Watch the DUmmies attack AttackWatch! Report them!

This past week the Obama Reich launched, a website/twitter thingie to report attacks and smears against Dear Leader. Could there be a whiff of fascism in the air? The DUmmies debate this, here in this THREAD, "," and this THREAD, "AttackWatch Gains Over 100,000 Sign-Ups In Less Than 24 Hours."
So let us now monitor and report the DUmmies, in Brownshirt Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, who, in his DU mole identity is busy gathering information on those critical of the One, is in the [Barackets]:
Get the Facts; Fight the Smears!
[Get the Fascism; Fight the Smurfs!]

sounds like a terror tracking website. think they could have a better name.
[How about]
but good for Obama.
[It's not fascism when we do it!]
Great site....I'll have to use it to fight the f***ed up smears posted at DU!
[Watch out! DUmmieland may get raided by the AttackWatch SS!]
this is creepy, 1984-ish
[Big Barry is watching you.]

I predict will blow up in their faces, where is Obama getting this shite advice from?
[Special Adviser Kurt Grove.]
What would your approach have been to counter RW lies and spin?
[LW lies and spin.]
Maybe having Obama directly address those lies and pins?
He's the president, I want him to do that job. I do not want him to wast precious time on fighting lies from asshats.
[It would take too much time out of his golf game.]
This site has very nebulous categories that make it looks like it is encouraging 'thought-police' style informing on other people. . . .
[Let's see, who was the person who posted that . . . and their ISP. . . .]
It already blew up in their faces. It's the laughingstock of the internet.
[It blowed up REAL good!]
Better now than October 2012 I suppose. I really hope his campaign gets all the idiocy out of their systems by then.
[Sorry. It just keeps on coming!]
My only question is will they be attacking the smears coming from all sides? I wouldn't be surprised if he ignored many of the left-wing ones. . . .
[Oh, don't be so sure! You better pull down the shade on that basement window there!]
it is creepy because amongst its categories to report on anyone are rumour, public statement & blog/website.
[Oh oh!]
That reeks of Stasi-like informer mentality.
[It reeks of BO.]
It's nothing to wet yourself over.
[benburch disagrees.]
It's becoming a joke already. . . .
[So an AttackWatch, a DUmmie, and a Jewish rabbi walked into a bar. . . .]
Not sure this was a very smart thing to do.
[Democratic Understatement.]
Better believe that Rove and the Kochs are and will be throwing everything in their very nasty arsenal against President Obama. The republicans have been in seige mode since before the inauguration. And, yes, they do have some of their sappers at DU.
[OK, DUmmies, that fellow DUmmie with 1000+ posts you THINK you know? LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!! Report them! Turn them in! For the good of the Parentland!]
Why does the site have to be so damn creepy? WTF?
[Worship The Führer!]
it's good Obama is starting to be tough with Republicans and calling their bullsh*t out, but that doesn't mean he has to use violent(ish) rhetoric and have a creepy-ass website.
[Is that a CRITICISM of Dear Leader??]
AttackWatch Gains Over 100,000 Sign-Ups . . .
[I think 90,000 of them are conservatives mocking the thing.]
In Less Than 24 Hours
[Would those be Business Hours or Regular Hours?]
It's for people that want the Democrats to win, to get their information to go and fight the smears, hyperbole, exaggerations, speculations, lies, fabrications, nonsense, folk lore, deliberate character assassinations, omitted information, myths, falsehoods, propaganda, false impressions, Intellectual dishonesty, emailed bullshit, provocative claims, rumors, magnification, overstatements, statements from unnamed sources, overreactions, catastrophization, deceptions, spin, cognitive distortion, generalizations, vague sources, Media hackery, emotionally overvalued analysis, dramatization, theatricality, oversimplification, making mountains out of molehills, sky is falling predictions of doom, swiftboating garbage and insane, ridiculous or absurd claims.
[It's for people who have a thesaurus.]
to become the laughingstock of the Internet, just check the twitter feed #AttackWatch
[90,000 signer-uppers MOCKING Attack Watch! Hee! Hee!]
Let the teabagging trolls have their fun.
[Oh, they are, I assure you!]
Funny that you bring up the silly "twitter" non-story.
[Yes, FUnnie indeed, DUmmie SixthSense, you with only 55 posts. Why, I think I may just have to TURN YOU IN!!]
"Right of center outlets derided the effort." And so did a good chunk of DU. But I'm absotively posolutely sure that's a coincidence. . . .
[Remember, REPORT your fellow DUmmie who criticizes AttackWatch! They are no friend of the Führer!]
It's a downright creepy site and there is no reason for it. . . . The site comes off as Orwellian.
They can get 50 alerts a day right here.
