Michael Moore, Rich Fat White Guy, Hero of the DUmmies . . . a Racist?

It is no small irony that the Hero of the DUmmies is a rich fat white guy. Michael Moore, Thicko himself, would be crowned the King of the DUmp, if there was such a thing. What's moore, some of the DUmmies would rather have Mikie for President than the guy that's in there now.
Today we check out two Moore threads, this THREAD,"Michael Moore: 'ENOUGH!'" and this THREAD, "Michael Moore: I went into the polls to vote for a black man and got a white man!"
But before we get to those threads, we sing this tribute to the Happy Hippo-crite. Click the music link and sing along!
Tune: "Dennis Moore"
Michael Moore, Michael Moore
Gobbling through the s'mores
Michael Moore, Michael Moore
And his DUmmie hordes
He makes himself rich
By making class war
Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore
Michael Moore, Michael Moore
Writing to the Left
Soon every bad guy in the land
Will be under his mighty heft
He makes himself rich
By making class war
Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore
Michael Moore, Michael Moore
DUm DUm DUm the night
Michael Moore, Michael Moore
DUm de DUm DUm plight
He makes DUm DUm DUm
By DUm DUm DUm dee
Michael DUm, Michael dee, DUm DUm DUm
Michael Moore, Michael Moore
Riding through the store
Michael Moore, Michael Moore
Cleaning out aisle four
He steals from the DUmb
By scratching their itch
That's his niche, that is which makes him rich
So let us now go the the land where Moore is Yes!, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson, who dislikes obnoxious lefties Moore and Maher, is in the [brackets]:
Michael Moore: "ENOUGH!"
[This may be the first time Michael More has ever had enough.]
Welcome to America! . . . A country that has purposefully abandoned the human right to an education in favor of sending millions of ignorant, uneducated, lost young people out into this world.
[I think they all ended up in DUmmieland, Mike.]
If the ignorant were to know anything about civics (no longer taught in most schools), that could be nothing short of explosive.
[You are right, Michael! If they were taught the Constitution, they would learn that the federal government has no power whatsoever in the area of education. That's a state and local matter. And besides, the problem of "ignorant, uneducated, lost young people" won't be solved by throwing more money at the public schools.]
So last night, I just couldn't take it, folks. I turned away from this Dickensian "alms for the poor" scene and screamed "Enough!"
[Yeah, Mike, why don't you throw your own money down the drain? God knows you've made enough. Cut down on the Twinkies and give a pay raise to whole teachers' union.]
I then asked them to please put as much as they could afford into those envelopes and I would match it, dollar for dollar. By the end of the night I think we raised about ten grand for the Bunker Hill Community College Student Emergency fund (and with my match, it became a total of $20,000).
[Well, good for you, Mike! That's a good way to go about it. PRIVATE, VOLUNTARY giving. That's actually a CONSERVATIVE concept! See, we don't need government to do everything!]
And then I asked all who were in the arena to make a pledge with me to reject this vision of America that has been thrust upon us. Reject it, fight it, fix it -- and to fix it, it will require a rumble. . . . The crowd spontaneously got up and clapped and shouted. I asked them if they would raise a ruckus in the months to come. The crowd shouted yes.
[Mike rouses the rabble for a rumble! Of course, five days later, they all will go back to munching Doritos in the comfort of their basement.]
Ha! The kleptocracy had better brace themselves.
[Brace yourselves! That rumble you feel is Mikie lumbering down the street!]
Michael Moore! The most influential person. . . .
[Michael Moore! The most effluential person. . . .]
"Kleptocracy!" Just brilliant!
I picked up the word "kakistocracy" from another post here today. It means, "government by the worst!"
[Michael Moore is in favor of bratocracy, government by the wurst.]
Michael Moore for President! I LOVE that man.
I started his book the other day. It begins in the womb. . . .
[Mrs. Moore must have had a womb the size of an airplane hangar.]
Mike for President!
I'd vote for him.
[I Like Mike! That's three! Keep 'em comin'!]
I'd also take Michael Moore for president -- how about Moore/Sanders?
Words can't express how much I love this guy!
[Same here! In fact, it would take NO WORDS AT ALL to express how much I love this guy.]
