"Best Presidential Address in Decades!"

So how many stars did the DUmmies give The King's Speech? Let's find out, shall we? DUmmie MineralMan, for one, gives it two thumbs up, as we see here in this THREAD, "Best Presidential Address in Decades!"
So let us read the
Best Presidential Address in Decades!
[Maybe in CENTURIES! It was the bestest EVER!!]
If you don't like some of it, listen to the rest.
[Do I have to?]
I totally agree.
[Totally! I mean, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall. . . ." Weak. "Ask not what your country can do for you. . . ." Lame. "Yesterday, December 7, 1941. . . ." Uninspiring. "Four score and seven years ago. . . ." Bleh. No, we had to wait till THIS: "Pass this jobs bill. You should pass it right away." Now THERE is eloquence!]
What matters is what happens tomorrow and down the road.
[Like, having an actual bill to look at.]
This is just a kickoff. There's an entire game to play.
[Which reminds me: Were people more interested in seeing Coach Obama of the Chargers or the game between the Packers and the Saints?]
It was, in short, a masterful speech.
[Brilliant! A speech without a bill! Trading savings in spending for "Everything is paid for." Big payback for labor unions, but the rest of you are SOL. Stimulus 2.0 without the "S" word--The Stimulus Package That Dare Not Speak Its Name. A shovel-ready speech, considering all the sh*t it contained. And the crowning touch, a veritable leitmotif running through the symphony that was this speech: "Pass this bill. You should pass it right away." Just great!]
If he follows through, it will be a win.
[If this bill makes it through the Republican House, it will be a miracle.]
He killed it!
[I think it was dead on arrival.]
only decades? why do you hate obama?
[Damning with faint prez.]
I think he nailed this 100%. I don't agree with everything in the speech. . . .
[Have you covered percentages yet in math class?]
He brought to point their culpability, in the way things are.
[Yes, the Repugs (the conservative ones, at least) are GUILTY of wanting to reduce spending and reduce taxes and have the federal government do only what the Constitution empowers it to do. The swine!]
He's not a dictator, obstructionists will continue to block.
[Forget President, Obama for DICTATOR!]
He completely destroyed the Republican party in 45 minutes. Utterly destroyed, eviscerated.
[OK, cancel the election! The rethuglicans are THROUGH! A stimulus package to benefit Big Labor and to do away with spending reductions we were going to have otherwise--who could be against it? No, this is the speech that will propel Democrats on to PERMANENT VICTORY!]
It was a great speech. Looks like taxes are going up for the wealthy and less tax loopholes for corporations.
[The cost of which will then be passed along to the rest of us. Wonderful.]
Jobs for teachers and construction workers.
[Translation: The big labor unions get some payback for being in the Democrats' hip pocket.]
For this moment, it was an "A".
[It was ABOVE my "A" grade!]
Tonight, we had only this moment. Tomorrow is another day. Obama owned this moment.
[It was SWELL! I got a thrill up my leg! The earth moved!]
And tomorrow he is going to be in Richmond, Cantor territory. And next Tuesday in Columbus which happens to be in OH.
[Have teleprompter, will travel.]
Yup. Obama's on the road again.
[I am put in mind of Harold Hill selling band instruments.]
It was awesome. Letting them know he's coming to their districts to lobby on behalf of the voters was genius.
[Let the fainting begin!]
This was a great and historic speech by Pres. Obama
["Pass this jobs bill. You should pass it right away. Everything is paid for. Pass this bill. You should pass it right away." Genius!]
He really needs to regularly take the bully pulpit. . . .
[Emphasis on "bull."]
and hammer the ideas in his speech home, until this speech is on everyone's tongues in this country.
[Why, what's this coming on my tongue?? "Pass this bill. You should pass"--Help! Make it stop!]
If he follows through on this, he will not only get reelected, he will get much of this enacted in Congress.
[WHAT are you SMOKING??]
The Republicans know what happened tonight, and they have no defense against it.
[A big-spending stimulus bill by any other name--will it not stink as much?]
It was the BEST I have heard in my lifetime and I am 60 years old and have heard lots of presidential addresses!
[It ranks up there with Jimmy Carter's sweater speech!]
I'm 66 years old. I have to say that JFK's inaugural address topped this, but not by much. . . .
