"Two more days until martial law"

Two more days until martial law
[Get ready for the Walmart Detention Centers!]
In less than forty-eight hours, an active military unit will be deployed domestically for the first time. I know this story received some chatter here at DU around the beginning of September, but I think we should start the rattle again now that the policy is going into effect. Let's get the word out there. These troops were in the hell we once referred to as Iraq for the better part of three years. I doubt that "crowd control" is in their nature. We can't let this story get buried beneath economic and election news. Make no mistake about it: this is martial law. We need to question both the timing and the reasoning behind this ridiculous abuse of power. Is it a preparation for election theft? Is the economy going to get so bad that people are expected to march through the streets? Why is the first brigade to be deployed in Iraq three separate times being handed the responsibilities of the local authorities. Bush is wagging his dick in our faces one last time. Demand answers.
[One big giveaway that this is a LFT is that he spelled "martial" correctly. You really do need learn to spell it as "marshal."]
I don't want the shit we had to deal with here in Minneapolis/St. Paul to be exported to the rest of you. Please make some noise. You know the media will do their damnedest not to touch this.
[Perhaps not but it is being featured in the DUmmie FUnnies so count your blessings. Now on to the other DUmmies...]
I'm not understanding how that many troops is gonna do...well, anything. It's not even enough to have like 1 troop in every city over like 50,000.
[Yeah. A whole Army brigade is expected to take over the country. But let us continue with the manufactured paranoia...]
one of their duties is "crowd control" if the brigade is transported to the location of a protest or march, I assure you there is plenty that they can do.
[Ridiculously claimed the LFT.]
Particularly with that microwave emitter device that heats up your skin is. deployed on innocent protesters. And we though holding a cellphone next to your head was cancer causing.
[Claimed another obvious LFT.]
You only have to brutally crush a couple demonstrations to send a message. I think they're only there in case of a revolution though.
[Claimed an authentic DUmmie who was suckered by the LFTs.]
I'll bet you $1000 right now that you're wrong. If you're going to post chicken little stuff like this, you should have no problem backing it up. Really, is this paranoid shit necessary?
[Not when the authentic DUmmie postings are hilarious enough.]
Trying to incite panic..thanks.
[More like trying to incite laughter.]
I've lived 25 years under marital law
[An authentic DUmmie post that is much more hilarious than the fake posts.]
Those 4,000 troops are going to load us all into concentration camps.
[A sarcastic reply but one which is believed by many DUmmies.]
If I could change my subject title, I would.
[Too late...and your tombstoning is imminent.]
Color me terrified... Seriously... martial law in TWO DAYS? Just exactly what do you think these 4,000 troops can do in a country the size of America? I got to tell you - if they all show up in Idaho they will be both outmanned AND outgunned. You obviously have no idea what kind of shit the good old boys around here have buried in their back yards...
[See, a professional LFT would have had the DUmmies completely on the hook but this LFT has lost them from the get-go.]
I've admitted time and time again throughout this thread that using the words "martial law" in the OP was hyperbolic. This is important enough that it doesn't need to be sexed up like that. Don't you believe, ignoring my usage of those two words, that this is a serious issue that deserves more press? No, I don't think that this force of a few thousand soldiers will subdue an entire nation. Not at all. Martial Law was the wrong term. But could this force have great influence over a large civilian crowd involved in a protest of sorts--in a word, yes. At the RNC, we witnessed an excessive police force brutalizing and jailing around a thousand civilians (many peaceful protesters, participating in permitted marches). But I have no doubt in my mind that this is a step in the direction of martial law, albeit a small but significant one. I totally jumped the shark using that phrase, but my original point stands. People need to know about this.
[Don't even bother trying to talk your way out of it. Best thing to do now is to tombstone yourself and then return to DUmmieland under a new name and more professional LFT attitude.]
Replace ur tin foil hat, the black helicopters are getting thru
[Stated another LFT trying to "pass." Hmmm... Perhaps I should write an LFT training manual called "DUmb Like Me" to give instructions on how to pass as an authentic DUmmie.]
This reminds me of the old Three Stooges shorts...
Do you think they ever saw a script and said "Naw, that's just too outrageous!".
I'd have lost a buck if someone offered to wager that the DUmmies would bite on something stupid and unfounded like this...
Nothing the DUmmies do or say is even remotely interesting anymore. Its the same day in and day out, martial law is coming, the sky is falling, blah blah blah. Yet it never happens. Bor-ing.
I atually saw this last week at aSlex Jones Truther site. The Paulbots are all over this.
It makes melaugh though,at least some of the DUmmies are taking the bait.
I atually saw this last week at aSlex Jones Truther site. The Paulbots are all over this.
It makes melaugh though,at least some of the DUmmies are taking the bait.
Is it wrong that their unfounded paranoia is my deepest desire?
...not that my fondest desire is literally their paranoia... I mean actually confining them to a Wal-Mart (for their own good).
You do realize that by allowing Army troops to patrol our streets this in direct violation of Posse Comitatus
"The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (the Army, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement police or peace officer powers that maintain "law and order" on non-federal property (states, their counties and municipal divisions) in the former Confederate states."
