The DUmmies want Rush Limbaugh removed from Armed Forces Radio. Actually, they REALLY want Rush removed from the airwaves entirely but they are willing to start with Armed Forces Radio as you can see in this THREAD titled, "Why I think Rush Limbaugh should be removed from Armed Forces Radio..." It will be interesting to see what the Obama Administration will do. Right now Barack Obama is obsessed by one talk radio host. Talk about insecure! So it will be interesting to see if Obama follows DUmmie advice and remove El Rushbo from Armed Forces Radio with the bigger goal of getting him off all the airwaves via the "Fairness" Doctrine. Remember, liberals cannot abide public dissent. Despite the fact that they have the major TV networks and major newspapers in their pockets, the thought of Rush speaking to millions of dittoheads out there is something they find intolerable. So let us now watch the DUmmies screech for the removal of Rush from Armed Forces Radio in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if Gabriel Heater ever generated such outrage, is in the [brackets]:Why I think Rush Limbaugh should be removed from Armed Forces Radio...
[Why your really think Rush Limbaugh should be removed from all the airwaves.]
Out of hundreds of long-format talks shows in this country, Limbaugh is currently one of four shows carried by Armed Forces Radio. That, by the way, was only the case for the last 4 years - for 10 years before that Rush had a monopoly on AFR.
[You want Randi Rhodes on Armed Forces Radio?]
His inclusion in the AFR lineup sends a clear message: Rush Limbaugh is part of the mainstream of political opinion. I don't think he is. I think he represents a tiny, shrinking minority of reactionary opinion.
[According to DUmmies, Randi Rhodes is in the mainstream of political opinion.]
The Abu Ghraib scandal? Rush thinks it was more like fraternity initiation pranks.
[Thought Crime!]
Torture at Guantanamo Bay? Rush started a Club Gitmo site complete with t-shirts. He proudly displays pictures of active duty soldiers wearing these t-shirts.
[Thought Crime!]
Now, I can understand Bush and Cheney keeping Rush on. They were the authors of the above policies and had an active interest in making it seem that these were mainstream American opinions. Bush had Limbaugh at the White House for several occasions. Cheney was a guest on Limbaugh’s program many, many times.
[If they were out of the mainstream of political , how did they get elected AND re-elected?]
But Obama is now trying to set a new tone and he clearly wants to assure the world that America will no longer tolerate torture. Having Limbaugh as one of four voices on Armed Forces Radio will make that job much, much harder.
[You want Obama to assure the DUmmies that he will no longer tolerate Rush. And now to the other DUmmies...]
Totally Agree with you but don't know how it can get done. Boycotting his advertisers hasn't worked - maybe he'll just "die off" (meaning becoming irrelevant and a joke), like what is happening to Bill O'Lielly, Hannity & Faux Noise in general.
[Too bad for your dopey argument that Fox News ratings are now higher than ever. Oh, and what happened to Randi Rhodes and the other Air America programs?]
They can keep him on - but insist that he have a liberal cohost who would call him on all his bullshit lies.
[Could Randi Rhodes stay sober enough to do all that?]
Republicans are petty, vindictive, partisan a-holes. I say shut him down. Why should our government support someone who wants the government to fail?
[The FUnniest thing about that statement is that this DUmmie is absolutely clueless about his self-irony.]
Plus, he's a traitor to this country's constitution and wants citizen's to give up their right to open and accountable government in favor of secrecy and privilege of the powerful elite.
[Let the Thought Crime trials begin!]
The whole purpose of Free Speech was to allow dissent and criticism of the Government by the people. Nothing could be more demonstrative of our freedom than a government run radio station broadcasting programming critical of that same government.
Bull shit. Limbaugh was cheerleader for the Bush Administration. During an Obama Administration things are different. You can't allow propagandist Rush Limbaugh to continue his attack on the CIC in the theater of operations. He has been on AFN for far too long. It has nothing to do with freedom of speach.
[Said the DUmmie denying reality.]
He can be taken off at the pleasure of the CIC. We won't need to rely on your reasoning, thank you. Limbaugh=gone!