Conservatives are signing up to make fun of the site.
[90,000 and counting! That would cover just about all the LOUSY FREEPER TROLLS in DUmmieland! Hee! Hee!]
I've gotten to know the DUmmies so well, I could probably guess who made most of these posts. And, I KNOW one of them is nadin.
"I've gotten to know the DUmmies so well, I could probably guess who made most of these posts. And, I KNOW one of them is nadin." sybilll
sybilll? Which one of you are we speaking to?
I have many, many 'inners' I hope I can share with you. Welcome to the asylum.
"Could there be a whiff of fascism in the air?" chuck chuck bo buck...
Fact checking? Fascist? Who but a fascist would suggest such a thing?
So...they've all ready fucked up a fact check, right? You'd never be so stupid as to call it fascist without pointing out something remotely fascist they've done, would you?
Of course you would!
When one of you jack rabbits comes back with a 'fact check' they get wrong, then you can call bullshit. If you can't do that, then calling it fascist makes you the fascist. Simple as that. So friggin ironical, isn't it?
And until you DO point something out, chuck, your rhetoric remains incoherent.
What a fucking surprise.
Do you ever think of things that you Don't say?
I reported the rumor that Obama was going to create jobs.
I reported myself for removing mattress tags.
Think there is something to that. The Right should sign up and droves. Everytime a Democrat mouth piece spouts how the GOP wants to take away Medicare or Social Security, or the "fair share" BS, or whatever other smear, lies, etc the left's goosestepping followers spew, they should report it.
That in itself would probably overwhelm the site in about 24 hours.
Hey it possible for you to come on here and not feel it necessary to prove you're a stupid fucking fuckwad? We've already gotten the memo on that and we believe you're a trash-mouthed brain dead jackass, we don't need the reminders. Either say something coherent or FOAD, Troglafuck.
Fuck you all you white racist Klan worshipping, god bagging fucks! I OWN each and every one of your white asses! On your knees bitches!
How does my ass taste bitches?
You first, CumStraw.
Welcome to the asylum.
I like it just fine, on the outside. Your meds wore off. Huh.
I'm not sure the Ultimate Man isn't just troglaman baiting himself. I wouldn't put it past him.
Soulstraw however, just another impotent troll.
I reported to Attack Watch that Ace at Ace of Spades Headquarters was calling Obama a stuttering clusterfuck of a miserable failure.
And that they he's right.
This YouTube video where Hitler finds out Attack Watch is a joke is pretty funny:
"Either say something coherent or FOAD, Troglafuck." The ULTIMATE Man (wink wink big fella)
FOAD? Have the rest of you heard about this? I have no friggin idea...
Fornicate Over At Dave's?
Free Ordinary Apes Discretely?
Naw! It's going to mean something ominous and manly like...
Fall Over And Die (starring Bruce Willis).
So...has anyone found anything remotely fascist about the website yet? Have they lied? Spun? Distorted? Shown themselves to be coniving oligarchs?
You're acting like they have, but I have yet to see one tiny itty-bitty crumb of truth that this is the case.
Meaning you're either incapable of providing such information; or unwilling to provide such information; or such information doesn't exist; or none of you actually give a shit whether it's true or not.
I, troglaman, don't need to tell you where I'd put my money.
"So...has anyone found anything remotely fascist about the website yet? Have they lied? Spun? Distorted? Shown themselves to be coniving oligarchs?
You're acting like they have, but I have yet to see one tiny itty-bitty crumb of truth that this is the case.
Meaning you're either incapable of providing such information; or unwilling to provide such information; or such information doesn't exist; or none of you actually give a shit whether it's true or not." - TROGLAMAN - The Official Certified Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site
Typical of Troglaman The Guttersnipe to completely miss the forest for the trees and then slam his head repeatedly up his ass to spew out worthless mental excrement and act like it means something important.
"I, troglaman, don't need to tell you where I'd put my money."
No, but you won't have that money for long if your personal god, The Obamassiah, gets his way.
"Has anyone Found anything remotely fascist about the website yet"-troglaman
You mean aside from supressing opposition and criticism by threat of being informed upon by your neighbor?
"Typical of Troglaman The Guttersnipe to completely miss the forest for the trees and then slam his head repeatedly up his ass to spew out worthless mental excrement and act like it means something important." Mr. Stinkwagon
Wait a minute...are you saying that it was the DUmmies that put forward the idea that the website smelled of fascism? God damn...I'm such an idiot! Why? All this time I thought it was YOU GUYS calling him a fascist when what you're really saying is the website is clearly NOT fascist, Obama's NOT a fascist...and the DUmmies are fucking crazy for thinking so! What a dope I am. I don't give you guys enough credit sometimes, I admit it.