This might be what the Dum.. or Troll or whatever the fuck he is; is basing his fantasy of Martial Law on:
The brigade mentioned is being attached to the Northern Command as an on call response unit. They will not be patrolling streets and cracking DUmmie/Troll heads.
Side Note: There is buzz about that this brigade may be being deployed in response to increased "chatter" about potential terror attack(s)planned in the near future. 10/7/08 is a date that seems to get a lot of play. 10/7/01 was the day The US & Britian launched Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, so there is some signifigance to that date. There is also some supposed "Jihadi" prophecey that believes 2008 is the year of God's punishment, and that 10/6/08 is supposed to be judgment day more or less.
I'm not predicting a terroist attack or anything, but who knows with these nutjobs. Thought the correlation was interesting.
Hey Skully, I know you post here sometimes...get a hold of me.
"So let us now watch an LFT (Lousy Freeper Troll) attempt to get the DUmmies all excited about a military takeover in a couple of days..." PJ
Check the news tomorrow. I can guarantee you there won't be a thing about DUmmies being excited about the impending military takeover.
And Hector says "You do realize that by allowing Army troops to patrol our streets this in direct violation of Posse Comitatus..."
So in the next few days, the left will not only think about, but will actually launch a military takeover and it will be in violation of 'Posse Comitatus'.
I can't fuckin wait. Is anybody gonna be live-blogging this?
"Hey Skully, I know you post here sometimes...get a hold of me." templar11
I'll try to help, templar11. Skully and I have mixed it up on a few occasions. He hates me. But maybe we can lure him in.
Hey Skully, you troglahomo, get a hold of templar11.
Skully, you piece of troglashit neocon, call tempar11.
Let me know if I can do anything else to help, tempar11. I'll do what I can.
"At the RNC, we witnessed an excessive police force brutalizing and jailing around a thousand civilians (many peaceful protesters, participating in permitted marches)."
That's funny. From what I saw of the RNC on websites and such, the only ones brutalizing civilians were the anarchist thugs from groups like the 'RNC Welcoming Committee' running amok in St. Paul, physically attacking delegates and anyone whom they viewed as an opponent.
So typical and oh so boring. I mean really, we've been hearing this same crap for almost 8 years now. You'd think the DUmmies could come up with something new by now.
Wallmart detention camps indeed.
"Please make some noise."
Rattle those empty pizza boxes you've collected in your mommy's basement, I'm sure the press will notice.
Frankly I do think Obama will win and in a perverse way I'm kind of looking forward to it. This just isn't a Republican year, and the system generally needs a cleaning out. Let's face it, the Rebpubs need a massive kick in the ass, losing on '06 taught them NOTHING, but this might.
What sucks is that we have two leftist supreme judges hanging on by a thread for a lefty president so that they can be replaced by even bigger lefties. But that's all the real damage this fool will be able to do.
Look, the American republic is much bigger, much older and much stronger than a little pissant narcissist from Chicago. It's only 4 years, then Jindal in 2012! :)
Plus, watching the DUmmies crow will actually be sort of hilarious. These idiots already think that once their guy is in they'll be able to make their enemies 'crawl' and pack them all off to prison. It'll be funny to watch them wake up the day after their little collective orgasm and realize that the age of Aquarius isn't going to dawn, they're still losers, still crazy and still broke.
I say enjoy the ride! Mccain was a very flawed candidate anyway.
t-man's DEFINITELY been hitting the magic jug! :)
"Rattle those empty pizza boxes you've collected in your mommy's basement, I'm sure the press will notice." ray
Mommy's basement again. Jesus. I must emphasize the fact that even THINKING of mommy's basement should be a crime. Who wants to descend the stairway into "mommy's basement"? It's a sick metaphor you bunch of psychotic, sycophantic lemurs!
It's the type of thing that...ahem...makes you look bad. But that should be obvious, right?
Let's have some fun and delve into the brilliant and yet mysterious "mommy's basement".
Since it's your all's metaphor and I have no fucking idea what you're talking about: What the hell happens in Mommy's basement? It's vaguely portrayed as some jobless, over-aged bimbo liberal living and jacking off in his mom's basement.
Do I have that right? Who the hell could come up with this kind of sick, twisted scenario?
October 2nd has come and gone. No troops are patrolling the streets and no Dummies have been interned. They must be very disappointed.
"These idiots already think that once their guy is in they'll be able to make their enemies 'crawl' and pack them all off to prison." anon
Yeah. The Dems are all about vengeance. Making people "crawl". What the fuck is wrong with you?
Oh. I get it. You actually want to crawl. My bad.
Imagine yourself crawling across a concrete floor littered with broken glass. Naked.
OK. Feel better? Are we done now?
Uh, oh, tman has been watching his porno/bondage films again.
"Uh, oh, tman has been watching his porno/bondage films again." susie
You'd know.
"So let us now watch an LFT (Lousy Freeper Troll) attempt to get the DUmmies all excited about a military takeover in a couple of days..." PJ
The press has been all over the military takeover haven't they? And the blogs, Jesus. Kos. FDL. They're all over this shit. NOT!
Once again, the trogster rules.
Respectfully asking PJ...do you ever admit you're wrong?
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