WTF? Weprin-Turner Fratricide in DUmmieland

WTF? Weprin lost to Turner, and it shouldn't have happened. So now the DUmmies are looking for someone to blame. A circular firing squad has formed, and the first shots have been fired. There's Weprin-Turner Fratricide in DUmmieland!
PJ has already given you one DUFU this morning on the stunning NY-9 election. But the result is so delicious, it's worth a second edition. It's a DUbble-DUFU Wednesday! I'm sampling from a bunch of different threads, so no particular link.
DUmmies in the Bolshevik Red. Me, Charles Henrickson, in the [brackets]. And away we go:
Boy. The people spoke LOUDLY> What a beating. 2012 is going to suck!
Win The Future has basically turned into What The F***.
[Wear The Failure!]
Obama won the district with 55%
[Win The Past!]
Worry about what? The sun will still come up tomorrow. Chill.
[If Little Orphan Annie married Alfred E. Neuman, this DUmmie would be their offspring.]
Orthodox jews voting for the new Nazi party... amazing
[Blame it on the JOOOOOOOS! Also, flag on the play: Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies, 15 yards and a first down.]
There are no words. People should not assume that the Republicans will die EVER.
[Night of the Living Red.]
This is what happens when you text pictures of your penis on the internet.
[Weiner The Future.]
It should be noted that the MAJORITY of QUEENS voted for Weprin the Democrat.
[He carried the Bull Dykes, too.]
First time in 90 years that seat will be held by a Republican. About 45 straight elections it has gone Democratic and now it's Republican?
[Hope and Change!]
Shape of things to come with Obama at the top of the ticket in 2012!
[But, but how can that be?? I mean, Mr. Obama JUST gave the bestest presidential address in DECADES just last week! "Pass this bill!" he told us. So you would THINK voters would respond and SEND someone to pass this most urgent and necessary bill that we need so desperately right away. Wha' hoppen??]
all I have to say... is that voters in NY09 are f***ing stupid and will believe any lie you tell them...f*** you all! another vote in the House to get rid of SS, Medicare, etc...F*** YOU ALL!
[Bunch of Orthodox Jewish Nazis!!]
idiots in the district and idiots in the dem party leadership. And we're stuck voting for Obama. Sucks.
[Time to start thinking about moving overseas again!]
SH*TTY race, SH*TTY issues, SH*TTY candidates, just SH*TTY.
[It happens.]
Epic fail there. People aren't as afraid of Teapubs as we were hoping.
[MediScare and "Theocracy!" didn't work?? Oooh, this could be bad. . . .]
The Republicans had lots of money and propaganda in this race and used their favorite weapon, FEAR.
[But what about when you guys play YOUR Fear Card (which is, like, always)? And I quote, "People aren't as afraid of Teapubs as we were hoping."]
Too bad...and amazing that people will vote in a crazy. It's all about getting that "n" word out of THEIR White House.
[And now the Race Card gets played.]
More 11-Dimensional Bull$h!t Chess Games: We just can't see the "brilliance" of LOSING, LOSING, LOSING. Wait 'til 2012--I predict a massacre like 1980. Welcome, Pres. Perry and VP Palin. Your Theocracy is waiting.
[Welcome to your nightmare, DUmmieland. Your hatred of Christianity is showing.]
We may have effectively a 100% Republican government at the beginning of 2013. It's going to be a wild ride and may end with all the cars coming off the tracks. whee.
[No, a little louder: WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!]
Unbelievable. NYC has gone mental in this case.
[The Big Addle.]
If Americans are dumb enough to vote these people back into congress and the presidency. They deserve everything they get.
[That's it! We're moving to the Netherlands!]
The population is reaching the tipping point of desperation. . . . Desperation is a terrible thing...and we are on the verge of that tipping point..
[A double "tipping point" post! And it was NOT by Nadin!]
I expect a Republican sweep in the next election. Including presidency. . . . I predict we will see near total Republican control of the government starting 2013 unless Obama can do something heroic and miraculous soon.