Um, Mr. Stinkwagon? You might want to talk to this troglanon...
"Has anyone Found anything remotely fascist about the website yet"- the mighty troglaman..."You mean aside from supressing opposition and criticism by threat of being informed upon by your neighbor?" troglanon
The stupid jackass doesn't quite get the fact that the website isn't fascist and Obama's not a fascist and maybe mr. ignoramus is acting like a crazy friggin DUmmie person.
Please be gentle with him.
Has anyone reported Troggie to attackwatch for purposely making Obamites look like half-wits afflicted with ADHD and Tourette's?
Just wondering.
"The stupid jackass doesn't quite get the fact that the website isn't fascist and Obama's not a fascist and maybe mr. ignoramus is acting like a crazy friggin DUmmie person."-troglaman
Open a dictionary. Because that's what you're "arguing" against this time. Congratulations.
"The stupid jackass doesn't quite get the fact that the website isn't fascist and Obama's not a fascist and maybe mr. ignoramus is acting like a crazy friggin DUmmie person."-troglafuck"
Still gotta keep pounding home that you're a fucking brain-dead idiot don't you fuckwad?
Obama is not a fascist, you don't have to be a fascist to want to stiffle free speech, the DUmmies are too stupid to realize this truth. The "anti-fascist" left is no friend of the First Amendment and Obama and his hard core minions are far leftists.
"Open a dictionary. Because that's what you're "arguing" against this time. Congratulations." troglanon
My God! You're all so complicated it's driving me crazy.
Which is it? The DUmmies are stupid because they think the website smells of fascism (which means you think it's not fascist)?
The Dummies are stupid because we all knew he was a fascist a long time ago and the dingbat Dummies are just catching on (which means you think Obama and the website are fascist).
Kat takes the middle road: "Obama is not a fascist, you don't have to be a fascist to want to stiffle free speech".
Wouldn't determining whether or not the website is ACTUALLY SPEWING BULLSHIT seem somewhat central to this discussion? Has anyone quoted the website? Tried (and failed) to link to this website? I'll ask again - have those shifty website people lied? Spun? Distorted? Shown themselves to be conniving oligarchs?
You don't know.
And yet, without one paragraph, one sentence, one word attributed to this amazingly powerful and scary website, you can conclude it's "...supressing opposition and criticism by threat of being informed upon by your neighbor..." And proudly proclaim " don't have to be a fascist to want to stiffle free speech".
I swear, someday there will be a zoo...
"I've learned to never underestimate the crushing weight of the ignorance you're burdened with."-Me
This is the first thing I thought of after reading your last comment troglaman. To be clear, it was this part:
"without one paragraph, one sentence, one word attributed to this amazingly powerful and scary website, you can conclude it's "...supressing opposition and criticism by threat of being informed upon by your neighbor..." And proudly proclaim " don't have to be a fascist to want to stiffle free speech"."-troglaman
No no, it wasn't because you attributed that last part to me, when it wasn't my quote. When you do that it just provides extra humor for the rest of us. It was because you are capable of cognitive failure that never ceases to amaze. What I mean is, you can look at a website (such as the one you're currently defending), read what it's asking you to do for it and the President, then read a dictionary definition of a certain word, and cannot reconcile that they are the same.
A traffic light does not give me "one paragraph, one sentence, or one word" about what it requires of me. However, since I know the definition of a traffic light and have learned about them, I know what it's for. You too can use applied knowledge if you choose.
As to your question, the "Dingbat DUmmies" as you call them are hopefully just catching on. Maybe the third time's the charm because the first two Obama snitch-on-your-neighbor attempts: and were just as laughably tone-deaf as this one but the DUmmies didn't notice. Or did they just choose not to? Is it your excuse that you simply don't care to do a little research?
A little analysis can go a long way, right now you're making Reed Hastings look like a rhetorical genius.
"A traffic light does not give me "one paragraph, one sentence, or one word" about what it requires of me." mr sensitive troglanon ("No no, it wasn't because you attributed that last part to me, when it wasn't my quote")
According to you, this issue - determining whether the website's fascist and/or undermining free speech and/or illustrating DUmmie idiocy, etc. - is as simple to you as understanding a traffic light. Do I have that right? No ambiguity. It's as easy as 'red means stop' (by the way, since you're a traffic light expert, does 'yellow' mean jam on the breaks or or floor it?).
You honestly expect me to buy this horseshit? Of course you do! Next...
"What I mean is, you can look at a website (such as the one you're currently defending), read what it's asking you to do for it and the President, then read a dictionary definition of a certain word, and cannot reconcile that they are the same."
