DUmmie Drops Political Note Into Church Collection Basket

I dropped this note into the collection basket at my Mom's church today
[First time you dropped anything into a church collection basket.]
"You do not have the right to make political statements during the Mass. A major tenet of the United States Constitution is separation of church and state, and you have crossed that clearly defined boundary of separation. Your tax-exempt status is at risk. The church does not have the right to tell parishoners how to vote, or even what criteria to use when voting. This is not the first time this has happened at (-name of church-) If this continues, you will be facing a lawsuit challenging your tax-exempt status. For now, we have decided to donate all the money we would have donated to (-name of church-) in the next 2 months to the No on 8 campaign, to reflect our support of same-sex marriage. After that, we will permanently donate all money that we would have donated to the Mission to Planned Parenthood instead. (-name of church-) will not get any of our money, ever again.
[Think this DUmmie would drop such a note into the collection basket of Rev. Wright's church? BTW, note that this DUmmie was short on the SPECIFICS of what was actually preached. Maybe the Sodom and Gommorah bit offended him.]
I liked it and I'm not even Catholic! Actually, I'm a Luciferian Satanist but there was somethinbg about the beauty of the language that always appealed.
[First Luciferian Satanist Coven or Second Luciferian Satanist Coven?]
Turn them into the IRS
[Chanted a member of the Obama Turbos.]
A note in the collection basket is a great idea. I hope others will follow suit at churches where this happens.
[Why don't you just drop Obama campaign material into church collection baskets so as to alienate the entire flock?]
AND then contact the IRS to complain about politicking in church and asking for an investigation. If enough people from a given church did this, the IRS might actually investigate and pull that tax-exempt status--especially if we win the presidency and larger majorities in both houses of Congress.
[Of course, leftwing churches such as the one Obama used to attend will get an exemption from this rule.]
Did they actually say to vote for mccain?
[A DUmmie asked the DUmmie author of this thread.]
The one old priest that was making political comments last February right before the presidential primary here in California was back again. I dropped a similar note in the basket last February. Then a few weeks ago he was there again. He prefaced his comments with "Now, I may get in trouble for this, but..." and there were a few scattered giggles. Then he started talking about the recent Saddleback thing where that pastor interviewed McCain and Obama separately. So maybe that "I may get in trouble" comment was a result of someone telling all the priests to not make political remarks, maybe not. I don't know and I have no way of knowing.
[Note how the question was NOT answered which really means: No, the priest did NOT say to vote for McCain.]
Oh brother, no wonder I have experienced several "crises of faith" ... I love Catholicism, but not what the existing patriarchal system has done to this beautiful faith.
[Sorry. Hippie communes of the '60s were never part of that faith.]
What, exactly, was said?
[You won't get a direct answer to that question from the note-dropping DUmmie.]
I'm just taking my Mom because she's 89 and can't make it there on my own.
[So the truth comes out from the note-dropping DUmmie. He was only at that church because he had to take his mother there. Once there, he had to let his inner loon out.]
I'm haven't been a Catholic since college, but sometimes take my elderly mother when my father is too sick to attend. I just tune it all out.
[That's what the note-dropping DUmmie did. He just tuned it all out except for a small portion that he could fantasize was political. In fact, no matter what was said in the pulpit would be interpreted as political by this DUmmie.]
But true, most Catholics who support choice - even if they themselves believe abortion is terrible and not just a "simple" choice - and believe that gays have a right to love who they love without being called horrible names or being targeted for harassment and murder.... most of the Catholics who believe these things are recovering Catholics in search of a place to belong.
[Try the Luciferian Satanist Coven.]
Don't forget to sue all the churches that teach the social gospel or liberation theology or invite Dems to speak etc
Thanks for the offer, but I don't believe in any religion. In fact I belive that God hates religion. I only take my 89-year-old Mom to church because she can't get there otherwise.
[So you weren't going to drop money in the first place. Instead you dropped a political note into the collection basket of a church you don't believe in.]
Put a McCain sign on the front lawn of the church, take a photo, and send it to the media and the IRS. That "evidence" added to enough complaints could have an effect. Probably not in time for this election, but for the future.
[Great idea. Falsely frame the church by planting fake evidence.]
For you to threaten the church's income, and rudely at that, reflects a great deal of intolerance on your part. No sensible lawyer is going to take up a case that's suing a church for attempting to politically persuade its congregation. Most people have the sense to leave if they don't like something. Churches rely on donations for sustainability, by threatening to take away their tax exemption its almost as if you're snubbing this particular church for freedom of speech, which is another major tenet of the United States Constitution.
"A major tenet of the United States Constitution is separation of church and state"
Why do the DUmmies keep making this false assertion? The Constitution mentions religion twice, in Article 6 "but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." and in the first amendment "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."
