Trust Fund Pitt Slams Wealthy People

Class Warfare My Ass
[Would you prefer Lass Warfare, Pitt? A good thread title for the Temporary Sockpuppet would be "Class Warfare My Lass."]
I have been saying this for years upon years, but it bears repeating: the most awesome, fearsome, and effective weapon in the arsenal of the modern Republican Party is their total, utter and complete lack of shame.
[A complete lack of shame like perpetrating a journalistic hoax that a certain someone was never man enough to apologize for?]
That weapon - the ability to say or do anything, literally anything, even as it flies in the face of on-the-record comments made just the day before, or contradicts thousands of votes cast in congresses past - is the equivalent of a battlefield-deployed tactical nuclear weapon. It clears the field, but good, and if everything is ashes in the aftermath, so be it. So long as effective spin makes the news cycle, it's a victory for them, and screw the people who get hurt.
[Say anything like "Karl Rove will be indicted in 24 business hours."]
The GOP wins when that is the contest, and that is all they care about...and the awful irony comes when the very people getting screwed are up on their feet cheering after the deal goes down, because "their team" won the day.
[The real irony here is Trust Fund Pitt blasting the wealthy.]
Watching these recent GOP debates has cracked me up for any number of reasons, but nothing can top watching those millionaires square off in an attempt to prove who among them is the most "folksy," the most in tune with the working stiff. Mitt Romney, whose personal fortune roars deep into nine figures on the left of the decimal, actually claimed he was a middle class guy during a recent campaign appearance.
[Are any of those millionaires trying to prove their folksiness by pretending to be real bouncers or loudly announcing to the world that they are members of the Communications Workers Union? As to what Romney is claiming, what are YOU claiming, Pitt? That you are somehow a REAL working class guy whose family is composed of multimillionaire corporate lawyers?]
Ah, yes, the irony again...just think, if people banking nine figures of personal wealth were actually considered middle class, all of our problems would be solved, right?
[Boldly declared the one who has checkbooked his way through life including a number of vanity books.]
Which brings us to the subject of "class warfare." The term has been a favorite broadside of the right-bent rich-people-first set going on forty years now, and in times past has always reaped them rich rhetorical benefits. We're a classless society here in America, don'tcha know, so accusations of "class warfare" have all too often sent lily-livered liberal-leaning politicians scuttling for the exits, for the apology, for the eventual retreat.
[Foamed Pitt working himself into a phony display of outrage over the class to which he belongs...the RIIIIIICH!!!]
Oh no, it isn't class warfare, this is only fair...which earned, invariably, a reply of "CLASS WARFARE SOCIALISM WHAAARGARBLE"...which, in turn, earned another hasty retreat instead of a proper and just reply.
[Was this your battlecry when you threatened to beat up that homeless woman for the "high crime" of pointing out that you are rich and spoiled?]
Which is, should have always been, and should now be: kiss my ass, you leech, you bloodsucker, you greedy whore, you war profiteering glutton, you disgrace, you betrayer of America.
[So is a certain family of wealthy Boston lawyers also a bunch of bloodsuckers?]
Oh, I know the argument. I know it as well as the spit I leave on the sidewalk when there is a bad taste in my mouth. The rich are better than us, they are the ones making the jobs, they have earned their esteemed position through a Randian process of natural economic selection, etc...except for the sneaky fact that a large number of these "business titans" inherited their wealth, and today increase their wealth not through hard work, but through favorable interest rates and even more favorable tax rates on money that is already in the bank.
[Pitt talks about "the rich" as if they are a class apart from him. Of course, the big difference is that many of "the rich" create wealth and don't live off it like a certain parasitic leech who was once attacked by Texas fire ants. Maybe those fire ants don't like "the rich" either.]
The top-earning businesses in America today, across the board, are wallowing in record profits, and yet somehow hiring is stagnated. Why is that?
[Gee! Because the Obama Jobs bill has yet to kick in? Or do you have another fantasy?]
Could it be that these titans are holding off on hiring in order to affect the number of jobless Americans, so as to influence public opinion as we head into an election season? God almighty, to have such astonishing be able to keep millions out of work in order to put one black guy out of a that's real power.
[Mused the wealthy parasitic leech from his DUmmieland soapbox.]
Class warfare, indeed.
[Parasitic leech, indeed.]
