address the contents of the last two DUmmie threads." icarus
Since you asked so nicely...
Honestly, I find it difficult to substantively respond to something without substance. The DUmmie anger/hateful you think I, troglaman, or anyone else couldn't find an angry/hateful dumbass thread at Redstate, RWN, etc.? Something equally stupid? A chimp could do it. A blind man could do it. Pointing to a comment thread as proof positive of anything is step number 1 to becoming a dumbass.
Cartoon - So what if the caption said "They'll have to find someone else to start stupid wars." Think there wouldn't be a backlash? Anyone answering 'no' is an idiot.
What's cool about the cartoon post is PJ Inc makes it clear Obama and W are BOTH seen as monkeys.
You can take it from there.
"Honestly, I find it difficult to substantively respond to something without substance" -Troglaman
Now you know how we feel.
ROFL! Troglaman is a hoot!
Don't go, you freaking syphilitic chimp, the place wouldn't be as amusing without you.
"It's open season on republicans."
I have 7.62x39 reasons why I fart in your general direction.
"I have 7.62x39 reasons why I fart in your general direction." sham
Here's sham appealing to my goddamn inner own little "ball of hate". And the little fucker's getting pretty riled up.
Take your 7.62x39 reasons somewhere else, sham!
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Gunslinger said...
These DUmmies seem to think being rude is being courageous.
They seem to think the more you curse, the tougher you are.
They seem to think the louder you shout, the more fearsome you appear.
The seem to think the madder you get, the more dangerous you are.
What a bunch of amateurs.
They're dick-swingin' teenage bullies swaggering through a playground full of 2nd graders.
They should probably stay away from silent, serious, calm, quiet grownups, or...
...there will be blood.
The Gunslinger said..."These DUmmies seem to think being rude is being courageous."
And goes on to say..."They're dick-swingin' teenage bullies swaggering through a playground full of 2nd graders."
The Gunslinger said..."They seem to think the louder you shout, the more fearsome you appear."
And goes on to say..."They should probably stay away from silent, serious, calm, quiet grownups, or...there will be blood."
"Or there will be blood..." he says quietly. Quietly (troglamatic freak-out).
Why don't you elaborate, gunslinger? Why aren't you brave enough, courageous enough to shout from the roof tops about who's blood you'd like to spill? Scared? Yeah. Why? Because you're a fucking pussie.
Listen, you asswipe. Don't lecture me about being rude while calling me a "dick-swingin" bully. And don't pull some "there will be blood" thing like you're some big-time terrorist Aryan Nations assassin or something.'re not, right? Because, I troglaman, have nothing against white people. The fact that white people have destroyed our hunting grounds, I'm sure, has nothing to do with their being white.
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