Just how do the DUmmies infer THIS to be a Constitutional ban on mentioning politics in a religious sermon?
Poor DUmmies, they just LOVE to ban public speech that they oppose, even thought the first amendment also states that congress "shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech."
MUST... NOT... ROLL... EYES...
The DUmmie reminds me of the person who threatens to cancel his subscription to "product X" to anyone who will listen, but never had a subscription to "product X" to begin with.
Gotta love how they suggest framing the church by planting a McCain sign there. They don't care about breaking the law of slandering people and institutions, as long as it's done to suit their vicious, petty goals.
Here's hoping the DUmmy tries it, is photographed doing so, and thus finds HIMSELF in trouble with the law as the church is exhonerated!
Oops, I meant "Breaking the law OR slandering people and institutions." My bad!
"Put a McCain sign on the front lawn of the church, take a photo, and send it to the media and the IRS. That "evidence" added to enough complaints could have an effect."
Pretty much says all you need to know about DUmmies.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damn, Ray beat me to it.
"Seperation of church and state" does not mean what they think it means...
And does anybody really think this idiot penned such a letter in church and placed it in the collection plate? I guess it makes a good story in DUmmieland.
"Actually, I'm a Luciferian Satanist"
translation: "Look at me! I'm cool, in an X-files sort of way!"
In fact, I believe God hates religion
Actually, God hates hippies; especially hippies whose idea of politics includes planting of "evidence" on targeted churches.
I love Catholicism, but not what the existing patriarchal system has done to this beautiful faith.
Hey Saint Moonbat, that patriarchal sytem has existed for 2,000 years. I guess that tidbit of news hasn't seeped into your basement.
I can't add much to what's already been said other than elron, you hit the nail square on the head again! Well, actually all of you have! LOL...
Who's comment was deleted? Trog?? :) -tm
Yet another DUmmie living with mommy.
I read the entire DUmmie thread, despite a nose bleed induced by all the hatred and abyssmal stupidity I encountered.
A couple of DUmmies actually understand that the First Amendment and the Internal Revenue Code do not preclude a church (or synagogue or mosque) from having an opinion on a "political" issue. But the thoughtful few were drowned out by idiots like "firedupdem" who opined:
Very good! Have Mass and shut the hell up!
Hear that Reverend Wright? Hear that Father Fleger? Shut the hell up!.
"Hey Saint Moonbat, that patriarchal sytem has existed for 2,000 years."
LOL, Saint Moonbat! Patron saint of hippies, basement dwellers, and conspiracy theorists!
Oh, and elrond, at least one of the DUers who tried to rationally disagree with the OP got tombstoned for what he said (And what he said wasn't even insulting or offensive or anything).
"tblue37" gives the DUmmie game plan away:
AND then contact the IRS to complain about politicking in church and asking for an investigation. If enough people from a given church did this, the IRS might actually investigate and pull that tax exempt status---especially if we win and presidency and larger majorities in both houses of Congress.
First Amendment? Fundies don't got no First Amendment! We don't need no stinkin' Frist Amendment!
Are DUmmies even aware that what they write appears on the internet for all to see?
So this moonbat is going to a church where they obviously don't agree with the message...and they're going there just to whine and complain? The obvious questions is, why don't they just leave that church and find one they agree with, like Scientology or tree worship...
Sooooo lemme get this straight, the same one claiming violation of their freedom of speech wants to take it away from some? Ummm, yeah, right. This is stupid.
HELLO AMERICA, GET A SPINE AND FIGHT BACK FOR ONCE, Stop letting freaks and kooks control America, they are THE single reason why we have cities out of gas and those that do are at $4+ for a gallon of gas. They make a religion out of the stupid environment while we can't even practice our own that has been around for 2,000 years.
"A favorite priest of the Left is Father Pfleger, the highly politicized NUtcase who has no problems preaching politics from the pulpit." PJ
I know I'm being lazy, but do any of you doubt that I could post and post and post wingnut preachers preaching their highly politicized poison from the pulpit?
What's baffling is you think it matters. Really. No shit. All this other stuff (wars and trillions of your money) and you want to talk about preachers. It's mind boggling. You're all hopelessly insane. But I love you anyway.
"What's baffling is you think it matters."
What's truly baffling is that you won't admit that this is about the liberals and their intolerance of others who do not share your political beliefs. Really. No shit. All this other stuff (claiming that we're insane yet you love us anyways) is just you trying to assuage the guilt you feel when you realize that you liberals are more like fascists than any conservatives you ever met.
Communist <---------> Neo-liberal
(Collectivist)| (Libertarian)
Where are you on this graph?
