DUmmies STUNNED by NY-9 Election

When you tweet your meat Democrats get beat. It also didn't help that Obama's unpopularity dragged down Democrat candidate David Weprin in what should have been a slam dunk district for Democrats. Oh, and one overlooked factor is Weprin's wig which looks like it has a life of its own. In fact, rumor has it that Weprin's wig snuck off yesterday to cast a ballot for victorious Republican Bob Turner as revenge for Weprin subjecting it to constant humiliation by appearing in public with the ill fitting wig. Could the next stop for Weprin be the Hair Club for Men? In any event, the DUmmies are not only stunned but full of RAGE as well as the usual excuses to explain the Demcrat loss as you can see in their THREAD, "GOP's Bob Turner wins special election for Anthony Weiner's NY congressional seat." So let us now watch the shocked screech of the DUmmies in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if Weprin's wig will be replacing Al Sharpton on MSNBC, is in the [barackets]:
GOP's Bob Turner wins special election for Anthony Weiner's NY congressional seat
[Diebold's Fault!!!]
all I have to say...is that voters in NY09 are fucking stupid and will believe any lie you tell them...f*ck you all! another vote in the House to get rid of SS, Medicare, etc...F*CK YOU ALL![Screamed the DUmmie into the Rabid Foam "Bucket.]
idiots in the district and idiots in the dem party leadership.
And we're stuck voting for Obama. Sucks.
[Is that Weprin's wig posting as a troll in DUmmieland?]
Epic fail there. People aren't as afraid of Teapubs as we were hoping.
[GASP! You mean that David Gergen could be WRONG about people being "horrified" by the Tea Party?]
I'm mad at Weiner all over again. His ego lost us a voice.
[So did his weiner.]
I'm mad that he wasn't smarter about the whole thing. I saw the pics -- HE put them out there. That's not propaganda, that's poor judgment.
[I'm wondering if Weprin's Wig will start tweeting.]
They took NV as well........ The Hate for Obama is so thick here in Reno, I can't even put A DU sticker on my car unless I want it vandalized.
[David Weprin's wig is laughing at your DU sticker.]
More 11-Dimensional Bull$h!t Chess Games: We just can't see the "brilliance" of LOSING, LOSING, LOSING. Wait 'til 2012--I predict a massacre like 1980. Welcome, Pres. Perry and VP Palin. Your Theocracy is waiting.
[Eddie Mush Pitt chose Weprin's Wig as the winner.]
Hmm... why would a single district have most of the state's Orthodox Jews? No I don't think they get to vote their interests. Their lobby is illegitimate because it has been unfairly created specifically to empower them.
[So all those gerrymandered black and hispanic districts are also illegitimate?]
The best thing this president can do for our nation is LBJ the thing and let a real Democrat energize our voting base.
[Is that you, Hillary?]
Anyone who thinks we are on the path to electoral success next year better wake up. And that includes the president.
[But...but won't the jobs (stimulus) bill put him back on the right track?]
If there is no presidential primary we will not be seeing another four years. Wake up and read the writing on the wall people. If we run the same horse again we will lose the white house too. That horse has won all the races he is ever going to win.
[Hope and Change the candidate.]
We may have effectively a 100% Republican government at the beginning of 2013.
[And that will making watching the DUmmie Ant Farm even more FUn!]
We may have effectively a 100% Republican government at the beginning of 2013.
Heh,.....now the DUmmies are trying to give me a hard on.
Why did the Democrats lose NY-9?
It's Bush's fault or it's a Rovian plot or it's the tsunamis or Arab Spring or the Tea Partiers forced all the Starbucks in the area to serve decaf.
It couldn't possibly be a referrendum on Ear Leader, because everyone but racists absolutely love him and the job he's been doing. As for those stories in the mainstream media about how the majority disapprove of Teh Won's job performance and his policies, well, we all know that NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, are all far-right wing organizations run by corporate friends of George Bush and the Republicans.
(Do I really need to put the /sarc tag?)
"Hmm... why would a single district have most of the state's Orthodox Jews? No I don't think they get to vote their interests. Their lobby is illegitimate because it has been unfairly created specifically to empower them."
Blame it on the Jooooooos
"Hmm...why would a single district have most of the state's Orthodox Jews? No, I don't think they get to vote their interests. Their lobby is illegimate because it has been unfairly created specifically to empower them."
Tell it to Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters and the rest of the Congressional Black Caucus. I'm sure they'll share your outrage over this artificial zionist district.
Should these bitter, Obama hating DUmmies be reported to AttackWatch.com?
"Weprin's wig which looks like it has a life of its own"-PJ
Who cares about the wig? I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't vote for someone with a leopard skin moustache!
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