Poverty has increased locally and nationally across the board, joblessness is reaching Great Depression-era levels, and millions have lost houses to those whose own homes resemble castles, to those who are secure in both funding and foundation. Money does not disappear. It has to go somewhere; what is lost is always found. Most all of us have spent the last several years losing money hand over fist, while Forbes tells us that the richest among us have increased their wealth by vast amounts in one year.
[Which means that Pitt's trust fund is flush with cash.]
Try to contain your shock.
[Try to contain your laughter.]
There is work available for the doing, on infrastructure and new technology fields and any number of other areas, but the GOP majority in the House of Representatives won't have any of it, because their marching orders are to screw the American economy in as many orifices as are available to try and unseat the sitting president. Period, end of file, and if you still think that isn't their intention, I have a big red bridge over San Francisco Bay to sell you.
[Does the way Pitt rants on and on and on over this topic make you think he wants you to forget that he earns big bucks simply due to the fact that he lived through birth?]
Class warfare? These cretins have the unmitigated gall to accuse other people of class warfare.
[Proclaimed the expert in Lass, I mean, Class warfare.]
It is a wonder of American politics, this absolute and astonishing lack of shame on the part of the modern GOP. They have spent the last thirty years stifling a minimum-wage increase, they blocked legislation to help 9/11 responders pay for very present health concerns, and spent the latter part of this last week trying to screw disaster relief funding for people who lose homes to tornadoes, floods, wildfires and earthquakes. They hate Social Security and Medicare down to their gold-plated bones. Now they are deliberately and intentionally stifling the very economy they themselves tore up, for no other reason than to win the next election.
[Getting the 2012 election loss excuses lined up already?]
How are they doing it? Money and power, power and money, and be damned to those who suffer for their desires.
[Proclaimed the hairless Leon Trotsky.] is class warfare: full-throated, no-bullshit class warfare, and the rich ones whining about it are the ones who are winning. Be on your own side for a change of pace. They got the guns, as a man once said, but we got the numbers.
[It sounds like you have quite a few numbers...of beer bottles.]
It is class warfare, and has been for a generation. We've been losing, badly.
["We" Pitt? "We" are a family of wealthy CORPORATE lawyers who provide the bread so a related leech can spout off about "The RIIIIIICHHHH!!!"]
For now.
[Sounds like a threat. Of course, Pitt, is too comfy in his Trust Fund existence to do much about it except sound off from his keyboard. And now to hear from his fellow DUmmies...]
[That was Mama Raven whose checkbook has gotten Sonny Boy out of trouble many times.]
Thanks, Mom!
[Thanks, Mom, for birthing me into a wealthy family of CORPORATE lawyers who made my life one long easy street.]
The favorite tactic of the right is projection. Don't forget it.
[Speaking of projection... What do you call it when a wealthy idle leech denounces "The RIIIIIICHHHH?"]
I'm a Marxist. Fighting back is at the CORE of my belief system. I KNOW whose side I'm on in the class war. Everybody else needs to pick a side.
[A Marxist? Did you know that the original Marxist, Karl, was also a leech? He kept begging buddy Fredrich Engels to talk his wealthy dad into giving him more money to send to Karl so he could sit around all day in the London Public Library without actually having to do real work.]
You DO have a way with words, Mr. Pitt!!
[And many of those words go into his vanity press books. Just pull out a checkbook and PRESTO, you're a "New York Times bestselling author" who never ranked above #300,000 in Amazon.]
Anyone who believes what is written here owes it to themselves and our nation to be in DC on October 6th at Freedom Plaza.
[And be laughed at along with organizer David Swanson (and is he also a Trust Fund Kid?)]
Evil Sociopathic Treasonous Republican Scum
[You also sound like a Trust Fund Kid.]
"That weapon - the ability to say or do anything, literally anything, even as it flies in the face of on-the-record comments made just the day before, or contradicts thousands of votes cast in congresses past - is the equivalent of a battlefield-deployed tactical nuclear weapon. It clears the field, but good, and if everything is ashes in the aftermath, so be it. So long as effective spin makes the news cycle, it's a victory for them, and screw the people who get hurt. " - William Rivers Pitt
This is a textbook example of that clown is clueless...
Is Pitt really this stupid, or is it an act?
After thinking about it, he really is this stupid. Think weapons grade stooooopid!
I vote for 'Really that stupid.' It's really a learned stupidity, not a natural failing, which makes it worse.