Michael Moore is an American hero. I love that guy. He speaks truth to power.
["Speaks truth to power"! Drink up!]
If you can't love Michael Moore, you can't love America.
[Michael Moore IS America! Love him or leave him!]
[Now we go to the second thread . . .]
Michael Moore: I went into the polls to vote for a black man and got a white man!
[Uh, Mike, that sounds little racist, if you ask me.]
It was Bill Maher who originally said something like that.
[What a surprise. The two most obnoxious men on the face of the earth quoting each other.]
It wasn't funny then, and isn't funny now. Uggh.
[Whaat?? Are you QUESTIONING the great Michael Moore, DUmmie ecstatic?]
His 15 minutes can't end fast enough!
[Michael Moore is working on 15 BUSINESS minutes, so you'll have to wait a while.]
You should make a list of all liberal and lefty public figures who have said something negative about Obama and/or one of his policies. That way we know who to scream " STOP BEING MEAN TO OBAMA" at.
The implication of his statement is that any blacks who are liberal aren't making an informed choice, aren't even capable of making an informed choice, between competing political viewpoints. If you're black, you have to think and act a certain way, or you're no true African American.
[One Kewpie Doll, coming up! DUmmie Bucky with that astute observation.]
It appears to me that Moore is judging Obama on the color of his skin. How is that not racist?
[Michael Moore is a big fat racist.]
Michael Moore under the bus now. . . .
[It's a tight fit.]
Michael Moore is a National treasure. EMBRACE HIM. . . .
[My arms are not NEARLY long enough!]
he said he probably won't vote for Obama in 2012
[That's it! Moore is definitely a racist!]
Last I checked the POTUS was bi-racial.
I was thinking the same thing also - he's half white. . . .
[Barry Half-White. That's the problem. Barry is letting his Inner White Man subjugate his Oppressed Black Self! He's a one-man plantation!]
Who knew MM was racist.
[Now you know.]
How does Obama act "white"? How is he supposed to act "black"?
[Golf. Basketball.]
I totally reject the idea that Obama is acting like a "white man." Barack Obama is being Barack Obama.
[It's just Barry being Barry.]
I do think Moore and Maher were fools for even saying such a thing.
[Look, Moore and Maher would have to duct-tape their mouths. . . .]
So we hate moore now? I lose track!
[I know, it's so confusing in DUmmieland, isn't it! So much hate all OVER the place!]
Exactly what fires up the Troglaman Clones/Moonbats...more bile from Michael Moore, The World's Most Dishonest Fat Man.
That's the spirit! Wait, you were talking like a pirate just then... weren't you? 'Cause it's... nevermind.
“If I had a dollar for every time that CAPITALISM was blamed for the problems caused by GOVERNMENT, I’d be a fat filmmaker with a baseball cap.”
"He's a one-man plantation!"
Moore is less.
"You should make a list of all liberal and lefty public figures who have said something negative about Obama and/or one of his policies."-Moonbat
They do my little Moonbat, its called Attack Watch. I'm about to report my neighbor for scraping off his Obama 08' bumper sticker; should I report these disloyal Lefties too.
Welcome to America! . . . A country that has purposefully abandoned the human right to an education in favor of sending millions of ignorant, uneducated, lost young people out into this world.
Bloviating tub of lard has no idea how correct he really is.
“If I had a dollar for every time that CAPITALISM was blamed for the problems caused by GOVERNMENT, I’d be a fat filmmaker with a baseball cap.”
I know how blimpo feels; I went into the polls to vote for a white man and got a deceitful black man instead. No, that's not true, I went into the polls to vote for the lesser of two evils and got the greater evil, a deceitful Democrat.
Charles, it certainly would have opened up some possiblities in your rhyme scheme if you weren't such a clean-living man of the cloth.
I just noticed. That's a perfect backdrop for Moore in that pic.
re: troglaturd's bloviation: all that translated to "We DUmmies have become so inbred, what with screwing our mothers and sisters, that it is impossible for us to hold down a job in order to pay taxes. We libs would have a higher infant mortality rate if we weren't aborting our kids and sodomizing our brothers."
Good write-up. I definitely love this site. Keep it up
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