Bill Clinton Appreciation Edition

Bill Clinton: Well, we know McCain did not postpone the debate because he was scared to debate Obama.
[Hee! Hee! GO BILL!!!]
SHUT THE HELL UP BILL!!! I can't stand his ass anymore. I can't wait to see his damn face once Obama wins. Oh and he said the debates should be cancelled if both candidates agree to it. WHATEVER!
[Don't forget to thank the Clintons if Obama loses on Nov. 5.]
Bill Clinton holds a deep jealousy of Barack Obama.
[Yes, he us completely jealous of how well Barack can speak off the cuff away from the teleprompter.]
Yup! He says a couple of positive things about him but can't resist throwing a few jabs in there. He is so jealous that he can't see straight. The democratic party was supposed to be is party and they turned on him by siding with Barack.
[And so now the Clintons are turning on Barack. Live with it.]
I think you're right. I think he can't stand that Obama may end up a more popular and successful president.
[Assuming that Barack passes a "little" hurdle like the Nov. 5 election and I think the Clintons will have a say about that. Hee! Hee!]
yep. bill is really not helping Obama. his agenda is clearly to help McCain and hurt Obama tough shit for bill that it won't work. Despite what the apologists say, bill richly deserves the approprium of all real democrats.
[Rest easy, DUmmie. Bill Clinton will have absolutely no effect on the election outcome. Hee! Hee!]
Bill on Today: 'Both of them have gone out of their way to not let this get involved with politics.' Are you f*cking kidding me! McCain's actions regarding suspending his campaign and delaying the debate are pure politics, cynical politics. Tom Brokaw said yesterday, in response to McCain's latest moves, that McCain loved 'ambushes'--and, so far, they had worked for him.
[Bill also loves ambushes. Hee! Hee!]
Bill Clinton is just a big time asshole.
[I can't wait to see this DUmmie explode on the topic of Bill Clinton after the election.]
Bill Clinton...what a blessing.
true enough. he's a blessing for McCain and Palin and an irritant for Obama.
[Gee, maybe Barack could have at least PRETENDED to consider Hillary for Veep. I guess he just lacks such necessary political skills. Oh, and what happened to all that money that Barack promised to help pay off Hillary's campaign debts?]
the reality is that his presidency was All About Bill, he screwed interns and progressive values with equal abandon, and he ushered in Republican control of all three brances of the government.
[And now Bill is screwing Barack.]
Is anyone keeping track of all Bill Clinton's glib attempts at sabotage?
[Check the DUmmie FUnnies.]
Keep him away! I couldn't believe his response! Well I can, but he isn't even helping his reputation with democrats at all. Maybe he is suffering from dementia as he gets older, just like McCain.
[No! No! We want to hear more from Bill. ENCORE!!!]
He really does like McCain though doesn't he.
[And he's taken quite a shine for Sarah.]
After watching several of them, I definitely think he's subtly (?) dissing Obama in these appearances; certainly pumping up McCain if nothing else.
To what end, I wonder? For the people who HATE him (hardcore right-wingers), maybe it will prevent them voting for McCain...they don't like the guy anyway. Anything/anyone Clinton DOES like repulses them. Maybe it will keep some of the right-wingers home. I don't necessarily think that's BC's intention, but it may be a result.
[Keep wishing upon a star, Jimminy Cricket.]
It would be so beautiful if Bill Clinton could set his ambitions aside and fully join forces with Obama. What heights we could reach if those two were buddies? Won't happen.
[Nope. Won't happen. Obama's gotta go so Hill can be the nominee in 2012.]
To what end? McCain in 208 means a chance for Hillary in 2012. PUMA!
[And that DUmmie just won himself a Kewpie Doll for having a brief moment (except for writing "208") of mental clarity!]
What "Jewish Holidays" was he talking about on Larry King,He said he would campaign for Obama after. The Jewish Holidays, WTF message is he trying to send. This is a man that knows exactly what his words are and mean.
[Bill is going to passover campaigning for Obama until after Passover.]
He seems to always have some reason to delay campaigning for Obama.
[Bill will start campaigning for Barack in just 24 business hours.]
What? Didn't you know that Bill is a devout Jew. How can he possibly campaing during Jewish holidays?
[Of course. And Monica performed the circumcision on him.]
I think he;s referring to Rosh Hashanah which begins Sept 29th this year so why can't devout little bill campaign for Obama before then? What a disingenuous little creep.
[Please don't Rosh him. He will be ready in just 24 business hours.]
Bill Clinton is a black hole that runs on egotism. I am so sick of tired, old act. Don't go away mad, Bill. Just go away.
[No, no. Stick around.]
Hey Bill, if Obama loses in November, I'm not voting for Hillary in 2012! Got it? No way, no how, no Hill!
[Hill WILL be your 2012 nominee. Get used to it.]
Bill is smart and he is right.
Despite what the apologists say, bill richly deserves the approprium [sic] of all real democrats.
About ten years too late with that insight DUmmie. But, in this instance, Bill is right. McCain, whatever his faults, is not afraid of debating Obama.
They are figuring it out, finally. Obie loses and Hillary can run in '12. If Obie wins, she'll be 69 when she runs again...
...Ew. Not a pretty sight.
[Bill also loves ambushes. Hee! Hee!]
I thought he liked them shaved.
Bill may be amoral, but he sure as Hell isn't stupid.
I'm as deeply conservative as it gets. I'm a right wing nut. I'm totally insane I-love-George-Bush put-a-gigantic-crater-in-the-middle-east neo-con crazy, and those libbies who are hoping we'll stay home because of Bill Clinton are living in faaantasy land. I'm lovin' Bill right now, he's my favorite Democrat. I may just switch to Democrat for the 2012 primaries to vote for her (of course I'll switch back to Republican to vote for Palin/that other guy in the GE.)