Pitt is a classic example of what happens when a person claws his way to the top of his profession and accumulates great wealth, then sets up his or her kids and their descendants for life...all too many of them never progress beyond a sort of ten-year-old's view of life, or understanding of cause and effect, or selfish demands for immediate gratification and attention.
DAT well said.
The projection that comes from Pitt and his ilk is just astounding!
But yet they have eyes but choose not to see.
The only 'class warfare' being waged in this country at the moment is being prosecuted by Obama, his administration and the various Dems out there who themselves are millionaires and very very wealthy people.
Isn't it funny how the Hollywood elite who do a man/woman are FAR wealthier than your average American, always seem to get a total pass from the left?
It's only those hated fat cat corporate CEOs and hedge fund managers who are bloodsuckers.
Not the NFL running back who just inked a deal for $50 million or the Lindsey Lohans of Hollywood who just starred in a movie for $20 million dollars.
Hard working folks, every one of them.
Wasn't it Marx who wrote the BOOK on class warfare and envy?
Once again, the left will try and distract the rest of us from the real issues at hand instead of coming to the table with an actual plan.
Pitt hides behind his flowery prose, most likely learned at high dollar private schools and a good college or two, all paid for by mom and dad and this man has the GALL to call ME a bloodsucker?
And has far as his assertion that money doesn't 'disappear', he obviously isn't watching Obama too closely now his he? What happened to that $500+ million dollars that We The People gave to Solyndra Mr. Pitts??
"Evil Sociopathic Treasonous Republican Scum" [Brain dead Dummie, 2011]
"The Kulaks as a class must be destroyed." [J. Stalin @ 1932]
Some things never change on the Left.
Why do you feature this Libtard so much??
I can understand to mock him for the Rove indicted fiasco. Or to show what an asshat he is for threatening to beat up a hoboette. Besides these, most of his posts are just drivel. I can't get through 3 paragraphs of his tripe. There are many other Moonbats who can be mocked that post less tiresome rants.
Skully said...
Why do you feature this Libtard so much??
I can understand to mock him for the Rove indicted fiasco. Or to show what an asshat he is for threatening to beat up a hoboette. Besides these, most of his posts are just drivel. I can't get through 3 paragraphs of his tripe. There are many other Moonbats who can be mocked that post less tiresome rants.
I'm betting it's because Pitt is the most politely worded of the Moonbats at DU. And all you have to do is look at Pitt's clone, Troglaman, to see what the other Moonbats on DU are like.
I personally find it interesting how such a bloviating fool like Pitt can actually take himself so seriously and be held in such high esteem by the other clueless fools on DU. It's frightening and mesmerizing to see such absolute stupidity at work and serves as a good example as to why we need to make sure to vote these losers out of office next election.
I personally find it interesting how such a bloviating fool like Pitt can actually take himself so seriously and be held in such high esteem by the other clueless fools on DU. It's frightening and mesmerizing to see such absolute stupidity at work
"Pitt hides behind his flowery prose, most likely learned at high dollar private schools and a good college or two, all paid for by mom and dad and this man has the GALL to call ME a bloodsucker?"
He went to College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. Not a low-budget institution. He flunked out. Eventually he came back and graduated. I wonder if the rock-ribbed-Republican grandfather helped get him reinstated at The Cross.
I wonder if Pitt has ever worked as hard as any of the GOP candidates. Obama sure has not. Does anyone remember that Romney was brought in to find a way to get the SLC Olympics into the black? He did it. I am sure it was not an easy task.
I find the jealousy and envy of those who worked hard and earned their money (at least at this intensity) a bit frightening. There is a reason that in the Ten Commandments there was "Thou shalt not covet." Envy is destroying. It can damage so many things to a point of no possible repair.
Pitt should really look into himself. He is destroying himself.
"and be held in such high esteem by the other clueless fools on DU."
Well, he pretty constantly tells them that, despite their wonderfulness and talent and intelligence of awesome abilities it's not their fault that they still live in Mom's basement, it's just that the eeeeeeevil rich GOP bastards are screwing them.
Of course they eat that shit up.
Pitt's prose is difficult to get past in order to find a coherent thought. I believe I'd rather decipher Klingon than suffer through another of Pitt's pearls.
What is really ironic is that the late Steve Jobs was raised in a blue collar home, but not only did he amass a great fortune, and paid his staff very well, but by using his inventions, many other people became wealthy.
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