[BHO: "Ask not what your country can do for you . . . unless you're a member of a big labor union, then, yeah, go ahead."]
To my mind, the jobs bill amounts to the 2009 stimulus cut in half. . . . I'm not sure how the same (or very similar) ideas will produce a different effect on the public.
[For those comments alone, DUmmie jpgray, you win today's Kewpie Doll!]
"Everything for everyone and nothing for ourselves!"
(also see; "All we own, we all own!" ("Oh we oh, we oh oh")-Soldier chant in front of the Wicked Witch Of The Easts' castle)
What I liked best was the chuckling from the Republican side.
"I'm 66 years old. I have to say that JFK's inaugural address topped this, but not by much. . . ." - a DU Moonbat showing the same thought processes as Troglaman the Guttersnipe
Whoever that 66 year old idiot is, I hope someone has him checked for either drug addiction or Alzheimer's Disease and damn soon. Anybody who could seriously come to such a conclusion has some very serious mental issues that require immediate attention.
Why do these people sound like parodies of themselves?
I'm sitting here stunned. Are these people talking about the SAME speech I watched??
These will be the same folks bemoaning the lack of jobs and even worse economic conditions in a couple of months due to the complete and utter failure of Obama's policies.
Yep, his policies have worked SO well, lets double down on em and....
oh wait....
Wow!! Just Wow. It's truly hard to believe this many people could share the same delusion. I wonder what will happen when reality finally comes crashing down on "Teh Reality-Based Community"? I don't think there enough drugs available to handle the result, so we'd better crank up the order for strait-jackets.
The DUmmies are bipolar, right now they're in a manic state. They'll crash when it becomes apparent that Obama's "Kennedyesque" speech was a bag of hot air. Obama gives good speech but bad government.
"To my mind, the jobs bill amounts to the 2009 stimulus cut in half...I'm not sure how the same (or very similar ideas) will produce a different effect on the public."
Thank you Mr. Dummie, spot on.
"Pass this bill now."
Obama chanted that sentence seventeen times in a fine example of rhetorical overkill. But there is no bill, there is nothing for us to read and review and debate. It's another pig in a poke delivered by the pork meister himself.
"I have a deem!"
"I wonder what will happen when reality finally comes crashing down on 'Teh Reality-Based Community'?"
Laughter. Lots and lots of laughter from those of us on the right that had been telling them "I told you so, DUmbass!" Much glee, great celebrations, mirth and hilarity in large enough portions that the commucrats in Congress will try to tax it.
DU, Obama's Greek chorus.
You can't even call it 'Doubling down' on things that didn't work, it's more like 'Half-againing down' on them.
'Pass the bill that doesn't exist yet, and it's paid for in ways I haven't figured out yet.'
Yeah. Hell of a speech.
The top presidential speeches (in no particular order):
1)Pass this bill...blah, blah, blah, pass this bill...
2) Mr. Gorbechov, tear down this wall.
3) Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a day which will live in infamy.
4) Ask not what your country can do for you, rather ask what you can do for your country.
5) That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.
6)...it appears to me proper, especially as it may conduce to a more distinct expression of the public voice, that I should now apprise you of the resolution I have formed, to decline being considered among the number of those out of whom a choice is to be made.
Oh, yeah, I can see where SCOAMF's blather would be considered to be brilliant and among the best in decades...NOT!
"But there is no bill, there is nothing for us to read and review and debate. It's another pig in a poke delivered by the pork meister himself." Kat
Wanna debate it now?
Of course you don't!! Your wish has been granted, kat. The bill's been introduced so your whining about "no bill" is mute.
Now you have to prove your feigned interest by actually reading it and telling us what's wrong with it. But you won't. You'll turn to some other meaningless talking point and carry on like the good, mindless soldier you are.
So let's move on...
*Gus Update*
He's 20 months old now. Despite the fact that he was neutered about a year ago, he still humps things...the couch, various pillows, the dog next door, etc. He reminds me of Mr. Stinkwagon, to tell you the truth. One has to admire his...um...instinct despite his involuntary castration. It's got to be hard. Yes indeed.
Troggy, troggy, troggy. Stop powerslamming your head up your ass long enough to place Kat's post in its proper temporal context. At the time it was written, THERE WAS NO BILL. Yet, in spite of the fact there was no bill, Ear Leader wanted the bill passed NOW!