Find out at politicalcompass.org
crap! it deleted leading spaces and screwed up my diagram :(
I'm at (+6.00, -0.67) on that graph.
I hope you're going to DU this one:
now the DUmmies are celebrating petty theft
Comment by Anon@3:47
"I hope you're going to DU this one:
I went and checked it out. Seems that fifty percent disagreed with the ass-hat.
Still sad that half WOULD think it's funny. (or acceptable)
I'm at (+6.00, -0.67) on that graph.
I'm at 1.88/1.59
I am located at (5.00, 0.82) on the graph.
"What's truly baffling is that you won't admit that this is about the liberals and their intolerance of others who do not share your political beliefs. Really. No shit." ray
You're screwed up, ray.
Let me get this clear. This is about the left's "...intolerance of others"? Right?
And which leftist whatever (fill in the blank) is intolerant of others? Who (besides YOU psychopathic lizards) would that be?
Gays? Women? Abortionists? Minorities? Mutants? Immigrants? Cave-dwellers? Atheists?
I'm sorry I have to break it to you, ray, but the libs love everyone except...you. The word on the street is that you're a washed-up has-been. You and only you, ray. Flee, my friend. Get out while you can.
"All this other stuff (claiming that we're insane yet you love us anyways) is just you trying to assuage the guilt you feel when you realize that you liberals are more like fascists than any conservatives you ever met." psychometric ray
I feel so much better!! Whew. Spot on.
Who the hell do you think you are, you stupid shit? Yeah. We all get together, get completely torqued, and cry about being fascists. Sure, OK. What's wrong with you?
Wake the fuck up, jackass.
"I'm sorry I have to break it to you, ray, but the libs love everyone except...you."
They hate conservatives (Especially women and minorities who are conservative), Christians, pro- life activists, people who deny man- made global warming exists, and anyone else who disagrees with them. Just take a look at DU and you'll see what I mean. There, they tombstone people for having dissenting views on subjects!
"I'm sorry I have to break it to you, ray, but the libs love everyone except...you."
Oh, Trogsie...don't you even read DU or KOS? Anyone who does can see the Libs don't even like THEMSELVES, let alone loving everybody but Ray. If you're going to try to claim moral superiority, you should at least pin it on something which has a remote chance of selling to someone besides your cat.
I'm, sorry to break it to you, ray, but the libs love everyone except...you.
"you" in this instance is anyone who disagrees with them or who the libs have determined are their social inferiors: blue collar whites, gun owners, straight white males, Southerners, fly over country neanderthals, "fundies", red necks, white trash, peckerwoods, suburbanites, conservative blacks and, most of all, the "sheeple".
Liberals love themselves, Starbucks and MSNBC.
Progs don't practice "moral superiority", they indulge in "moral vanity", which is why they never face the hard questions...but merely repeat the pallid mantra: "The Poor, The Poor; Social Justice, Social Justice!"
Which really just means "Redisribution of Wealth"...but it has that rosy "appearance of compassion" glow.
The Gunslinger said...
Progs don't practice "moral superiority", they indulge in "moral vanity"
Bolded and all.
"...take a look at DU and you'll see what I mean. There, they tombstone people for having dissenting views on subjects!" adam, or should we say 'eve' you pussy
Get the fuck up you wiener. I swear to God, all these years I thought you were all "daddies" and now you transform into this piece of putrified pussification. It's disgusting.
"Liberals love themselves, Starbucks and MSNBC." elrond
I go to Starbucks every night. Have a cup of coffee and jack off while watching MSNBC. You got a problem with that, elrond?
Wow, what a mature and intelligent response, Trog!
Nicely avoiding my point and throwing juevinle insults at me instead.
Boy, it's no wonder you're winning over so many supporters here!
Read this, then tell me who the fascists are:
"Nicely avoiding my point and throwing juevinle insults at me instead." adam (the first naked guy)
So what's your point, jerkass? You haven't made one yet.
Tman knows he doesn't have a chance in hades of winning us over; not with his level of wit (low). So, he resorts to derogatory remarks, therefore defeating his purpose (such as it is). Look up juvenile in the dictionary, and you'll find tman's puss plastered there.
"Look up juvenile in the dictionary, and you'll find tman's puss plastered there." susie
Wrong. Again. That's not to say I didn't garner a certain reputation as a juvenile. I remember asking my home-economic classmates of the feminine persuasion if they knew how to muzzle a dog hoping this line of thinking would lead to bigger and better things. It worked. Hence the juvenile nickname 'Muzzle Man'. It was a small and cheap victory, I know. But an important developmental victory none the less. And one you can't take away from me, susie, try as you might.
I would never try to take away your small victories, and cheap thrills.
"I would never try to take away your small victories, and cheap thrills." benevolent susie
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