If Obama is elected, he'll act like a Roman emperor to eliminate potential rivals. Look for Bill and Hillary to get appointed ambassadors to obscure (or dangerous) third world hell holes
...or maybe he'll just force them to drink hemlock.
Fucking Bill Clinton.
Now he's made me respect him!
He's actually been uttering intelligent phrases the past few weeks.
Fucking Bill Clinton!
"This is a man that knows exactly what his words are and mean."
I guess that depends on what your definition of "is" is.
Oh, come on! It had to be said.
It's weird... almost like they're campaigning for team Obama, but not really.
It's sort of like an alternate universe where Hillary wants to run again in 2012, but needs Barry to lose or something.
What the fuck is approprium? That's not a word.
My question - did even a single one of them question whether what Clinton said was accurate? Does that matter at all to them? Or is it just overtly a matter of political expediency? It seems what they're really pissed about is that Bill has compromised their intended "McCain is scared to debate!" smear with the truth, which they otherwise would've been completely comfortable with burying.
I've been hanging around the right wing blogosphere for years, and I don't think I've ever seen right wing commenters say "Yeah, okay, it may be true, but SHUT UP!" This attitude must come with having a media that's consistently willing to cover your preferred candidates' crap up for you. Conservatives are so frustrated just trying to get any truth that is in our favor on the air, it doesn't even occur to us to be mad about truth that isn't in our favor, except as evidence of double standards.
Hey Bill, if Obama loses in November, I'm not voting for Hillary in 2012! Got it? No way, no how, no Hill!
Yeah you will. Drama Queen.
"I just love how Bill and Hillary are just screwing over Barack Obama." PJ
They're so screwing him. Last combined pol I saw had Obama 6 points ahead. That may mean Bill and Hill aren't screwing him over after all. Maybe? Dumbassed mule.
Dumbassed mule
Rather redundant, no?
Last poll I saw had them in a dead heat ... AGAIN.
You cant be real. You MUST be a sock pupppet for someone here that want to get a rise out of the posters.
Despite what the apologists say, bill richly deserves the approprium of all real democrats.
I love how illeducated liberals throw in "big words" to make themselves sound "intelligent," and yet, misspell them.
It's "opprobrium," by the way. (You'd think he'd manage to get the BO right!) So the doofus manages TWO misspells in one word.
Here's a tip, never use a fancy word for a simple concept unless you can, at least, spell it.
I think he meant "deserves the criticism." Or "crittersisum" in his case.
Oh my goodness, jb/ld, you've done it now. The tman will be thumbing through his dictionary/thesaurus even more now. He'll be very afraid that you'll be spellchecking him when he uses those big words. You know the kind of words he uses; the ones with more than 6 letters in them.
"I just love how Bill and Hillary are just screwing over Barack Obama." PJ
Obama by 6 points. But it's nice you can find a silver lining.
"He'll be very afraid that you'll be spellchecking him when he uses those big words. You know the kind of words he uses; the ones with more than 6 letters in them." supercute susie
"I love how illeducated liberals throw in "big words" to make themselves sound "intelligent," and yet, misspell them." Jack fuckin Bauer.
Right. It's because we're all "illeducated". Six-plus letter word, jack. Trying to sound intelligent, are you? Too bad it's misspelled. Susie's going to fuck you up.
It isn't misspelled, it's missing a hyphen. That's a grammar mistake, not a spelling mistake. Douchenozzle.
(Geez, Trogster can't even be an effective Typo Nazi!)
Kirk, otherwise, tman is an overall effective Nazi in his own right.
kirk johnson -- thanks for the input and the semi-defense, but you are incorrect, as I did not misspell "illeducated," nor make a grammatical error either.
As to troglfuckingtroll. Here's a lesson for you; as you are clearly as illiterate as you are illeducated:
If "illeducated" is good enough for the famed historian Stephen Ambrose, it's good enough for me, you illeducated fucking liberal ass licking oaf.
Jim Crow and Black Segregation from "Citizen Soldiers: The U.S. Army From The Normandy Beaches, To The Bulge, To The Surrender Of Germany" by Stephen E. Ambrose
Blacks had to have the best, Wright insisted, because "American negro troops are illeducated on the average and often illiterate; they lack self-respect, self-confidence, and initiative; they tend to be very conscious of their low standing in the eyes of the white population and consequently feel very little motive for aggressive fighting."
"As to troglfuckingtroll. Here's a lesson for you; as you are clearly as illiterate as you are illeducated:" jack bauer or london dave or jack friggin london or whatever
It's 'ill educated' you stupid jack off. You're the one getting all pissed off about spelling and libs being all stupid when they misspell something you big, dumb dick. Bite me.
"Kirk, otherwise, tman is an overall effective Nazi in his own right." stupid susie
Sure I am. All you're doing, susie, is unveiling your unhealthy attraction to jackboots. And goose stepping. All happening in mommy's basement. How exciting.
I didn't indicate that I was attracted to you.
"I didn't indicate that I was attracted to you." susie
Please, Lord God. Help me.
troglafuckingtroll -- please carry on proving with every post that your are an illeducated liberal buffoon. It's mildly amusing, but hardly of note.
"It's mildly amusing, but hardly of note." Sir Jack London Dave Bauer - Lord of East Whistershire Lane - Home of the diminished.
Do you attempt to quarrel with me, Sir Jack London Dave Bauer? Me? Troglaman? You insult me, sir! Though my countenance my be hairy, my honor is pure.
In other words you arrogant ass, go fuck yourself.
Oh, yes, jb/ld, tman does it all the time. He does it to a picture of his idol, the Obamessiah.
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