I'm not defending this scary website who's nefarious intentions DARE NOT BE NAMED. You believe Obama is a fascist and the website is a fascist tool (I can never be certain) and seem to point to the website as a traffic light. If its that easy...shit. Never mind. You also point to two other government websites of the 'snitch on your neighbor' type that have been around since 9-11. But you're just noticing now. Is 'dumbass' in the dictionary? Maybe you could research that.
"As to your question, the "Dingbat DUmmies" as you call them are hopefully just catching on."
To the fact Obama's a fascist. Notice he never says it. Why? Cause he's a pussy. He'll leave it to the crazy liberal. And this huge scary, fascist machine of a website still is without one little attribute. Oh sorry. I forgot. I need to think of it as a traffic light.
Guess I was on the right track after all, Mr. Stickwagon.
First, let me say 'Thank You'. I know I've said it before but your brand of humor derived from breathtakingly simpleminded commentary are the source of so much laughter. You are indeed a giver, and for that you should be commended.
That being said, let's look at your last comedy routine.
"determining whether the website's fascist and/or undermining free speech and/or illustrating DUmmie idiocy, etc. - is as simple to you as understanding a traffic light. Do I have that right?"-troglaman
No, but don't feel bad. No one else here expected you to understand a 4th grade level 'compare and contrast' statement.
"You also point to two other government websites of the 'snitch on your neighbor' type that have been around since 9-11."-troglaman
This comment is why people love your unintentional humor. God love 'ya, you didn't even realize that the email address and website I listed were both Obama administration tattle tools set up no earlier than 2009 to snitch on critics of the president. You're so much fun!
"Cause he's a pussy. He'll leave it to the crazy liberal. "-troglaman
Careful, some of the liberals that lurk at this site might report you to Attack Watch for comments like that.
"Oh sorry. I forgot. I need to think of it as a traffic light."-troglaman
Don't be sorry, no one here really expects you to do any thinking.
FOAD Troglafuck
"No one else here expected you to understand a 4th grade level 'compare and contrast' statement." smuggles
Except you? How kind (he thinks the rest of you are all dumbshits).
So let's compare and contrast, shall we?
'Red means stop' is a learned behavior. A lemur could do it. A rat. A chicken. A friggin snail.
Determining fascism requires *gasp* deductive reasoning. I'm not sure snails know how to do that.
There's your compare and contrast right there.
But I'm glad you're arguing for Learned Response. And...I'd be interested in who, smuggles, you might be recruiting to spread your evil message. Penguins perhaps? Puppies? Baby seals? You'll probably have them all stopping at red lights within a month.
"There's your compare and contrast right there."-troglaman
No, it's yours and it's not a very good one.
"Red means stop' is a learned behavior...A friggin snail.
I'm not sure snails know how to do that."-troglaman
Your snail confusion is fascinating. Why don't you go study that so you don't contradict yourself within two sentences. WAIT! That was more of your clown act wasn't it? I love your humor!
"But I'm glad you're arguing for Learned Response."-troglaman
No again, I'm arguing applied knowledge. But it still holds true that no one here expected you to understand. Including me.
Oh now let's not get grumpy. Aren't you having fun anymore?
"Your snail confusion is fascinating." smuggles
My confusion? I said snails are capable of learned response and not deductive reasoning. Fascinating all the same, isn't it?
As a matter of fact, they're a lot like you. They don't hear a paragraph, or a sentence, or a word. They see a red light do the right thing without a trace of thought about why they're doing it.
"My confusion"-troglaman
Yes. You made an off topic statement and then a contradictory statement. You didn't notice that?
"I said snails are capable of learned response and not deductive reasoning"-troglaman
That's awesome! Did you do that research yourself or did you get it from somewhere else? Can you provide the links? I'd love to see how that works.
"They don't hear a paragraph, or a sentence, or a word. They see a red light do the right thing without a trace of thought about why they're doing it."-troglaman
I am so looking forward to the links you provide for this. I just have one question. Do you hear paragraphs troglaman?
Oh, an are you done with the rest of our conversation because you don't seem to be responding to any of the main topics anymore.
"You made an off topic statement and then a contradictory statement. You didn't notice that?" smuggles
No, I didn't.
Did I just make another off topic statement? Contradictory?
Of course I did! Shit shit shit.
But my conjugation was good, don't you think?
"No, I didn't"-troglaman
That's OK. With practice you'll start to notice these things.
"Of course I did! Shit shit shit."-troglaman
It's good to see your eyes are opening. However when you get our of your teens the use of explicatives isn't going to seem as cool to your peers as it does now.
"But my conjugation was good, don't you think?"-troglaman
Why don't you see for yourself:
Here to help 'ya.
"when you get out" not "our" (sp -5) on me.
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