If pResident Ogabe were competent, he would have submitted a bill to Congress, then got on tv, told the people what was in the bill, and why they should support it. Instead, it was the usual Commucrat "Ready, Fire, Aim".
You owe Kat an apology, but as you have the same testicular fortitude as your dog, you won't apologize.
Soooo....what are the HR and SB numbers of this alleged "Bill," or are we simply talking about the partially thought-out white paper the Prez was waving around, bereft as it is of any plausible funding source, and pretending that is really a "Bill?"
Ohh isn't this the WELL thought out bil he was writing on vacation at the Vinyard? This crap filled ass of a bill reads as though it was written while sitting on the tiolet. What a joke.
"Stop powerslamming your head up your ass long enough to place Kat's post in its proper temporal context. At the time it was written, THERE WAS NO BILL." buttercup
Of course there wasn't! But there is now. So what's that do to her conclusion that "It's another pig in a poke delivered by the pork meister himself"?
I'll tell you what it does, it renders kat's bacon down to...um...I'm trying to stick with the pork theme here...tainted lard. Take that! kat ended up being full of tainted friggin lard.
And what the hell is a 'pig in a poke' anyway? (Please refrain from answering, Mr. Stinkwagon)
"Pig in a poke"--an offering or deal that s foolishly accepted without being examined first.
But Obama's latest stimulus bill (can we still say "stimulus?)is being carefully reviewed and will go nowhere.
I can't remember who said it but, "You couldn't pass this bill if you ate 10 boxes of bran flakes."
This gets even better as time goes on...
Despite the whines of TROGLAMAN, The Hate-Mongering Guttersnipe and Official Troll of the DUmmie FUnnies Blog Site, there was no bill at the time The Obamassiah granted an audience to Congress and uttered his commands. And believe or not there is still no bill by that name - at least not from The One.
Because The Obamassiah has been waving around his "bill" rather than file it in Congress (which a REAL LEADER with leadership abilities would have done before giving that lousy speech rather than after)a GOP congressman did file a bill under the exact name The One was going to use. And since the bill now does exist I support it as it simply is one line that says "Repeal the corporate income tax". So there you go Guttersnipe...you can now be happy. But I'm betting instead you'll simply slam down several liters of Everclear and begin your head up your ass in a blind rage again.
"The bill's been introduced so your whining about "no bill" is mute"
I love it when libtards like trogla-douche try to be intelligent and manage to fuck it up.
The word you were looking for trog, is "moot", not mute...you blithering sack of dog excrement.
Typical of Troglafuck to BLEEP things up, that's the only thing that stupid BLEEP has shown it's good at.
Stupid flaming jackass....
"Pig in a poke"--an offering or deal that s foolishly accepted without being examined first. But Obama's latest stimulus bill (can we still say "stimulus) is being carefully reviewed and will go nowhere." kat
You can say stimulus bill...that's what it is.
I agree with your assessment probably for reasons the polar opposite of yours. But we agree about the outcome...which is a big fat nothing.
Both your statements are absolutely, without question...true.
And here I was thinking the stringing together of two or more indisputable facts had become an impossible dream for you folks. In kat, all hope springs eternal.
And I take back the tainted lard thing. I hope you're happy, kat.
"And what the hell is a 'pig in a poke' anyway? (Please refrain from answering, Mr. Stinkwagon)" the mighty trog
"...begin (with) your head up your ass in a blind rage again..." Mr. Stinkwagon (even though I asked him POLITELY to refrain from answering)
Fine. OK. Have it your way. If and when anyone ever asks me what the heck a 'pig and a poke' is, I promise I'll tell them that it begins with your head up your ass in a blind rage.
You can count on me.
"You can count on me."-troglaman
For everything, there is a first time.
JorgXMcKie said...
Wow!! Just Wow. It's truly hard to believe this many people could share the same delusion. I wonder what will happen when reality finally comes crashing down on "The Reality-Based Community"? I don't think there enough drugs available to handle the result, so we'd better crank up the order for strait-jackets.
Troglaman won't need a strait-jacket...he'll handle the situation of reality crushing his fantasy world the same way he does now - by chugging liters of pure Everclear.
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