[Wait, wait! He already DID! That "Pass this jobs bill" speech the other day. Didn't you hear it? Fantastic! Heroic! Miraculous! Recovery--no, BOOM TIMES--here we come! . . . I don't know how those voters in New York missed it! Oh, I suppose they were out attending one of their racist Jewish Nazi rallies or something. . . .]
This can't be right. I suspect deibold machines. There is no other answer for a district so heavily Democratic. The repukes find a way to steal it every time.
[DUmmie Mr Gerrity (13 posts), I suspect you are PLAYING with the DUmmies here, making sport of them, and therefore I'm calling you out as a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]
Clearly Voter Fraud By Repugs. You don't lose a district that is 3-1 Democrat to a Repug. You just don't. There has to be massive voter fraud by the Repugs and Weprin had better immediately file a challenge. This type of elction stealing by the Repugs must stop now.
[Hmm, this by DUmmie tidy_bowl (249 posts). I'm smelling a LOUSY FREEPER TROLL convention!]
Thanks sh*tbag Washington so-called Democrats. You f***ed us again, you spineless pieces of sh*t.
[Feel the love!]
"Clearly Voter Fraud By Repugs. You don't lose a district that is 3-1 Democrat to a Repug. You just don't. There has to be massive voter fraud by the Repugs and Weprin had better immediately file a challenge. This type of elction stealing by the Repugs must stop now."
Nope, the voting could NEVER be construed as a refutation of the dem's policies and heaven forbid the Jewish folks in the NY-9 should even QUESTION Obama's 'support' of the state of Israel.
The election MUST have been rigged since no sane, intelligent person could EVER vote against ANY Dem ANYWHERE for any reason.
Yeah that's it... Diebold...
I expect a Republican sweep in the next election. Including presidency. . . . I predict we will see near total Republican control of the government starting 2013 unless Obama can do something heroic and miraculous soon.
OK, back to the shower.......
"...voters in NY09 are fucking stupid and will believe any lie you tell them...fuck you all!"
Okay, the voters of NY09 are dumb and gullible, that does explain their 90 years of voting Democrat.
The hapless, hysterical DUmmies revert to election 2004 talking points. 1) the voters are moronic sheeple, 2)the election was stolen, Diebold shenanigans, probable Rove involvement 3)the Repubs are nazis and, 4)white racism. But there is one subtle shift, redneck Christianist voters have been replaced by Orthodox Zionazis.
Coming soon: DUmmie plans for moving to Canada, New Zealand or Sweden.
Sniff...sniff. There's a hint of Jimmy Carter in the air and the DUmmies are in a panic.
Weprin's Hitler moustache did him in.
It probably made a lot of the voters think he was the Rethug. I mean this district had voted Dim the past 90+ years, so they aren't that bright to begin with.
Where's troggy-boy?
Is he sitting oin the corner, holding his breath, again?
"idiots in the district and idiots in the dem party leadership. And we're stuck voting for Obama. Sucks."-DUmmie
AttackWatch shall hear of this Brother DUmmie!
Good point, Skully....didn't notice that mustache at first glance I was just noting he looked like a nasty S.O.B. which is normally a turnoff for anyone but the Hitler mustache is indeed there. I agree the Moonbats in that district must have thought he was a hated GOP since as you've accurately noted they've been a DSA bastion for 90+ years.
Blogger Skul said...
Where's troggy-boy?
Is he sitting oin the corner, holding his breath, again?
No, Skul, Guttersnipe's on another thread, pounding his head up his ass as usual, this time about The One's command to pass that "jobs" bill without bothering to either read or study it.
The first thing I noticed was the Hitler mustache. NOT a smart move for a man who wants to represent Jews.
After turning myself into Attack Watch for emitting CO2(sometimes Methane), leaving the toilet seat up, and squeezing the Charmin; I was ordered as penance to re-cant all things anti-Obama or Democrat. So Weprin's mustache is now not a Hitler mustache it's a Snidely Whiplash Mustache "in training". Wepring was hoping to sport the full Snidely at his inauguration had he won.
Had I refused to do this; I would have been forced to watch endless hours of Helen Thomas porn.
I caved under the weight of such horror. Please forgive me for my cowardice...I go to bear my shame in seclusion. DAMN you ..I mean double plus good to you Attack Watch!!!
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