[The CIC can also be a DIC (Dictator-In-Chief) in DUmmie minds.]
We don't need no stinkin' evidence. Limbaugh is gone! Now, go lick your wounds, your side lost. Obama won.
[Mr. Tolerance speaks out.]
Limbaugh is a threat to morale. His entire aim is to undermine support for the Commander In Chief. This cannot be allowed in the theater of operations. AFN is not the same as commercial radio.
[Thought Crimes must not be allowed!]
There is absolutely no reason why irrational hate mongering need be supported by Armed Forces Radio.
[This will also become the rationale for banning Rush from the airwaves in general. See it won't be defined as banning free speech, just as banning "hate speech" as defined by DUmmies.]
I am all in favor of a wide range of opinions, but that does not mean that Rush is a sacred cow. Removing his show and replacing it with another is not equivalent to government censorship.
[Another DUmmie in a Denial of Reality mode.]
Limbaugh is divisive. It interferes with the military mission if your soldiers don't trust each other. Worse, even, if they create social subsets from little tests of loyalty. Undermines everything.
[This DUmmie makes it sound like Rush supports an updated Operation Valkyrie.]
Who is financing the right-wing radio pundits? Someone is paying Limbaugh 400 million dollars. I doubt it's goodwill that's behind the effort.
[It couldn't possibly be that the huge popularity of Rush's show is generating tons of ad revenue, could it? It just has to be Karl Rove making those secret payments to Rush.]
Harsh, well-deserved criticism is one thing. Wishing FAILURE upon the Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces, and by implication the troops under his command, is quite another. It's no different than saying you wished FDR would fail (in his war against the Nazis or Japan or pulling the country out of the depression)--it implies the failure of him AND his troops/subordinates.
[Another DUmmie with absolutely no sense of self-irony. Failure on the part of Bush is something DUmmies have been ardently wishing for during the past 8 years. Anyone out there think the DUmmies were jubilant when the Iraq surge did NOT fail?]
He spreads doubt as to the legitimacy of the president and undermines military support for our policies. That's a serious problem.
[I remember when the DUmmies were praying for a military coup d'etat against the EVIL Bush regeime.]
Obama is commander in chief of the Armed Forces, and Limbaugh wants him to fail. He has therefore advocated the failure of the U.S. military and is a traitor.
[Under that reasoning ALL DUmmies could have been branded as traitors when Bush was president.]
Limbaugh gets only one hour a day. So does Ed Schultz. NPR gets 6 hours a day.
[GASP! Liberals get 7 hours per day on Armed Forces Radio while conservatives only get an hour? This is intolerable! Remove Rush from Armed Forces Radio!]
Comparing Limbaugh to NPR? Holy shit first of all, Limbaugh is a liar. Acually, he is worse. He is a radical propagandist. He gets away with it because he calls his show "entertainment" You are comparing lemonaid in the park to a brutal rape and murder in the park. Oh they have to be the same because both are in the park !!!
[A DUmmie spouts mindlessly when confronted with the harsh facts about Armed Forces Radio programming.]
i think he should be removed because... hes irrational , egotistical, and full of rage. all three combined tend to be a lil dangerous in my sense is that he would do and or say anything in an attempt to glorify himself to the people who actually like him. i keep waiting on him to flee to a compound in the woods somewhere, stock full of guns and ammo. the guy is on the edge of insanity, and drug abuse is only to keep it in check.
[Irrational, egotistical, and full of rage? It sounds like you are describing Randi Rhodes.]
I think AFR programming should reflect the troops' wishes. If they don't want Rush, then kick him off. If they do want him, so be it. We're going to legislate him off all the airways anyways, so it won't matter at all at that point.
[And this edition of the DUmmie FUnnies concludes with a DUmmie revealing their dirty little secret. Removal of Rush from Armed Forces Radio would only be a prelude to their ultimate goal...banning Rush from the airwaves via the "Fairness" Doctrine. Liberals will try to pretend that re-instituting the "Fairness" Doctrinehas nothing to do with Rush but among themselves it is ALL about banning Rush.]